Res 69 OF DELRAY BEACH, PAY~M BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, IN REGULAR SESSION SITTING AS A TAX ADJUST~ BOARD IN A~TD FOR SAID CITY. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the authority afore- said that all delinquent taxes frem the year 19~0 and prior there- to shall, be adju~ted, and all penalties thereon shall be ~r~'itten off and in lieu thereof there shall be charged a str&ight eight (8%) percent interest on all delinquent taxes from the date of suc~ delinquencies, and the tax collector in and for the City of Delray Beach, Florida, is authorized and directed to accept the principal plus an eiSht (8%) percent Straight interest thereon from the date of suoh delinq, uencies to the date of payment thereof in fall pay- ment therefore. DONE AND ORDERED By the authority aforesaid on this the /~¢ day of July, A. D. 19~1. President of Council. &ttest: