Res 384 Upon motion made by Councilman ~ ~
and seconded by Councilman ~ , the following
Resolution 'was duly passed and adopted:
1. That the proposed Service Agreement myth Florida Power
& Light Company, which is set forth in form in Section 2 hereof, be
and the same is hereby approved as to form and substance.
2. That the Mayor and the City Clerk of and on behalf of
the City of Delray Beach, Florida, be and they are hereby authorized
and directed to execute and enter into with Florida Power & Light
Company the said proposed Service Agreement approved in Section 1
hereof, and hereinafter set forth in form as follows:
Form 1590 page 1#06 5M 11/39
Delray Beach , Florida.
· ! FLORIDA POWER & LIOHT COMPANY (hereinafter called "Company") and CITY OF DELRAY
BEACH, FLORIDA, A Municipal corporation~ orEanized and existing under the
laws of the State of Florida,
(hereinafter called "Consumer",) agree as follows:
1. Company shall supply and Consumer shall receive and pay for all power and
energy required for and in connection with Consumer's Ci~ Hall
located at M~th~a~t Fi£th Avenu~ D~lray Beach , Florida,
in accordance with the terms Of Company,s Rate Schedule No. g~-~-I
and Company's General Rules and Regulations for E~ectric Service, attached hereto
and made a part hereof.
2. The minimum quantity of power to be received and paid for by Consumer
shall be_~watts of demand. The service supplied hereunder shall be
~f~ phase, at approximately 60 cycles and approximately 11~/230 volts.
3. The term of this Agreement shall be for one year from the 85h day of
~m~r 19~J~, or from date of first rendering service hereunder, whichever
shall be the earlier, and from year to year thereafter, unless either party shall
notify the other in writing, not more than 90 nor less than 30 days prior to termination
of any yearly period, of its desire to terminate this Agreement.
S . ~4: If during t~e term 9f thi~ Agreement, Qomp~ny make~ effective any other Rate
cnea~A~ $1mP~i~a~Ae to the cAass Or servmce.renae~a nereunaer, which would have
resul~ea xn ~otaA net billings equal to or Aower than the sum of the net bills rendered
dur?~ ~h~ ~2 mg~ths ended with ~e month~l.mmediat~ly.~rec~d~ng~t~e.e~fec~lv$ ~ate of
sucn~cne~uAe, then, as of its effective ~ate, SUCh other Eate ~cne~uAe snalA ~e
automatically substituted for the Rate Schedule now a part of this Agreement.
· ~5.. Upon by ~on~u~$r and ap~rov~ by Cgmpan~ ~anage~, this Agreen~.nt
snalA oecome effective aha snalx superseae aAA prevxous A~reemen~s or representations.
either written or verbal, between the partles hereto, with respect to service rendere~
. 6. This Agreement. shall be binding upon the respective heirs, successors and
assmgns of theparties nereto, but Consumer shall not assign this A~reement without
flrs~ having obYalned the written consent of the Company.
Submitted by
Approved by
(Title) City Cler~~
Rate Schedule Number 62-D-1
Electric Service
For all purposes in establishments not classed as residential.
Single or three phase, 60 cycles and approximately 115 or 230 volts.
All service required on premises by Consumer shall be furnished through one meter. Stand*by or resale service not
permitted hereunder.
30.0~ per 100 watts for the first 1,000 watts of Demand,
27.0¢ per 100 watts for aH additional watts of Demand.
The above stated Demand charge entitles Consumer to use 3 kwh per 100 watts
of Demand.
4.5~ per kwh for the next 9 kwh per 100 watts of Demand,
3.0~ per kwh for the next 18 kwh per 100 watts of Demand,
2.0¢ per kwh for all additional kwh.
Minimum: The Demand charge.
First--Minus or plus .022¢ per kwh for each 1~ below 12~ or above 18~, respectively, in Company's cost
per million British Thermal Units of fuel. For this purpose there shall be employed the weighted average de-
livered cost (including freight, storage and handling costs) as shown by Company's books, of all fuel used dur-
ing the next preceding month in the generating stations interconnected with Company's main transmission system.
