Res 445 RESOLUTION N0.~ A RESOLUTION OF THE,- CI?f COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ~{EQUESTING T~qE LOCAL DRAFT BOARD NO. 3 OF PALM BEACH COUN?f, ?LORIDA, TO DEFF2~, Ju~l,IES HAROLD COOK FROM TP~ DRJ~FT BE- CAUSE HE~ IS A NECESS~&RY ?~ IN T~LE DELRAY BEACH MUNICIPAL FIRE DEPAR~¥~NT. WHEREAS~ our Fire Department has become depleted due to the fact that a number of its members have joined the armed forces of this country or accepted other positions with the Federal Government, and %~IEREAS, there are now only two members of the Department who are competent to operate and drive the large Fire Truck belonging to this City, one of which membem is the Chief of of the Fire Department, and WHEREAS, the other member of the Department who is competent to handle this equipment, namely James Harold Cook, is subject to 0eing called in the United States Army, and ?~TEREAS, the Oity Council feels that it is necessary for him to remain in his position with the Fire Depart~ent in order to protect this co~m~unity against serious fire losses, NOW, TPLEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, that Local Draft Board No. 3 of Pal~_ Beach County, Florida, is here~y requested to defer the said James Harold Cook from the draft for a period of six months. BE IT FURTk~R RESOLVED That the ~{ayor and City Attorney are hereby directed to present this Resolution and such other supporting evidence as they deem advisable to the Draft Board for its consideration at its meeting at Lake Worth, Florida, on Thursday Night, June ll, 19~2. PASSED in special session on this the 10th day of June, A. D. 1942. Pres Attest: Approved: C~'ty 'Cler~ Mayor AFFIDAVIT TO SUPPORT CLAIM FOR OCCUPATIONAL DEFERMENT INSTRUCTIONS.--This form is to be filled out by an employer or other person who has knowledge of the registrant's eligibility for Class II deferment as a necessary man in his civilian occupation or activity. If the registrant owns and operates his own business, he may fail out *his form himself. All par~s except Part E should be filled out for a registrant engaged in a business, occupation, or profession. Parts A, E, F, G, and H should be filled out for a registrant pursuing a course of instruction in preparation for work necessary to the National Defense. A. IDENTIFICATION OF REGISTRANT: ~. Local Board No. __~ ............. _P~_~..tl.;~;~._c_IX ........... ~_~__..l.__r__a:/___~_~?'._n. ......... ._r..l_~_r___i_~_a._ .................. (County) (City) (State) 2. Name of regis*rant ........ g_(._~___e_~__~!_~.L_~___l_._d____~9__o__k_ ................................................... Order No. ~.6._~ ........... B. INDUSTRY, BUSINESS, OR SERVICE IN WHICH REGISTRANT IS ENGAGED: 1. Name of firm, corporation, partnership, ere .......... :>_;-:V_>_;~___;~_.~_(.'?___~_~Y;_ ....................... 2. Description of industry or other activitv ......... ?~__I_~__~:_-~______C__K?_~e__?___D~__~!~_ ............................................... 3. Is the activity seasonal? .... __~__O_ ...... If so, what is the season? ................................................................. 4. Has your product or service any relationship *o the National Defense production program? __~__~___8_ .... If so, specify ...... 5. Is your product or service necessary to the health, safety or interest of the community or the Nation? ..... _~.~__ If so, specify ................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ~ ...................................... ........................................................................................................................................................... 0. (a) l:Iave you any National Defense contracts or subcontracts? ............... ~ If so, specify ....................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... (b) Do any of the above contracts carry specific priority ratings? ............... If so, specify .................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... 7.Approxima*e percentage of produe* or service eurren*ly produced for use of- (a) The general public .................. (~) A primary contractor of *he Governmen* .................. Explain item (c) here .............................................. ....................................................................................................................................... 