Res 142north to the south line oi ,~ectio~'~ 16-46-42, a..,ia propose~ c. ike
' : ~'~ ~'~'~'i~ O~ _~Sia~ilLiO ..venue,
i~-eO-ac, iyin3 ~
b,= obj~'-~-lonable bec~..use of Z~ze fact th,:~'t vizere will be approxi
oi %ne cenai 'w~zch ¥~111 accumulate trash, e~.d/z.~n~ ~teP enG. other
oi she ct%izn'~s of the ~it~ el ~e~r~y n,
~' ..... Zook Zalm ;,: .....
~ike, %h. ct the liil~nu ~,~vif~ao~on ~i~tPlc~ or tne =eo. cz,~&
merit wzli not cons-tz~ucL sale. ui,~e, b,.~v~ .... lieu ~i~ereo~, will
~. of s~i~ ~ectio~ 16, up to u~ v;est proper~y line oi ~' ' ' "
,~zlEr~:,S, Look P~im iJurserze~, lnc., by ~a ti~rokzxk.~, izs ~uly
expense of otker parties or is. er~ons th~n vhe O~t~ oi' ~eiray oe~ci~,
ann -~¥s~t the City will noz be liable 2or any expense co~mecte~
in:s oX' tl~e s~na or otker ared~cea m~teriats ozi any 'orop~erty or
will ~ct by proper bulkkea~ f'rom eroazon tiie street,
p~v~nS ~nm sidewalk a~ v~e same ~re ~ow co~i~%ructeQ alone;l:j .*tiantic
"' '- t .... ~ it aces i~ereOy prote~
o~z}, aZ' ~elray _oeac~, 21orion, t' ~ ' ....
o'Sjecz to ~he con,'traction o~' '~ke a~ke :.long the ea~-~ ri~'i~t~ - o~
line c~ v!~e ~'iori~ aasZ 6oast Oanal ~a is now p~.opose~, aim
tke sai~ Look ~aim TM
~ur~erie~, inc., are hereby fe%ue~te~ oy
City Co~cil noZ to l~o. ve constructea along sa~. rigat-o~-w~y l~n~
sa~. propose~ dike, bat in iie~ Vkereo~, t.o have the canal
wleene~ its ei~tire wiath on ~e es,az side from ~-'
on ~e north to vhe south line of the ~:- of' ~ecZion 16-e~'
accora~nce ,Tith the ore,racine ann the whereases of ~ resot~vion.
'~'ke ~ove ~m~ fore~oins resoiuvion was aaop~e~ by tke ~y
ouncil in regular session, ..... y
i.,iembers of the Oit~.~. Oou~m