Second,--Plus the applicable proportionate part of any taxes and assessments imposed by any govern-
mental authority in excess of those in effect January 1, 1937, which are assessed on the basis of meters or custom-
ers or the price of or revenues from electric energy or service sold or the volume of energy generated or pur-
chased for sale or sold.
The Demand will be determined in the following manner:
Connected Load Demand
0-2,000 watts The connected load but not less than 1,000 watts.
2,001-5,000 watts The connected load or by measurement--
Company option--hut not less than 2,000 watts.
5,001 watts and up By measurement--but not less than 5,000 watts.
The Demand shall be subject to determination at any time by Company and shall not be decreased for 12 months
after determination. Connected load shah be the sum of the manufacturers' ratings of all lamps and appliances connected,
exclusive of water heating and cooking appliances.
The Demand, when determined by measurement, shall be the average watts supplied during the 15-minute period of
maximum use during the 12 months ending with the current month. Consumer shall provide separate circuit or circuits
for water heating and cooking appliances so that the average watts supplied to such appliances will not be included in the
measurement of Demand.
Not less than 1 year.
Service under this schedule is subject to orders of governmental bodies having jurisdiction and to the currently el-
fective "General Rules and Regulations for Electric Service" on file in Company's office, which are hereby made a part
hereof. A copy of the present effective "General Rules and Regulations for Electric Service" is attached hereto. In case of
conflict between any provision of this schedule and said "General Rules and Regulations for Electric Service" the provision
of this schedule shall apply.
Revised January 1st, 1934
The following definitions are given for the purpose Character o~ Service Available: Alternating current
of establishing standard interpretations of these terms at a frequency of approximately sixty cycles is available
as used in the Company's Rules and Regulations and as follows: Single phase, two or three-wire; three-phase,
agreements, three-wire; or three-phase, four-wire. For lighting, sin-
"COMPANY"~FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COM- gle phase service is furnished, with a nominal voltage of
PANY, a corporation organized and existing under the approximately 115. For small power and cooking pur-
laws of the State of Florida. poses or for special apparatus, single or three-phase serv-
"CONSUMER"~Any corporation, partnership, firm, ice, with a nominal voltage of approximately 230 for
association or individual supplied with electric service by each phase, is furnished, depending upon the class of
the Company. service required. The supply circuits may, at the option
"SERVICE"--Service, as mentioned in these Rules of the Company, be either above or under ground.
and Regulations and in agreements with Consumers, ah~ll $iened Application Necessary: Service is furnished
be construed to include, in addition to all power and only upon signed application or agreement accepted by
energy required by Consumer, the readiness and ability on the Company, and the conditions Of such application or
the ~art of the Company to furnish power to the Con- agreement are binding upon the Consumer as well as up-
ruiner. Thus, the maintenance by the Company at the on the Company. Applications are accepted by the Com-
poixtt of delivery of approximately the agreed voltage and pany with the understanding that there is no obligation
frequency shall constitute the rendering of service, irreo on the part of the Company to render service other than
spective of whether Consumer makes any use thereof, that character of service which is then available at point
"CONSUMER'S INSTALLATION"---All wires, cut- of delivery. A copy of each application or agreement
outs, switches and appliances and apparatus of every for service accepted by the Company will be furnished to
kind and nature used in connection with or forming ~ the applicant upon request.
part of an installation for utilizing electric service for
any purpose, ordinarily located on the Consumer's side Applic&tion, BF Aeent~: Applications for service re-
of "Point of Delivery," and including "Service Leads," quested by firms, partnerships, associations, corporations,
whether such installation is owned outright by Consumer etc., shall be tendered only by duly authorized parties.
or used by Consumer under lease or otherwise. When service is rendered under agreement or agree-
"POINT OF DELIVERY"~The point where the ments entered into between the Company and an agent
Company's wires or apparatus are connected with those of a principal, the use of such service by the principal
of the Consumer. shall constitute full and complete ratification by the prin-
"SERVICE WIRES"~The wires of the Company cipal of the agreement or agreements entered into be-
to which are connected the "Service Leads" of the tween agent and the Company and under which such
Consumer. service is rendered.
