Res 71 RESOLUTION ADOPTE.TG BUDGET A~ID FIXI]k~G APPROPRIATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1931-1932. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, that the following budget of expenses for the fiscal year of said City commencing October l, 1931, and ending September 30, 1932, is hereby agreed upon and adopted, and that the amotmts of money for all of the respective pnrposes set forth below are needed for the operation of said City during the fiscal year of said city begir~ning October l, 1931, and ending September 30, 1932, and there is hereby appropriated to such respective purposes the amounts of money set opposite saud purposes, respectively: Operating Expenses of General Government ~Purp. o.s,e A~0UNT OF ESTII'~,IATED EXPE~,~D!TURES Beach Improvements $1,000.0O City Hall, Garage & ~ail ~ai n tenanc e 350.00 Golf Course I'¥1aintenance 2,000.00 Cemetery & Park Maintenance 1,000.O0 Street Lighting 6,000.00 Street Repairs 6,500.00 Mayor and Council 3,600.00 City Clerk's Office 3,900.00 City Attorney 600.00 Legal Advertising 250.00 Audi t or 300.00 General Expense l, 000.00 Sanitary Deparl~nent 3,500.00 Fire Deportment Salaries 3,000.00 " " Equipment 1,000.O0 " " ~ote ~t, 600.00 Police Department 4,500~00 ~iscellaneous: Elec ti ons 100.00 Insurance l' 000.00 Office Expense 500.00 Sewer I~,iain tenance l, 000.00 Telephone & Telegraph 100.00 Contingent l, 500.00 Engine er in g ~ 300.00 Tax Discounts & Widow's exe mp ti ons l, 000 ..0~ T0~AL G~:f'F~AL 0PE~-:ATiAG EXP~SES $45,600.00 Reserve for uncollected taxes 3,438.95 For interest on respective issues of bonds issued by the former City or Town of Delray: Issue Amount Improvement Bonds dated Yuly l, 19~4 $ 1,140.00 " " " ~an. l, 1920 3,~50o00 ,, ,, . Yuly l, 1923 2,6?9°90 " " " May 1, 1925 4,320.00 " " " April 1, 1926 ,42,~056.02 $5~,945.92 SPECIAL ASSES~/~E~,TT B0}DS Improvement Bonds dated l~arch l, 1923 661.20 " " " Nov. l, 1924 1,455.60 Sewer Bonds dated Nov. l, 1926 6,489.00 Improvement Bonds dated March 1, 1926 4._924.,,~43 13,530.23 For interest on and principal of bond issues of the former Tovm of Delray Beach: Improvement Bonds dated Yuly l, 1924 2,898.00 Reserve for uncollected taxes !~503.30 4~399.30 TOTAL REQUI~,.~ENTS FOR ALL PURPOSES OF CITY DU~MI,~fG SUCH FISCAL YEAR ~$120,914.40 BE IT FURThereR RESOLVED that the amount of revenues which will be derived by said ciW during said fiscal year beginning October l, 1931, from sources other than the current tax levy is as follows: From delinquent taxes on property in old City of Delray $26,596.49 From delinquent taxes on property in old Town of Delray Beach 1,392.70 From miscellaneous sources 8,000_.00 TOTAL $35,989.19 and that the amount of money mcessary to be raised by taxa- tion for said fiscal year is the sum of $84,925.21. BE IT FURTSLER ~ESOLVED that there shall be and is hereby appropriated for the payment of the several items of expenditures set forth hereinabove for operating expenses of general government aggregating $45,600.00.all revenues derived by said city during ~aid fiscal year from sources other than the tax levy for the year 1931 and one-half of all monies collected from delinqmnt taxes for the fiscal year begirming October 1st, 1930 and also the revenues derived from the tax of twenty-one mills for the year 1931 levied for operating expenses of general government. BE IT FURT!~R P~ESOLVED that there shall be and is hereby appropriated for interest upon the several issues of bonds of said former City or Town of Delray he re inabove described the respective remounts set opposite each issue of bonds hereinabove described, it being the purpose and in- tent of this resolution to appropriate for the payment of interest on each issue of bonds, severally, the amount set opposite such issue in such schedule, and the ~mount appro- priated for the payment of interest upon one issue shall no~ be available for the payment of interest upon anyother issue, and there is hereby appropriated for the payment of said several items of interest of bonds A~sued by ~he former City or Town of Delray all revenues derived by said City from the tax levy of 23 mills for inter~st on bonds of said city, levied for the year 1931 upon all taxable property locat,~d within the former limits of the former City of Delray, and one-half of all monies derived from the collection of taxes for the fiscal year beginning October l, 1930 upon property located within the limits of the former City of Delray, all collections from said 23 mill current tax levy for bond interest and the one-half of all monies collected from delin- quent taxes for the fiscal year beginning October l, 1930 to be divided pro rata between the amounts hereby appropriated for the several issues of bonds iu the proportion that the appropriation for each separate issue of bonds bears to the aggregate appropriations for said several issues of bonds. B~ IT FURTHER RESOLVED that there is hereby appropri- ated for the payment of interest end principal upon said bonds of the former Town of Delray Beach all revenues derived from the tax levy of 17 mills levied for the year 1931, and also all revenues derived from delinquent taxes upon the property in said City of Delray Beach located within the ~ormer limits ~of said former Town of Delray Beach, excepting therefrom one- ~half of~the collection on delinquen$ies for the fiscal year ~eg~nning October 1st, 1930. PASSED BY THE ACU~0RITY aforesaid, this the ~ day of October, ~. ~. 1931.