Res 479/
' / TO ~C-~ A L~E ~GR~T ~0. ~'~'~ ~T~D'~- ~ STATES OF ~.~.~~o~.,
~i~ CI~ 0F DZ~Y ~'~
equiping the Fireman's Hall located on Lot 7 ~nd the ~,~t.h'~,~ !~ feet
of Lot g, Block lO1 of this city for use as a recreational
facility for service men, has been under consideration, ~nd,
LS{:~uR~ the City Council has been ~dvfsed th~.t
on such remodeling and equiping will start co or about
25, 1943~ if by that ti~-e the City of Delr~ Besch has conplied
with certain requests of the United St~.tes of ~erica,
which reque~ts is one calling for the e~ecution and delivery
of a le8se on the said property: ~ud,
'~f~l~ th~ City Co~cil of the City of Delray Beach
dee~.s it for the best interest of this city thst said property
be leased to the United States of ~erica for a term of five
years for a nor~inal rental of One Dollar, :~ith the option of
~enewal of sa. id lease by the United States of ~erica for additional
five ye~xr ter~s not exceeding twenty years in the aggregate, and
providing for prior terr~ination in the event of cessation of
hostilities ~:ith th~ ~zi~
EOJ TI~:EFO~, ~ IT i~SOL~CD by the City Council
of the City of Delray Beo. ch, Florida, that the proposed l~ase
which has been preps, red by the City Attorneys and subritted to
this Council, a copy of which is hereto attached and made a
p~rt horeof, be and the same is hereby approved ~nd tb.~ Liayor
and City Clerk of this City are hereby authorized ~Pd directed
to execute said lease in qus. druplicate on behalf of the City of
Delray Beach and to fo~,vsrd three copies of sar:e to Hon.
L. Hearn, Acting Hegional Attorney, Federal .forks ~gency,
;]treat N. J., Atlanta, Georgia, together %vith three certified
copies of this resolution, ab.strsct of title to said property
and six prints of property line survey map covering ~id property.
PAS£ED in special session on this the 20th day of
May, 1943.
PresiO~t of J~ ~ouncil
City Clerk. ~
i, L~ ~'. CP~, City Clerk of the Cit,~.,~ of Delray Beach,
Florida, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true
and correct copy of a Resolution passed by the City Council of
the City of Delray Beach, Florida, on May 20, 1943.
~" ~'~ Florida,
,,IT,~ my hand and the seal of Delray Beach, ~
on this the ~6)~ dsy of May, 1943.
~ City Clerk;- ~
The City of Delr~,y Beach, a municipal oorpora, tion in
~al~ .~euch County, Florida, for and in consider~tion of the sum
of One Dollar ($1o00) to it in hand paid, the receipt whereof
is hereby aoknc~ledged, does hereby lease to the United ~t~tes
of ~erioa the followin~ ~eseribed property located in the 0ity
of Delrsy Se~,oh~ Pa~ Be~oh County, Florida, to-wit:
Lot 7 and the ~Jorth 14 feet of Lot ~,
Bloo~ 101, together with all improve-
ments loo~ted thereon~
to ~ve and to hold the s~n~e for the t er:~ of five (5) years from
this date.
The City of Del~'ey ~e~oh hereb? covenants Shat It will,
at Dhe request of the ~nited States of ~erloa, renew this lease
for additlo~l five (5) year terms up to an aggregate ter~ not
to exceed twenty (20) years, upon payment to the City of Delray
Beach of the s~ of One ~llar ($1.00) for each such five
year rene~l. The term of this lease is predicated, however,
upon the duration of the present hostilities with the Axis N~tions
and this lease sh~ll ter~inate six (6) ~ths sf~er the cessation
of such p~sent hostilities, if such eye. occurs prior to the
ter~ination of the term of this lease or any renewal hereof.
Upon ter~inetton of ~his le~ss the United ~t~tes of
~erica will ~rrender possession of the above 8. e~cribed pren~ses
to the Cit~? of Delr~y ~eeh, end any ~d all i~prove~-~ent~ placed
upon s~id premises ~ the United Jt~tes of ~erica shall beco~e
the property of the City of Delray ~geach.
L~,~ ~,~i~ ~ ~OF the City of Del~ay Beach has caused
this Lease to be signed by its ~ayor and has also caused t~is
Lease to ~ signed a~d the seal of ~he City of Del~my }~eech to be
affixed hereon by its City Clerk, on this the ~ day of
A. D. 1943, at Delray ~eaoh, Pal;~ ~each County, Florida.
..... .r ....
' ' ' ~ltY Clerk;~
Approved as to for~, language and execution
on thLs the ~ day' of ~y, ~.. D. 1943.
---Cit? ~f~tt0~neys' ~
COU~['Y .~,F PAL~[ BECH )
Before me, the undersigned authority, personally
appeared W. A. JACO!~S and ;~E ~7. C!'.~,~ ss %ayor and City
Clerk, respectively, of the City of Delr~y 2each, who are
well kno~m to me ~d known to ~ to be the a~ve described
of fleers of said City of Delrsy ~oh, and they ae~ledged
before me t~t they executed the above and foregoing Lease
freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes therein
expressed as the ac~ ~nd d~ed of said City of ~elray .:~e~ oh.
~ITNE~ my hand and official sesl at Delray
Palm Beach County, Flori~, on this the ~, day
A. D. ~9~3.
Notary ?~biio. ~tate of ~iorid~ at
~ comm:Lseion expires: