02-27-61 I:'Et~UARY 27, 196],. A regular meeting of the City Council of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 8:00 P.M., with Mayor George V. Warren in the Chair, Cit. y 5Lanager George Mingle, City Attorney Richard F. Zimmerman and Councilmen /%1 C, Avery, Dugal G. Campbell and Glenn B. Sundy being present. An opening prayer was delivered by the Rev. Stewart Austin. On motion by Mr. Sundy, seconded by Mr. Campbell and unanimously carried, the minutes of February 20, 1961, meeting were approved. Councilman Avery recognized and introduced Mr. R. C. Millikan. a friend and City Commissioner from his home town of Greensboro, N.~. Mr. $. L. Patterson presented the following petition signed by 55 individuals: "We, the undersigned, residents and property owners of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, who reside in and about the affected area, hereby join together and respectfully petition the City of Delray Beach to effect the following zone change: "Rezone the property between N.E. 1st Street and N. E. 4th Street, and from the alley in Block 65, 66, and 67 eastward to N.E. 2nd Avenue; excluding Lots 1 and 24 in Block 73, and Lot 15, Block 65 from its present zoning to a commercial zoning." C-2. Mx. Patterson stated that he had withdrawn the petition that had been presented last month as in the advertisement of same only lots 2 thru 12, Block 73, had been advertised and not all that had been requested. Mr. Sundy moved that the City Manager, the City Clerk and the City Attorney go over the petition and if it is in order to resubmit it to the Planning Board and direct them to hold a public Hearing thereon, subje ct to the withdrawal of the former petition. The motion was seconded by Mr.. Avery and carried unanimously. During discussion City Attorney Zimmerman read Section 16 of the Zoning Ordinance which is as follows~ "CHANGES AND AMEND~.~ENTS. The. City CommisSion may from time to time, on its own motion or on peti- tion, amend, supplement, change, modify or repeal by ordinance the boundaries or districts or regulations or restrictions herein estab- lished after public hearing." Mr. Campbell: "It has always been my understanding that if we get a petition covering any section whether it rs.. one lot, one block, ten blocks that when the petition goes before the Planning Board and comes again before the Council it is based on just what has been asked for, no more and no less, then if the Planning Board wants to include another area over and beyond that it should come from an action of theirs but would not be tied in with the petition that is before them." Mr. Campbell was informed that the Planning Board might recommend and submit a further recommendation to the Council after study of ~he area that possibly some adjoining land to those contained in a peti- tion might warrant their consideration for rezoning and they would pass on such recommendation in addition to their recommendations on a petition. See pages 1 & 2 of March 6, 1961 minutes for correction. ~;~yor Warren announced that he had written to Governor Bryant asking if he would attend a dedication of the New City Hall if it was convenient sometime after the 18th of March, but that the Governor had expressed his regrets, wishing all good luck and was proud to be governor of a state in which community progress is a rule rather than the exception. Mayor Warren stated that a date had not been set for the dedication. 2-27-61 FEBRUARY 27, 1961. Mayor Warren read the following letter from Ellis F. Altman, Direc- tor of Palm Beach County Civil Defense, dated February 21, 1961: "The Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization just completed a prototype family fallout shelter at 21 Country Club Road, Golfview, West Palm Beach, Florida· "This shelter is of the above ground type and is equipped with the necessary supplies to sustain life for a minimum of two weeks· "Formal opening of this shelter will take place on Friday afternoon, March $, 1961 from two to five. Following opening day, it will be open for public inspection daily at the same hours. "We would appreciate the honor of your presence at this opening. There will be ample parking space·" }~yor Warren announced that a date would be set later for a meeting with the Fiscal Agent C. T. ~.icCreedy, concerning financing for proposed sewage disposal program. It was suggested that such meeting would follow the caucus meeting on Monday, March Mayor Warren read a communication from the Delray Beach Fire Department thanking the Council for approving the ~200.00 donation toward the expenses of the Annual Convention of the Florida State Firemens Association that will be held in Delray Beach this year. Mayor Warren read items of