Res 282RES OLU?I ~<~ i'IUi,iB?~R ~ B 00K A R!~SOLT~IC~'I OF THE CI~f COC~CIL C~F T~E CITY ~F DELR~Y B~CH, FLORID~%, LCSTRUPTii~G T}~ CiTY ~T~P~%~YS TO Pli~f~E ~D ~UBi~CIT TO THE ST~.TE ~IS~WURE FOR P~Si~GE A LOCAL BILL TO ~..i~D THE PRE~{T CITY Ci~TER. ~~, Shere are several sections in the present city ch~rter which the co~%cil feels should be euended, and whereas, the State Legislature is now in session, and whereas an emergency exists due to the fact shat the present session of the Legislature will probably tei~min~,te within app.ro~i,:~ately thirSy days from this date, m-~d ~ ,ereas it is necessaz-y for the i~ediate preservation of public property or for the daily operation of the ~icipal department that this resolution' go into effect i:maediately, NOW, THER:~b~OiL~, BE iT ~.~OLVED By the City Co~cil of the City of Delray Beach that the city ~tto~neys are here- by directed to prepare and sub~it to the Legislat-~e of the State of Florida a local bill.~subject to a referend~ vote, to amend the present city charter so that the secZions herein- after enumerated will read as follows, to-wit: Section 131. ~l general and special elections, ~less other~:ise provided in this ~ct, shall be called by pro- clmmation of the ~layor, published in a newsp'..~per published in the City of De!ray Be~ch, for two consecutive weeks, and such election may be held upon such ~otice. The office of the City Councilmen shall be arranged in groups, indicated by letter "A", "B", "C", "D" and ',E". Nomination for the office of City Councilman may be by primary election held not more than 30 days nor less than l0 days prior to ~y .general or special election and the results of said primary election certified to the City Clerk not less than lO days prior to such general or special election, which said pri~aary election may be held by any group of elec-~ors in which election over twenty per cent of the total qualified voters of the City participate, or ~o:~ination may be by petition signed by ak least twenty per cent of the qualified voters of the City, ss~id petlzio~ to be flied wlth the City Clerk not more tns_n thirty days nor less ten ds~ys before the zi~]e ~.~nen any geners. 1 or a~ecial election ~s ~o be held. Vacsncies ce~used by de~tn, resignetion or disque~liI'ic~tion ms..y be f~lted i~ s_ccordance w~tn the provisions in Sectlon 16 of ~n~s Act. Section l~. Tae names of the nomznees shall be plsoed upon tl~e be~llot in the gener~.l municipal election. At t~e generel munzcipal elect~on the ca.ndzdate, in each class, receiving the i~ignest number of votes shall be declered elected. Section lsd,. Reg~ar munzcipal elect~ons shall be held on the f~rst Tuesds, y in December every year, beginning in 1939. No person shall be ~llowed to vote zn s~ny election for t~-~e ?urpose of elc~ing Co.~ncii~en ~vno is not a qualified voter of the City, s~nd WhO nas not resided zn the C~zy for six monZ~and zn tae State for t~'.'elve months, im:nediately prec d ~ e ~n~ such electzon, and who has not registered as a voter of Ss~ld City in such ~anner and at such t~me as may be prescribed by ordinence. The Czzy Council snell prescribe, by ordinance, the met~;od and ms]~'~er of holding a_ll eleczzons in said Czty, and snell provide when and how speczal elecz~ons Shall be c~lled and held, ~nicn are not provzded for by the terms of znis charter, and all eleczzons sna, ll 0e conducted substs, nZlally on the pri'~-~ciple ~dopted for State elections i~so~ ~r s~s z~ere are no conl~licZs wi~n the terms of t~is charter. This is s,n emergency resolution and si~ll take effect im~'~edi~-tely upon its passege. PASSED at s~,ecial session on tn~s the dsy of Nay, 1939. ~ ' PreSident of O-ity Council Attest: City C.~erk / _ Mayo r