Res 126 ~ itESOLUTION BY ~ CITY ~OUECIL OF THE CITY OF DE~Y BE~CH, P~'~i ~E~CH C~UE~, ~O~TIEG ~ ~V~ BULLET OF ESTIi,~T~ ~NSES FOR Ti~ Fi~C~ Y~ 19J4-19~8,.~D FOR ~E P~- POSE OF ~IEG a ~ 0N ~ ~KE PE~ERTIE~ ~iTHIN SaID CiTY ~R ~IET2~C~ ~D F0~ THE PORTiOE OF THE CU~T J~Nb .... T~T i'R~ERTY LOC~TED IE ~PiE >'~,,;~'.~ CITY OF DE~X~Y, ~D~ FOR THE >Ui~0mE OF LE~iNG a LOC.~TED IE TKE F0~R 20',E 0F D~Y SE~CH, ~;D F~ =~OC~TING .~D ~R0iRI=TING 5~D COL- ~CTiOi[S Ti'[E~I~, ~b FUR ~E i~E~G OF ~ ~SOLU2IONS iN C0h~LICT WI'~ 2HIS ~SOLUTION, ~b ESPECialLY THefT C~T~ID ~ESCLUTIOE T~ %TH L~Y OF S~I~L~E~, 19Z4, and FOR ~U~ 0SES. ~£~RE~S there was issued from the Circuit Court of Palm Beach ~ounty, Florida, a per smptory writ of mandamus on the 3rd day of October, 19S4, requiring the City Court il ~ the .%~yor of the City of Delray Bea. ch, Florida,. to revise the budget of estimated receipts and expenses for the fiscal year 1934-1935, and to include therein provisions for the payment to the Relators an amount to be applied upon interest, upon said Relators' bonds set forth and described in the alternative writ filed in said ~ cause, a sum not less than Twenty-two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($E£,~00.00), and to appropriate a sum not less than said amount to the Relat~rs for and on account of the payment of the interest on their said bonds, and to levy a special tax for ani on account of the interest on said Relators' bonds, upon all th6 taxable property in said City of Delray Beach {exclusive of the taxable property within the former To~n of belray Beach); Eow, Theref~e, B~ IT i~ESOLVED, By the City Council of the City of Delr~ Beach, Palm Bea~ County, Florida, that the following budget or estimate of expenses for the fiscal year of said City commencing October ~ t, 19~4, and ending ~eptember S0th, 19Z8, is hereby agreed upon and adopted, and the amounts of money for all the respective purposes set forth below are needed for the ope:ration or maintenance of said City during the said fiscal year, and there is hereby appropriated to such respective purposes the amounts of money set opposite such purposes respectively: Operating and maintenance expenses of General Government: , Pb~OSE ~0UN T Bath House & Beach maintenance ~l,000.00 City Hall, garage & jail mainten- ance 8~0.00 Golf course maintenance E,~00.00 Cemetery and Park maintenance 1,00.O.00 Street Lighting ~,500.00 Street repairs 1,~00.00 ~ayor and Council 1,440.00 Clerk's office 1,5~0.00 City attorney 480.00 Legal adve rtising E00.00 ,~ud it ing Z00.00 General expense 100.00 Sanitary department & sewer main- tenanc e Z,000.00 Police Department 4,000.00 E1 ecti on 100.00 Insur ance 1,00 0.00 Office expe nme 600.00 Telephone and telegraph expense 250.00 Contingent l, 812,34 Engine e r i~ 200.00 .Discount & ',¥idow's exemption 500.00 ~[osquit o control 250.00 Legal Expense l, 000.00 Interest and note 40.00 F.E.i~.~. projects l~000.00 Total General Operating Expense $27,152.34 BE IT ~JRTHER iIES~.iPED, that the estimated amount of revenue to be used for maintenance, which will be derived by said City of Delray Beach during said fiscal year from sources, other than the current t ax levy, is as follows: From delinquent taxes on property in the former City of Delray, receivable in cash, which was levied for operating or maintenance ~ 7,000.00 From Mia cellaneous sources: Cemetery lots ~125,00 Interest on bank deposits 10.00 Interest and fees 350.00 Li cens e s 2,500.00 Permits 200.00 Police fines 300.00 ~,485.00 B~ IT ~JRTL~R .~LV~D that there is hereby appropriated, for the payment of interest and principal on bonds of the former Town of Delray Beach, all revenues derived from tile tax levy of Eight (8) ~iills, hereby levied for that purpose for the fiac~ year l$b4-193~ upon ~l taxable ~ro~oert~' within the limits of the foyer ~own of ~' .... '- ' ~ ~e~r~.? ~e~c~, and also, all revenues heretofore _ev~e~ on the property within the former Town of D~ay Beach derived ffrom delinquent t~:es levied f~r said bo~s or interest in years prior to the fiscal year 1994-1935. ~d, Yfhereas, the City Council has been ordered by the perempto~ v~rit off manda~s--hereinabove set forth o~nd describe~--to levy a ta~ on