Res 234 RESOLUTION NO . A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF T~E CItY ENGINEER FOR CERTAIN SIDEWAT,~ ~ROVF~T WORK TO BE CON- STRUCTED AND ALSO THE ESTImaTED COST OF THE PRGPOSED I~PROVE- ~.NTS WHICH IS SET FORTH IN SAID PLANS ~AND SPECIFICATIONS. BE IT RESOLVED By the City Council ~f the CXty of Delray Beach, ~lorlda, that plans and specifications and the estimated cost, amounting to $~65.00 of the proposed sidewalk improvement work be accepted. ~ IT FURTHER RESOLVED That said plans and speci- fications of the City E~gineer be filed with the City Clerk of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, and that the same shall be open to the inspection of the public. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That said plans and specifi- cations and estimated cost of the proposed improvements shall cover the following work, to-wit; Sidewalk to be constructed along the South side of Atlantic Avenue fr~m the East property line of Gleason Avenue to the West property line of Bronson Street. That said plans a~d specifications and estimates of cost for such proposed improvements when compield by the City Engineer shall be filed with the City Clerk and a copy of said plans, specifications and estimates of cost shall also be filed in the office of the City Engineer forpublic inspection. ADOPTED By the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, l~lorida, this, the ~D~ day of ~~ , A.D. 19 3._~. Attest~ City ~ier~ CITY OF ])ELRAY BEACH DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA A~st 19,1958 City Coun6:L~ C, en t lemen, In accordance with Section 1. Besolution I submit herewith plans end specificetions, a~l below, %he estimated cost for a new sidewalk along the South side of Atlantic Avenue ~rom Gleason Street East 250 feet. , ~, a Sx. lo $ s?s. oo Legal & Advertising 75.00 Engineering , 15 ~00 $ H. Cromer' S2ECIFICATIONS FOR SIDEW~T,~ ALONG S. SIDE AT~JA~fTIC AVENUE FR0~ E. PROPER2Y LINE OF GLEASON AVEN~E TO W. PROPERTY LINE OF B~0N S0N STEEET. SIDe: 6 x 2~0' Sidewalk shall be laid i~ one course, 6" thick, amd mixe~ in proportions of 1-2~-A. . ~ring finishing the surface of walk shall be marke~ off in 5 foot sections. ~ina aggregate shall be clean white sand and course aggregate shall be washed limestone rock. The subgrade shall be level and thoroughly watere~ and packed. Forms are to be E" material and set to grade and true alignment before petting is started. All necessary fill and grades will be ik~rnished, and old side~alk removed, by the Cit2. ¢~ollars ~ Each bid must include a lump sum of fi~ ($~.00) to cover advertising and engineering ~osts-