Res 388 RESOLUTION N0. ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T~ CITY OF DELI~AY B}LACH, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING A LINE TO SERVE IN THE PLACE OF THE ¥~E~T BOUNDARY ~,INE uF T~L~ UCEAN ~0L~EVA~ IN F~CT~OI{AL SECTION 16 0F T0,~SH~ 46 SOUTH 0F ~NGE 43 .~[~ST, FOR ~[E PUt~0SE 0F REGU~TIi~G ~HE BUILDING 0F SIDE~'~A~S, STREETS AND BUIDIN~ AI~'D AUTHORI~ING T~ i~KING .~'~D ~EC0f~iNG 0F A P~T SH0~NG SAID LIh~. ~fHER~%S, there has been for nmny years some uncertainty as to the true location of the west rmgnt-of-way line of the Ocean Boule~mrd throu~ Fraction~ Section 16 of To.ship 46 South of Range 43 East, and ~AS, the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, has instructed a co~upetent surveyor, registered under the laws $f the State of Florida, to re-locate and re-estaOlish the west right-oz'-way l~ne o~' the said Ocean Boulevard, and '~AS, the said Registered Surveyor, after diligent search o~' the public records and of existing survey taCh.dents, reports that from the data and ~nz'o~natZon avazla01e, it is impossioie to accurately and dez'inztely re-Locate, in its original location, the said west right-of-way line of the said Ocean Boulevard in said Fractional Section 16, NOW, T~REFORE, BE IT ~S0~D BY the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, that for the purpose oi' z'aczlztating and regulating sidewalk, street and building construction, and for no other purpose whatsoever, the said surveyor is instracted to estaolksh a line to serve in place oi' tad said west right-of- way line of the Ocean. Boulevard, and to mon~ent the line, and file a plat of said survey in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, and BE IT FURT~R RESOLV~ That in the establis~nent of said line due regard shall be taken of existing i~.~provements, so as to work no u~ecessary hardship on aouttZng property owners, and BE IT ~ER I~SOLV~ that when such survey has been made and such line has been mon~ented and such plat has been prepared and flied in the public recorGs oi' Palm Beach County, tile line so estaollsned shall serve in place of the west right- of-way line of the said Ocean Boulevard for purpose of reg- ulating the bulAding oi' sidewalks, street, and buildings, and BE IT ~URT~R KEoO~VED that such newly established west right-oi'-way line of said Ocean Boulevard s~a±l have no 1~orce or efl'ect on the location of any property line within the said Fractional Section 16, shall in no way be considered as a change of, or an atsen~pt to change, the west line of that part of Fractional Sectzon 16, Tow~.s~p 4~ South oi' ~ange 4~ East which is designated as "Ocean Road" on that plat reaoraed in Plat Book 1 , Page E5 o~' the Public recoras oi' Palm Beach County, Florida, and shall not be considered in any n~nner as an abanaon~.~ent by the City o~f ~elray Oeacn, ~'lor'~aa, ox~ any property now owned by said City either in fee sz~ple or head by them under any dedication for the use oi' the public, which may be loca%ea west of said line. PAS~ED 1N REUU~R SESSION on this the ETth day of January, A. D. 1941. Attest: Approved: --'dit¥ ~lerk ~ t .~ayor