Res 59-A The folXowln~ tm the follo~ ~et ~h ~p~vmm ~ Street M Ctty Cl~k*m O~toe City Atto~ ~v~tisl~ - le~ ~0000 Au~ ~0.~ Fire Do~~nt ~lioe ~mnt ~~e l,~O,~ O~loe ~H ~0,00 s~ ~nt~oe 1'0~,~ Teleph~o ~n~~ 5~.00 · ~p~ xon Wat~ W~ks ~squt~ Coat~X ~ia~ for g~eF~ ~~s by a l~ on the ~tire City, (J~) The foX~ln~ interest and genemX bond maturitlel to be Xov'Xod EUCo,i, usiYo oX* the o3,.d ?own o:L* Delta? ]~oaob. t (JeneFo~ Bond, I matu~ing~ with 2ntorest0 $X3°730,00, one-fourth of the interest due on the following general bonds: Interest o~ 1014 Issue " " 1,92~ " 4s440,,00 Tho Yinanoo Conmtttoo he~e eXpLained that maly Of interest maturitioa on ~ene~al ~bondo vas inoludo( ~n tho abovo budget for the reason that to bare tnolu~e~ the entire amount would ~ve been oonflloatoTy, ~eomumended ami ~hat t~e ~tllage for the ~a~ l~SO be follews~ Oeaeml Yun~ Twen~y-aeTM Mils, Bon~ Ha~ltl es aaa Xnterest Sixteen JliXla, making a ~otal of Yorty-~hree mills for the Cl~y, exclusive of ~he old ~own of Delta? Beach* ~fle Bonds end interest ma~Lvi~leo O~ the old ~own of Delta? Beach MA1XI and Twla~-oeve~ mills for OmeTal Yurt4, makiag a ~of41 of Fox't? Mille for' the ol~ Town of Dolray Beaoh~ The notiou was seoondod by M~, Z~doXoF and on roll calx unanimously is a ~o ~d ~rreot oo~ of ~e. ml~tes or the CitF of Del~y Beth, ~orlh,