FOR FI'''''~ ~ ~ ~{ -
o~ .~ 1932 1933.
BE IT RESOL¥'ED oY ~iE CITY O~bq~GIL of the City of
Delray Beaoh, Floriaa, that the following budget of expenses for
the fiscal year of said City com::~'~encing 0ctoOer l, 1932 and
endin6 Septemocr ~0, 19o3, is hereoy agree~ upon and adopted an&
the ~ou~ts of money £or all o~ the re~pectiYe purpo~e~ ~t forth
oelow are needed Zor ~e operation of ~aii City ~uri~ the %iscal
year of sai~ City oeginning October l, 19~2 an~ ending Septemoer
30, 1933, and there is' hereoy appropriated ~o ~uch respective
purposes the amounts of money set opposite such purpose~,
rc spe ctively:
0perati~ ~xpen~es of General Government:
Beach Improvements ........... · ..... :~ 1,000.0~
City Hall, Garage and
Jail i~atste nance ................... ~50.00
Golf Course Eaintenan~e ............ E, 000.O0
Cemetery and Park ~laintenan~e ...... ~00.00
Street Lighting .................... ~,500.00
Street Repairm ..................... 5,500.00
l~ayor an~ Council .................. $ 000.00
City Clerk's Office ................ ~,900.00
City Attorney ...................... 600.00
Legal Advertising ........... ~ ..... 500.00
Auditor ..... ~ ...................... 500000
General Expense .................... 500.00
Sand tary Department ........ ,~ ....... ~, 000.00
Fire Department Salaries ........... ~,0~0.00
Fire Departm~t EQuipment .......... l,O~)0.00
Fire Dept. NO~e and Interest .......
Police aeps~rtment .................. ~, 500.00
l{i s ce 11 aneo us:
Ele cti cms .......................... £00.00
Ins~ranoe.;~ .......... 1..[ ......... 1,500.00
Offioe Exp se ........ ~00.00
Sewer mai~ltenance .................. 500. O0
Telephone and Telegraph ............ gSOo O0
ContingenZ, ........................ 1,500.00
Engineering ........................ ~X)0 o 00
Tax Disu. and Widows Ex ............. i,000o00
Total General Operating Expense..$ 44,100.00
Reserve for un~oll~ote~ ta~es ....
For interest on those bonds of the respective
issues of oonds issue~ oy the for~z, er City of
Delray for the fiscal year i9~2-!933, now
owned or held by:
Bond~olders PrOtective Association,
a co~m'.,ittee core, posed of :~. C. Eittendorf,
J. R. Easton and A. S. Huyck, the appro~[i~nate
amount of principal of which bonds total
~800,000.00, interest ................... $48,000.00
Palm Beach Company, a corporation;
the approxin~at~ amount of ~ich sai~
principal of b~nds total ~£,000.00,
interest ................................. 4, ~EO. O0
C. A. Allen and Company, a corporation;
the approximate amount of which ~aid
principal of 0on~s total $89,~5.00,
interest ..............................
Total requirements ior 0ond interest for
the fiscal year 19ZE- 19Z0 on bond~ as
above levied for ...................................... ,~ §?,69~..10
For interest and principal of bonds issued by
the former Town of Delray Beach:
Amount needed for principal
and interest .............. ~l, 600.00
Amount in treasury a~ailaole 1,E?~.~
Amour~t to be raised .........
