I, Mae W. Cramp , Secretary of The City ef Delray Beach
Municipal , a corporation organiz~ and
in~ unde~ ~nd by v~tue of the laws of the State of Flor~a do hereby certify that at a meeting of the
r of said corporation duly called and held on the ~h ~y of Ja~ 19 ~3 , at the
poration, at which a quorum was present and voted, the following resolutions were unanimously
adoptS: ~OLUTION &61
Resolved, That Mae VL Cr~p, City Clerk and ~. A. Jacebs, Mayer
~e) hereby authorized to ~pen and from %ime ~o time reconcile an ~eo~t, or accounts, for and ~ ~he n~e of the
corporation ~th West Palm Beach Atlantic National Bank, West Palm Beach, F1orid~, the ~e to be subject to with-
drmw~l by checks, no~s, dr~fts, bills of exchange, acceptances, orders, or other instr~ents for the withdrawal of funds
when signed, ~made, drawn, ~ccepted or endorsed on beh~f of Shis corpora$1on by the following:
~e W. Cr~p~ City Clerk and Treasu~r
W. A. Jacebs, Mayer, (er in ~s absence er disabi~ty) by
g. W. We~schek, Vice-~yer
~s~ o~ ....... ~ ~,, w~t ~.~ -- ,~~ Clerk a Mayer er
Clerk and Vice-~yer
RESOLVED, T~t ~id bank is hereby authorized to pay or cash any of the instruments described in the pre-
ceding paragraph and any inst~en~ payable ~ or held by t~s co~orat1~n, and ~so to receive the ~me for cre~g to
the account of or in payment from the ~yee or any other holder thereof (including any officer or agent of t~s corpora-
tion) ~hou~ limitation of ~mount ~d without inqu~y ~ to the c~cumstances of issue or endorsement thereof, or the
~sposition of the proceeds thereof, even if ,~awn, endorsed, or payable to cash, bearer, or to the ind~vidu~ order of any
~igning officer or agent, or tendered in payment of his individual obligation when such instrument or instruments
endorsed on behalf of this cor~ration by the following:
Mae W. Cr~p, City C~rk & ~aa~r
W. A. Jacebs, ~yer, (er in ~ia absence er disabi~ty) by
F. W. Wedischek, Vice-~yer
(s~ o~ ..... ~ ~ ~ ~--J~nt~ ~ ~O.~y~)Clerk & Mayer or
Clerk & Vice~ayer
RESOLVED, ~at Mae W. Cr~p, City Clerk & T~asurer
W. A. Jacebs, Mayer (er in his absence eM disability) by
F. W. Wedischek, Vice ~ayer
(Spec~y office -- and in what manner -- ,ingly or jointly) J~lnbly~
be and ~hey are here~y aughorlz~ ~ ~orrow money from gi~e to time on be~lf of ~hi~ co~ora~ion from ~esg Palm
Beach A~lan~io National Bank, ~esg P~ Beach, Florida, upon such t~rms and conditions as may a~m
viable, and wigh or wi~houg security, executing in connection the~w~h such doc~en~s, notes or other ins~rumen~
~y be nece~s~y $o procure She
RF~OLVED, That Mae W. Cramp, City Clerk & Treasurer
W. A. Jacebs, Layer (er in his absence or disability) by
F. ~i~. Wedischek, Vice-Mayer Jointly by Clerk & Mayer~? ...............
(Specify office -- and ia what manner -- singly or jointly) ~.~,w~'g*, ~1; ~A.~JW ~t~A~
is (are) hereby authorized to sign negotiable or non-negotiable instruments, indemnity, or other agreements, assign-
ments, endorsements, hypothecations, receipts, or other documents in connection with transactions between or through
said West Palm Beach Atlantic National Bank and this corporation; to sell, re-register, pledge, transfer, set-over, or
make negotiable for the benefit of the corporation, or as security for the .corporation's loan any registered or unreg-
istered collateral or other assets owned by the corporation, to execute any documents necessary in connection with trans-
actions between or through said West Palm Beach Atlantic National Bank and this corporation.
RESOLVED, That all the foregoing authorities shall be and continue in fall force and effect until revoked or modi-
fied by written notice actually received by said West Palm Beach Atlantc National Bank, West Palm Beach, Florida,
setting forth a resolution to that effect, stating to have been adopted by the Board of Directors of this corporation and
signed by the secretary of this corporation, and bearing this corporation's seal; and said West Palm Beach Atlantic
l~ati'onal Bank is hereby authorized and directed to at sdl times rely upon the last notice received by it of any resolu-
tions as to the foregoing authorities, and as to tl~e persons who from time to time are its officers, and their signatures,
when such notice bears this corporation's seal and is signed by one purporting to be its secretary.
I certify that the foregoing resolutions are not contrary to the charter and By-laws of the corporation, and the
ue are now in full force and effect.
In Witness Whereof ! have hereunto caused my hand and the seal of the corporation to be hereunto subscribed,
this /4th day of January , ~9 /43.