Res 30-04RESOLUTION NO. 30-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 64-03 ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 23, 2003, AND RESOLUTION NO. 15-04 ADOPTED MARCH 11, 2004, WHICH MADE APPROPRIATIONS OF SUMS OF MONEY FOR _AIJ. NECESSARY EXPENDITURES OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2003/2004, BY SEI'I'iNG FORTH THE ANTICIPATED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE OPERATING FUNDS OF THE CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2003/2004; REPEALING AIJ. RESOLUTIONS INCONSISTENT HEREWITH. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Section 1 of Resolution No. 64-03 adopted by the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, on September 23, 2003, and Resolution No. 15-04 adopted March 11, 2004, are hereby repealed, and a new Section 1 is enacted and amended to read as follows: That the following sums of money, attached hereto and marked Exhibit "A", are hereby appropriated upon the terms and conditions herein set forth. Section 2. That, subject to the qualifications contained in this resolution, all appropriations made out of the General Fund are declared to be maximum, conditional and proportionate appropriations, the purpose being to make the appropriations payable in full in the amounts herein named if necessary and then only in the event the aggregate revenues collected and other resources available during the period commencing the 1st day of October, 2003, and ending the 300, day of September, 2004, for which the appropriations are made, are sufficient to pay all the appropriations in full. Otherwise, said appropriations shall be deemed to be payable in such proportion as the total sum of realized revenue of the General Fund is to the total amount of revenues estimated by the City Commission to be available in the period commencing the 1't day of October, 2003, and ending the 30* day of September, 2004. Section 3. That all balances of the appropriations payable out of the General Fund of the City Treasury unencumbered at the close of business on the 30th day of September, 2003, except as otherwise provided for, are hereby declared to be lapsed into the City Treasut7 and may be used for the payment of the appropriations which may be made in any appropriation for the fiscal year commencing the 1~t day of October, 2003. However, nothing in this section shall be construed to be applicable to unencumbered balances remaining to the credit of the Water and Sewer Fund, Sanitation Fund or any Fund created by the setting up of special revenue, but such balances shall be used in financing the proposed expenditures of these Funds for the fiscal year commencing the 1s~ day of October, 2003. Section 4. That no depatU~ent, bureau, agency or individual receiving appropriations under the provisions of this resolution shall exceed the amount of its appropriation, except with the consent and approval of the City Commission first obtained. If such department, bureau, agency or individual shall exceed the amount of its appropriation without such consent and approval of the City Commission, the admim~trative officer or individual, in the discretion of the City Commission, may be deemed guilty of neglect of official duty and may be subject to removal therefor. Section 5. That nothing in this resolution shall be construed as authorizing any reduction to be made in the amounts appropriated in this resolution for the payment of interest on, or retirement of, the debt of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. Section 6. That none of the monies enumerated in this resolution in connection with the General Fund, Water and Sewer Fund, Sanitation Fund or any other Fund of the City shall be expended for any purposes other than those for which they are appropriated, and it shall be the duty of the Budget Administrator and/or Finance Director to report known violations of this section to the City Manager. Section 7. That all monies collected by any department, bureau, agency or individual of the City government shall be paid promptly into the City Treasury. Section 8. That the foregoing budget is hereby adopted as the official budget of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, for the aforesaid period. However, the restrictions with respect to the expenditures/expenses of the