Res 72 A RESOLUTION BY CITY OF DELR~%Lr BEACI~., ~WLORIDA, DIRECTING PAY~IE~TT ON ALL TAXES LEVIED FOR THE YEAR 1930 TO BE PAID IN CASH. WftEREAS, pursuant to authority heretofore given the City of Delray Beach, said City Council, by resolution, authorized the acceptance of sixteen (16) mills of delinquent taxes for the year 1930, in bonds. WHEREAS, FURTHER, it is now the desire that all delinquent taxes levied for the year 1930 be paid in cash. NOW, TPEEREFOBE, HE IT B3.2SOL~q~D by the authority aforesaid that on and after thirty days fro.~; tile passage hereof all delinquent taxes levied for the year 1930, be and the same sh~ll be paid in cash, and that no bonds shall be taken in by the' City as payment therefore. PASSED by the authority ~m~esaid, this the 12th day of October, A. D. 1931. Flox~ ida. t ATTEST: ~~,,~'j.~..~~-~ ~-~ '~ .... CitY-Clerk.