Res 131 RESOLUTION RELATIVE TO PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR THE YEAR 19Z1, AND PRIOR YEARS WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, has carefully examined the personal l~operty tax rolls of the City of Delray Beach for the years 19~l an~ prior years, and finds tm t there are num~ous places of business and citizens against whom were levied personal property taxes, who have either left the City of Delray Beach, or which business- es have been abandoned, transferred or become insolvent; and V~{EREAS, The City Council finds that in the preparation of said personal property tax rolls for the year 19Zl, and previous years, various and sundry businesses and citizens own- lng personal property subject to taxation, were inadvertently left off said tax rolls, and in the opinion of the City Council said tax rolls were discriminatory, and not Just and fair rolls and did work a hardship against the businesses and tax payers listed on said rolls. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, FloriCa, that the personal property tax rolls of said City for the year 19~l, and all prior years, be and the same are in the Judgment of the City Council uncollec$ible and the City Tax Collector is hereby authorized to abandon any collection on said rolls for the reason hereinabove stated. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the tax collector, deputy tax collector, mayor and other city officials be, ami they are hereby directed to enforce the collection of the 19~2 and 19~ delinquent personal property taxes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a statement of the delinquent personal property taxes be, and the same is hereto attached and made a part o~ this ~esolution. ADOPTED this the Sth day of i~ovem~er, A. D. 19~4. ATTEST: CitY Clerk ~ ! STATEMENT OF DELINQUENT PERSONAL TarES Years Delinquent pre.v.ious to 1932 1932 & 1933 Adams Hardware Co. 1930, 1931 Total - $65.25 $11.50 Am. Agricultural Chem. Co. 1929, 1930 " - 22.0G Arcade Beauty Salon 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931" - 20.25 2.88 Atlantic Coast Produce - None 5.90 T. L. Barton - N one 1.1~ John Bergh 1928, " - 2.40 None Bobrs Sandwich Shop 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931" - 16.20 2.30 F. N. Brown 1928, 1929, 19~0, 1931" - 136.80 None Burd Produce - None 2,30 C. Y. Byrd or Byrd & Porter 1929, 1930, 1931 " - 26.40 None The Coffee Shop - None 2.30 Carver Furniture Co. 1930, " - 11.83 Paid Operating Casa Del Rey Hotel 1929, 193G " - 196.50 Paid Cason, J. R. Senior - None 9.00 Cason, Fred - None 3.60 Cason, J. R. Junior (Apartments) - None 2.30 Davis, Dr. K. ~. 1927, 19E9, 1930, 1931" - 36.46 2.30 Davis, Jacob 1929, 1930, 1931 Deese Grocery - None 5.90 Delra~ Lumber Co. 1927, 1928, 1930, 1931" -588.00 34.50 Delray Motor 19Z?, 1928, 1929, 1930, 193~" -258.00 59.00 Delray Fertilizer 19£~, 1930, 1931 " - 49.51 5.90 Delray ~leating & Plumbing 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931" - 16 Delray Beach News - None Paid Operating Delray Drug. Co. 1929, 19ZO, 1931 East Coast Produce - None 1932 Bond part unpaid. Farmers Supply 1927 (all other years paid) 11.25 10.35 Flamingo Service Stn. - None 3.45 Fitch, Mrs. A.S. 1931 - 1.90 None Firestone Sandwich Shop 19~0, 1931 - 8.?0 1932 & 33 paid. Fisher, Inc. 1931 - 22.00 1932 & 33 paid. Statement of Delinquent Personal Taxes, Page 2. Years Del. in.Quent ~revioua to 1932. 