all t~able property in the City of Delray Beach (exclusive of the taxable property within the fo~er Town of Delray) in an amount that will raise 2wenty-two ~housand Five !lundred and no/100ths Doll~-zrs (WE2,500.00), that said amount be appropriated and set aside for the pa~nent of current interest on bonds of the former City of ~elray, as set forth and described in the s2terna~tive writ of mandamus filed in said mandamus oroceedi~:,_ os in the Circuit Co~t of Beach Co~ty, Florida,; Now, ~%erefore, Ee it Resolved, that t~ere shall be, and is hereb~r appropriated for t~ ~pur?ose of paying s~ portion of the interest comin~j due durLug the fiscal yee~r 19~4-19Z~ on said bo~s described in said ~ltern~tive writ of mandat~r~s, the same beinj as follows, to-wit: De signa ti on Int e re st of Bond D~te Rate, ~o~t Bond ~~l-i~W~/14 ~ ~!,o'd'd.oo 1, ~, !~', I~, ~o. im::,rovement_ !,/~_~/20 6:5 ~Ou,O0 1/10, Ims~ roy ~ment V/1/2S ~,~ l, 000.00 io/~0 -4- C ont 'd. · ,'. s Des ignat i on Iht ere st of Bona. Date ~ate ~mount .Bond Eumbera. imt~rovement_ 4/1/26 5-:'.r;~ ~l,O00.O0 21, 35/50, 56/60, 75/80, 86/90, 9~/99, lO1/105, 111/120, 12~:~/!30, 151/!6.J, l~l/l~ ~, Sll/ &50/480, 50I/SZb, 551/580,~6 715/775, 7:56/845, Im~r ovement'- ~1"/~ 6~J 500.00 65 /7~," 80/90 ~ewer 11/~/26 6;.~ 1,O00. O0 7/~o,..~ ~4/Z9 , Im:orovement 3/1/27 *' '" . , . 5-~p 1,000 O0 2?/65 all revenuc derived from the levy of F~teen (15) mills here- after levied on all taxable property within the former City of ~' ~,] , x m~ ~-_ray for the fiscal year 19~-19~5, ~ne assessed w~.lu&tLon of all taxable property within the former City of Delray ~1, , , being ~ &89 ~16.~0 amd the levy of F~teen (l~) mills against z~ro~.er~y hereinabove-orovided, will r~se the sum of ~-,500,~ &s 28 required to be raised by the peremptory writ of manda~s hereinabove describe&. It being the purpose and intent to levy said Fifteen (l~) mills as just above stateo~, and to approi~riate the collection t~erefrom exclusively to be paid on current interest coupons coming due during the fiscal year on the bonds just above described. The ~ Collector, Clerk Treasurer of said City of Delray Beach is ~uthoriz~d directed ~o make such collection a~ pay said monies out only for the purpose of paying current interest on said bon~s. BE IT FU£1~~LVm~ ~ ~'"' -~" , That t~ re shall be '-and is hereblf levied on all taxable property w£thin the f~mer City of Delray One and ons-four (1.£~) Mills; the same levied for the psrpose of paying a portion of zhe current interest coming due during the fizcal year 19~-19Z8 on tim bonds described as follews: Designation Interest of bond Date ~te. .,mount. Bond l~umbe~'s. General S/t Improvement ~/2~/2~5 6~.~ ~7~,000.00 9 to 80, both inclusive/ The moneys collected as a result of said one and one-fourth (1.£5) mills levy are hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying the interest on the bonds as just above des- cribed, to be used for no otb.er purpose; it being the purpose ar~l intent to~levy a tax of one an~ one-fourth (1.£5) mills on the · ~ of Delray and to appropriate property located in the former Czt~ , the proceeds therefrom for the ~xclusive use and purpose of making a payment on the current interest on the bonds Just above describeo . The 9ax Collector, Clerk and 2reasurer, is authorized to set said amounts aside and to pay them out onTy for such purpose. in conflict herev~ith, ~L RESOLU~I0i;O, or parts of resolutions,/and especially that certain resolution heretoffore adopted by the City C~ncil ~t its special meeting held on September 4th, 1934, adopting a budget of esti~ated expenditures for the fiscal year 1934-1955, and other purposes is hereby repeal~ and rescinded. BE IT ~RTH~ RESOLVED that thiz resolution not to effect, repel, alter or amend that certain resolution adopted by the City Co~.cil of the City of Delray Beach, fixing and adopting a supplemental budget pertaining to the expenditures a~ revenue to be derived from the ~cipal water department. The above and foregoing resolution was cul~ adopted by a ~jority of the members of the City Council, this 8th day of October, .~. D. 1934. President of City of Delray Bea~, Fla. ~TTESTED: City Glerk o~ ~he'~o Delray Beach, Fla.