"SERVICE LEADS"~The portion of the Consumer's The Company may withhold or discontinue service
Installation to which the Company connects its Service rendered under application made by any member or
Wires. agent of a family, household, organization or business
"CONNECTED LOAD"~Connected load, connected unless all prior indebtedness to the Company of such
horsepower, or connected kilowatts, is the combined family, household, organization or business has been set-
nominal rated capacity of all motors and/or other current tied in full.
consuming devices on Consumer's premises, which may Term o~ ~,~reem®nt~: Upon its expiration, an agree-
be operated with electric service supplied by the Como ment which is subject to the Rules and Regulations of
pany. the Company shall be automatically renewed for a like
"MAXIMUM DEMAND"~Maximum demand is the term to that stated in the agreement, unless within not
greatest average amount of electrical power measured in more than ninety (90) days nor less than thirty (30)
kilowatts or horsepower required by a Consumer through- days before the date of termination either party gives
out a given interval of time. Usually the interval is of written notice to the other of its intention not to renew
fifteen minutes' duration, but in case Consumer's demand the same, or unless otherwise specifically stated in the
fluctuates rapidly, m~-imum demand nmy at the option agreement.
of the Company be based upon an interval of less th~n
fifteen minutes. Short Term Service: Short Term (or Temporary)
"MONTH"---An interval between successive meter Service will be supplied only when the Company ha~
reading dates, which interval may be 30 days, more or available unsold capacity of lines, transformers, gener-
less. sting and other equipment for the service requested.
Short Term Service usually refers to service only for
SERVICE AGREEMENTS short periods of time, without regard to the season of the
To obtain electric service, application should be made year, such as service for exhibitions, displays, bazazxa,
at the nearest office of Florida Power & Light Company. fairs, construction work (including floor polishing),
Usually it will be necessary for the applicant only to camps, houseboats, etc.
sign agreement for service and post a guarantee deposit. Applicants for such temporary service shall pay to the
Information Needed: T'ne applicant should be cer- Company in advance the cost of installing or removing
rain to tender to the Company his correct name and ad- any facilities necessary to furnish service, and deposit
dress, giving the street and house number, or name of with the Company a guarantee which is not less than the
the subdivision, with lot and Mock numbers. When pos- estimated amount of the Company's bill for such service.
sible, he should, at the outset, determine whether or not Service under temporary or short term agreements
the property to be served is adjacent to the Company's shall apply only to the location and only within the period
distribution system, and, if so, the characteristics of the of time specified therein, and shall be utilized only by the
power supply, contracting party.
Limitation of Use: Electric service purchased from Inspection of Consumer's Installation: All electrical
the Company shall be used by the Consumer only for the installations or changes should be inspected upon comple-
purposes specified in application for service, and the Con- tion by competent authority to insure that wiring, fix-
sumer shall not sell or otherwise dispose of such service, tures, and devices have been installed in accordance with
Electric service furnished to the Consumer shall be ran- the National Electric Code and such local rules as may be
dered directly to the Consumer through Company's indi- in effect. Where municipal inspection is required by
local rules or ordinances, the Company cannot render
vidual meter and shall be for Consumer's own use and service until such inspection has been made and formal
may not be re-metered by the Consumer for the purpose notice of approval from the inspecting authority has been
of selling or otherwise disposing of electric service to received by the Company.
lessees, tenants or others and under no circumstances
shall the Consumer or Consumer's agent or any other The Company reserves the right to inspect Consumer's
Installation prior to rendering service and from time to
individual, association or corporation install meters for time thereafter, but assumes no responsibility whatsoever
the purpose of so re-metering said service and all instal- for any portion thereof.
lations for re-metering heretofore made shall be discon-
tinued as soon as practicable, and in any event within a indemnity to Company: The Consumer shall indem*
period of one year from May 9th, 1932. In no case shall a nify, hold harmless and defend the Company from and
Consumer, except with the written consent of the Corn- against any and all liability, proceedings, suits, cost or
pany, extend his lines across a street, alley, lane, court, .expense for loss, damage or injury to persons or property,
avenue or other way, in order to furnish service for adja- in any manner directly or indirectly connected with, or
cent property through one meter, even though such adja- growing out of the transmission and use of electricity by
the Consumer at or on the Consumer's side of the point of
cent property be owned by him. In case of such unauthor- delivery.
