Res 475 RESOLUTIOi~? NO. A RESOLUTI01~~ OF T-~-E~ CITY COUi'.iCIL OF T~ CiTY OF DELP~Y B~CH, FLOi-[IDA, OP2~OSIi,~G PASSAGE OF T?~ SO-CA~ED UNIF0iL~ C~RTEiQ ACT. V~S it has been called to the attention of the City Comncil of the City of Dolray Beach, Florida, that a proposed unifo~ charter act for municipalities in this State has been introduced, or will be introduced, in this session of the Florida Legislature, and ~R~o the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, has studied said act and does not deem the passage of the same for the best interest of the r~mnicipalities of the State of Florida. NOW, T~E~ORE, BE IT ~0LVh~ by the City Co,oil of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, that it does oppose and object to the passage of the aforementioned unifo~ charter act by the F ' Legislature of the State of lorzda BE IT ~RT~R ~SOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be forwarded to the Honorable John R. Beacham, State Senator, Tallahassee, Florida, Honorable John Bollinger, State Representative, Ta!lahassee, Florida, and Honorable Herbert Beck, State Repreoent PASSED in xe~.~ul~.z session on this the 26th day of ~pril, 1943. AP>'ROVED: ATTEST: ~a yor City Clerk