funds appropriated shall apply only to the lump sum amounts for classes of expenditures/expenses which have been included in this resolution. Section 9. That public heatings were held on the tax levy and the budget on September 9, 2003, and September 23, 2003. Section 10. That this resolution shall become effective mediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on this the 4m day of May, 2004. C/ t-/~" 1V/A y 0R ATI'EST: City Clerk 2 RES. NO. 30-04 EXHIBIT A (As Amended) BUDGET SUMMARY CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 CASH BALANCES BROUGHT FORWARD ESTIMATED REVENUES: TAXES Mi~aoes AD VALOREM TAXES 7.52 AD VALOREM TAXES 0.48 AD VALOREM.DELINQUENT AD VALOREM - DDA 1.00 GenemlFund DOWNTOWN AMENDED DEVELOPMENT ENTERPR~E FY03/04 FUND FUNDE SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS TOTAL 2.601,56t 72.060 1.855.370 879.360 5.498.351 34,098,490 2,157,380 89,000 209.780 4.180 32.519.010 606.480 425~000 33~555~570 35;4101940 79.718.000 216~780 82~4~9r56t 2881840 34.098.490 2.157.380 89.000 209.780 1.760.000 3.788.000 4.074.000 3,650,000 3.191.110 1.786.900 8.518.950 38.297.910 924.500 23.000 3.404.410 1~373~820 12~510~540 3~217,055 116~707~405 4fO96r415 122r205f756 TOTAL EXPENDiTURES AND RESERVES 7.409.200 3g.610.270 424.282 3.579.510 119.000 3.766.570 82.285.219 124r342 82,409,561 288,840 288,840 288~840 20,361,380 3.610.560 5.653.730 5.301r940 34.776.610 483~330 35r410t940 39.180 2,476,795 1.318.960 212~750 4.047.685 48r730 4r096,415 7.40g.200 3g.64g.450 20.785.662 1.603.310 6.345.145 119.000 15.112.959 9.420.300 121.398.354 656~402 122f205r756 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Through: SUBJECT: DATE: David T. Harden City Manager Yvonne Walker I~'~J Budget Adminlstrbtor Joseph Saffot~ Finance Director Mid-Year Budget Amendment for FY 2003/2004 April 21, 2004 Attached please find Resolution 30-04 which amends the budget for Fiscal Year 2003-2004. Also attached are supporting schedules for your review. Please let me know if you have any questions Becky O'Connor, Treasurer Attachments RESOLUTION NO. 30-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DRI.RAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 64-03 ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 23, 2003, AND RESOLUTION NO. 15-04 ADOPTED MARCH 11, 2004, WHICH MADE APPROPRIATIONS OF SUMS OF MONEY FOR .ALL NECESSARY EXPENDITURES OF THE CITY OF DF.I.RAy BEACH, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2003/2004, BY SETTING FORTH THE ANTICIPATED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE OPERATING FUNDS OF THE CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2003/2004; REPEALING ~T.T. RESOLUTIONS INCONSISTENT HEREWITH. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DRT.RAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Section 1 of Resolution No. 64-03 adopted by the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, on September 23, 2003, and Resolution No. 15-04 adopted March 11, 2004, are hereby repealed, and a new Section 1 is enacted and amended to read as follows: That the following sums of money, attached hereto and marked Exhibit gA", ate hereby appropriated upon the terms and conditions herein set forth. Section 2. That, subject to the q,alifications contained ia this resolution, all appropriations made out of the General Fund are declared to be maximum, conditional and proportionate appropriations, the purpose being to make the appropriations payable ia full ia the amounts herein named if necessary and then only ia the event the aggregate revenues collected and other resouxces awi!~ble dtufiag the period commencing the 1" day of October, 2003, and ending the 3ffh day of September, 2004, for which the appropriations are made, are suffident to pay all the appropriations ia full. Otherwise, said appropriations shall be deemed to be payable ia such proportion as the total sum of realized revenue of the General Fund is to the total amount of revenues estimated by the City Commission to be awil~ble ia the period commencing the 1'' day of October, 2003, and ending the 30t~ day of September, 2004. Section 3. That all balances of the appropriations payable out of the General Fund of the City Treasury unencumbered at the close of business on the 30* day of September, 2003, except as otherwise provided