Res 16 B;[: IT RESOLVi~.,D by the authority aforesaid that the Street uo;~-~fi.t,,ee is ;ere. by authorized and directea to h'avr~ t;.le City ~ngineer, or someother engi'aeer, compile specifications and est "~ z;,~a~es cost of recc'~structinc ei:u.hty-four (84) feet of sidewalk on the South side of Atlantic Avenue described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a [point on said sidewalk fifty (50) feet -.',;est o~ where Dixie Highway intersects Atlantic Avenue , _.and runn[:ag thence :Jest on said sidewalk o~. the Oouth side of Atlantic Avenue ;Eighty-four (84) feet; which said '~ ~* ~ ' ez~h~5,-~our (8.~) feet is the portion to be reconst%ac- ted. D0]'.~:E A[~ 0RD~ED by the authority aforesaid, this the 14~h day of January, A. D. 1929. ~residen'b o._ ~:e City Co~,~/w~l. Attest: City C.Lerk.