Res 374RESOLUTION NO.~~ A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEL~AY BEACH, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING ITS ANNUAL BUDGET OF ESTIMATED EXPENSES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1940-19~1, AND LEVIING A TAX ON ALL PROPERTIES WIT~HIN THE CITY OF D~AY BEACH FOR MAINTENANCE AI1D OPERATION, AND LEVYING A TAX FOR PAYI~ENT OF PRINCIPAL AND IN~ERzST ON BONDED INDEBTEDNESS AGAINST TLIE PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE FORMER CITY OF DELRAY, AND ALLOCATING AND APPROPRIATING SAID COLLECTIONS THERAIJND~.~R, AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF LEVYING A TAX FOR PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST AGAINST TEE PROPERTY LOCATED IN TtIE FORMER T0~ OF DELRAY BE;~CH. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, has prepared its budget of estimated ex- penses for the fiscal year 1949-1941, and has also determined the amount of millage necessary to be levied on all of the property in said city for the maintenance and operation of said city and for the payment of bonds and the interest thereon for the payment of v~ich under the provisions of the city charter a tax should be levied against that portion of said city which constituted the former To~ of Delray Beach, and for the payment of bonds and the interest thereon for the payment of. which under the provisions of the city charter a tax should be levied against that portion of said city which constituted the former City of Delray, NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, that the fol- lowing budget of estimated expenses for the fiscal year of the city commencing October l, 1940 and ending September 30, 1941, is hereby agreed upon and adopted, and the amount of money for all of the respective purposes set forth below is needed for the operation and/or maintenance of said city during the said fiscal year, and there is hereby appropriated to such respective pur- poses the amount of money set opposite such respective purposes: PURPOS.____~E 1940-19~1 ANTICIPATED Auditing $ 600.00 Bank account charges 50.00 Bath House, pavilion & beach ~ain. & equip. 2500.00 Cemetery maintenance 500.00 ~ City Hall garages and jail maintenance 750.00 City attorney salary 360.00 Clerk's office (including asst. assessor's work on improvement appraisals) 3400.00 Contingent fund (including $500 golf course $200 cemetery 2050.00 Council, Mayor and Judge- Salaries 3500.00 Election Cost None Enginee ring Expense 1500.00 Golf Course operation and equipment 7000.00 Hofman debt for fill purposes 178.00 Inspection Dept., Bldg., Elec., and Plbg. 3000.00 Insurance 1300.00 Legal advertising 50.00 ~ Legal expense 1000.00 , Machine Shop expense 500.00 Office expense- st~mps, stationery, supplies and equipment 1000.00 Park equipment 700.00- Publicity- Advertising & Chamber of Oon~erce expenses 750 · 00 Police Dept. Salaries & operation 9000.00 Park maintenance & beautification 3000.00 Police Department equipment 1000.00 Street lighting 4000.00 · Street repairs, maintenance and new con- struction 5000. O0 Street department equipment 500.00 Swimming pool expense 100.00 Real Estate purchases None ~elephone and telegraph _~ 500;00 _ Total $ 53788.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the estimated amount of revenues to be used for maintenance which will be derived by said city during said fiscal year from sources other than current tax levy and water department receipts is as follows: ~ From delinquent taxes on property in the former City of Delray, receivable in cash which was levied for operating or maintenance- $ 1000.00 Cemetery lots sold 100.00 Interest and fees paid in cash 200.00 Occupational licenses 9000.00 Permit fees- bldg., elec. and plbg. 1500.00 Police fines and forfeitures 2000.00 Dockage fees 100.00 Examination fees received 100.00 Golf Course receipts 5000.00 Miscellaneous so urces 4550.00 Total revenue $23550.00 And the amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation for maintenance and operation expenses is $30,238.00. BE IT FUR~ RESOLVED That there shall be and is hereby · appropriated for the p~yment of several items of expenditure totaling the aggregate sum of $53,788.00, the revenues derived, from the tax of 21 mills which is hereby levied on all taxable property within the City of Delray Beach for the fiscal year 1940-1941, the assessed valuation of all taxable property for operating purposes within the City of Delray Beach being _ _~ for operating and/or maintenance expenses of general government, and also in addition, ell r~venues de- rived by said city during said £iscal year from all other sources other than the tax levy for current bond service and that part of c~ollection of delinquent taxes levied for bond service. It is found that the amount of money necessary to be levied for bond debt service on bonds and interest issued by the former Town of Delray Beach is $3480.00. BE IT KORTHER RESOLVED That there is hereby appropriated for the payment of interest a~i principal on bonds of the former Town of Delray Beach all revenues derived from the tax levy of six (6) mills hereby levied for that purpose for the fiscal year 1940-1941 upon all taxable property within the limits of the former Town of Delray Beach, and also all revenues derived from taxes heretofore levied on the property within the former Town of Delray Beach for bonds and interest in years prior to the fiscal year 1940-1941. It is found that the amount of money necessary to be raised during the fiscal year 1940-1941 to repay the water fund money advanced by the Water Department to the General Fund is $ /7~ ~' ~_~ Be it further resolved that there is hereby appropriated for the re-payment to the water fund for money advanced by the water department to the general fund all revenues derived from the tax levy of one mill hereby levied for that purpose for the fiscal year 1940-1941 upon all taxable property in the City of Delray Beach. It is found that the amount of money necessary to be raised for bond debt service for bonds and interest which constitute an indebtedness of that portion of the City of Delray Beach which was formerly the City of Delray is $ l~_~o~O. Be it further resolved that there is hereby appropriated for the payment of interest and principal of such bonds which constitute an indebt- edness against that portion of the City of Delray Beach which was formerly the City of Delray all revenues derived from the tax levy of El~ mills hereby levied for that purpose for the fiscal year 1940-1941 upon the taxable property in that portion of the O~ity of Delray Beach which was formerly the City of Delra y. It is found that the amonnt of money necessary to be raised for bond debt sex. ice for the payment of regular and other incidental expenses in connection with the bond re- · ! funding of that portion of the City of Delray Beach which was formerly the City of Delray is $ j5.0.00.00. ~pr~,i~,~'~ef,~. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That there is hereby appropriated for the payment of such regular and incidental expenses of such bond refunding affecting that portion of the City of Delray Beach which was formerly the City of Delray all revenues de- rived from the tax levy of 44 mills hereby levied for that purpose for the fiscal year '1940-1941 upon all taxable prop- erty in the City of Delray Beach which was formerly the City of Delra y. PASSED in regular session, on this the 23rd day of September, A. D. 1940. President, C~y ouncl~' ' ~TTEST: APPROVED: tty cler