Res 261 -'~ . T 0
COOl{ :'.IN) C O}.iL':},~~ FOR ITS APPOiNTi~NT ~ :Io~,L AGENT ~OR
T}ll~ PU'~"ISE dF i('il~N~Dii.~f; ~m_~' CITY'S DEBT
,,~RmN.~o the City o: ~elrr~y 3each, ~l~rida, is desirous
of rafundin~ its debt struct~r~ provid~}~d that * .... s~-~:~.:e
be -Terfected u.}on ~ fair and e%uitable bas~s,
AND lYHLR~A;. Thou~as~,.~. Cook and Comp.any, ~-~. corioration,
has agreed to be th~3 ~iLc~.:i a~ ant 9f ? .2. City far
pose of'affecting such ~sf~x~din6,
...ND ~.iihkELS a proposed contract'0etween the City
~ Delrdy Beach, Florida and ~hottzas Z.i. 0ook 0or, pony has been
read before the Council and olwn6ed so aa: to confor~i to
the vishes of the Council.
i~0',:f, 2HEREFORE, be it resblved by the City Council
o~ the City o-~ Delroy 2e::ch, l?lorida, that the idayor and
Oity Clerk of sai,i Cit.y ~?re hereby authorized n2 instructed
to execute the suid above-:te;~tioned contract, which contract
shall also be ~,igned by ~:~1 rzexbers :~:f' t e ~zty Council
~zoh shall be ap'0roved {~ to -f'or;i oy thc city Attorneys.
This to:- ~t~tion ~"'~ssed in ~',pecirl_. c:~l'ze~:.-:
of t .~ City.. Counc~.l on tzars the au~ d~:y }f Jr~nu:~r~ y
Pr6~id-.z:t ~f Cit,~ Council
City Cleric
i,,a yo r