Res 59 - A ~SOLUTIOH BY T~ JITY ~0UN~IL OF THE ~ITY OF D~L..~AY B~A~tt, FL0~IDA' IN ~GULAR ADJOUR~D ~£SSION ~ITTING, DESIGNATING ~ERTAIN ~]~P~Y~E~ OF SAID ~ITY AND FIXING THEIR SALARIES. ~ ~E IT RE~L~D b~ the authority aforesaid, that on and after the passage of this resolution the hereinafter named ]~mrsons shall be and they are design,.ted to fill the r~spe~tive ~la~es at the designated monthly salary thereafter specified. BE IT RESOLVED that k~iss I~ae ~ramp be designated as ,lerk of the Water Department of said ~ity at a monthly salary ~one hundred twenty~ofive (i$1£5.00) d~llsrs.. Be it further r~solved that we do designate ~iss Sadie Sundy as General Assistant in the ~lerk's office of said .~;ity at a monthly salary of one hu~%dred ~wenty-five (~$1E5.00) dollars. BE IT ~$RTi~R ~{ESOLVED that Oscar Simmons be des- ignated to fill the position of Assistant to the General Utilities S~perintendent and assigned to the Water Department at a monthly salary of one hundred fifty ($150.00). PASSED by the authority aforesaid, t~ts the l£th ~,~day of S~ptember, A. iD. 19~0. .. President of ~oun~il.