Res 203 RESOLL~ ION NO.Q A RESOLUTION ~UTHORIZING THE DELIVERY O? ~PECInL aSSESS~ENT LIEN CERTIFIC~TLS OF INDEBTLDJ~iSS TO CITY ATTORNEY, C. Y. BYRD, I~ P~YM~NT FOR LEGnL SERVICES DONE AND PERFO£ii~iED UNDER CONTRACT FOI~ FtLLI2:,G, GR~DI~G ~ND PAVING OF /dqDREWS STREET, LO'JRY STREET i~{D SEABREEZE AVENUE. '~' 'i'i '~ i WHERE~S, C. Y. BYRD, City-Attorney, oid perform all necessary legal work and services in the fiili~g, grading ~nd paving of Andrews Street, Lowry Street an~i Seabreeze Avenue, in accordance with the contract entered into between the City of Delray Beach, Florida and Del-Mot Farms, mated the 27tn day of July, z. D. 1937; and ~¥HEREaS, the said C. Y. Byrd, City ~,ttorney, did agree to acceder special assessment lien certificates of indebtec ness for his legal services, in the aggregate amour of Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY Tile CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELR~Y BEACit, FLORIDa: SECTIOI.~ 1. That C. Y. Byrd, Cit~ attorney, has per- formed all legal services required to be done and performed by him ~der that certain contract dated July ~7, 1937 between the City of Delray Beach and Del-~or Farms, for the filling, graming aha paving of ~ndrews Street, Lowry Street ~nd Seabreez~ ~venue aha that the s~ of $1014.95 is the correct amo~t of the City Attorney's fees for his services performed ~der said contract. SECTION ~. Tt~at the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and instructed to execute and deliver to the said City ~ttorney C. y. byrd, special certificate liens of indebtedness in the aggregate amount of $922,16, in .payment of said City -~ttorney's services rendered by him, under said contract, said certificates of indebtedness being more p~rticu- larly described as follows: Cert. amt. of No. Des~c?iption of Lands Cert. 28 S~ Dlock 147, Fractional E~ of Sec. 16, T. 46 ~., ~. 43 E., Plat Book 1,_j~age 25 ~858.56 . 34 /N½ of Block 140, Sec. 16-46-43~ '~i[,-[ f~ ~.~.&. 63 60 7 ~ 27.62' Ocean Beach Lot 12 d'</ ~'.~ ~ ±'he ~.~ove ~nd foregoing resol,~tion was~L~y a~o~ted by the City C~Lmcil of t~e City of ~elray Beach, Florida, at its re~ul~r meeti~,-.g held ca December ~7t~, 1937. ! President of the City Council. -ttest: City Clerk. Approved: i~ayor. ~ Received of Mae W. Cramp, City Clerk, Certificates of Indebted- ne~s Nos. 7, 28 and ~4 in payment of Legal Expense on Improve- ment Program herein ~utlined. //r 1-