ized re-metering, sale or disposition of service, Consumer's
service is subject to discontinuance until such unauthor- Protection of Company's Property** The Consumer
ized re-metering, sale or disposition is discontinued and shall properly protect the Company's property on the
full payment is made of bills for service, calculated on Consumer's premises, and shall permit no one but the
proper classifications and rate schedules and reimburse- Company's agents, or persons authorized by law, to have
sent in full made to the Company for all extra expenses access to the company's wiring and apparatus.
incurred for clerical work, testing and inspections. In the event of any loss, or damage to property of
the Company caused by or arising out of carelessness,
Combined Lighting and Power Service: Unless spa- neglect or misuse by the Consumer, or other unauthorized
cifically provided for in agreement between the Con- parties, the cost of making good such loss or repairing
sumer and the Company, no lighting will be served un- such damage shall be paid by the Consumer.
der any power schedule nor any power under any light-
ing schedule. Access to Premises** The duly authorized agents of
the Company shall have access at all reasonable hours to
In all cases where combined service, such as lighting the premises of the Consumer for the purpose of install-
on power circuits or vice-versa, is specifically provided lng, maintaining and inspecting or removing the Corn-
for, the Company will not be responsible for any resulting pany's property, reading meters and other purposes in-
fluctuation in voltage, cident to performance under or termination of the Com-
pany's agreement with the Consumer, and in such per-
Continuity of Service: The Company will at all formance shall not be liable for trespass.
times use reasonable diligence to provide continuous aery- Right of Way** The Consumer shall grant or cause
ice, and having used reasonable diligence, shall not be to be granted to the Company and without cost to the
liable to the Consumer for failure or interruption of serv-
ice. The Company shall not be liable for any act or Company all rights, easements, permits and privileges
omission caused directly or indirectly by strikes, labor which in its opinion are necessary for the rendering of
troubles, accident, litigation, shutdowns for repairs or ad- service.
justments, United States, State or Municipal interfer-
ence, acts of God or other causes beyond its control. GUARANTEE DEPOSITS
Deposits Required: Before rendering service, the
CONSUMER'S INSTALLATION Company will require a deposit or guarantee satisfactory
to the Company to secure the payment of bills as they
mature. The amount of such deposit shall be approxi-
Type and Maintenance: The Consumer's wires, ap- mately twice the average monthly bill of the Consumer
paratus and equipment shall be selected and used with as estimated by the Company based on Consumer's state*
a view to obtaining the highest practicable power factor, meat in his written application or agreement or as there-
and shall be installed and maintained in accordance with
after ascertained. Such deposit or guarantee will be
standard practice, conformable to Rules and Regulations held by the Company until final settlement of Consum-
of the Company, and in full compliance with all laws and er's account.
governmental regulations applicable to same. The Con-
sumer expressly agrees to not utilize any appliance or Interest Paid: Interest will be paid on such deposits
device which is not properly constructed, controlled and held by the Company during the time the Consumer has
protected, or which may adversely affect the service; had continuous service. No interest will be paid if serv-
and the Company reserves the right to discontinue or
ice is ordered discontinued for any cause within six
withhold service to such apparatus or device, months from the date of making deposiL
Change of Consumer's Installation: No changes or Refund of Deposits: Upon final settlement of Con-
increases in Consumer's installation, which will materially sumer's account, any unused balance of deposit or de-
affect the operation of the wires, transformers, or gen- posits will be refunded. Refund is contingent upon sale-
crating plants of the Company shall be made without quate identification and surrender of original guarantee
written consent of the Company. The Consumer will be deposit receipL Guarantee deposit receipt is not ne-
liable for any damage resulting from a violation of this gotiable or transferable and is refundable only to the
rule. Consumer whose signature appears thereon.
