~I~NT ',,V'ORK. - %~1~ I
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida,
did on the Eath day of August, 1939, adopt a resolution ordering the
City Engineer to prepare plans and specifications for certain street
improvement, and did also adopt a resolution on the 2ath day of
August, 19~9, accepting plans, specifications and estimate of cost of
said improve~ent work, and ordered said plans and specifications and
estimate of cost thereof to be filed in the office of the City Clerk
and a copy thereof to be filed in the office of the City Engineer and
kept open for inspection by the public.
NOW, T!-I~REFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City
of Delray Beach, Florida, that it has determined to make the following
described improvement which the City deems to be necessary for the
safety and convenience of the public, to-wit:
~idening E' each side and resurfacing the entire pavement on
Northeast 9th, 10th, llth, and !2th Streets from Swinton Avenue to
Srd Avenue, and Northeast l~th Street from Swinton Avenue to End
Avenue. The total estimated cost of which improvement is ~ 7 ~ ~"
BE IT ~X~RTHER RESOLVED That the entire cost of such improvement
shall be assessed against all lots and lands adjacent and contingent
or bo~u~ding and abutting on such improvement in proportion to the
benefits to be derived therefrom, said benefits to be determined and
prorated according to the foot frontage of the respective properties
specially benefitted by said improvement,
BE IT FURTL~ER RESOLVED T~L~T said special assessments against
the lots and lands specially benefitted and adjacent and contingent
or bounding and abutting upon such improvement shall be and remain
liens superior in dignity to all other liens, excep~ liens for taxes,
u~atil paid, from the date of the assessment upon the respective lots
and parcels of land assessed and which shall bear interest at the
rate of 8 per cent per annum and which may be paid in ten equal yearly
installments with accrued interest on all deferred papuuents. Payment
shall be made at the same place that taxes payable to the City of
Delray Beach, Florida, are paid; namely, at the office of the City
Tax Collector, and upon the failure of any property owner to pay any
annual installment due, or any part thereof, or any annual interest
upon deferred payments, the City of Delray Beach may brin~ necessary
legal proceedings by a Bill in Chancery to enforce payment thereof
with all accrued interest, together with all legal costs incurred,
including a reasonable attorney's fee. The total amount of any lien
may be paid in full at any ti~e with interest from the date of assess-
IT IS 0RDERFiM~ That the foregoing resolution be published once
each week for two consecutive weeks in the Delray Beach News, a news-
paper published in the City of Delray Beach, Florida.
ADOPTFiM) by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida,
on this the 28th day of August, A. D. 1939.
Presi~den~ of City Council
City Clerk
(Publish $ issues)
. ~ Gr~dp 1
All persons who. may be interested
in the following proposed improve,
ment work; to-wit: Widening 2' on each
side and resurfaeing the entire pave-
ment on Northeast 9th, 10th, llth and
12th Streets from Swinton to 3rd Ave-
nue and Northeast 13th Street from
Swinton to 2nd Avenue, are hereby no-
tified that the City Council of the City
of Delray Beach, Florida, has deter-
mined that it is necessary for said im-
~)rovement to be made according to the
plans and st~ecifications on file in the
office of the City Engineer and that it
is required that said improvement be
so made. The City Council will sit at BE iT ~-uR~ER 'REsoLvED That[
the Council Chambers' in the City Hail said special asSeSsments against the lots[
of the City ot~ Delray Beach, Florida, and lands specially benefitted and ad2I
at 7:30 o'clock P. M. on the 25th day of ~aeent and contingent or bounding and[
September, A. D. 1939, for the purpose hbutting upor~ such improvement shall[
of hearing objections to said proposed be and remain liens superior in dignityt
improvement, to all other liens, except liens for taxes,
~til paid, from the date of the assess-
By Mae W. Cramp, City Clerk. me~!i'~upon the respective lots and par-
~ cels of land assessed and which shall
RESOLUTION No. 310 bear interest at the rate of 8 per. cent
BOOK NO ............... per annum and which may be paid in
A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY ten equal yearly installmenfs With ac-
COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY trued interest on all deferred pay-
BEACH, FLORIDA, ORDERING THE ments. Payment shall be made at the
CONSTRUCTION OF C E R T A I N same place that taxes payable to the
STREET IMPROVEMENT WORK. ~City of Delray Beach, Florida, are
GROUP 1. 'paid; namely, at the office of the City
WHEREAS, the City Council of the j Tax Collector, and upon the failure of
City of Delray Beach, Florida, did on] any property owner to pay any annual
the 28th day of August, 1939, adopt a installment due, or any part thereof, or
resolution ordering the City Engineer. any annual interest upon deferred pay,[
to prepare plans and specifications for m.ents, the City of Delray Beach may~
certain street improvement, and did bring necessar7 legal proceedings by
also adopt a resolution on the 28th daYl,a Bill in Chancery to enforce payment
of August, 1939, accepting plans, speci- thereof with all accrued interest to-
fieations and e~timat~ of cost of said gether 'with 'all legal costs incurred,
improvement work, and ordered sald 'including a reasonable attorney's fee.
plans and specifications and estimate:The total amount of any lien may be
of cost thereof to be filed in the off~ee i pa~d in full at any time with interest
of the City Clerk and a copy thereof I from the date of assessment.
to be filed in the office of the Cityt IT IS ORDERED That the foregoin~
Engineer and kept -open for inspection resolution be published once each wee~
by the public
~ .N_~I~!~.~FOR]~, be it resolyed ray ]Beach News, a ~!ewspaper pub-
. by the City ~ncil of the City of Del- {llisli~l in the City of Delray Beach,
ray Beach, Floric[a, that it has deter- Florida.
mined to make the following described ADOPTED by the City CounCil of the
improvement whicl~ the City deems to City of Delray Beach, Florida, on this
be necessary for the safety, and con- the 28th day of August, A. D. 1939.
venience of the public, to-wit: C.W. HILL,
Widening 2' each side. and resurfac- President of City Council
ing the entire pavement on Northeast · APPROVED:
9th, 10th, llth, and. 12th Streets from C.W. HILL,
Swinton Avenue to 3rd Avenue, and ~ Mayor.
Northeast 13th Street from Swinton. ATTEST:
Avenue~to 2nd Avenue. The total esti-! MAE W. CRAMP, Ci Clerk.
mated cost of which improvement is] Sept. 1, 8, 15.
the entire cost of such improvement
shall be assessed against all lots and
lands adjacent and contingent or l~ound-
lng and abutting on such improvementi
, ir~ Proportion to 'the benefits
' rived therefrom, said benefits to be
termined and prorated according to the
foot frontage of the respective proper-~
ties specially benefitted by said im-/
All persons who may be interested in the following proposed
improvement work, to-wit: Widening 2' on each side and re-
surfacing the entire pavement on Northeast 9th, 10th, llth and
12th Streets from Swinton to 5rd Avenue and Northeast 15th Street
from Swinton to 2nd Avenue, are hereby notified that the City
Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, has determined that
it is necessary for said improvement to be made according to the
plans and specifications on file in the office of the City
Engineer and that it is required 'that said improvement be so made.
The City Co~cil will sit at the Council Chambers in the City Hall
of the City of Delray Beach, Florid~, at 7:50 o,clock P.M. on the
20th day of September, A. D. 1939, for the purpose of hearing
objections to 'said proposed improvement.
City Clerk
(Publish 3 issues)