Res 179 RESOLUTION NO. oP,_~!~ I .... IOHS A RESOLUTION ~. C,~TI~{- PLANS :~ND o -~, -~, ~HE CITY ~i'J'~InsER FO.~'~ CERTAIN STREET ikPROV.e~4Ez~T 7~OF~ TO I~PROV~,~[To, ~JHiCH Io ~ FORTH I3 S' I~' o BE IT RESOLVED by the Cz~y Co~cil of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, that the pl.~.ns and specifications and the estimated cost amom~ting to {?{0,e9~.00 of the proposed street improvement ~.~ork be accepted. BE IT FURTHER R~o0LVED that said plans and specifications of the City Engineer be filed with the City ~ ' tn~ same shall Clerk of ti~e City of Delray Beach an{~ that be open to the inspection of the public. BE IT ~Un~d~ RESOLVED that sai.[ plans and speci- fications and estimated cost o~ the proposed improvements shall cover the follo~ins work, to-,;~it: Paving and filling Andrews Street from Market Street south to the intersection of Lowry Street, the estimated cost of which is ~} 16,S~i.00, Paving and filling Lo~;~ry Street from the inter- section of Andrews Street west to rigl~t-of-way of Florida East Coast Canal, the estimated cost of which is %7,t7~. Paving ~ aha filling~,~=a~ .... ~'-"~ 3treat from ~ztlantic Avenue south to the intersection of ~.~atson Street, tn~ es- timated cost of which improvement is {~}17, ~Sb.~0, r~oom~ by the City Council of the City of Deiray Beach, Florida, oa the 84th day of May, A. D. !~. Attest: President o'f ~he ~ity Co~mcil. mayor.