Res 150 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0F DELRAY B~ACH OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPT~ INGA BUDGET OF ESTIt~ATED EXPENSES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 19~5-19~6, AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF LEVYING A TAX ON ALL THE PROPERTIES WITHIN SAID CITY FOR MAINTENANCE, AND FOR~EE FURTHER PURPOSE OF LE~YING A TAX FOR THE PAY~2~NT OF A PORTION OF THE CURRENT BOND INTEREST AGAINST TEAT PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE FORMER CITY OF DE~RAY, AND FOR ~E PURPOSE OF LEVYING A TAX FOR PRINCIPAL ~ND INTEREST AGAINST 2HAT PROPERTY LOCATED IN TEE FOR~R T~WN OF DELRAY BEACH, AND FOR AL~0CA- TING AND APPROPRIATING SAID COI~ECTI(21S · WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, has prepared its budget of estimated expenses for the fiscal year 1935-1938, and has also determine~ the amount of millage necessary to be levied on all of the property within the City for the maimte,nance and operation for said city, and has determined the necessary millage to be levied for the payment of bomls and bond interest in the old Town of Delray Beach; NOW TE~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City 0ouncll of the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, that the follow- lng budget or estimate of expenses for the fiscal year of said City commencing October 1st, 19~, amd ending September $0th, 19~6 is hereby agreed upon au~ adopted, and the amounts of money for all the respective purposes set forth below are needed for thc operation or maintenance of said City during the said fiscal year, and there is hereby appropriated to such respective purpcaes the amounts of money set opposite such purposes respectively: 150-~ Operating and maintenance expenses of General Government: PROPOSED PURPOSE: AM00~NT: ~, . Bath House & Beach maintenance $1,000,00 City Hall - Garage & Jail l/mint. $50.00 Golf Course 2,000.00 Cemetery & Park 1,000.O0 Street Lighting 2,500.00 Street Repairs 1,500.00 Shuffleboard 500.00 Mayor & Council 1,440.00 Clerk's Office 1,530.00 City Attorney 480.00 Legal Advertising 200,00 Audi ting 600.00 General Expense 100.00 Police Department 4,000.00 Elect ion 100.00 Insurance 1,500.00 Office expense 1,000.00 Telephone & Telegraph 250.00 Contingent E, OOO .00 Engineering 500.00 -- Legal expense 300.00 W,~:P. A; Pro~eots ltO00.O0 Total operating expense $24,380.00 BE IT FURTHER RE$OT,VED, that the estimated amount of revenue to be used for maintenance, which will be derived by said City of Delray Beach, during said fiscal year from sources, other than the current tax levy, is as follows: From delinquent taxes on property in the former City of Delray, re- ceivable in cash, which was levied for operating of maintenance: $627 F~om Miscellaneous sources: Cemetery Lots 1ES.00 Interest on Bank Deposits 10,00 Interest & Fees 1,.OOG.O0 Licenses ~, 500.00 Permits 300.00 Police Fines ~O0.O0 A~n& the amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation for maintenance and operating expenses is $19,487.98 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that there shall be and is here- by appropriated for the payment of several items of expenditures hereinabove set forth as operating or maintenance expenses, totalling the aggregate sum of 924,350.00, the revenues derived from the taxes of Fourteen (14) Mills hereby levied on all taxable property within the City of Delray Beach for the fiscal year 19~5-1936 for operating and/or maZntenance expenses of general gc~ernment, and also, in addition, all revenues derived By said City during said fiscal year from all other sources, other than the tax levy for current bond interest and that part of the col- lection of delinquent ta~xes levied for bond service. It is found that the smaount of money to l~e levied for bond service on bonds and interest--issued by the former Town of Delray Beach--is ~1,235.