Res 279 RESOLUTION NO A R£SOLUTIOi~ OF Tl'iE CiTY COUi[CIL C'[' T.PIE CITY OF DELRAY FLORIDA, ORDERING TiiE CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN STREET .MENT WOP~, WHEREAS the City Council of t~e City of Delray Ben. ch, Florida, did on the l Mth day of ~h , 1939, adopt a resolution ordering the City Engineer to prepare plans and specifications for certain str,e~t improvement work and did also adopt a resolution on the .F 25th day of 1939, accepting the pla~s~nd specifications of the City Engineer for sazd street improvement .work and also the estimated cost of said prop~im~orove~t work and ordered saZd plans and specificatzons'~ ~ '-/. and~he estimates of the cost ti~ereof to be fi!ed_with ti~e~lty Clerk and kept open for t~-:e ~-nspection of u01i NOW, TnEREFORE, B~ IT F~E~0LVED By the City Council that the following improv~nts ~nade, to-wit: Or~ding and ~ing~t ~or~ion of Laing Street between the Ocean Boule~rd and~ Andrews Avenue, the estimated cost of whkch improv.ej~ment is BE IT F~J~HER ~LV~aD That the entire cost of said improvements si~a.~b~e a~es~ed against all lots and lands to the benef~t~o 0~derived therefrom, s~id special benefits to 0e deter~i,~i~ed~ pro-rs:.ted according to the foot front- e..~ge of t~spectzve pro~.erties specially benefitted by said im~rovemenps./~' BE IT FURT:~ER RESOLVED That said special assessments agains-t the lots and lands specially benefited and adjozning and contaguous or bounding or abutting upon such improvement shall be and remain liens superior in d~gnity to all other liens, except liens for ts. xes, until paid from ti~e date of the assessment upon the respective lots and parcels of la,x1 assessed and w~.ich bear interest at the rate of eight per- cent (8¢) per an~-~um and may be paid in ten (lC) equal yearly installments with accrued interest on all deferred payments. Payments si~all be made at ti-~e same time and in the same place that taxes payable to the City of Delray Beach, Florida, are paid, namely: from November 1st to April 1st of each fiscal year at the office of the City Tax Collector each year and, upon the f&Zlure of &ny property owner to ,~&y any annual dei'erred payments, the City of Delray Be~:,cn may bring necess- ary legal proceedings oy a bill in chancery to enforce :)ayment thereof wi~h all ~,.ccrued interest, %oge;ner wztn all legal cost incurred, including a reasonable a~%orney's fee. The total amount of any lien may be paid in full at any time with interest from t~.e date of assessment. The total estimated cost of'the foregoing improve- ment is IT IS ORDERED Tnat the ~oregoing resolution be published once each wee~ for ~wo consecutive weeks in the Delray Bec'ch News, a newspaper published in tZ~e City of Delr&y Be;;c~, Florida. ADOPTED By the City Council of the City of De%ray Beach, Florida, on. this the 2.._~[~ day of ~p~i~ , A. D. 1939. PreSident of City Council ..... Attest: Approved: City Clerk / - - ~ Mayor NOTICE All persons WhO may be intere~ed in the following proposeC z:~prove~.lenm wor~, to-wit: the grading and paving of ~na~ port,on of Laing Street between the Oce~n Boulevard and Andre~.~s Avenue, ~re nereoy notified ~n~ the City Council of the City of Delray B~acn, Florida, nas de~er:nined ~n~ it is necessary fo= said improvement to be m~de ~ccording to t~e plans ~nd spec~ficatzons on file in ~ne office of the City Engineer ~nd that it is required that s~zd improvement be so m~de. The Cz~y Council will si~ at the Counczl Chambers in the City H~ll of the City of Delr~y Be~ch, Florida, ~t 7:~0 o'clock P. M. on the 2~nd day of M~y, A. D. 19S9, for the pur~ose of hearing objections to said proposed i~orove- mento CITY OF DELRAY BE~%C~, FLORIDA City Clerk F