interest to the Council from the Beautification Committee ~/Ieeting minutes of Thursday, February 23rd as follows: "On a motion by }~r. Knowles, seconded by ~{r. Schmidt, the Committee accepted with regret, the resignation of Mr. ~ilton Boone. Mr. Boone felt that it was not equitable to have a nursery owner on the Committee. "Mr. Bach suggested that an attorney should be on the Committee. Mr. Ellin~sworth made a motion; seconded by ~lr. Knowles, that John Ross Adams be appointed. Motion carried unanimously. "A motion was made by Mr. Schmidt, seconded by Mr. Sante, that the President of the Beardmof Realtors also serve on the Committee. Motion passed unanimously. "After a report by Nr. Sante concerning the establishment of a city nursery, Nr. Schmidt was appointed to co-ordinate individual donations of suitable trees and shrubs. Assistance in the selection of the donations to be given by Mr. Sante and Mr. Brown." Concerning the above Beautification Committee minutes, it was moved by ~lr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Avery and carried unanimously that Mr. Milton Boone's resignation be accepted. It was then moved by Mr. Avery, seconded by Mr. Campbell and carried unanimously that Mr. John Ross Adams and the President of the Board of Realtors be appointed as members of said committee. (Stuart Lankton is president of the Board of Realtors.) Councilman Campbell, Chairman of the Committee to look into insurance program for the City Employees made the following report~ "1. Meg.t$ngs . Two official meetings were held on February 20th and 24th with all members of the committee in attendance. Also present were representatives of several insurance companies. -2- 2-27-61 FEBRUARY 27, 1961. "2. ~haDqes Suq~este,d in Ori~inal P19n a. Hospitalization - It was decided to change the coverage under'Miscellaneous Hospital Expenses' from paid in full to a limit of $$20.00 plus 75~ of the next $2,000.00 of expenses. b. Life Insurance - It was decided to change the number of classes from four to six, thus providing a greater range of incentive. "3, ~ecommen.dat %OhS ~ype of Plan~ ~ Hospital and Surgical Benefit~ 1. Thirty one days pez,.hospital confinement. 2. Room and board allowance of ~1~.00 per day 3. ~laternity benefits - Normal delivery $150.00 and Caesarean $250.00, 4. Miscellaneous hospital services - First $320.00 in full plus 75~o of next $~,000.00. 5. Emergency room service - Up to $50.00. In-hospital medical care - $5.00 per call up to 50 treatments maximum. 7.Surgical operations- Up to $250.00. 8.In-hospital medical benefits - UP to $250.00. Insurance Benefits - Employes Only 1. Accidental death and dismemberment - Occupational and non-occupational. Acc.Death& 2. Amount of insurance: Life Dismem- Class B?.sic Wgek~y,, Sa~arV Insurance berm~ut --I--Earnin~s ~ver $173' $~$-~,000. 2 Earnings from $129 to$173 7,500. 7,~00. 3 Earnings from $ 95 to$129 5,000. 5,000. 4 Earnings from $ 77 rcs 95 3,000. 3,000. 5 Earnings from $ 66 rcs 77 2,000. 2,000~ 6 Earnings below $ 65 1,000. 1,000. "City Participation: That the city pay 50~ of the cost of the employe coverage for hospitalization and 50~ of the cost of the employe life insurance. That the employe be permitted to include his dependents under the hospitalization plan at his own expense. "'4. Conclusion The c6~mittee feels that this group hospitalization and insurance plan will afford the city employes an adequate insurance program superior to most cities in Florida and at a nominal cost. (Motion to accept bids on this insurance program )" Mr. Campbell also stated that there had been ~7,000,00 set up in the budget this year for employee insurance, and if this plan can be put into effect he believes it can be done for less than the budgeted figure, Mr. Campbell then moved that this program be O.K.'d and that the City Manager be authorized to ask for bids based on this and this only. Mr. Avery asked that Mr. Campbell include in his motion that the Insurance Agents representing the companies that bid the first time be the only recognized agents for those companies which they sub- mitted, giving his reason for such a request. Mr. Campbell did not include such addition to his motion. Mr. Avery then moved that this program be O.K.'d and that the City Manager be authorized to ask for bids based on this and this only, stipulating that the men be the recognized agent for the companies that they represented on the original bid. -3- 2-27-61 FEBRUARY 27, 1961. Following lenthy discussion and comments, Mr. Avery's motion was seconded by Mr. Sundy. Upon roll call, Mr. Avery, Mr. Sundy and Mayor Warren voted in favor of the motion. ~.ir. Campbell being oposed. Mayor Warr~n then~'.ed~phmented Cou~cilm~.'n Camlmb~ll an-~ the com- 'mittee' on their, goo~. work.and st..udy thane was~put into th'is 'proposed" insurance program for city employees. City Clerk Worthing submitted the following bids that had been solicited for a new fire rescue truck and stated that it was the recommendation of the City Manager and the Fire Chief that the low bi~ be accepted: Adams Chevrolet Company $2,286 57 Westward Motors Company $2,655~00 Mr. Sundy moved that the low bid be accepted if it meets all the required specifications· The motion was seconded by }/Ir. Avery and ca rried unanimous ly · At the request of the Council, the Palm Beach County School Board was contacted concerning a possible meeting with the City Council and Inter-Racial committee concerning the school problems in this immediate.area and the City Manager reported that said meeting could be on ~.'iarch 8th at 2:00 P.M. if desired, which was agreed upon. City Clerk Worthing read RESOLUTION NO. 1815. "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ASSESSING COSTS FOR ABATING NUISANCES UPON CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED WITHIN SAID CITY: SETTING OUT ACTUAL COSTS IN- CURRED BY SAID CITY TO ACCOHPLISH SUCH ABATE- ~iENT AND LEVYING THE COST OF SUCH ABATEMENT OF SAID NUISANCES, AND DECLARING SAID LEVY TO BE A LIEN UPON SAID PROPERTY IN AN /U, IOUNT AS SHOWN BY REPORT OF THE CITY MANAGER OF DELRAY BEACH, FLOR IDA. "~IEREAS, the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, did, in reg~ilar session held on November 7th, 1960, enact Resolution No. 1~87, and on December 5th, 1960, enact Resolution No. 1299, declaring the existence of a nuisance upon certain lots or parcels of land therein described for violation of the provisions of Ordinance G-147; and "WHEREAS, pursuant to said Resolutions, the City Clerk of said City did furnish each of the owners of the lands therein des- cribed with a notice that the City Council would sit on November 21st, 1960, at 8:00 o'clock P.!.i., at the City Hall in Delray Beach, Florida, for the purpose of allowing the owners shown in Resolution No. 1287, and on December 19th, 1960, at 8:00 o'clock P.M., at the City Hall in Delray Beach, Florida, for the purpose of allowing the owners shown in Resolution No. 1299, to show cause, if any, why said nuisances described in said resolutions should not be abated; and "~'~HEREAS, pursuant to said notices, the Council of said City did sit on November 21st, 1960, at 8:00 o'clock P.H., and on December 19th, 1960, at 8:00 o'clock P.M., at the City Hall in Delray Beach, Florida, for the purpose aforesaid, and said owners of the lands hav- ing failed to show cause why the nuisance described in the aforesaid resolutions should not be abated, the said City Council did, on the scheduled hearing dates as provided and shown herein, resolve that a nuisance existed on the lots or parcels therein described for viola- tion of the Ordinance G-147 as aforesaid, and further resolved that each of the owners described in said resolutions be notified and re- quired to abate the nuisance within thirty (~O) days from the receipt of a copy of such resolution, otherwise, in default thereof, said owners were notified that the City of Delray Beach, Florida, would enter upon said lands and abate the nuisance described and specified in said resolution and would levy the cost of such work as an assess- ment against the property therein described; and 2-27-61' -~- 71 FEBRUARY 27, 1961. '5VHEREAS, pursuant to such resolution; the City Clerk of said City did furnish each of the respective owners of the lands described in said resolutions with an appropriate copy thereof, namely, ResolUtion No. 1294 and Resolution No. 1~04 and the owners hereinafter named did fail and neglect to abate the nuisance exist~ ing upon their respective lands within the time prescribed by said resolution and Ordinance G-14?, and the City of Delray Beach, Florida, was required to and did enter upon the following lands and incur costs in abating the nuisance existing thereon as described in the aforesaid resolutions; and "WHEREAS, the City ~'i~nager of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, has, pursuant to said Ordinance G-147 and the City Charter s,.'