Res 146 RESOLUTION DESIGN~TING NEGRO AND ~HI ~'E "AREA ~ i TH'I'N"'"C ITY. ~HE~EAS a Joint committee of the City Council aM a represen%ative committee of the negroes of ~he City of Delray Beach met and made a careful investigation as to the location of the negro homes, bu~lalngs and improve- monte within ~he city, and also ~he location of ~he homes, buildings and i~p~ovements owned by people of ~he white race within the city, and ~HE~EAS it was agreed by said Joint committee that it was for ~he best interest of the people of the negro race ant the people of the white ~ace ~nat a definitely described settlement ant az'ea be platted and designated for the location of homes, buildings an~ improvements of the mem~rs of ~he negro race, and also a definitely described location i~ r the homes, buil~ ings and lmpz0ovements of the people of the white race ~,'ithin -~he ~ity of Lel~ay Beach, NO~, ~EFORE, BE IT ~ESOLYED by the City Council of the City of D~lray Beach, F~o~ida, ~hat ~he lands lying and being within ~he following described territory ~hall be designated as the "Negro Settlement or Negro ~rea" of the City of Dclray Beach, Flo~iaa, to-wit: Beginning at ~he intersection of North~est Fifth S~reet and Northwest Third Avenue, ~hence running south along center line of Northwest Third ~venue to the inter- section of Northwest Second Street, thence ~n East along the center line of Northwest Second otreet to the center line of the alley run~nlng north ar~ south thr~ Blocks ~orty Three (~Z) an~ Forty Four (~), thence ~-~n south along t~e center line of said alley to inter- section of the center line of Atlantic Avenue, ~hence run West along the center line of Atlantic Av nue to the intersection of Southwest Third Avenue, ~hence run South along the center line of Southwest Third Avenue to ~he intersection of Southwest ~~ Street, ~hence run ~est along the center line of Southwest Street to the center line of Southwest Fourth ~venue, thence run south &cng the center line of Southwest Fourth Avenue to the intersection of Southwest Fifth Street, thence run West along the center line of Southwest Fifth Street, extend- lng to the West city limits, thence run North along the West city limits to Northwest Fifth Street, extencing thence run East along Northwest Fifth Street, extending to Northwest Thir~ ~enue to point of beginning. ~ap or pla~ of saia area hereinabove aescribed is hereto attached and made a part of this Resolution, and said area hereinabove described is designated on said map as "Negro Settlement or Negro Area". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all oLher lands lying and being within the City Limits of the City of ~elray Beach, ~hall be designated as the "White ~ettlement or White Area", and t~at said attached ma~ which is made a part of this Resolution, will moz. e definitely define and describe said "White Settlement or Area". BE IT ~NJ~T~.!ER RESOLVED that no built ings or builcing permits shall be issued or allowed for the erection of any builclngs within the area designated as the "White Settlement or ~hite Area" which shall be owned, u~ed or occupied by any memb~r of th~ Negro ~'ace, nor shall any bui~ lng or builCing permit be issued or allowed for any building to be located within the Negro Settlement or Negro Area, w~ich shall be used or occupied by a member of the White Race. Provided, however, that servants' quarters may be provided within Lhe white settlement or area for the domestic servants employed by members of the ~ite Race where said domestic servant is employed to work on the premises of his employee where he resides.