Res 20 CITY OF D~i~f B~CH ~!~ Ai~KCRIZI~[G FilI~diCE ~u~,..~ TO LiST '"~'~ .... P~-"~- ....
',7i~EAS, the City o£ De!ray Beach, Florida, is the ovmer
in fee simple of certain real estate located in the City of
Detray Beach, ~!orzma, such property bei~ hereinbelow set forth;
WHERF~S, said City of Deiray Beach~ Florida, is desiroms
of disposing% of same;
17Oil, TH~EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED theft the property herein-
below listed is hereby val~ed by the City Conncil of the City of
Delray Beach, Florida, for the smonnts set opposite each respec-
tive parcel of real estate;
~" ~ ';"~ Block Z, ~z:~d iforth of
tke Somth ~.=z~ oi' ~t 24,
scribed as the N- of the i~i-of vhe
of Section 21, Tov~z~ship 46 South of
~,o~ "$ 200.00
~Dlock l, Del-ida Park,
the Circus' '- ty,
All of Lots 16 m'zd 17 in Block 13, of the S~b'divi-
sion of 0sceoia Park, Tovm of Delr~, formerly
Linton, accor~ to the 21at now on file in
offZioe of the Clerk of the 0iroait 0o~rt, in ~d 150.00
~ ~ State of Florida for e~cn lot
for Palm o~acn
,"~:~b of the
Lot 51 of Block 12 of Dell Par::, a ,:~.u
City of Delray, being a sLtbdivision of Lots 5, 4,
5 mid t~te Soath nalz of ~ot 2, Section 9, Township
45 Sottth, ~:zge 45 ~st, accor~:~ to a plat there-
of compiled by Z.D.Vfatson and i[.3.Garris, ci~l ~d
consalting ~gineers, together xith all b~ldings,
improvements, ~::.o~s and chattels located on said
pr oD erty 100.00
Ail of Lot 20 in Block 100 in the City of Delray,
formerly the tern of Linton, Florida, accordi~ to
a plat of sade blocl~ omi file in the office of the
Clerk of the C. irc~zit Comrt in and m°or Pa~ Beach
Co~=uty, Florida _ 1,500.00
That par% o£ B!ock 99 in the City of Deiray, 7.Torth ~anson
described as follows: Coi'~enc~.~_~ at a point house
120 feet south of the northeast corner of said o 000.00
block, ruling south alo~ Boston Street, a
dist~ce of lO0 feet, Znence west to the middle
of the said block, thence north alo~ the m&ddle
of said blook lb0 feet, thence east to the point
of begi~i~. The ssid tract of land bei~ 100 South R~nson
feet deep frontage alo~ Boston Street and 140 ho~se
~':~ 1 400.00
feet deep to tXe center of said block- ,~ ,
Lot 26 of Block 40 of Grove Park, a su. bdivision
of the City of Delray Beach, Florida 1,O00.00
Lot 16, Block 8, 0sceola Park, a s~bdivision of
the City of Delr~ Beach, Florida &O0.00
Lot 6 in Block 9~ of the t~vn of De!ray, Florida,
accor~ to a plat 9f the re-sub,vision of Blocks
91 and oo ~d the ~g-~ of Block 99, Town of Linton,
s~md re-subdivision re
nov~ Delray, as per plat of ~' -
corded in P~t Book 2, at page gl, ~ said
Beach Co~ty records ~,800.00
~x~S~ that the Finance Committee of the
City of Deir~ be ~d they are hereby a~thorized to list s~-~id
for cash
property for sale/at the prices hereinabove set op~osite each
respective piece of property, a~d to pay to any real estate
broker or agent a five per cent. co~J. ssion :~'o):' ra~:i~,; any such