.bmi+.ted to the City Council a report of the costs incurred in abating the nuisances as aforesaid, said report indicating the costs per parcel of land involved. "NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the 'City of Delray Beach, Florida, as follows: 1. That assessments in the individual amounts as shown by the report of the City ~.,L~nager of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, involving said City's cost of abating the aforesaid nuisances upon the lots or parcels of land described in said report, a copy of wh±ch is attached and made a part hereof, are levied against the parcels of land described on said report and in the amount indicated thereon. Said assessments so levied shall be a lien from the date the assess- ment becomes effective upon the respective lots and parcels of land described in said report, of the same nature and to the same ex'[:ant as the lien for general city taxes and shall be collectible in the same manner and with the same penalties and under the same provisions as to sale and foreclosure as city taxes are collectible. 2-, That the City Clerk of said City shall record a certified copy of this resolution in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court 'in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, and shall furnish to each of the owners named in and upon said report, a notice that the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, will sit as a Board of Equalization at the City Hall in Delray Beach, Florida, on the lSth day of March, 1961, at 8:00 o'clock P.M., to hear and con- sider any and all complaints as to the assessments shown herein and the said City Council shall adjust and equalize the same on a basis of justice and right and when so equalized and approved, such assess.~, ments shall stand confirmed and remain legal, valid and binding obligations upon the property against which said assessments are levied; such assessments after equalization adjustment and hearing shall draw interest at the rate of 6% per annum until fully paid. ~. After equalization and upon approval of such assessments, the same shall be forthwith payable together with any interest thereon accrued. PASSED AND ADOPTED at regular session on the 27th day of February, A.D., 1961. Georqe V. Warren /s/ ' ATTEST: Robert D. Worthinq_/.s/ ..... City clerk .... -5- 2-27-61 FEBRUARY 27, 1961. COST OF ABATING NUISANC_~ _U~.p~ER r ,-.- ORDINANCE, NO. De,s c,,,r, iotion . . _Owne~ ~/~_s essme,,nt ,Lot Blo c.._.__.~k S/,D 8 69 Louis S. Brizzo!ara $ 5.58 3837 N. Kenmore Chicago, Ill. El6' of Lot 11 & Crestwood J.A. & G.V. Minch 5.58 all of Lot 12 2782 Milita~ Ave. Port Huron, Mich. E60' of W 238.26' Section Jean Cleaver 5.88 of N~ of Lot 29 9-46-48 P.O. Box 152 ~ynton ~ach, Fla. S 16 Sea,re "A" Helen E. Hoehn 5.58 801 N. Crestway Wichita 8, Kan. 7 55 Helen Schneider 50.00 228 Ellsworth Bridge~rt ' S, Conn. 2 Seaspray Jeannette' H. Resor 6.08 Estate 22 Seabreeze Ave. Delray ~ach, Fla. 25 Ocean ~ach ~yview Limite~ 28.46 c/o ~llett,Whltney & Patton Hamilton, Bermuda 38 & 39 7 Osceola Park Oscar B. Sabin 18.81 P.O. Box 93 Tavernier, Fla, 18 & 19 13 Osceola Park Tillie Gol~erg 5.58 7401 W. EiGht Mile Rd. ~troit 21, Mich. It was moved by Mr. Sundy, seconded by ~Ir. Campbell and unenimously carried that Resolution No. 1315 be adopted. Regarding Ordinance No. G-889, City Attorney ZiEe~n had ~en instructed to get an opinion from the Attorney General of the State of Florida re~rdinq the legality of shutting off water if the garage bill was left unpaid a~ informed the Council that he had received a reply to his inqui~ as follows dated February 24, 1961: "This is in response to your letter of February 14 wherein you i~uire as to whether or not a munioi~lity ~y bY ordinan~ authorize the dis- ~ntinuance of water service for non-payment of sewer charges. "In this regard I direct your attention to State v. City of Miami, Fla., 27 So. 2d. 118, wherein the Flori~ Supreme Court said at page 126: 'It is uniformly held that the city may cut off the water being furnished by the city to a oons~er when such ~umer fails to ~y the water bill. See 67 C.J. 1266 and ~ny cases cited therein, includinq }~iami Water Co. v. City of ~.'~iami, 101 Fla. 506, 184 So. 592. -6- 2-27-61 FEBRUARY 27, 1961. 'It appears to us that if no constitutional rights of the owneY or occupant of premises are violated by shutting off the water for nonpayment of the water bill, no such right will be violated by shut- ting off the water for nonpayment of the bill for use of the sewage disposal system, the two services being so interlocked that neither can be effective without the other. 'This was recognized in the case of Gatton V. City of Mansfield, 67 Ohio App. 210, 36 N.E. 2d 306.' "Trusting the above cited authority adequately answers your question, I remain Sincerely, Richard W. Ervin Attorney General" City Attorney Zimmerman then read ORDINANCE NO. G-389. "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, A},{ENDING ORDINANCE NO.. G-222 PASSED AND ADOPTED IN REGULAR SESSION ON THE 20TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1955, PROVIDING FOR THE CHANGING OF THE RATE SCHEDULE AND },~ETHOD OF BILLING." It was moved by Mr. Campbell that Class 3, Apartment Houses, of Ordinance No. G-389, should be amended to read as follows: "~1.00 for first living Unit PLUS $0.25 per each Unit thereafter." The motion was seconded by l':ir. Sundy and carried unanimously. Following discussion, Mayor Warren informed the public that there would be a public hearing on Ordinance No. G-389 at March 6th meeting and also asked that the Dress give these proposed rates some publicity. City Attorney Zimmerman read ORDINANCE NO. G-390. "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AI.