02-17-61SpMtg FEBRUARY 17, 1961.
A Special meeting of the City Council of Delray Beach was held
in the Council Chambers at 8:30 A.M., with Mayor George V. Warren
in the Chair, City Manager George Mingle, City Attorney Richard
Zimmerman and Council~aen A1 C. Avery, Dugal G. Campbell, Glenn
Sundy and John A. Thayer being present.
Mayor Warren called the meeting to order and announced that same
had been called for the purpose of meeting with the Inter-Racial
Committee and for any other business which may come before the meeting.
Mr. 0. F. Youngblood, member of and speaking in behalf of the
Inter-Racial Committee, discussed with the council the desires of
the committee concerning additional facilities for the Educational
program of Carver High School, upon conclusion of which Mrs. Catherine
Strong read the following committee request:
"February 16, 1961
"Honorable City Commissioners
City of Delray Beach
Delray Beach, Florida
"Since last November your Inter,Racial Committee has been
studying educational facilities in Delray Beach for Negroes.
We have used the Palm Beach County School Survey prepared
b~ the Florida State Department of Education which you ob-
tained for us.
"As a result of the study we herewith attach our recom-
mendations to you. We are hopeful you will concur with
them, and forward same on to the Palm Beach County School
Board at the earliest possible time, so they may consider
them before too much progress is made on plans for expansion
of the Carver High School Building.
"Our Committee believes this project to be of the utmost
importance to our community.
/s/ 0. F. Youngblood, Chairman
Inter-Racial C ommittee"
"The Delray Beach Inter-Racial Committee has studied at
length the Palm Beach County School Survey of~ March, 1960.
This survey was conducted by the Florida State Department~
of Education, and contains, IA Proposed School Plant Program
for Palm Beach County. I
"We note the following proposals for the Delray Beach Negro
Survey Page 155 -- subject -- Spady Elementary School.,
Grades t- 6, Enrollment 1~36, Desirable capacity 1150.
The recommendation is: - to transfer all ? - 8 grades to
Carver Junior Senior High School when facilities become
available. Elementary pupils in excess of 1150 should be
transferred to the proposed new elementary school "F".
Survey page 159-- subject -- new elementary school "F".~
New elementary school "F" in vicinity of Carver High
School to relieve the over-load at Spady Elementary School.
Estimated cost: $523,550.00.
Survey Page 135 -- subject -- Carver High School,
grades 9-12.
These buildings have an estimated desirable capacity
of 5~0 pupils. According to Table III page 177 of Survey,
the enrollment of Carver High School in 1960 was:
Grades 7 - 9 157
Grades 10 - 12 205
Total --~
FEBRUARY 17, 1961.
"It is the recommendation of the Survey that Carver be made
into a Junior-Senior High School, and new facilities be con-
structed at an estimated cost of $237,900.00. This new
building would provide additional facilities for 429 pupils.
This is to take ~care of ?th and 9th grade pupils from Spady
and new school !'F", and some overflow from Poinciana School
in Boynton Beach.
"Poinciana School has an estimated desirable capacity of
330 pupils, and at the time of this survey there were 523
pupils enrolled. It was recommended that 7th and 8th grades
from this school be assigned to Carver.
"After much thought and discussion by the Inter-Racial
Committee, we wish to strongly recommend that Carver High
School NOT be made into a Junior-Senior institution.
"It is the consensus of opinion of educators that it is not
wise from many standpoints to have such a wide spread of
ages in one school. It was from this concept that the Junior
High S0hool idea was born. Such crowded conditions as~oare
bound to occur, and such close association of different ages
will, we fear, foster delinquency, and not be for the be~t
interests of either pupils or community.
"Now, while the state has acknowledged a need to spend
$661,440. on Negro Schools in the Delray Beach district,
we wish to offer another plan.
"Keep Spady Elementary School -- Grades 1 - 6.
Build new elementary school "F" as proposed --Grades 1 - 6.
"Now instead of adding to carver High School and housing both.
Junior and Senior Schools together, we recommend and strongly
urge building a new Junior High School. If feasible and ade-
quate this Junior High School could serve as a consolidated
school, and serve areas other than Delray Beach.
"It is a matter of grave concern to this Committee that so
many of the Carver pupils drop out in the llth and 12th
grades~ A Truant Officer for the South part of Palm Beach
County is badly needed.
"A new Junior High School would relieve Carver High School
of its present 9th Grade and leave Grades 10, 11 and 12.
Since it is most important that as many as possible avail
themselves o~-'~e educational and cultural background of a
complete High School training, we propose making an effort
to attract more pupils to finish by adding the extra
facilities of a South Palm Beach County Industrial Arts
Center at Carver High School, which would offer courses in:
Electrical Work
Architectural Drawing & Blue-printing
beauty Culture ~
Thus, our educational program for Negroes would be well rounded
with: Two Elementary Schools
One Junior High School
One Senior High School offering both academic and
industrial arts courses.
Respectfully submitted,
Delray Beach Inter-Racial Committee
/s/ O. F. Youngblood, Chairman"
2 2-17-61
FEBRUARY 17, 1961.
Mr. Sundy moved that the Council endorse the recommendati~ns
in the Inter-Racial Committee's report and a committee from the
Council, if not the entire City Council, together with members
of the Inter-Racial Committee, take said report to the County
School Board and do a sales job, also that the City Manager
write an endorsement for signatures to take with said report.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Avery and carried unanimously.
Mr. Warren stated that this is in keeping with President
Kennedyts telegrams to the fifty governors of the states advising
the governors to get behind new schools and road building programs
throughout their states.
The Inter-Racial Committee was complimented on the work and
study they are doing by the Council.
M~So Strong invited the City Council to attend the next meeting
of the Inter-Racial Committee at which time they expect to discuss
Urban Renewal.
The meeting adjourned at 9:10 A.M. on motion by ~.~. Sundy.
R. D, WORTH!NG. ~ .....
City Clerk
3 2-17-61
~BRU RY 17 1961.~