for, are hereby declared to be lapsed into the City Treasury and may be used for the payment of the appropriations which may be made in any appropriation for the fiscal yeax commencing the 1'~ day of October, 2003. However, nothing ia this section shall be construed to be applicable to unenctmabered b~l~nces rena~ining to the ~edit of the Water and Sewer Fund, S~aaitation Fund or any Fund cxeated by the setting up of special revenue, but such balances shall be used in financing the proposed expenditures of these Funds for the fiscal year commencing the 1*t day of October, 2003. Section 4. That no depamnent, bureau, agency or individual receiving appropriations under the provisions of this resolution shall exceed the mount of its appropriation, except with the consent and approval of the City Commission first obtained. If such department, bureau, agency or individual shall exceed the amount of its appropriation without such consent and approval of the City Commission, the administrative officer or individual, in the discretion of the City Commission, may be deemed guilty of neglect of official duty and may be subject to removal therefor. Section 5. That nothing in this resolution shall be construed as authorizing any reduction to be made in the amounts appropriated in this resolution for the payment of interest on, or retirement of, the debt of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. Section 6. That none of the monies enumerated in this resolution in connection with the General Fund, Water and Sewer Fund, Sanitation Fund or any other Fund of the City shall be expended for any purposes other than those for which they are appropriated, and it shall be the duty of the Budget Administrator and/or Finance Director to report known violations of this section to the City Manager. Section 7. That all monies collected by any department, bureau, agency or individual of the City government shall be paid promptly into the City TreasutDr. Section 8. That the foregoing budget is hereby adopted as the official budget of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, for the aforesaid period. However, the restrictions with respect to the expenditures/expenses of the funds appropriated shall apply only to the lump sum amounts for classes of expenditures/expenses which have been included in this resolution. Section 9. That public heatings were held on the tax levy and the budget on September 9, 2003, and September 23, 2003. Section 10. That this resolution shall become effective immediatdy upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPrED in reg~,l~r session on this the 13* day of April, 2004. A'ITEST: MAYOR City Clerk 2 RES. NO. 30-04 EXHIBIT A (As Ame~ed) BUDGET SUMMARY CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 E$1rl~ATED REVENUES: TAXES U~ty Trams Charges for ,Ses~,c~ 7.52 0.48 TOTAl. 2.697.617 72.060 1.855.370 879.360 5,504.407 34.098.49O 34.098.490 2.157.380 2.157.380 89.000 89.000 209.780 209.780 1.760.9O0 1.760.000 3.788.000 3.788.000 4.074.000 4,074.000 3.650.000 3.650.000 3.191.110 3.191.110 6.727.870 4.180 1.786.900 8.518.950 5.778.000 32.519.910 38.297.910 924.5O0 924.500 2.767.93O 7.000 606.48O 23.000 3..404.410 10.711.720 425~000 1~373~820 12~510r540 79~7t8r000 216~780 33~555~570 3~217~055 116~707r405 82~4t5T6t7 288~840 35,410,940 4~096~41~5 1___22,211.812 PhySical Em~mflme~ Trmlspo~fJon 7.416.700 7.416.700 39.610.270 39.180 39.649.450 424.282 20.361.380 20.785.662 1.603.310 1.603.310 3.582.210 288.840 2.476.795 6.347,845 119.000 119.000 t0.186.795 3.610.560 1.318.960 15.116.315 3.766.570 5.653.730 9.420.300 15.582.138 5~301r940 212~750 21~096~828 82.291.275 288.840 34.776.610 4.047.685 121.404.410 Re~e~es 124~342 483~330 .48~730 656~402 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND RF~ERVES 82.415~617 288.840 351410.940 4~096.41~5 122.211.81~2 REVENUES DESCRHrfION surplus brougtg forward surplus I~-ought forward surplus brought fe~ard flor/da teleport shut~ permits seawall/dock permit t~n~dl~l p~nnit z~ing f~ c~a&fional uae nomax mal~gubl/~afions proje~ inspect/on f~ cem~'te~ feedt~n/clo~e a/r:. nuisance abatem~ parking fees-lc~ ~b 2004 BUDGET 35,948,870 3,085,000 41,000 75,000 3.900,000 4.166,000 624,750 1,400,000 99,000 126,500 35,000 4,500 6,600 80,000 20,000 12,000 120,000 15,000 7,000 30,000 5.650 56,290 275,220 