Res 107 OXTY OF DEL~Y I~A~ FLORX~. :~
~ - City
CHAPTER 16397 ..... (No. 540).
HOUSE BILL N0. 1439o
AN ACT to Amend "An Act to Abolish the Present Municipal
Government of the City of Delray and the Town of Delray ~each,
in Palm Beach County and Orate of Florida, an~ to "~stablish,
Organize and Constitute a Municipality to Be Kno~ and Desig-
nated as the Oi~y of Delray Beach in Palm Beach County and
Sta~e of Florida; to Define Its Territorial Boundaries and Pro-
vide for Its Jurisdiction, Powers and i~rivileges;'' ~o ~korize
the ~eparate iayment of Taxes Levlea fca. ~everal Purpose~; to
Provide for the i~ay~ent of Special ~sess~cn~ Lzens ~nd 2axes
and ~he D~e~iums of i~'~ment, and the Pa~ent of 'faxes ant
Specl~-~l ~ssess~ents ~ith Bonds, interes~ Coupons aaa ~ner
Evzdences of ~eb~; to ValUate Ta~ ~vies of ~he Cl~y oi' ~el~ay
Beach, %o Gr~t Certain Conditional l~owers ~o the City of
D~lray Beach and to the City Co~cil of ~he City of ~clray ~each
a~ ~o ~e~cribe the Z~ner of Electing Certain Councilmen ~ Large,
~d for other Purposes.
~ection 1. T~t Chapter 12677 (No. 87E), ~ws of Florida,
Acts of the Legislature, Jession l~Z?, approved 0y ~he Jovern-
sent, be ~nd the sa~e is hereby amercea as follo~:
Section 1. The City Council of the City of Delray Beach Is
hereby ~uthorized and ~mpowered to prepare ~n~ acopt a budget
for each fi~c~=l yea~', :~king separate ant several appro~riations
therein, f~rs%, for the p~y~en% of it~ necessary o~er~x%ing expenses
in the performance of the functions of municipal government~ and
with Lhe power %o separabe, classify a~ fix the priorities in t~
payment of said approp~'i~ions for expense~, am %o ~e% aside a
specific inco~nc of bhe Ci%2, whether fro~a t~c[~, licenses, or o~her
sources, ~o the paymen~ of ~y upecii'ic expcnse~; ant, seconCly,
for the payment of ~ne interests a~ principal of any l~ebtedness
of the City; whereupon, all ~ms of money r~lse~ by 1% b~ taxation
and assessments upon real ~nd person~ property wi~n ~e said
City, and the license taxes on privilegez, businesses, occupations
and professions carried on t~erein for such fiscal year, shall be
applied, first, to provide for the ps,merit in full of the appropria-
tions for its necessary ope?sting expense~ in the performance of
thc fu:~ctions of municipal governno.ut by t~c City of ~elrs~
Beach; after which the remainder of the money ~o ~ai~ed ~i~ll be
applied in payment of the interest a~:d p:,i.'~ci ~al cf the indebted-
nesses of said City.
bection 2. 2hat in the event the City Council of the City of
Delray Beach, Florida, instead of following the planned outline
in ~ection l, ,wticle l, immediately preceding, shall have the
tho~.ity in any year to make separate levze~ a~a assessments of
taxe~ upon re~ ~ per~o~l ?ro.~.erty ¥~lthin the Ci~y of l~l~y
Seach f~r ti~ y;~yme~t of t~-~e :~eces~az.y ope~,~.ting expe:mes of the
~:ity ~n the perfo~anc~ of ti'~e f'm~c~ions of ~nicipal government
az~ for the payment of thc ~nterest af, a pri~czpal of the debts of
the City, or sh~l in the levy oi' taxes fix separate ratez of ~axatloz
for tic :~a.i~ pu~'po~e~, tz~e sazc levze~ l'or necessary operating ex-
cerises a~c for the payment of debt~, or ti';6 ~aiG se~;az,~,:~c ~,ates of
taxaZio~ for said purposes, s!~all be ~;cparatc, distZzmt and inde-
pendent levies, neither one depe~i~ upon the other ann
when levied, constitute separatz, C isti~:;ct a:,a in~epenaer~t liens.
