Res 281RESOLUTION N0.,~ BOOK .:_ .... A RESOLUTION OF T~E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF DELR,%Y BEACH, DISC0~'~TINUiNG THE SETTLE~.~ENT OF DELINQUENT TAXES AI,~D SPECIAL ASSESS~ENT LIENS U~,IDER Tr~%T CERTAIN ORDI~IANCE PASSED 0~ THE !~{ DAY OF APRIL~ 1w39, AND I~iSTRUCTING THE CiTY CLERK AS TO THE z'LETHCD OF SETTLE..~ENi~ TnEREOF. WHEREAS, the 0ity Council of the City of Delra,y ~lj~ on the _~~ day ca' April, A. D. 19S9, pass an emergency Ordinance providing for ~ne sez~lement of delznquent t~es and special assessment l~ens on an adjusted basis; Aha, W~E~AS, an emergency exists due to tl%e fact that certain czediZors of Zne City of Delray Be~ch ~ve ex~oressed ~ne opinzon t~t tae settlement ~nezetn provided is below the m~imum equity of the 0i~y in said property; ~D, WHEREAS, it is tae desire of the City to cooperate wi~n its creditors in every reasonable m~ner; NOW, T~FO~, BE IT R~0L~D by the 0i~y Council of the City of Delray Beaca as follows: 1st. The 0ity Clerk of the 0iZy of Delrs~y Ben, ch is hereby instructed mnd directed ~o discontznue the set~lemenZ of. delznquent t~es and special assessments on the basis set out in ~nat certain ordinance passed by the City the 0zzy of Delray Beach, on April /:~1939. Oo~cil O~ ~n~. T~e Om~y Oler~ is ~ereby ~u~orize~ ~nd direote~ ~o sell ~e ~ certificates ~n~/or lmens or rece~p~ ~e s~me in full u~on ~o~yment ~o t~e Oity o~ T~ty-five per cent (J5%) of ~e ~moun~ due on euco ~elinque~t ~es ~nd/or special ~ssessments. 3rd. This is ~ emergency resolution provzding for the zm~ediate preservs~tzon of public property or for the daily operaz~on of the 51unzcipal Department s. nd shall take effect zmmediately upon its passage. PASSED in special session on Znzs the 27th day of Pre~iden~, ~'~y Council