$~. BE IT FUR~r~R RESOLVED that there is hereby appropriated, for the payment of i~terest and principal on bonds of the former Town of Delray Beach, all revenues deri~ed from the tax levy of ~'/ (6) lillls, hereby levied for that l~trpose for the fiscal year 19Z5-19Z6 upon all taxable property within the limits of the former Town of Delray Beach, and also, all revenues hereto- fore levied on the property within the former Town of Delray Beach derived from delinquent taxes levied for said bonds or interest in years prior to the fiscal year 1935-1936. WHEREAS, Albert C. littten~orf, ~ames R. Easton and A. S. Euyok, constituting the Delray Beach Bondholders' 2rotective Com- mittee, have requested the City Council of the City of Delray Beach to levy a tax on all the taxable property within the City of Delray Beach (exclusive of the taxable property within the former Town of Delray) in an amount that will raise Twenty-two T~ousand Five Hundred Dollars ($~a,500.00}, and that said amount be appropriated and set aside for the payment of interest on the followl~ described bonds of the former City of Delray, which will 150-~ accrue and mature and become due durln~ the flsoe~ year 19~5-19~6 (including interest at the contract rate accruing during said fiscal year upon past due bonds); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that there shall be is hereby appropriated the sum of $22,5GG.0~ for the purpose of paying that ~r~ch of the interest which will mature during the City' fiscal year 1935-1936 on the followizg described bonds of said Committee (including interest at the contract rate to accrue on bonds listed below which are past due), to-wit: Designation Iht. Principal of Bond Date Rate Amount Bond Nos, Water and mprovement Z/1/ZZ 500.00 6§/?Z, Improvement 7/1/E$ 6% l, OOO.O0 15, El/50 852, 855/885. Improvement 11/1/~6 6% 1,000.00 7/~8. ~4/49, 44/118 BE IT ~~ ~SOL~ that there shall be a~ is hereby levied upon a~ the t~able property witch the former City of Delray, that is, upon a~ the t~able pro~rty, including h~esteads, within the present City of Delray Beach (except the tm~ble property within 'the foyer To~ of Delmy Fi~een (15) mills on the dollar of the assessed valuation of aaiS' p~perty. ~ that a~ revenue derived fr~ s~d levy be a~ it ia hereby ap~opriated for the ~ose of paying said interest upon the bo~ of said Co~ittee herei~bove listed a~ described aoo~i~ or to 150-5 accrue during the fiscal year 1935-19~6, whether re;resented by coupons or being interest at the contract rate during said fiscal years on bonds included in said list which are past due. It is the purpose ami intent of this resolution to levy said Fifteen (15) mills, as above stated, and to appropriate the collections therefrom exclusively to be paid on current interest coupons maturing during the fiscal year 1935-1936 on the bonds above described and interest at the contract rate to accrue during said fiscal year on past due bonds included in said list; and t~e Tax Collector, Clerk and Treasurer of said City of Delray Beat is authorized and directed to make such collection and pay such m. oneys out of it for the purposes aforesaid. BE IT FURTHER RESOT, VED, That there shall be and ia hereby levied on all taxable property within the former City of Delray One and one-half (1.50) mills; the same levied for the purpose of paying a portion of the current interest coming due during the fiscal year 19~5-19~6 on the bonds described as follows: Designat ion Interest Princ£ pal of Bond Date Rate Amount Bona Nos, General Improvement5/1/25 6% ,, SX,000.0G 9 to 80, both inclusiv'e Street Improve. 11/1/24 6% 1,000.00 12 ~o 15, inclusive The monies collected as a result of said one and one-half (1.50) mill levy are hereby appropriated for the purpose of p~ lng the interest on the bonds as Just above described, to be used for no other purpose; it being the purpose and intent to levy a tax of 1,50 mills on the property located in the former City of Delray~ and /~'d--appropriate the proceeds therefrom for the exclusive use and purpose of making a payment on the current interest on the bon~s Just above described, The Tax Collector, Clerk and Treasurer, is authorized to set said amounts aside and to pay them out only for 150-6 such purpose, ALL RESOLUTIONS or parts of resolutions in conflict he re- with are repealed. The above and foregoing resolution was duly adopted by a majority of the members of the City Council, this J0~ day of September, A. D. 1935. 2residen~ c[ blty Oouncil, City of Delray Beach, Fla, ATTESTED: (~:[.ty Cle~]~ Of the ~i~r Of Delray Beach, Florida,