Amount levie~ as reserve for
uncollected taxes ........... l,
For bond interest and principal on 0ond~
of the former Town of Delray Beach ........ $1,600.00
Total requirements for all purposes
City ~uring fiscal year
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the estimzted amount of
revenue which will be derived by sai~ City ~ring said i'iscal
year beginning October l, 193~ from sour~e~ other than the
current tax levy is as l'ollowa:
From delinquent taxes on property
in former City o f Delray ......... ~$ 04,650.E6
From delinquent taxes on property
in former Town of Delr~y Beach....w~ 375.07
From miscellaneous sourues ........ ~ 10,000.00
TOTAL ~ 45,025.3~$
and tl~at tt~e amou~ut of money necessary to be raised by taxation
for said fiscal year is the sum of ~ 58,$65.77
.~0,,V~D That ti~.ere shall ue and is
BE IT ~JRTHER o~-~ ~
hereoy appropriated for the payment of t~e several items of
expenditures set forth ~ereinabove for operatin~ expenses of
.... ~ ,~_ ~4 100.00, all revenues ~erivea
general government, a~oreoa~in~ ,
by said City ~uring sai~ fiscal year l~rom all sourues other than
the tax levy for *~e year i932; and an amount equal to one-eighth
(1/8) of all monies collected from eelinquent taxes ievie~ for
the years 1930 and 1931, the same to be paid out of that portion
levied for maintenance for the years 1930 and 19Z1, and the
revenues ~erive.A from the taxes of twenty-one (21) mills levied
£or the ~'iscal year 1932-1933 for operating expenses of general
· ~o~,,,~ That there shall be and is
hereby a~propriated for interest coming ~ue ~urin6 the i'isoal
year 1932-1933 upon the ~onds of said former City of Delray,
hereinaOove described, as being owne¢ or held and controlled by
the respective parties as aoove named, the amounts set opposite
the n~'~e of each party, respectively, as hereinabove ~escribed;
it b~in6 the purpose and intent oi~ this resol,~tion 'to appropriate
for the payment of the current ~interest only on bon~s held ~y
Bondholders Protective Association, a committee compose& of
A. C. Eittendorf, J. R, ~aston and A. S. Euyok; and Palm Beaeh
Company, a corporation; and C. A. Allen an~ Company, a corporation,
as aforesaid; an~ the amount appropriated for interest on
one issue hel~ by one party shall not we available for the
payment of interest on another issue held by another party;
it Oeing the purpose and intent of this resolution ~to
appropriate for the payment of interest on bonds held by the
respective parties, as above named, so that interest availaole
for Oon&s of one issue shall not ce applied or be available
for interest on 0on&s of another issue, but shall be available
only on bonds of ~he same issu~ in v~he proportion as the
outstanding oonds upon ea, ci~ separate issue of bonds of the
for~ner City of Oelray oears to the aggregate appropriation for
interest on Oonds of the former City of Delray, which is
approximately ~SV,69E.10, which said ~nou~ts of interest due
on the respective issues, for the purpose of calculating said
appropriations only, are as follows:
~, Improve~nent bonds' dated July 1, 1914, '~$ 960.00~
Improvement bonds c~ate~ Jan. l, 19~0, ~,~§0.00~
Improvement Oonds date~ July 1, 19~, E, 679.90~
· Improvement bonds dated ~{ay 1, 19P~, 4,$B0.00
Improvement bonds dated Apr. l, 19~6
Improvement uonds dated }~ay l, 19E~,
Improvement uonds date& Nov. l, 19£~,
Sewer bonds ~ate~ NovemUer l, 1996,
Improvement Oon~s ~ated Earch l, 19~g,
.~D ~n~ I HEt~BY APPROPRIATED For the payment of
interest on that portion of the bonds of each respective issue
owned, ~1~ e i d and controlled oy the parties above &esoriued, all
mills for interest on sai~ oon~s of the res?eotive i~uos of
bonds of said City, owned, held and controlled by the aforesaid
parties, for the fiscal year 19OE-19JO upon all of the taxable
property, ro~l and personal, located within the limits
of thc former City of ~elray, and seven-eighths (~/8) of all
monies ~erive~ from ~elinquent taxes upon property locatc~
within the limit~ of the I~ormcr City of oelray levied for ~he
years 19JO ~nd 19Jl; all collections from sai~ fifteen (l~)
mills, c,~'rent tax levy i~or interest on said respeotive oon~
issues, o~ed an& held ~y the parties aforesaid, ana the seven-
~ighths (7/8) of ~ll monies collected from ~elinquent taxes
for ~e years 19JO ~n& 19J1 to be divided pro r~ta between the
~o~uts hereOy appropriated i~or the pa~ent of interest on Said
~spective issues of ~onds, o~e~ ~nd held by the parties
afo~sai~, in t~e proportion that the interest on e~ch respective
Oond issue bears to the ~ggregate ~o,~t ol~ interest on uonds
owned and held by t~e respective parties as abovo n~e~.
BE IT FURTi~ER t~oQLV~o That t~ere is ~ereoy appropriate~
for the ~a~ent of interest an~ p~ncipal u~on ~he ss~id oonas of
the former To~ of ~elray Beach all revenues merivem ~rom~ the
tax levy of seven (7) mills levied for t2~e year 19Ja and also
sev~n-eighths (~/8) of all revenues Aerived f~om ~elinquont
taxes ~zpon the property located within the liked, ts of the ~o~er
To~n of Del~ay Beach levied for the year~ 19~0 and 19J1.
F~Aoo~ By the City Co~cil of the~Oity
of Delray Beach, Florida, in ~gular adjourned session sitti~ ,
this the Egth cay of October, A. D. 19$E.
Atteste~: ~ ~