Res 105 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELI~Y BEACH, FLORIDA, ~DOPTING A B1]DGET OF ESTIMATED EXPENSES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OF 1933- 1934, AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF LEVYING A TAX ON ALL OF TEE PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY FOR MAINTENANCE, AND FOR TNE PURPOSE OF LEVYING A TAX FOR THE P][~NEN~ OF A PORTION OF THE CURRENT BOND INTEREST AGAINST THAT PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE OLD CITY OF DELRAY, AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF LEVYING A TAX FOR PRINCIPA~ AND INTEREST AGAINST THAT PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE OLD TOWN OF DELRAY BEACH, AltD FOR AT,T~)CATING A~ APPROPRIATING SAID COLLECTIONS THEREUNDER, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Belray Beach, Florida, that the following budget or estimate of expenses for the fiscal year of said City commencing October l, 19Z~, and ending September 30, 1934, is hereby agreed upon and adopted, an~ the amounts of money for all the respective purposes set forth below are needed for the operation or maintenance of said City during the said fiscal year, and there is hereby appropriated to such respective purposes the amounts of money set opposite such purposes respectively: Operating and maintenance, expenses of General Government: Bath house & Beach Naintenanee, $ 1,000.00 City hall, garage and Jail maintenance, 500.00 Golf course maintenance, E,000.00 Cemetery aml Park maintenance, ?00.00 Street Lighting, 5,500.00 Street Repairs, 5,000.00 Mayor an~ Council, 1,440,00 City Clerk's Office, 1,600.00 City Attorney, 480.00 Legal A~vertising, Audit lng, 300.00 General 1~xpenae, 500.00 Sanitary De partme nt, 3,000.00 Fire Depar~me nt Equipment, 1,000. O0 Fire Engine Note & Interest, E, 000.00 Police Department, 4,~00.00 Electiona, fl00.00 Insurance, 1, $00.00 Office Expense, ~50.00 Carry Forward, $ 31,570.00 Balance Garrie~ Forward, .... $ 31,570.00 Sewer Maintenance, 200.00 Telepl~one & Telegraph, 250.00 Con~i~en~, 1,500.00- ~ginee r~, ~0.00 Tax Diaoo~t & ~i~ow' a ~emptiona, ~...1,000.00 ~oaq~o control, ~0.0~ To~al ~neral 0pera~i~ ~penae....$ ~,0~0.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the eethnate~ amount of revenue to be use~ for maintenance, which will be derive~ by saia City of Delray Beach ~uring said fiscal year from sources, other than the current tax levy, is as follows: From ~elinquent taxes on property in the former City of Delray, receivable in cash, which was levie~ for operating or maintenance, .................................. $ 13,060.75. From Miscellaneous Sources: Licenses, $ ~-,000.00 l~olice Depar~nent, ~., 000.00 Permit a, ~0.00 Interest on Bank Account, 165.00 Miscellaneous Income, 50.00 $ 4,2?5.00. An~ that the amount of money necessary to be raise~[ by taxation for maintenance ami operating expenses is ~entmen Thousan&, Six Itun~re~ Eighty-four ~ollars an~ twenty-five cents Be it further resolve~, ~hat there shall be an& is hereby appropriated for the payment of the several items of expenditures hersinabove set forth as operating or maintenance expenses, totalling ~he a~gregate sum of Thirty-five Thousand, T~mnty AnAInm/lOOI($Zb,020.00) Dollars, the revenues derive~ from the taxes of ~en (Z0) mills hereby levie~ on all taxable property within the City of Delray Beach for ~he fiscal year 193~- 1934 for operating anaL/or maintenance expenses of general government, an~[ also, in ad&ition, all revenues ~erive~ by sai~ City during said fiscal year from all other sources, other than the tax levy' for current bond interest and that part of the collection on