Res 177 ~YiEREAS, The City Council of the City of Delray Beach instructed and authorized its City Attorney, C. ¥. BYRD, to draw a new City Charter incorporating therein various and sundry matters heretofore discussed at open Council Meetings, and WIq_SP~AS, the City Attorney has prepared said new Charter Act as requested by tho City Council and has presented the same for acceptance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, that the New Charter Act, the same being "An Act to Abolish the Present Municipality of the City of Delray Beach, in Palm Beach County, Florida , and to Establish, Organize and Incorporate a New Municipality to be known as the City of Delray Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida, in Lieu ~hereof, to Designate the Territory Embraced within the City of Delray Beach herein Created, and to Provide for its Jurisdictions, , Powers and Privileges" be and the same is hereby adopted by the City Council and the said C. Y. Byrd, City ~ttorney, is hereby instructed and authorized to de±iver the original of said Charter ~ct to the Honorable ~ussell 0. Morrow and Paul Rardin, ~embers of the llouse of Represent~tives, 1937 ~esslon of the Florida Legislature. BE IT FURTHER Pd~SOLVED that a copy el' t~is ~[esolution be del~.vered b~,, the uity ~ttorney to the said Honorable Jonn ~. Beacham, Senator, and the Honorable Russell 0 ~orrow and Paul Rardin, Members of the House of Representatives. The above and foregoing resolution was adopted by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, at its regula~ meeting held ~ay 10th, 10~7. / Preside un il, Attest: Delray Beach, Florida.