Res 189 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDa., ORDERING T~ CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN STREET I~',;[PROVEMENT WORK. ~ ~ WI4EREAS, the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, adopted a resolution dated June 14th, 1937, ordering the City ~;ngineer to prepare plans and specifications for certain street improvement work, and adopted a resolution(#~ on June ~ , 1937, accepting the plans and specifications of the City Engineer for said street improvement work, anm also the estimated cost of said proposed improvements, and ordered said plans and specifications and the estimate of the cost thereof to be filed with the City Clerk and kept open for the in- spection of the public; No'~,, Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that the fol-' lowing improvements be made on the following street: Paving, filling and construction of Seabreeze Avenue, from Atlantic ~.venue on the south to Lowry Street, on the north, the estimated cost of which improvements is BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the entire cost of said improvements shall be assessed against all lots and land adjoining and contiguous or bounding and abutting upon such improvements, in proportion to the benefits to be derived therefrom, said special benefits to be determined and prorated according to the foot frontage of the respective properties, specially benefited by said improvements; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said special assess- ments against the lots and lands specially benefited and ad- joining and contiguous or bounding and abutting upon such improvements shall be and remain liens superior in dignity to all other liens except liens for taxes ~til paid, from the date of the assessment upon the respective lots and parcels of land assessed and shall bear interest at the rate of eight per cent. (8%) per a~um and may be paid in ten eq ual yearly installments with accrued interest on all deferred payments. Payments shall be made at the same time and in the same place that taxes payable to the City of Delray Beach, Florida, are paid, namely from November let to April let of each year at the office of the City Tax Collector each year, and upon the failure of any property owners to pay any annual installmemts due, or any part thereof or any annual interest u~deferrmd_~aymeats, the ~ity of ~elray Beach~may bring n~sa~y legal proceedings by a Bill~ Chancery to enforce payment thereo$'Wtth all accrued interest, toge~er ~Wtth all~ lega!~osts ~c~red, including a reasonable solicitor's fee. The total estimated c°st of the forego~g improve- ment is $ IT IS ORDERED that the forego~g resolution be published two times in the Delray Beach News, a newspaper pub-. lished in the City of Delray Beach, Florida. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, on t~e ~ day of Jun~~/. D. 19~_~. President of the City Co~cil. Attest: City Cler~'~ ~... Approved~~~,~~_. .  ~ayor. to members of, the City Counc~ of HERE~Y GIVEN- by said~ Ci~4Y" ~f Delray Beach. Floriila, . ' ~' held Monday~ June owning a piece BE tESOLVED that land- abutting on Sear ' MAE W. CRAMP, ',that th~ lots an~t. lands City Clerk. Apl~roved: superio~ in D. M. BRADSHAW, Mayor. C. W. HIL~ President of the City Council~_ lots and Parcels of land assessed and shall July 2, 9. . bear interest at the rate of eight Per ' cent.' (8%) per annum and may be paid in te~- equal yearly installments with accrued/interest on all deferred resolution. . , payments. PaYments shall be made at i NO. t8~' same time and in the same place OF' THE 'CITY that taxes-payal01e tO the City of Del- : ....' THE CITY OF-.'DEL- Jay Beach, Florida, are paid. namely ORDERING from ~t~lovember 1st to April 1st of · CERTAIN each yeae 'at th~ office of the City Tax {~ Collector each, year, and Ul~on '~failu,re [ City Council of the ei any prol~rt~ owners ~o ,pay atiy [ '~Beach, Florida, adopted annual, installmen~ due, or any pai-t [ ' June 14th. 1937, or- thereof or any afinual in!crest uptm[ Engineer to prepare 'deferred payments, the Clt~ o/-Delray " ' for certain BeaCh may b~ing necessary legal pro- work, and adopt- eeedinl~s by a Bill in Chancery to, eh- on June 14, 1937, ac- force Paymeitt ,t~ere~f With all accrued ~ plans and specifications of interest, t0get!ier~ with .aH i~gal costs ~Engineer for said street ira- incurred, including a reasonable so- work and also the estimat- licitor's' fee, Ttie,"tot~l estimated cost of the fore- ~ . ,plans and going improvement is ,$3,486.17. and ,the estimate' of IT IS ORDERED,, that the .foregoing :'thereof.t6 be filed with the resolution he published two times in kel~t open for the in- the. Delray Beach N~Ws, a ,newSpaper ~ the public; Now, Therefore, published in the.City of Del~ay Beach, . -._ RESOLVED by the. City 'Florida. that the following iml~rove~ 'ADOPTED by the City Council of lliad~ on the following the City of Delray ~Beach, Florida, on the 28th day of June, A. D. 1937. .~lling and construction~ of C.' W. HI~,L, Avenue, from Atlantic ave- President of the City Council. ;: south to Lowry Street, on Arrest: estimated cost of which MAE W. CRAMP, FURTHER RESOLVED that Cit~ Clerk.~ Ap~ved: said improvements lots' and. :,. Mayor, hind adjoining* and contigUoUs ,. or ~-I,. MAE 'provemeais, /efiis to be.derived I(OTICE TO CONTRACTORS FOR STREET PAVING DELRAY BEACH, FLOR IDA BIDS dULY 25, 1937 CITY CLERK OFTHE SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE/CITY OFDELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA~ UNTIL TWELVE 01CLOCK NOON, dULY 26, 193'?, AND WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED AND READ AT EIGHT O'CLOCK P. Me AT REGUI. AR COUNCIL ME~ING ON THE 8AME DATE, FOR FILLING~ PAVING AND GRADING ANDREW8 STREET:, LOWRY STREETs GLEASON STREET AND SEABREEZE AVENUE, ACCORDING TO PLAN8 AND 8PECIFICATIONB ON FILE WITH THE CiTY CLERK AT THE CITY HALL IN DELRAY BEACH~ FLA. APPROXIMATE TOTAL qUANTITIES ARE A8 FOLLOWS: 4'.93 ACRE8 CLEARING AND GRUBDING 5"/'89 CUBIC YARD8 CONSTRUCTING DYKES 38166 " " FILLING AND GRADING 4789 " " FINE GRADING 13056 LIN. FT., CONCRETE HEADER 1444.0 ~C~. YDS. PAVING 144.40 " " SURFACE TREATMENT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE ON FILE WITH THE CiTY CLERK AND WITH THE CITY EN~tNEER~ GEO,, We CARR,_.J~ WEST PALM BEACHt FLA., AND.MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE CITY~'~T~/~PAYMENT OF A DEPOSIT OF ~5.,00 WHICH WiLL BE RETURNED IF THE PLAN8 AND SPECIFICATION8 ARE RETURNED IN GOOD ORDER WITHIN THIRTY DAY8 AFTER THE RECEIPT OF B IDS, THE CITY RESERVE8 THE R~GHT TO REdECT ANY AND ALL PROPOSALS. CITy CLERK CITY ENGINEER. ,SOf~