Res 106COPY COPY A PETITION TO THE UNTIED STATES GOVERN~T Attention: Mr. Lynn, District Engineer, U. S. Engineer's Office, Comeau Building, We st Palm Beach, Florida. ,, WHEREAS, The United States Government is now deepening and widening the Intracoastal Waterway Canal; AN~ WHEREAS, FURTHER, It is ascertained that Laid Canal will be pencilled from a width ef one hundred *,hirty-five feet (1S~ ft.) tea width of simty feet (60 ft.) at the bridge within the City of I~elray Beach, Florida; AND WH~EAS, It is felt by ,~e officials of ,~e City of I)elray Beach that said pencilling is likely to cause congestion of traffic within several hu~dred feet of the approaches to the bridge orossing, and that said pencilling would not only congest the traffic ~ut would be hazardous to the tying up, loading er unloading of vessels, or the free pasmage of traffic within the pencilling; In an effort to relieve this possible congestion and to facitita%e uninterrupted traffic and to avoid the possibility of collisions in the Waterway at this point, the City of Delray Beach hereby indicates i*,s willingness and desire *,o donm~e a strip of land on ,~ae North side of ,~he bridge on the West side of the Canal bank forty feet (40 ft. ~ by ~four hundred feet (400 ft.) for the purpose of widening +~ae canal at this point to a uniform depth with the Intracoa~tal Waterway Canal, LO that boats tied up along the Canal would not be in the way of traffic on the Waterway. FURTHER, said municipality ag:ecs to place and maintain sufficient and a&eQuate bulkheading for said offset t~ prevent any caving in or sluifing off of the ban~s of said offset. WHEREAS, it is believed that inasmuch as the widening and deepenin6 of the Canal at this point will seen be in progress a~d ~hat now is the logical time for this widening to be done; WHEREUPON, the ~ayor and the City Council of the City of Delray Beach do hereby respectfully submit the e~ers aoove and petition *,he United States Governmen+, to widen +%he Canal at this point to a uniform depth with +~he In*,racoas+,al Waterway Canal,so that boa+,s tied up along the Canal would no*, ~e in +,he way of traffic on the Waterway, believing that the widening ef the Canal at this pein+, will be extremely adwantageous, beth te the users of +,he Intracoastal Wa+~erway Canal and to the munici- pality. BE IT RESOLVED By the Mayor and City Council of the City of Delray Bea(~h +,hat ~aid tender and foregoing preposition ~e offered and submitted +,o the United States Government and that a copy or copies hereof be mailed to the ~rop~r officials in charge of +,he construction of the Intracoastal Waterway Canal. PASSED and Approved by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Fl~rida,. on +%his +~he ,~/ day of Decemoer, A. D. 19~$. At t e s t ed: Pre~ Clork ~g~t~he C i,~ y-o f Delray Beach, Fleri~a. UNITED STATES ENGINEER OFFICE ?~¢ come~ ~u~ding, P. O. So~ 240.5, West Palm Beach, Fla. December 8, 1933. City of Delr~y Beach, Dslr~y Beach, Fla. Attentionl Mr. LeRoy Digg~ns, ~s ident of Council. De~ ~ Re=eipt of petitio~ fr~ %he ~ity Oouncil of Del~2 ~=ch, dated Decem~r 4, 1933, ~ hereby ac~owledged. The origin~ pl~ for d~dg~ the Int~co~t~ W&ter~y provided for a co~riu~ed ch~el ~%h~ a distance of 500 feet each side of ~idge structures. This pl~, hoover, ~ ~en ~doaed, and the at~d~d bo~%~ width of 100 feet~ with extr~ width to provide~ for 1~3 aide slopes, will ~ dredged ~ ~loae to the bridge aa practicable. The west side of the =~nal, al the bo%toa of the i~eore- tio~ side slope, will coincide with the west a~t~nl of the Delray ~ach bridge. This will pl~ca the de~ end portion of ~ =h~el ~o ihs e~i of the brae sp~. Th~ e~oenirici%Y ~ the ch~el loca- tion h~ ~en ~de in ~ effort 'to prevent cutting a~y t~e ~a~ ~k for re. on ~ready known to you. It is desired to know ~ t~ plan outlined above ~11 t~e c~e of the desires of t~ city reg~di~ the i~terests of ~v~ation at t~t place. Ass ist~t E~er.