Res 280 RESOLUTION ~,~0, A ~E~OLU?ION ACCE?TING PLANS AND SPECI?ICATIONS OF Th~ CITY ENGINEER FOR CERTAI~ STREET Ii,~RO¥<~,LEDT WORK TO BE CONSTRUCTED 0~' LAING ST?~ET A~WD ALSO ThE ESTI~ATED COST OF T.~E P~OPOSED I~/~ROVE~ENTS W~iCH IS SET FORTH IN SAID PLANS AND SPECIFICATIO~S. BE IT RESOLVED By the Czty Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, t~plans and spe~icatZons and the estima~ted cost, amountzng.,~ $1~1.00~ of ~t~ proposed street i~rovement wor~ be acceptS. open to the inspector.~ ~tne publio~~ that a copy of said plans, specifica%zo~ and e~mates of cost shall be filed in ~ne office of the City Engineer~ fo~blio insPeo~ion-,. BE I~ ~T~~SOLVED That said plans and speoifi- cs~zons and est~n~ed cos~ of the proposed i~rovements cover t~ fo~o~ ~o~, ~ ~in~ ~v~n~ of Beech, Florida, this the R~h day of Aprtl~ A. D. 19Z9. At,est: P~ent of C~ty Oouncil O ity Clerk clt~ of name- ls~ of i · Of the of ~ CITY OF DEl,RAY BEACH I)ELRAY Ill{ACH, FLORIDA SPECIFICATIONS FOR PAVING Ai~D HEbNJRF~CING I~AING STREET BE~'~E.~ OCEAN ~OULA-W'~LltD AND ANDREV~S AVE. Beginning at the edge of paving on Andrews Aventte a new pavement is to be built for a distance of two hundred and twelve feet (212'), connecting with existing rock on Laing Street. This new work is to be 20' wide and 6" deep compressed. From this point to the Ocean Boulevard paving, the existing rock, meas- uring approximately l§' wide, shall be widened to 20' and sufficient rock added to make the finished job 6" deep compressed. A roller weighing at least six (6) tons shall be used while wa terbiad ing. Header boards at least 6" high and two inches in thickness shall be used, and where a sand shoulder is not available the City's representative may require same to remain in place. S~bgrade shall be smooth and even and thoroughly watered before placing rock. Finished rock shall be to grade and no water is to stand on the finished work. Rock used shall pass S.R.D. ~2 Specifications. In each hid shall be i~cl~ded an allowance of ten ce~ts (105) per square yard for oiling and sanding by the City. Grades for this work will be fturnished by the City and will conform closely to existing contours. For 550 feet East from Andrews Avenue, mn the North side, a 3' shoulder is to be leveled off from the finished rock, and all excess sand is to be removed from the site of this work. CITY OF DELRAY BE~CH DELRAY IS'EACH. FLORIDA ~L, ril 24, 1939. To '2.~. e City Council Delr~.~y Beach, Fla. Gent lemen, In ~coord ~,3ith your instructions I s~bmit below the estimated co~t of improving Laing Street, bet~een the 0.~ean Blvd., and ~ndrews Avenue. 480 sq yds pavi~g ~?' 1.15 per yd 552.00 1220" "Widenin~ ~% resurfacing ¢ .70 854.00 100 cu yds grading ~? .40 ~O.00 Legal g: Advertising 125. O0 Engi ne er lng 70.00 1,6~l .00 Respectfully, ~. City Engineer,