Res 430RESOLUTIONS THE CiTY OF DE RAY ~E&CH. ~ I, MAE \"/. CRA~v~P , Secretary o~ X MUN lC IPAL , a corporation organized and F~o.~ )ffices of said corporation, at which a quorum was present and voted, the following resolutions were unanimous~3 adopted: RESOLUT I CN ~ (aze) hereby authorized to open and ~rom time to time reconcile an Accost, or accounts, ~or and in the name o~ thc corporation with West Palm ~each Atlantic National Ballk, West Palm Beach, Florida, the same to be subject to with- drawal by checks, no,es, dra~s, bi~s o~ exchange, acceptances, orders, or other instruments ~or the withdrawal 'o~ ~unds when sign,ed, made, drawn, accepted or endorsed on behalf of this corporation by the ~ollowing: II CLERK & VICE-MAYOR RESOLVED, That ~id bank is hereby ,authorized to pay or cash any of the instruments described in the pre- ceding paragraph and any instr~en~ payable ~o or held by tl~i~ cor~rati'on, and also ~o receive the sA~e for cre~ ~o [he account of or in ~ayment from the ~yee ~r any o~her holder thereof (including any o~icer or agent o~ this corpora- rich) wi~hou~ limitation o~ ~mount ~d wiihout inquiry ~ to the circumstances o~ issue or endors,emen~ thereoL or the disposition of t1%e proceeds thereof, even if ,drawn, endorsed, or payable to cash, bearer, or to the individuM order o~ Any signing o~rJcer or agent, or tendered in payment of his individual obligation when such instrument or instruments are endorsed on behal~ o~ this eorpo~tion by the ~ollowing: MIE ~,~. C~AMP, CITY CLERK AND TREASURER (Specify offi ...... d in what ...... ncr ~ singly or j~t~TLY BY CLERK / CLERK III RESOLVED, That [eL~~V I CE--~AYOR(Specify office ~ and in what manner ~ singly or jointly) 00 I NT~V. be ~nd th~ ~e hereby author[zed to borrow money from time to t~me on behalf of this corporation from West P~lm Beach Atlantic National Bsnk, West Palm Beach, Florida, upon such terms and conditions as may seem to them ad- viable, And with or without security, executing in connection thezewlth such documents, notes or other instruments as nL~y be necessary to procure the s~m.e. IV RESOLVED, That MAE W. CRAb, P, CITY CLERK & TREASURER I~,H~. S¢O!T~I~, (S~ecify o~fice --- and i~ what ma~er ~ singly or jointly) is (are) hereby authorized to sign n~gotiable or non-negotiable instruments, indemniW, or other agreements, assign- ments, endorsements, hypothecations, receipts, or Other doc~ents in connection with transactions between or through said W.esi Palm Beach Atlantic National Bank and this corporation; to sell, re-register, pledge, tr~s~er, set-over, or make negotiable ~or the benefit of the corporation, or as security for the corporation's loan ~ny regis~red or unreg- istered collateral or other ~sets owned by the corporation, to execute any docments necessary in connection w~th trans- actions between or ~hrough said West Palm Beach Atlantic National Bank and this corporation. RESOLVED, That all the [oz~egoing authorities shall be ~d continue in ~ull force And effec~ until revoked or modi- ~ed by written notice actually received by said West Paim Beach Atla~tc National Bank, West Palm Beach, Florida, setting [orth a resolution to that e~ecb, stating to have been adopted by the Board of Directors of this corporation ~d signed by the secretary o~ ~his corporation, a~d bear~g this corpor,ation's seal; and ~ Wes~ Palm Beach Atlantic National Bank is hereby authorized and directed to at all times rely upon the l~t notice received by it of any resolu- tions as ~o the ~oregoing authorities, and as ~o ~he persons who [rom time to time are its o~icers, And their signatures, when such notice bears ~his cor~ration's seal and is signed by o~e pur~rting to be its secretary. I certi[y tha~ the [oregoing resolutions are no~ con~ary fro the charter and By-laws o~ the corporation, and the me are now in ~1 force and e~ect. In Witness Whereo~ I have hereunto caused my hand and the se~l o~ the corporation to be hereunto subscribed, this ~' day o~ (Corporate Seal) ! %