9,360 8.100 6,160 18,450 20,000 50,000 30,000 45,500 17,000 2004 FINANCE PROJECTION 700,000 151,890 36,255,87O 3,930,000 3.650,000 630000 1,500,000 100,000 135,000 24,6OO 30,000 5,000 10,000 90,000 10,000 24,00O 185,000 12,500 8,000 35,000 1,500 8,000 1,000 52.030 10.460 1,100 225.220 75,000 10,000 4O,0OO 19,960 13,100 4,160 17,450 8OOO 35,000 53,500 45,000 30,000 17,500 CURRENT YEAR VARIANCE 700,000 151,890 30700O 490,000 19,000 31,000 30,000 (516,000) 5,250 100,000 1,000 8,500 24,600 (5,00O) 500 3,400 10,000 (10,000) 12,000 65,000 (2,500) 1,000 2,350 1,900 (4,260) 10,460 1,100 (50,00O) 75,000 10,000 40,000 10,600 5,000 (2,000) 4OO (1,o00) 15,000 3,500 15,000 (15,500) Libr~ N~ Hist~ic P~Gou~ 851,890 Advan~ ftmding for NE 4th Avenue 540,000 30,000 (516,000) down ~oO~wi6~ 10% 5,250 215,000 86,550 DESCRIIrI2ON ~her l~'ks & r~ ticket - PD $12.50 traffic fines land sale ofsu~lua prop co~ltrib & donatiom cxa-hiatorical sitea mrv cra Iolgoyist/pla-~r coatr miac r~venue mil tax sink fd 2000 roadway program fd Sub-'amd 2004 BUDGET 4,800 12,000 17,000 2,000 160,000 70,000 7,500 23,000 188,000 60,000 16,000 25,000 14,000 12,000 3,000 10,000 10,000 18,000 10,000 51,001,250 2004 FINANCE PROJECTION 8OO 15,000 14,000 32,000 148,000 82,000 10,500 2,500 22,000 200,000 90,000 20,000 20,000 11,000 7,750 4,500 11,000 K00O 7,500 2,500 52,846,04O 7,832,0O0 CURRENT YEAR VARIANCE (4,000) 3,000 (3,000) 30,000 Oax, is Cup parking ($16,000); ticket sales ($16,000) (12,ooo) 12,000 3,000 2,500 (1,000) 70,0OO 12,000 3O,OO0 (5,000) 41,000 0,000) (4,250) 1,500 1,630 (10,000) 214,100 SW 9th prop. Sale Gto~ Awards (2,500) 2,500 1,844,790 1,844,790 7,g32,000 7,832,000 Total 51,001,250 60,678,040 9,676,790 9,676,790 GENERAL FUND REVENUES MARCH 31, 2004 (PERIOD 6) FISCAL YEAR 2003414 General Fund Revenue Introduction General Fund revenue collection for the six-month period ending March 31, 2004 totalled $51,147,765 or 72% of the total budget. The City can expect a surplus of $992,900. This excludes encumbrances brought forward totaling $124,501, surplus brought forward totalling $2,573,116 and bond proceeds of $7,832,000. A brief analysis of each revenue category is as follows: Surplus Brought Forward In addition to the current balance of $1,721,226, a surplus of $851,890 will be brought forward from the prior year resulting in a total surplus brought forward of $2,697,617. Additional funds will be brought forward to fund the Library bridge loan ($700,000), NE 4th Avenue Project ($151,890). Ad Valorem Tax Revenue Ad valorem tax revenue totalled $33,071,568 or 92% of budget through this period. The City can anticipate a surplus of $307,000 at fiscal year end based on historical trending. Sales and Use Taxes Sales and Use Taxes totalled $844,363 or 48% of the budget. The City can anticipate realizing budget at fiscal year end. Franchise Taxes The City has collected $1,754,894 or 54% of the budget for this category. The City can anticipate a surplus of $540,000 at fiscal year end due to increased projections for franchise fees based on electric usage ($490,000), franchise fees based on gas ($19,000), and on towing ($31,000). Franchise fees on electric are 17% over the collection for the same period of time last year while utility taxes on electric are only 1% over the collection. Utility Taxes Utility Tax revenues totalled $2,083,141 or 52% of the budget. The City can expect a surplus of $30,000 at fiscal year end. Other Taxes The communication service tax (CST) revenue collections totalled $1,802,510 or 43% of the budget. This revenue source is down $228,622 or 11% for the same period last year. Based on this, the City can anticipate a shortfall of $516,000 at fiscal year end. The State has advised us that the revenues are down statewide by 10%. Licenses License revenues totalled $611,385 or 96% of the budget. The City can anticipate a surplus of $5,250 at year end. Permit Revenues Permit revenues totalled $1,510,523 or 65% of the budget. The City can anticipate a surplus of $215,000 at fiscal year end. The surplus is primarily based on expected surplus balances in building permits ($100,000), plumbing permits ($1,000), air conditioning/heat permits ($8,500), Florida Teleport revenues ($24,600), gas permits ($3,400), tree permits ($12,000), tenant/landlord permits ($65,000), and landscape permits ($5,000). This is offset by shortfalls in shutter permits ($5,000), seawall/dock permits ($10,000), and change of contractor fees ($2,500). Inter~overnmentnl Revenues Intergovernmental revenues are at $3,264,118 or 49% of the budget. The City can anticipate a surplus of $76,090 at fiscal year end. The surplus is primarily based on expected surplus balances relative to the McArthur Foundation line item ($75,000), the Tourist Development Council contribution to the Davis Cup ($40,000), Waste Tire Grant ($10,460) and the animal service kennel grant ($10,000) offset by a shortfall in the Children Service Council grant line item ($50,000). Char~es for Services Charges for Services totalled $2,918,688 or 51% of the budget. The City can anticipate realizing a surplus of $70,000 at fiscal year end. The surplus is primarily based on expected surplus balances in special event revenue ($32,000), zoning fees ($10,560), conditional use fees ($5,000), project inspection fees ($15,000), cemetery fees ($3,500), nuisance abatement account receivable ($15,000), community facility rental ($3,000), special event revenue ($5,000), tennis general admissions ($12,000), and other commissions ($3,000). This will be offset by expected shortfalls in parking fees/lots a&b ($15,500), aquatics ($1,000), Veteran's Park facility rental ($3,000), and tennis memberships ($12,000). Fines and Forfeitures Fines and Forfeitures totalled $453,493 or 51% of the budget. The City can anticipate a surplus of $41,000 at fiscal year end. This is based on parking ticket revenue ($12,000), $12.50 traffic fines ($30,000), and code enforcement fines ($4,000) offset by a shortfall in no building permit penalties ($5,000). Interfund Transfers Interfund Transfers are at $5,000 or 50% of the budget. The City can anticipate being at budget at fiscal year end. This is based on an expected surplus in the utility tax debt service interest transfer ($2,500) offset by the 2000 roadway program fund interest transfer ($2,500). Contribution from Other Funds Contributions from Other Funds are at $1,434,860 or 50% of the budget. The City can anticipate being at budget at fiscal year end. Recovery of Administrative Costs Recovery of Administrative Costs is at $927,177 or 49% of the budget. The City can anticipate being at budget at fiscal year end. M~ceHaneousRevenue Miscellaneous revenues totalled $466,045 or 70% of the budget. The high percentage to date is primarily due to the receipt of the Auburn Trace loan payment. The City can anticipate a surplus of $214,100 at fiscal year end. The surplus is based on anticipated surplus balances in the sale of land ($61,I00), donated property ($91,420), Matchpoint Inc. Charity revenue ($50,000), and CRA Contribution towards the Dharma law suit settlement ($45,000) offset by a shortfall in miscellaneous revenues ($10,000), tennis stadium rental ($4,250) and interest from the tax collector ($3,000). EXPENDITURES Expefld#um Proje~Uo~ FY03-54 &ccount ZOG4 GENERAL GOV"r 1111-511 COMMISSION 223,6S0 1211-512 CITY MANAGER 298,850 13tl-512 PERSONNEL 412,520 1316-512 PUB INFO 90,030 14tl-512 CiTY CLERK 540,790 15t t-5t3 FINANCE (INCLUDING PURCHASING IN 03/04) 1,279,5~0 1611-514 CITY ATTORNEY 885,190 1802-512 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 536.129 1811-813 MIS t,143,830 2511-515 PLANNING&ZONING 965,010 2911-519 ENGINEERING 559,870 3431-519 PUBLIC WORKS-BLDG MAINT 40~,040 2004 Currant Year am~,~ v,,.~.~ 230,510 (6,820) 300,145 (1,295) 412,520 87,050 2,980 525,470 15,320 1,286,640 (7,050) 993,690 (5,5C0) 545,855 (9.735) 1,143,830 962,835 2,175 559,870 412,240 (6,200) 64,797 191,248 7,416,700 (188.173) CULT/~ECR 4111-572 P & R 6,959,620 7,042,252 (82,632) 4210-575 TENNIS OPERATIONS 1,437.130 1,707,910 (270,780) 6311-572 MISC GRANTS-OTHER(6311) 73.530 73,530 Prior year de~. adj 26,t03 26,103 6312-579 GRANTS OLD SCHOOL SQUARE(6312) 187,00o 187,0o0 6315-571 LIBRARY (6315) 1,150,000 1,150r000 9,833,383 10,186,795 (353,412) 2111-521 2311-522 2711-524 3111-534 4511-539 3tt3-541 3t41-541 315t-541 3142-541 6311-562 6111-519 6311-559 7111-519 9111-581 [~JBLIC SAFE'W POLICE 20,783,530 21,025,065 (241.535) FIRE 15,706,680 15,920,264 (213,584) Pflo~ year encumbrances 23,471 23.471 COMM IMPROV 2,616,45~ 2,641~470 39,130,131 39,610,270 (480,139) PUBLIC W~RKS- ADMIN 171,490 172.990 (1,500) CEMETERY 227,580 245.592 {18,092) 404,690 424,282 (19,592) PUBLIC WORKS-STREETS 574,400 PUBLIC WORKS-TRAFFIC OPERATIONS 314,550 571,655 2,745 315,415 (865) 4,430 0 77.