Res 116 ~,,n~mao, I~ has been called to the attention of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, that the will commence work again on necessary projects .~KonCay, ~¥Iarch 19th, 19~, and ~H~R~o, Project No. ~O-lO~, being the placing of a water main under the Florida Coast Line Canal, in the City of Delray Beach, Florida; and Project ~o. ~0-97, being the construction of ~ municipal bath house and swimming pool, are bo~h necessary, essential and important projects i~ ~he City of Lelray Beach, and Florida, and tha~ sai~ projects provide necessary/essential work for numerous men with large families dependant upon them for support; NOW, i'HE~EF0~E, BE IT ~ESOLVED By the City Coup. oil of the Cisy of ~elray Beach, Florida, that the Civil Works administration Board or Direc'~ors, be requested to continue ~o comple~ion, CW= Project bio, ~0-104 ana C~'a Project No. 50-97, an~ that said projects be deemed and considered as important and necessary projects in the Ci~y of Delray Beach, Florias, for the employ- ment of men who are in need of said employment for the main- tenance and support of themselves and their families. BE IT P~JRI~ER i~ESOLVED, That the said Civil Works ministration and the Director of Civil ~,~orks projects of Palm Beach County, Floriaa, be notified that all necessary materials for 5he comple~ion of these two projects have been purchased by 5he Civil Works =~dministration, and that the City is without funds or means -5o provide fur. Cs, for ~he use of %his material and for the completion of said projects. BE IT ~JRTH~.~ RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be forwardea immediately, by the Clerk of the City of Zelray Beach, Florioa, ~o the Honorable j. L. ~rnage, ~Cministrator of Civil Works ~ministration for ~alm Deach County, West ~alm Beach, Florida, and Honorable Julius F. Stone, ~r., ~cting ' ~eaer~ 2mer~ency Ren~ef for Flor~ca, Administrator of the ~ ' ." ... __ . Jacksonville, Florida. ~OPTE~ By unanimous vote of the City Council, 2arch ~th, 195z~, Delray Beach, ~lor~d~.