Res 461 RESOLUTI ON - CORPORATION RESOLUTIONS I, Mae W. Cramp , Secretary of The City ef Delray Beach x Municipal , a corporation organiz~ and  in~ unde~ ~nd by v~tue of the laws of the State of Flor~a do hereby certify that at a meeting of the r of said corporation duly called and held on the ~h ~y of Ja~ 19 ~3 , at the poration, at which a quorum was present and voted, the following resolutions were unanimously adoptS: ~OLUTION &61 ] Resolved, That Mae VL Cr~p, City Clerk and ~. A. Jacebs, Mayer ~e) hereby authorized to ~pen and from %ime ~o time reconcile an ~eo~t, or accounts, for and ~ ~he n~e of the corporation ~th West Palm Beach Atlantic National Bank, West Palm Beach, F1orid~, the ~e to be subject to with- drmw~l by checks, no~s, dr~fts, bills of exchange, acceptances, orders, or other instr~ents for the withdrawal of funds when signed, ~made, drawn, ~ccepted or endorsed on beh~f of Shis corpora$1on by the following: ~e W. Cr~p~ City Clerk and Treasu~r W. A. Jacebs, Mayer, (er in ~s absence er disabi~ty) by g. W. We~schek, Vice-~yer ~s~ o~ ....... ~ ~,, w~t ~.~ -- ,~~ Clerk a Mayer er Clerk and Vice-~yer RESOLVED, T~t ~id bank is hereby authorized to pay or cash any of the instruments described in the pre- ceding paragraph and any inst~en~ payable ~ or held by t~s co~orat1~n, and ~so to receive the ~me for cre~g to the account of or in payment from the ~yee or any other holder thereof (including any officer or agent of t~s corpora- tion) ~hou~ limitation of ~mount ~d without inqu~y ~ to the c~cumstances of issue or endorsement thereof, or the ~sposition of the proceeds thereof, even if ,~awn, endorsed, or payable to cash, bearer, or to the ind~vidu~ order of any ~igning officer or agent, or tendered in payment of his individual obligation when such instrument or instruments endorsed on behalf of this cor~ration by the following: Mae W. Cr~p, City C~rk & ~aa~r W. A. Jacebs, ~yer, (er in ~ia absence er disabi~ty) by F. W. Wedischek, Vice-~yer (s~ o~ ..... ~ ~ ~ ~--J~nt~ ~ ~O.~y~)Clerk & Mayer or Clerk & Vice~ayer RESOLVED, ~at Mae W. Cr~p, City Clerk & T~asurer W. A. Jacebs, Mayer (er in his absence eM disability) by F. W. Wedischek, Vice ~ayer (Spec~y office -- and in what manner -- ,ingly or jointly) J~lnbly~ be and ~hey are here~y aughorlz~ ~ ~orrow money from gi~e to time on be~lf of ~hi~ co~ora~ion from ~esg Palm Beach A~lan~io National Bank, ~esg P~ Beach, Florida, upon such t~rms and conditions as may a~m viable, and wigh or wi~houg security, executing in connection the~w~h such doc~en~s, notes or other ins~rumen~ ~y be nece~s~y $o procure She IV RF~OLVED, That Mae W. Cramp, City Clerk & Treasurer W. A. Jacebs, Layer (er in his absence or disability) by F. ~i~. Wedischek, Vice-Mayer Jointly by Clerk & Mayer~? ............... (Specify office -- and ia what manner -- singly or jointly) ~.~,w~'g*, ~1; ~A.~JW ~t~A~ is (are) hereby authorized to sign negotiable or non-negotiable instruments, indemnity, or other agreements, assign- ments, endorsements, hypothecations, receipts, or other documents in connection with transactions between or through said West Palm Beach Atlantic National Bank and this corporation; to sell, re-register, pledge, transfer, set-over, or make negotiable for the benefit of the corporation, or as security for the .corporation's loan any registered or unreg- istered collateral or other assets owned by the corporation, to execute any documents necessary in connection with trans- actions between or through said West Palm Beach Atlantic National Bank and this corporation. V RESOLVED, That all the foregoing authorities shall be and continue in fall force and effect until revoked or modi- fied by written notice actually received by said West Palm Beach Atlantc National Bank, West Palm Beach, Florida, setting forth a resolution to that effect, stating to have been adopted by the Board of Directors of this corporation and signed by the secretary of this corporation, and bearing this corporation's seal; and said West Palm Beach Atlantic l~ati'onal Bank is hereby authorized and directed to at sdl times rely upon the last notice received by it of any resolu- tions as to the foregoing authorities, and as to tl~e persons who from time to time are its officers, and their signatures, when such notice bears this corporation's seal and is signed by one purporting to be its secretary. I certify that the foregoing resolutions are not contrary to the charter and By-laws of the corporation, and the ue are now in full force and effect. In Witness Whereof ! have hereunto caused my hand and the seal of the corporation to be hereunto subscribed, this /4th day of January , ~9 /43.