Transfer of Deposits: A Consumer moving from one Discount for Prompt Payment: Discount will be
location to another within the same billing district may lowed and net rate will apply only when provided for
have his guarantee deposit transferred from the former in the schedule, and only if payment is made in full at
to the present address, provided bills incurred for aery- the rate specified in the schedule under which bill is ten-
ice at the former address are paid when rendered, dered; and when payment is received by an authorized
agent of the Company, or at the Company office stated
Deposits under Temporary Service Agreements will be on the bill rendered, before the regular closing houz
in accordance with terms shown above, of such office on the last day of discount or net rate
period, and when no previous bill for service remains
BILLIN(~ Payment by Mail: Such payments when made by
mail, properly stamped, addressed and mailed (as evi-
Billing Poriods: Bills for service will be rendered deuced by United States postmark), on or before the
monthly or for shorter periods if so stated in schedule last day of discount period, will also be deemed to be
applying or if notice of shorter billing period is given payment within such period. When the last day of dis-
to Consumer. Bills are due when rendered and shall be count falls on a Sunday or legal holiday, discount will
considered as received by Consumer when delivered or he allowed on the next business day. Failure to receive
mailed to the service address or some other place mu- bill will not extend period of discount to Consumer.
tually agreed upon.
Chango of Occupancy: When change of occupancy
Non-Receipt of Bills: Non-receipt of bills by Con- takes place on any premises supplied by the Company
sumer shall not release or diminish obligation of Con- with electric service WRITTEN NOTICE thereof shall
sumer with respect to payment thereof, be given to the nearest office of the Company not less
than three (3) days prior to the date of change by the
Evidence of Con,umption: When service used is outgoing party, who will be held responsible for all
measured by meters, the Company's accounts thereof electric service used on such premises until such written
shall be accepted and received at all times, places and notice is received and the Company has had a reasonable
courts as prima facie evidence of the quantity of elec. time to discontinue service.
tricity used by the Consumer.
However, if such written notice has not been received
prior thereto, the application of the succeeding occupant
Application of Rate Schedules: Power and energy for electric service will automatically terminate the prior
shall be measured by a single meter of each kind neces-
sary at each point of delivery. Two or more points of account.
delivery shall be considered as separate services and
bills separately calculated for each point of delivery. Bill, ~rom a Prevlou* Location: A Consumer's elec-
tric service may be discontinued for non-payment of a
Power Factor: All of the Company's electric rate bill for electric service rendered him at a previous 1o-
schedules, applicable to all classes of electric service, are, cation served by the Company, provided said Bill is not
unless otherwise stated in the schedule, based on an paid within ten (10) days after being rendered.
average power factor of unity (1) and the Company re-
serves the right to adjust for billing purposes the con- Bill, on a Sp~ial "W~ldy Ba,ls:" The Consumer
sumption and/or demand to a basis of unity power factor whose bills are rendered on a special "Weekly Basis" ap-
by dividing the actual consumption and/or demand or proximately quadruples the meter-reading, billing and
connected load By the average monthly power factor ac- collecting expenses incidental to his account. In order
tually established, that such extra expenses may be home in part by the
Consumer necessitating them, when bills are rendered
Tax Clause: All of the Company's rates, including on a special "weekly basis," the rate will be applied on
minimum and demand charges and service guarantees, are each bill in the same manner as if it were for a monthly
dependent upon Federal, State, County, Municipal, Dis- consumption.
trict and other Governmental taxes, license fees and/or
other impositions, and may be increased or a surcharge Delinquent Bills: Bills are due when rendered, and
added if and when any or ail such taxes, license fees if not paid within ten (10) days thereafter become delin-
and/or other impositions are increased at the cost per
kilowatt hour, or Consumer, demand, or other applicable quent, and service may then, without further notice, be
unit of charge, of such additional taxes, license fees discontinued and the deposit applied toward settlement
of the bill. In such cases service will not be reconnect-
and/or other impositions, ed until gross bill is paid.
Minimum Monthly Bills: Upon opening an account,
no minimum bill will be rendered for service covering a Reimbursement for Extra Expert,es: The Consumer
period of less than ten (10) days where service is con- shall reimburse the Company for all extra expenses
tinued at the same address, but the consumption for such incurred By the Company on account of violations of
period will be carried over to the next month's billing, agreement or of the Company's Rules and Regulations by
This does not apply where service is discontinued after the Consumer. The minimum charge for such is One
a short period such as 5 or 6 days, when, to compensate Dollar ($1.00).
in part for the extra expense incurred, full amount of
minimum bill will be paid by Consumer.