8.If an agricultural pursuit, state: (a) Size and type of farm .............................................................................................................................. (b) Number of acres under cultivation .............................. Number of livestock, poultry, etc. (c) Principal product (d) Number of persons employed for wages C. OCCUPATION OF REGISTRANT: 1. What is the title of his present job or position? ....... .~_..~,~_~_a~,.r_._~.a..__P:_l_._.~_.___~_!e..p__.a._,.t.._.~_n..t_. ....................... 2. On what date did he enter upon present duties? ....... Firel:~an S. What is his weekly rate of pay? $__.__I_~_,.~__O___P~.ON~IDENTIA,.) 4. Is he a-- [~[Regular employee. [] Other (specify): (Check one) [] Seasonal employee [] Temporary or occasional employee 5. Has he a journeyman rd%lng? .__~_O. 6. Is he-- [ ~ Skilied. (Check one) 1 [] Unskilled. [] Semiskilled. (a) Is he in training as an apprentice or learner? ...... ~ (state which) (b) How long has he been in such training? (c) On what date will he complete his ~raining? (d) For what work is he preparing? 7. (a) Give an ACCURATE and FULL description of his duties. (If possible use United States Employment Service job (b) On what specific product or service is he primarily engaged? .... _l?~._l~__O_____~__.~_(~_[l___~_.~_~__l~ ..................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... 8. Is the registrant trained or experienced in more highly skilled work than that in which he is now engaged? ..... If so, specify ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................. D. DATA RELATIVE TO "NECESSITY" OF THE REGISTRANT: (See last page of this form for definitions of "necessary man" and regulations regarding deferment.) 1. Have you had difficulty in recruiting workers with the registrant's qualifications or skill? _~._~._~__~ .... If so, explain action taken, result ........................................ .............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................. 2. Do you anticipate that you would have difficulty in recruiting workers with the registranUs qualifications or skill now or in the future? .... ~___O._~_ .... If so, upon what grounds do you base your anticipation? _..N__.O.__.~_~__~__.~___~,._~__~__~_d_._~?_~___ 16-~22943 3. Would the registrant's removal cause a material loss of effectiveness in your activity? _._~ ..... If so, upon what grounds do you base your statement? .... _~r4~__~j~___~~~,:._.~r4~t~_~...~,{~_..,.~.._.O~_.~k~O~r-_~ d~.__~l~]r_.u~ ~__nen_~__no~fl_._~___~'~ ............................................................. 4. ~ould ~he re~istrant's re. oval cause such a serious interruption or delay in your activity tha~ i~ would impede National Defense program~ _._~ .... If so, upon wha~ ~ounds do you base your s~atement? ..~.~ ..... ~.~.~__.~r__.~_r g~a!~_ _~_hglkt~ .............................................................................. 5. ~ How ma~y ~rso~ ~ s~m~lar s~ll or ~ra~n~n~ do you employ~ .... ~H&--~O~--~-~--~ ............... (b) Are you expanding that part of your business that requires ~he services of ~he registrant's special qualifications or skill? ___~ ....... If so, specify in detail ................................................................................................ 6. (a) How long does it take to train a person in the regis~rant's qu~cations or ski~? _~_~~ ........................... (b) How many persons are you now training in these qualifications or skill to replace separated workers? _~ To fill newly created jobs? _._~ E. STUDENTS AND OTHERS IN TRAINING: (To be filled in by appropriate o~ciai of school or institution.) 1. Name and ~ype of school or institution (Name) ............................................................ L~ation ................................................................................. (Type) (City) (State) 2. Designation of course pursUed by registran~ 3. For what ce~ificate or license (~ any) is he preparing? ....................................................................................... 4. Length of time already spent in course 5. How has he progressed to date? 6. On what da~ db you expect the registrant to complete this training? 7. Has he offers or contracts of employment after completing ~he course? ............... If so, speedy F. EMPLOYER'S (OR SCHOOL OFFICIAL'S) STIPULATION: 1. Based on the definitions given below in "Excepts from Selective Service Regulations," I/we recommend cl~sifying this registrant in Class _._~2~ (II-i or II-B) 2. Deferment of this registrant is requested for ............ ~..~_~ (Length of t~e) 3. It is agreed that I/we will notify registranUs Local Board of the resignation, dismissal, failure to make pro~e~ in train- ing, or a change in the nature of the employment of the above-named registrant. 4. The registrant _-~__~_~related to any of the executive o~cers of this employing unit. The above relationship, ~ any, (Is, is not) iS ......................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................... left our ~j~loy. le~-~vi~ o~v t~,o ~n witl~ ~- ~'~ic~t~-- ..................................................... ~ .......... w ....... 2J ............... r ........... ~ ....... .~- - ~..~.~...~X~f.~..~$-~r.~~.~n`~.a~Z~~..~..~.~.B~e ..... ~r~A~_~ ~_ ..................................................................................................................... 16~2943 H. JURAT: I ........ ~--~1~--~I~ ....................................................................... do solemnly swear (or affirm) that (Name) I am of (Official position) (Name oi ~mp~oying~unk, or ~noo~ orin~titutio~ and that %he foregoing statements are true %0 the best of my knowledge and belief. --7 ............................. (Sio~-;o-f -~ ..................... Subscribed and sworn to before me this ---.1~1.~1 ..... day of~;~:~___~l~_f_______/ .............. 19~__ /~/ /~f V (Big~,ture~Of official administering oath) // . lle~__~__ ~ ~d~ ~o~_._ J_~d_ ...................... (Official designation of official administering oath) THE OATH REQUIRED BY THIS FORM MAY BE ADMINISTERED BY: 1. Any civil or military officer authorized to administer oaths generally or in military administration. 2. Any member of a Local Board or Board of Appeal, or the clerk of such board. 3. Any government appeal agent. 4. Any member or associate member of an Advisory Board for Registrants. 5. Any Postmaster. 6. Any other person authorized by the Selective Service P~egulations to administer oaths. No fee shall be charged by any person for administering the oath required on this form. EXCERPTS FROM SELECTIVE SERVICE REGULATIONS 351. "Necessary man" defined.--A registrant shall be considered a "necessary ~nan" in industry, business, employment, agricultural pursuit, governmental service, or in any other service or endeavor, including training or preparation therefor, only when all of these conditions exist: (a) tie is, or but for a seasonal or temporary interruption would be, engaged in such activity. (b) He cannot be replaced satisfactorily because of a shortage of persons with his qualifications or skill in such activity. (c) liis removal would cause a material loss of effectiveness in such activity. 352. Composition of Class II.--(a) In Class II-A_ shall be placed any registrant found to be a "necessary man" in any industry, business, employment, agricultural pursuit, governmental service, or any other service or endeavor, or in training or preparation therefor, the maintenance of which is necessary to the national health, safety, or interest in the sense that it is useful or productive and contributes to the employment or well-being of the community or the Nation. (b) In Class II-B shall be placed any registrant found to be a "necessary man" in any industry, business, employment, agricultural pursuit, governmental service, or any other service or endeavor, or in training or preparation therefor, the mainte- nance of which is essential to the national health, safety, or interest in the sense that a serious interruption or delay in such activity is likely to impede the National Defense program. 353. Length of deferments for Class II-A.--(a) Class II-A deferments shall be for a period not longer than 6 months, at the expiration of which time the deferment shall cease. Upon the expiration of any such period, the case of the registrant shall be reopened and his classification considered anew in the manner provided in Section XXX, and, if the facts warrant, the regis- trant may again be classified in Class II-A for a further period not to exceed 6 months. (b) Class II-B deferments shall not be limited as to the period during which they shall be effective. The case of a registrant classified in Class II-B may be reopened and his classification considered anew in the same manner and for the same reasons as any other classification. (See Section XXX.)