Attention: Mr. Lynn, District Engineer,
U. S. Engineer's Office, Comeau Building,
We st Palm Beach, Florida. ,,
WHEREAS, The United States Government is now deepening
and widening the Intracoastal Waterway Canal;
AN~ WHEREAS, FURTHER, It is ascertained that Laid
Canal will be pencilled from a width ef one hundred *,hirty-five
feet (1S~ ft.) tea width of simty feet (60 ft.) at the bridge
within the City of I~elray Beach, Florida;
AND WH~EAS, It is felt by ,~e officials of ,~e City of
I)elray Beach that said pencilling is likely to cause congestion
of traffic within several hu~dred feet of the approaches to the
bridge orossing, and that said pencilling would not only congest
the traffic ~ut would be hazardous to the tying up, loading er
unloading of vessels, or the free pasmage of traffic within the
In an effort to relieve this possible congestion and
to facitita%e uninterrupted traffic and to avoid the possibility
of collisions in the Waterway at this point, the City of Delray
Beach hereby indicates i*,s willingness and desire *,o donm~e a
strip of land on ,~ae North side of ,~he bridge on the West side
of the Canal bank forty feet (40 ft. ~ by ~four hundred feet
(400 ft.) for the purpose of widening +~ae canal at this point to
a uniform depth with the Intracoa~tal Waterway Canal, LO that
boats tied up along the Canal would not be in the way of traffic
on the Waterway.
FURTHER, said municipality ag:ecs to place and maintain
sufficient and a&eQuate bulkheading for said offset t~ prevent
any caving in or sluifing off of the ban~s of said offset.
WHEREAS, it is believed that inasmuch as the widening
and deepenin6 of the Canal at this point will seen be in progress
a~d ~hat now is the logical time for this widening to be done;
WHEREUPON, the ~ayor and the City Council of the City
of Delray Beach do hereby respectfully submit the e~ers aoove
and petition *,he United States Governmen+, to widen +%he Canal at
this point to a uniform depth with +~he In*,racoas+,al Waterway
Canal,so that boa+,s tied up along the Canal would no*, ~e in +,he
way of traffic on the Waterway, believing that the widening ef
the Canal at this pein+, will be extremely adwantageous, beth te
the users of +,he Intracoastal Wa+~erway Canal and to the munici-
BE IT RESOLVED By the Mayor and City Council of the
City of Delray Bea(~h +,hat ~aid tender and foregoing preposition
~e offered and submitted +,o the United States Government and
that a copy or copies hereof be mailed to the ~rop~r officials
in charge of +,he construction of the Intracoastal Waterway Canal.
PASSED and Approved by the Mayor and City Council of
the City of Delray Beach, Fl~rida,. on +%his +~he ,~/ day
of Decemoer, A. D. 19~$.
At t e s t ed: Pre~
Clork ~g~t~he C i,~ y-o f
Delray Beach, Fleri~a.
?~¢ come~ ~u~ding,
P. O. So~ 240.5,
West Palm Beach, Fla.
December 8, 1933.
City of Delr~y Beach,
Dslr~y Beach, Fla.
Attentionl Mr. LeRoy Digg~ns,
~s ident of Council.
De~ ~
Re=eipt of petitio~ fr~ %he ~ity Oouncil of Del~2 ~=ch,
dated Decem~r 4, 1933, ~ hereby ac~owledged.
The origin~ pl~ for d~dg~ the Int~co~t~ W&ter~y
provided for a co~riu~ed ch~el ~%h~ a distance of 500 feet each
side of ~idge structures.
This pl~, hoover, ~ ~en ~doaed, and the at~d~d
bo~%~ width of 100 feet~ with extr~ width to provide~ for 1~3 aide
slopes, will ~ dredged ~ ~loae to the bridge aa practicable.
The west side of the =~nal, al the bo%toa of the i~eore-
tio~ side slope, will coincide with the west a~t~nl of the Delray
~ach bridge. This will pl~ca the de~ end portion of ~ =h~el ~o
ihs e~i of the brae sp~. Th~ e~oenirici%Y ~ the ch~el loca-
tion h~ ~en ~de in ~ effort 'to prevent cutting a~y t~e ~a~ ~k
for re. on ~ready known to you.
It is desired to know ~ t~ plan outlined above ~11 t~e
c~e of the desires of t~ city reg~di~ the i~terests of ~v~ation
at t~t place.
Ass ist~t E~er.