If in s~ch event, a ~hall temer to the tax collector
ficzent money to pay either of said levies a~f[air~ ~is land or
personal property, wilhout ter~erin!~ sufficicnt money to pay both
levies, or shall te~er sufficient money zo pay ti~e rate of taxation
for one ~rpose included in said levy without tendering sufficient
money to pay all purposes included Zn said levy, it shall be the
duty of the tax ~llect~ to accept such tender and issue to ti~e
taxpayer a receipt showing saza payment a~ for whi~ levy or
portion of said levy ti~e asia paya~cnt was m~c. Thereupon, the
sala tax collector simll pay l:'~to the City treasury ti~e money so
paid, which shall be placed to the credit of the fund provZde~ in
said tax levy for which sale payment was made. Such payments
shall discharge the lien~ oI' ~e levy for which sai~ payment was
made, or in the even~ of a le~y i~cl~i~zng ~ever~l purpo~e~ sa. id pay-
merit ~xm~a ~ischarge ~nat po~'t~o~ oi' the levy for wi~ich such pay-
l~en of ~n~ ~zc ~ax levy or portZon of caza tax levy for which
pa~ent has not been
Sec~o~ 1. ~ii ad valorem ~axe~ he~e~ofo~e levie~ and
against any ~'e~i ~ p~r~o~'~ pl'ope~'by lr~ ~c City of ~elray Beach,
Florida, or ~hich ~hull ~e~-ec~f~er ~,c levlea a~c ~sessed against any
of said property s~all be p~yahte in cash; pro~ldeu, ~n~,t the City
Council ch~il have the power in their Ciscretzon, but shall not be
compelled, %o a~thoz, lze the pavement of any of the said t~es or
a~ part of the same cz' ~ny intere~t d~e ~thereon, with bonds, in-
terest coupon~ o~~ otk~er ye. lid ~rltten evidences of Cebt of the
City of belray ~each. ~,ll pa~ent of tames heretofore ma~e and
acoepted by the City' of ~cd.~ay oe:.~_ct with bo:':a~, interest coupons
or ot~er evider'~.ce~ of debt :f the City of Delray ~each, are hereby
walldated ~nd confir~:e~ m~ declared to be legal pa~ents ~f
Section 2. The City C~neil of the City of Del~y Beach
have the power in their discretion, but uhal~ not be compell~ to
~Oeive in pa~ent for, property owned by sa~d f;~ty throu~ tax
sale certificate, or :'or t~ sale certzfic~tes o¥/ned by s.a~d City,
bo~s, interest coupo~-,u o~' ovher v~lzC w~,itten evidence~ of debt
of the City ~' Delr~y ~each. ~ll payments ~de with bonds, ln-
te~eet c~por~s or other cvld~:::~,ces of debt to the City for tax ~ale
eertific~:~tes or property owned by ~id City tarougn t~ sale cer-
tificates are hereby w~lid~-:ted aha cor~fir~d and ~eclared to be
legal payment of the same.
Section. 1. The two (2) Co~cil men at large of the C~ty
Delray Beach, who are elected in the s~e year, sh~l ~ oleo'ted
from gr~ps known as Counoilm~u at Large, Group Number 1,
a~ Councilman a~ L~rge, Group P~'umber 2. ~ach nominee
oa~Zda~c fo~, e!ec~ion as ca~Zdate at large, on t~ose ye~z'~ w~en
~wo are to be electec, shall designate the specific grip i~ whi~
h~ or she ae~iro~ to r~u for rrm office of 6~nczlm~n of s~d City,
a~ the can~i~t~ roceivL~4~· the hi~.~hest number of vo~es in each
Sr~p sh~li bo ~cl~rcd electec ~ Council~o. an ~t large of the City
of De].z~~ ~e~c~ fr.~n s~id g~oup.
Section 1. If ~ny article or sectior~, or part of any article
or section, of thic ,~ct s~all be declared lnv~lid or uneonstZtutlon~-~l,
~eh deelara~zon shall no'c be held to i:np~ir o~~ invalidate the
ld~ty, force or ell'set of ~ny other article, zectZon, or p~rt of
article or section, of t~is ~ct, unless it s~l clearly appear
that such o~ther article or section, or part of ar~zele or section,
is wholly or necesmarily ~e:~d,~?~t fo-~- its operation upon the
ar%isle or see~Zo~, oz. p&rt ol~ ~rticle or section, so held to be
m~constit~o~l o~~ Z~.~valZd.
~ection ~. ~ll l~ws or p~r~c of l~ws in co~l'lict with
Act ~rc ~creby repealed insofar u.s ~hey afI'eet the CZt~~ of
Bc~ch, but ~;i~i~ ~cb shall not be cone~ed ~o repeal ~y inws
~z~ not exp~es~ly in coni'lict Lerewith, but s~ll be c~nstrued as
cuppie~n~.~t~y or cumulatiwe thereto.
Section 2. This ~ot sh~l ~ake effect upon Zt~ ra~ific~,tio~
by a ~ority of t~e qualified electors of ~l~e Czty o~ Dc~ay
~each, Flcri~, ?oti~'~g at a special election ~o be c~lled by the
City Council, provided that twenty-five (ES~) ~r cent of the
qualified electors resi~ing ~ in said Cit~~- of Del~y Seac~ s~ll
petition t~ ~ity ~ou~'~ci! of saic Czty for ~ch elecl~ion witch
tr~irty (2~0) days sfte~, the p~ssage of this ~ct. If twenty-five
(2~%) per cent of ~id qualified clectors ao not petition the
maid City Council within thirty (~0) days, then in th~,t event th~
ACt shall become effeetiwe.
Section 4. This ~et sh~ll take effect immediately upon
its p~sage and ~pprow~l by theOovernor or upon its becoming a
law without such ~pprov~l, subJoet, however, ~o the provisions
of Sec'tlon 3 herein.
i;ecame a law without the Governor's approval.