delinquent taxes levie& for bon~ service. IT IS FOU~D That the amount of money to be levied for bon~ service on bonds and interest issued by the former Town of Delray Beach is One Thousand, Six Hundred Seventy and 15/100 ($1, 670.15) Dollars . ]SE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That t~here is hereby appropriated, for the payment of interest a~l principal of bonds of the former Town of Delray Beach, all revenues derived from the tax levy of Ten (10) mlila h~e~2~levie.d for that purpose for +~he fiscal year 195~- 1954 upon all taxable property within the limits of the former Town of Delray Beach, and also, all revenues heretofore levie~ on the property within the former Town of Delray Beach derived from delinquent taxes levle~ for said 0ends or interest in years prior to the fiscal year 1955- 1954. It is further ascer%ained %hat whereas the amounts due to meet the current interest on bonds of the former City of Delray, coming &Be within the fiscal year 1955- 19J4, is so large that to levy for all of same would 0e extremely burdensome and mo~e taxes than the property within the former City of Delray would stand~ ~HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That t~ere shall be and is hereby apDropriate~ for %he purpose, of paying a portion of the interest,coming &ue during the fi'meal year 1955-1954,on the ~on~a described as follows, to-wit: Designation Int. of Bon~: . Date: Rate: ~...:B0ml N, umbers: · ater & Llght,~,~ 7-1-14 Improvement, Oo~, 1-1-20 Improvement, ?-1/23 6% 1,000.00 1§/50. -~ ,ooo.oo 40 /,.10, ¥ De slgnat ion Iht. o_f Bon~ , Date Rat, e ~moun% B,o,,,nd N~mbers,,' ~--lmprovement, 3-1-9.3, 6%, $ 500.00, '~ 65/72,' 80/90. ~Sewer, 11-1-26, 6%, 1,000.00 '7/~9,~ ~44/118. Impr$v~en%, 3-1-E~, 5~ 1,000.00 ~ E~/65~ Ail revenue ~ertve~ from the %~ levy of twelve (1~) mills hereby levie~ on a~ t~abl$ property within the foyer City of Belray, for ~e fiscal year 195~- 19~. It bei~ ~he ~ intent ~o levy t~lve (lZ) mills, as just above s%ate~, to appropriate She collections therefrom, exclusively, ~o paid on c~nt interest ceming ~ue duri~ sal~ fiscal year on the bonds j~st above ~emcribe~. ~h$ Tax Coll$otor, Clerk a~ Treas~er of ~e said City of Delray Beach, is authorize~ an~ directe~ to m~e such collections and pay sai~ moneys out only for the p~pose of payi~ e~rent interest on 2he bon~s, as BE IT F~T~R ~SOL~ That ~here shall be and is here- by levie~ on all t~able vroper~y within the Zomer ~i~ of ~l~a~, one (1) mill; the m~e levie~ for the D~vose oZ payi~ a vor~ion of the e~r~nt interest eomi~ due d~i~ ~he ~ar 19BZ- 19~ on the bo~m ~emeribe~ as ~ollo~: De signat ion Iht. of Bond: Da~e: ~at.e: ~0~t: ... Bon~ N~bmrm: ~neral Imvrowemen~, 5/~/~, 6% $~5,000.00 V to $0, bo~ inelumiwe. The moneys eollme~e~ as a remul~ of sai~ one (1) mill levy is hereby ap~ropriated ~or tbs ~Dose oZ vayi~ the interest on the b~s as ~ast above ~eseribs~, to bm asea for no other V~pose; l~ being the V~pose a~ intent to levy a of one mill on ,~e Vro~r~y looated in the foyer ~i~y of Delray, ~d to appropriate ~he proceeds therefrom for the exclusive ~d p~pose of mak~g a pa~ent on ~e e~ent lnteres~ on ~he bon~a j~t above ~emeribe~. The Tax Collector, Glerk and ~as~mr is authorize~ ~o set sal~ modem aai~ an~ ~o ray ~hem out only for such ALL RE3OLUTIO~3 or parts of resolutions fXxXng the btulget for ~he fiscal year 193~- 19~4, or makXn~ a tax levy, or attempttn~ ~o make a tax levy for saX~ fiscal year, an~ all other resolutXons or parts of resolutions in eonfliet herewith are hereby resctnde~ anal. repealecl. PASSED By the au%hority aforesai~, this the bay of ~ovember, A.D. c~-y ~:~ of th; City o~ ' De:ray Beach, F:ori~Lao