~40 (1,200) 634,770 0 MISC GRANTS (631t)-C/R 119,0~0 RESERVES CONTINGENCY (Mgr) 346,380 DEBT SERVICE InterhJnd Transfers 124,342 222,038 3,364,36O 3,35t ,290 139,220 230,920 3,503.580 3,582,2t0 3,837,140 3,766.570 13,070 (91,700) (78,630) 6,732,006 15,582,t38 (8,850,132) 72,738,827 82,415,617 (9,676,790) Mid Year Budget Amendment Fiscal Year 2003-2004 General Fund Exoenditures The General Fund expenditures totaled $44,996,634 or 54% of the proposed amended budget of $82,415,617. The departmental adjustments overail totaled $9,676,790. The $9,676,790 includes a transfer of $7,832,000 for bond proceeds. A briefjustificatinn of depattmental adjustments is as follows: General Government Services This category includes the legislative and administrative departments of the City and the miscellaneous division. The increase in General Government expenditures totals $201,113. The increase of $6,820 in the City Commission's budget covers additional funding for a Goal Setting Facilitator and travel cost for three commissioners to attend the Transforming Local Government conference in Reno Nevada. The Public Information Office's surplus of $2,980 represents an unspent budget for health insurance The City Clerks Office's surplus of $14,420 represents a provision for termination pay. The employee's termination will be in FY04/05 instead of FY03/04. A portion of the surplus will be used to purchase three replacemant computers. Finance Department's audit fees were significantly higher than anticipated and require a budget increase of $7,050. The City Attorney's budget increase of $5,500 is needed to offset an anticipated budget shortfall for General Employee Pension costs. Administrative Services Divisions' request of $9,105 covers projected overruns in telephone expense of $3,000; Electricity of $4,000 and thc purchase of computer equipment of $2,105. The increase of $6,520 in Public Works Administration covers an unbudgeted expense for annual signal maintenance costs payable to CSX Transportation The Miscellaneous Contingency reflects a budget increase $172,048. This incranse includes budget provisions for the acquisition of county owned property at $91,400, offset in revenues of the same amount; a legal settlement of $50,258; $30,390 for grant consultant contract; payment of $11,000 to the Community Neighborhood Helping, Inc to be reimbursed by the County. Cultural and Recreation This category includes the Parks and Recreation Department, the Old School Square Grant and Library and miscellaneous cultural and recreational grants. The increase in this category is $353,412. The Parks and Recreation Department's increase of $82,632 covers the following shortfalls: the Skateboard Park, part-time staffing, $13,100; Ocean Rescue part-time staffing, $14,600; irrigation expense at Pompey Park, $9,600; repair and replacement of decking and support structure on the dock at Veterans Park, $40,000. The Tennis Operations Department's net increase is $148,780. Over expenditures of $270,780 are offset in revenues by $122,000. The shortfall of $270,780 includes $189,500 for the Davis Cup Tennis Tournament. The shortfall was offset by $72,000 in ticket and parking revenue receipts. An increase of $75,000 covers an amendment to the "Matchpoint" Contract. This increase is offset by $50,000 reimbursements from charity events. Mid Year Budget Amendment Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Public Safet~ This category includes the Police and Fire Departraents and Commuaity Improvement. The Department budgets in this category represent 48% of the general fund budget total. The increase in the Public Safety budget category equals $447,562. The Police Department's budget is 45% expended at 50% budget period lapsed. A transfer from the City Manager's contingency provides $241,535 to offset the anticipated shortfall in police overtime, $34,450 for communication client user license and $20,850 for unanticipated building maintenance cost. One new position, Building Maintenance will be added at mid-year. The cost of this position will be transferred from the janitorial services expenditure budget. The Fire Department's budget increase of $213,584 includes: an increase of $47,500 for ten triage cardiac tests and meters omitted doing initial budget process, however the expense is offset by a grant of $47,500; $8,600 to replace an air condition at Fire Station #2; termination pay for two employees of $52,183; $66,996 for an additional Fire Lieutenant and vehicle cost of$17,304; $10,600 increase to corrected an under funding for Retiree Health and Liability insurance; to provide funds of $10,330 for liability insurance for the Medical Director. The Community Improvement budget shows an increase of $25,020. Thc increase covers the cost of an inspection service to fill in for Inspectors during vacations of $3690 and $21,000 to fund a new Rental Housing Inspector, effective hire date of May, 2004. Physical Environment This category consists of Public Works Adminislration and the Cemetery, reflects an increase of $19,592. The increase primarily covers the Cemetery's irrigation budget over nm of $9,800. Transportation This category includes the Public Works Department. The department has four divisions, Streets, Traffic Operetiuns, Parking, and Streat Lighting. There is nat departmental chenge of $680. Economic Environment This grouping shows a net increase of $78,630. This balance includes a $13,070 decrease, a payment reduction intended for the CRA; funds the first year of the $150,000 MacArthur Foundation grant at $75,000. Debt Service The $70,570 decrease in debt service category is due to the savings attributed to the issuance of a 2003 Revenue Refunding and Improvement Bond. Other Financing Uses This category accounts fur inter-fimd Iransfers. The increase in budget of $8,850,132 includes: a $700,000 "Bridge Loan" for the Library construction project. A net transfer of $151,882 will be used to supplement cost ofthe N.E.4th Avenue project, total cost of $626,000. This money will be recovered from planned assessments. The increase also includes a $150,000 transfer to the Tennis Fund, representing a prior year accounting adjastment to dissolve the fund. The major increase of $7,832,000 is duc to the accouating of the 2003 Revenue Refunding Improvement Bonds. Mid Year Budget Amendment Fiscal Year 2003-2004 City Manager's Contingency, after all adjustments to balance revenues to expenditures were made, reflected a net decrease of $222,038. Inter deparlmental Iransfers include the payment of $50,258 for a property settlement; transfers to the police department for overtime of $186,235 and $34,450 for Motorola communications client licenses; a transfer of $132,000 to the Fire Department for an additional Fire Lieutenant Inspector ($66,996), a vehicle for that position ($17,300) and termination pay for two employees at $51,800. Transfers to the departments totaled $424,770. This total was offset by $135,345 in other departmental budget surpluses and an extra $67,390 from refinancing of revenue notes. Other Funds l~aw Enforcement Trust Fund This budget is being adjusted to account for the actual revenues received during this fiscal year of $33,335 and to adjust the balance brought forward of $5,845. Community Development Fund Fiscal Year 2002/03 balances for Neighborhood Housing, SHIP, Hope III programs and remaining Housing Rehabilitation Block Grant balances were brought forward. Total brunght forward is $881,015. Beautification Trust Fund This budget is being adjusted to adjust for a balance brought forward of $7,500 and represents the remaining grant balance of the Palm Beach County Grant for Linton Boulevard. Sanitation Fund No changes or adjustment to this fund. Water and Sewer Fund A $211,000 transfer of prior year fund balance provides for unanticipated operating costs. Unanticipated repairs to dump trucks increased repair cost by $16,000. A combination of inereased average daily flows and increased cost of lime results in shortfall orS100,000. An under budget of legal fees and uncertainty of the direction of pending litigation last year has resulted in $75,000 shortfall. Municipal Golf Course No changes or adjuslment to this fund. Lakeview Golf Course No changes or adjustment to this fund. Stormwater Utility Fund No changes or adjustment to this fund. Garage Fund No changes or adjustment to this fund. Mid Year Budget Amendment Fiscal Year 2003-2004 lnsurnnce Fund No changes or adjustment to fl~is fund.