Consumers who have had service available for from
ten (10) to thirty (30) days prior to the first meter The Company will install and properly maintain at its
reading date, and whose consumption for this period own expense such standard meter or meters and metering
amounts to less than the prorated minimum monthly bill, equipment as may be necessary to measure the electric
will be rendered a bill to cover the prorata part of the service used by the Consumer.
monthly minimum charge, based on the actual time
within the billing period during which service has been Title to meters and metering equipment shall be and
available, remain in the Company. Unauthorized connections to, or
~ampering with the Company's me,er or meters or indi- ATTACHMENTS TO POLES
cations or evidence thereof, subjects the Consumer to
immediate discontinuance of service, prosecution under The use of Company's poles, wires, towers, structures
the laws of Florida, adjustment of prior bills for services or other facilities for the purpose of fasteniag or sup-
rendered and/or reimbursement to the Company for all porting any radio equipment, or any wires, ropes, signs,
extra expenses incurred on this account, banners or anything, of any nature, not necessary to the
supplying by the Company of electric service to the Corn-
METER TESTS, STANDARD~ OF ACCURACY: The munity, or the locating of same in such proximity to
average error of a meter is defined as one-half of the the Company's aforesaid property or facilities as to cause,
algebraic sum of: (1) the error at light load; and, (2) or be likely to cause, interference with the supply of
the error at heavy load. "Light load" shall be considered electric service, or a dangerous condition in connection
to mean approximately 5% to 10% of the rated capacity therewith, is prohibited, and the Company shall have the
of the meter. "Heavy Load" shall be considered to mean right forthwith to remove same without notice.
not less than 60% nor more than 100% of the rated
capacity of the meter. No meter will be installed which The violator of these rules is liable for any damage
has an error of more than plus 2% or minus 3% at resulting therefrom.
light load, or plus or minus 2% at heavy load. Whenever
on installation, periodic or any other tests, a meter is P-.UL]~S AND RE(3ULATION$
found to exceed these limits, it will be adjusted to register These Rules and Regulations are obtainable at the of-
within the prescribed limits of accuracy, or it will be re- rices of the Compan~ ~and are a part of all the electric
placed, rate schedules of this Company, and in the absence of
The Company employs every practicable means to specific written agreement to the contrary apply without
maintain the commercial accuracy of its meters. Upon modification or change to each and every Consumer to
due request and notice. Company's meter or meters will whom the Company renders service.
be tested. If meter is found to be not more than 2% The Company's Rules and Regulations, insofar as
fast or slow at any load the expenses of the test shall he they are inconsistent with any statute, ordinance, law
borne by the Consumer, minimum charge to be $1.00. If or legislation now in effect, shall be null and void.
meter inaccuracy exceeds these limits, expenses of the
test shall be borne by the Company and billing adjust- In the event that a portion of these Rules and Regula-
ment for period not to exceed three months will be made. tions is declared unconstitutional or void for any reason
by any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall
Any meter found defective or having ceased to regis- in no way affect the validity of the remaining portions of
ter will be changed, and the Company will estimate the the General Rules and Regulations for Electric Service
bill for the period by comparing with the registration of unless such court order or decision sh~l! so direct.
a correct meter, and/or by comparison with the amount The foregoing Rules and Regulations supersede and
charged during the corresponding period of a previous annul any and all Rules and Regulations, inconsistent
year, taking into account the capacity of the installation, herewith, Under which this Company, or predecessor corn-
In cases of fire, or any injury to the meter or sere/ce on panies, have previously supplied electric service.
the Consumer's premises, electric service may be discon-
tinued by the Company until the necessary repairs are FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY.
made and cost of same adjusted between the Company
and the Consumer. January 1st, 1934.
PASSED AND ADOPTED at Delray Beach, Florida, this
day of ~~ , 19~.
.... ~r~sident ~ CitY COunci~
this £Q~ day of . , ~ ..--- _ .....
. Co~cl~en
~b~t~c~ r~ ~ ~ ~