OITT OF ~Y B~AOH, F~~, ~~ A
B~ET 0F ~~~D ~N~ FOR
FIS~ ~ 0F 1953 - 19~4,' ~
~~ 0F ~A ~ 0N ~.L
~0~ ~~ SAID ~ FOR
~ FOR ~ P~E OF ~~G A TAX ~R
PA~ OF A ~~ OF T~ C~T
~T AGA~ST ~T ~0~ ~ED
~ O~ OI~ 0F ~X, ~ FOR EE
0F ~Mx~G A TAT ~R ENC~A~. ~D I~T
OF ~Y ~, ~ ~R ~O~G
~0~~ ~ COL~TI~S
Delray Beach, FZSrida, Shat the following budget or estimate of
expenses for the fiscal year of said City commencing October 1~~
1953, and ending September 30, 1954; is hereby agreed upon and
adopted, and the amounts of money for all the respecl~e purposes
set forth below are~ needed for the operation or maintenance of
said City during the said fiscal year, and there is hereby appro-
priated to such rest~ctive purposes the amounts of money set
opposite such purposes respectively:
0perat lng and Naintenance expense s o f Gene ral Govex--mAnt:
Bath House and Beach M, lntenance $
City h~ garage and Jail saint.' 500.00
Golf Course maintenance 2,000.00
Cemetery & park maintenance 700.00
Street lighting 3, §00.00
Street repairs 5,000.00
May~ & Council 1,~-0.00
~ity Clerk's office 1,600.00
City Attorney 480.00
Legal Advertising S00.00
Audi t lng 500.00
Gene ral ww~gnse ~00.00
Sanitary. Department
Mesquite control S00.00
Fire Department equipment 1,000.00
Fire engine note and interest
Police Department 4, ~00.00
Ele croons 100.00
Insurance 1,500.00
Office Expense
Sewer Maintenance ~00'00
Telephone & Telegraph
Contingent 1, 500.00
Engineering 200.00
Taw Discounts & Widow's exemptions 1~000.00
BE IT FUR~ RESO~, that there shall be and is
hereby apprepriated for the payment of the several items of
expenditures hereinabove set forth as operating and maintenance
expenses, totalling the aggregate sum of $3~,020.00, the revenues
derived from the taxes of 10 mills hereby levie~ on all taxable
property within the City of Delray Beach far the fiscal year
19~3-19~4 for ~perating and maintenance expenses of general
government and also all revenues derieed by said City durilg said
fiscal year from all other so~oea, other than the tax levy for
current bond interewt and that part of the colleotien on d~lin-
quant tax certificates levied for bond sex-rice during pr&or years,
W~3~m0N, it is ascertained that it would be necessary
to ~aise, by ta~a~ie~l the s,,m of $57,2~6,48 to meet the cux~ent
interest en bon~s of said former City of Delray ceasing due within
the fiscal year 19~Z and X9~4. The 0ouncll further being of the
opinion that a levy sufficient to produce such sum would be con-
fiscatory en~ a greater burden than the property within said
former City of Delray would be able to stand:
~R~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that there shall be and is
~ereby apprepriateA f~ the purpose of paying one-fourth (1/4]
of the current interest upon the several issues of bonds of said
former City of Delray, all of that portien of delinquent taxes
levied for bond interest and the reeenue derived from the taxes
of 10 mills hereby levie~ on all taxable property within the
former City of Delray for the fiscal year 19~-19Z4, it being the
purpose and intent of this levy to levy anly for 1/4 of the
interact on the respective bond issues of said former City of
Delray, the same to be divided pro rata between the bon~s of such
BE IT FURTHER R~SOL~ED that there is hereby appx~priated
for the payment of interest and principal of bonds of the former
Tewn of Delray Beaoh, all revenues derived ffrom the tax
levy of ten (10) mills hereby levied for that purpose fer the
fisoal year 1933-19~4, upon all taxable property wi*~hin the
limits of the former Town of Delray Beaoh, a~d also all
revenues derived from delinquent taxes levied for said bon~s .
or interest in years prior to the fisoal year 195~-1934.
PASSED by the auShorlty aforesaid, this the 5th
..~ay of September' A.D. 1953.
[TemPorarY O'~aixJm~n ef-OounOil.