1932 & 1933 Friedlander, Roy 1930 ,1931-$ 8.?0 $ 3.00 Fruit Growers Exchange 1927 ,1928 ,1929, 1930 1931- 27.31 1932 & 33 paid, Matt & Mery Gracey 1928, 1929 - 15.00 None. George, A. 1929, 1931-124.60 18.40 Grand 5 & 10 - None 4.60 Havird Grocery 19Z8, 1930, 193I- 2O,?O None Hollarn, E. F. Laundry - None 4.60 Harvel, G.W. 1927, 1928, 19£9, 1930, 1931-171,75 None Helland, 0. (For pigeons) - None 17.70 ~[uet, Rene (Poolroom) 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930' 1931- 63.60 None Illsley, Mrs. 1931- 15.E0 Piad. Johnson, C. N. (For pigeons) - None l?.?0 Johnston, W.J. 19E?, 1928,1 929, 1930, 1931-28.80 1.73 Jelks, W. 0. (Realty Office) 19E?, 1928, 1929-10.50 None Jurney's Blacksmith Shop 1928, 1929, 1930- 29.50 2.30 Knechtel, ~. S · 1929, - 6.00 None Ketler's Sweet Shop 1931- ll.0O Paid Kentucky House 1931- 35.20 Paid Kenyon Apts. - None 8.85 Knox, M. T. (Grocery Store) 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931- 48.00 None Link, F.H. 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931-90.75 3.60 Love Dr~g Go. 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931-116.25 19.?0 Miller, A.L. 1927, 1928, 19Z9, 1930, 1931- 86,40 Miller, A.W. 19~0, 1931- 13.05 Pai~ Fred Morgan's Blookyar~ 1927, - 4.50 None Nqvers, J. 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931-99.75 Paid Moore, Glint 1928, 1929, 19~0, 1931-283.50 11.80 HcLaren, C.N. 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931-13.20 None Ocean City Lumber Co192~, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931-894.00 1932 & 1933 Oper- ating portion paid Naeco Realty Co. - None Nlc ~s Barber Shop - None 1.1§ Statement of Delinquent Personal Taxe~, Page 3. y_ears Delin%uent prev..ious to 193E. 1932 & 1933 TOTAL TOTAL Nichols, L. J. (0ffiae) 19~0, 19~1-$1§.23 $ ~ovelty Dress Shop 1551- 22.00 Paid Page, E.T. 1927, 1928, 19E9, 1930, 1931-86.40 Paid Parker, D. H. (Residence 19£7, 1928, 19E9, 1930 1931- EA .00 None Pa~s Semite Stn. 19E8, 1929, 19~0, 19~1- 24.~0 ~.~O Paint Store, The 19E8, 19E9, 19~0, 19~1- 81.00 %.60 P~ltry ~rket, (C. N. Jonson) - None 1,9~ ~lnoe, N. E, 19E8, 19E9, 19~0, 19~1- E8.~6 Piggly Wiggly 19E~, 19E8, 19E9, l~0, 19Zl-lEZ.~0 Pai~ ~ Tea Store 19E7, 19~0, - ~.E~ Paid Ramo~ Court Apts. - None ~.~ Red Cross Pha~acylgE~, 19E9, 19~, 19~I -Sl.O0 ~0den's 19~?, 19E8, l~Eg, 19~O, 1951-~6.80 Paid Rista Hotel 19 ~, 19~l- l~ .%0 Paid Robert's Grocery - None ll Sanitar~ Fish ~ket 19E~, 19E8, 19E9, 1931- 49.50 1.15 Scott, E. H, 19~ - 1.E0 None Seacrest Hotel 1929, 19E8, 19~, 1931-2Z2.80 Paid Service Garage 1927, 1928, 1929, 19~0, 1931- 72.01 E.30 Sinks, I.J. 19~?, 1928, 19~9, 1930, 19~1-96.00 S~dy Fertilizer 19Z7, 1928, 1929, 1930, 19~1-~5.00 5.~5 $terli~, Maria K. 19E8, 19E9 - 5.40 None South ~'la. Roofi~ Co. - None 5.90 Thieme, John 192~, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931-96.00 11.80 ~mner Eadio Shop 19~1- 11.00 None ~elner~n, Hoe 1927, 1928, 19E9, 1930, 19~1 144.00 11.50 ~agner, L. A. (ResidenoelgZS, 19Z9, 1930, 1931- 13.EO None Wagner's Bake~ 19~, - 16.88 ~1 other years paid on ?~uepper, ~. S. (Pigeons) - None