Res 05A RESOLUTION BY!~THE CITY ~OUECIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLOHiDA. I~ ~EG~]LAn SESSION SIiII~. BE IT ~.ESOLVED BY ~i~I~E CITY COUI~CIL Of' 'i'].;E CI'I'Y OF DELR~.Y BEACH taat it be and is hereby ordered necessary to pave and suri'aoe with~, Asphalt and Oiled Surffaoe Course, Dixie Boulevard [~om South S~vinton Avenue to its intersection with Southwest Fourth Avenue, a distance of approximately 18~ [eet and Zo a width of approximately 17,5 i'eet, containin~ approxima~ely~:.3560 square yards ~o be surfaced. BE I'~' FU~'fb/~ HE2CLVED that the expense of said improvement shall ~e ~aid by the abutting property owners said street calculated on a per fromt foot basis and said payment shall be assessed agsinsZ the abutting property owners on each side oi' said streem and iz shall be and constitute a lein on saL~ pro]oerty and there shall be assessed agains~ said abutting pro~L~erty the entire cost o~' said improvement which cost shall be paid in 5 equal annual installments, said deferred payments to bear interest at the rate of per annum which said totoal cost for such improvements shall be approximately Done and ordered this the ~' day of April A. D. 19B8. ~ ~~ ~ ~S[dent of ' Approved by ~yor. A RESOLUTION BY THE 0ITY COUNCIL OF THi~ Ci'Z'Y O}~ DEL~.Y BEACh. I1~ iiEGULAi~ SESSIOI~ SITTinG. BE IT HE$OLVED BY THE CiTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEL~Y BEgCH thag pursuan~ to a pezigion on ~ile by a majority of ~he property owners petitioning for ~he surfacing wigh 8lag and Asphalg and o~led surface ~ourse of Dixie Boulevard in ~he Sub-diVision of ~ough ~iidge of ghe 0i~y of Del~ay Beach from ~ough 8win~on avenue go its ingersecgion wi~h 8ou~hwesg Fourth Avenue,~he distance of approximage%y 18Z0 feeg ~o a width of approximately 17.5 feeg congaining approximagely 3580 square yards ~o be surfaced. Tha~ we do hereby order and direc~ ghe clerk go have made and compiled, plans, specificagions ~nd es~ima~e~ ~o be made ~nd placed on file in ghe o~I'ice of ghe City Clerk and Engineer. Done and ordered g~i~ ghe'~.-.~ d~y o~ April A. D. ~residefit oI' Co~ncil