Res 285RESOLUT I 0N'~ BOOK A RESOLUTI~ OF T~E CiTY C0b~CIL OF T]!~ CITY OF DEL,RAY BF, ACH, AL~it0RIZII~IG T?IE SETT~.~T OF Ti~ C~SE 0F A~ibR !,~ISEROCCHI VS. CITY 0F D~RAY B~C~{, ~iD A~HORIZ~JG T!-~ CITY ~kTT0~EYS T0 T~[E ='~PROPI~TE ACTI~ T0 ~FECT SUC~{ SETTL~,!~JT. ?~REf%, on December 15, 1937, tl. City of Delray Beach issued three certificates for paving assessments in connection with the paving of ~drews L~reet, which said three certifio~tes e. ggregated the principal a _o~t of ,~2,225.02 and respectively -J~ere issued as evidence of ~ assessment against Ocean Be~ch Lot l, in the principal ~o~t of ~556.03, ~ assessment against Ocean Beach Lot 2, in the principal ~omut of ~556.05 and an assessment against the north half of Block 161 in the principal ~ao~t of ,~1,112.96, upon which said certificates interest has accrued si~ce said December 15, 1937, the dute of their issuance, at the rate of 85:~ per ~n~, ~d no part of said principal or interest heretofore has been paid, and all three of said certificates are now owned and held by the City of Delray Beach; and ~~, ~thur ~liserocchi, ~berto E. ~,[iserocchi and i{enry k. ~.~iserocchi heretofore instituted a suit against the City of Delray Beach in the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth J'udicial Circuit of Florida in ~d for Palm Be~.~.ch cowry, which said case is known and designated as Ch~cery Case ~14,234, wherein ~d ;~hereby, among other things, said plaintiffs contend that the assessments ~nd the aforesaid certificates evidencing said assessments should be cancelled, but which s~id suit has not yet been determined finally and is still per, ding; ~d ¥~~, it heretofore has been proposed that the aforesaid suit and the differences between said City ~d said plaintiffs shall be corapromised and settled by means of said plaintiffs, joined by the wives of those plaintiffs who are married, conveying and granting a right-of-way over seventeen feet of land on either side of and adjacent to said Andrews Street as it originally was laid out and platted and dismissing the aforesaid suit at the cost of said plaintiffs in return for said City giving said plaintiffs a credit u~on the principal amount of said certificates in the aggregate amount of ~200.00 as well as a further credit of an amotmt equal to and constituting all interest heretofore accruing upon said three certificates prior to the time of the completion of said settlement; and -,~EfQEAS, it appears and the Council is of the opinion that the acceptance and completion of the aforesaid settlement will be for the best interest of the City of Delray Beach; NOW, TP~]REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the aforesaid settle~ent upon the terms herein~bove specified and set forth shall be and the same hereby is by the Council of s~-~id City of Delray Be~.~ch adopted, ratified, approved and confirmed; and be it further RESOLVED, That Messrs. Adams & Nowlin, as attorneys for said City and any and all officials of said City shall be and they hereby are authorized, instructed and directed forthwith to accept the aforesaid right-of-way deed from said plaintiffs, conse~t to the dismissal of the aforesaid suit at the cost of said i~laintiffs, endorse upon each of the first and second of the ubove described certificates a principal credit in Zhe amount of ~50.00, endorse upon the third of the aforesaid certificates a principal credit in the amount of ~100.00, and endorse upon all of said three certificates a credit in the respective amounts of the interest her,~tofore and hereafter accruing upon all of said three certificates up to the ti~e of the completion of the aforesaid settlemenz, and to do any and all other things necessary or proper for the purpose of co~;~pleting the afore- said settlement upon the terms hereinabove specified and set forth. PASSED in r~gular session on this the S2nd day of ~ay, 1939. Attest: Approved: City Clerk / ~ay