Res 362 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNOIL OF ~ OITY OF D~J~.Y .BEACH, ~O~DA, G~ ~ ~E ~-O~~CTION OF T~T ~T 0F T~ 0 ~ BO~~, NOR~ OF A~~O A~, LY~G ~N ~ CI~ L~S OF ~-~Y ~. BE IT ~SOLVED, BY the City Couoil of the City of Delray ~each, Florida, That the Cowry of Palm Beach be given full Jurisdiction, so far as the City of Delray Beach may embrace for re-construction of that part of the Ocean Boulevard, north of Atlantic Avenue, ~d with~ the limits of the City of Delray Beach: BE IT ~RTHER RESOLLVED that the City Co~cil of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, does hereby go on record of endorsing and lending its full cooperation with the Board of Co~ty Commissioners of Pa~ Beach Co~ty in the reconstruction, widening ~d re-surfacing of the Oce~ Boulevard, north of Atl~tic Avenue, insofar as said Oce~ Boulevard is located within the limits of the Ci~ of Delray Beach, Florida. A~PTED by the City Co~cil of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, this 27th day of May, 1940. g. ttest: City Clerk.