~ENDING SECTIONS 23-18 and 23-19, REPEALING 23'20, AND RENU~.[BERING 23-21 OF THE CITY'S CODE OF ORDINANCES PERTAINING TO THE HEI~I~T OF HEDGES, SHRUBS, WALLS AND OTHER STRUCTURES. "WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida has determined that the City's Code of Ordinances pertaining to the height of hedges, shrubs, walls and other structures at or near intersections must be clarified in the interest of public safety, "NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That section 23-18 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach is amended to read as follows: "Hedges, shrubs_, walls and_stru.g.tures-maxim-~m Heioht_ ogrmittg.d (a) No tree, hedge or shrub shall be planted, and no wall or structure of any kind which would obstruct vision shall be erected nearer than five feet the edge of the pavement of the traveled part of any street or highway. This does not include alleys. -7~ FEBRUARY 27, 1961, (b) No tree, hedge or shrub which may normally be expected to attain a height in excess of three feet may be planted, and no wall or structure of any kind which would obstruct vision may be erected higher than three feet at any intersection in a triangle formed as follows: two legs of the triangle are formed by the intersecting edges of the pavements and are each forty feet in length measured from' the point of intersection, the third leg is formed by connecting the ends of the first two legs by a straight diagonal line. (c) Authority for the inspection, approvai and direction of all plantings or erection of structures in accor- dance with the foregoing stipulations of this paragraph is hereby vested in the Director of Public Works, who shall also have authority to alter the above stipulations, if necessary, to provide a safe distance of unobstructed vision at intersection." SECTION 2. That section 23-19 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach is amended to read as follows: "The city may, after giving such owner five days to correct any violation hereunder trim such hedge or shrub to the proper height and assess the cost thereof against the property on which such hedge or shrub is planted." SECTION 3. That section 23-9.0 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach is hereby re~ealed. SECTION 4. That section Z3-~.l of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach is hereby renumbered to 9.$-20. PASSED AND ADOPTED this .day of _ 1961 ATTEST: '-' CITY First I~eading. Feb..13._ 1961. Second Reading There being no objections to Ordinance No. G-390, it was moved by ~:ir. Sundy, seconded by ~r. Campbell and unanimously approved to adopt said Ordinance on this second and final reading. City Attorney Zinuuerman read ORDINANCE NO. G-391 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AI,~NDINC SUB-PARAGRAPH (c) OF PARAGRAPH 8 OF SECTION (12) OF ORDINANCE G-353 BY PER~,~ITTING THE PLANTING OF TREES IN THE TEN FCOT STRIP REFERRED TO THEREIN. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION of Ordinance 8-383 be amended to read as follows: "No obstruction of any kind or nature, whether temporary or permanent, artificial or natural, transitory or otherwise shall be perraitted within the area between the street line, as located thirty (30) feet from the centerline o.f said thorouqhfares and the building setback line, as herein established forty (49) feet from the center- line of said thoroughfares except that canopies and marquees will be permitted to be placed over this 10 foot strip. -8' 2-27-61 FEBRUARY 27, 1961. Shrubbery may also be planted in this 10 foot strip, but shall not exceed 8 feet in height. The planting of trees in this ten (10) foot strip is also permitted, but is subject to regulation by the Department of Public Works, to make certain that proper vision is maintained at intersections and so that the public welfare and safety may be protected." PASSED AND ADOPTED this the__day of February, 1961. ATTEST: CITY CLERK First Reading .............. Second Reading In general discussion, Mr. Campbell sited the fact that if placed under the supervision and control of the Director of Public Works, that such procedure might be subject to influence from pressure groups and questioned if such delegation of supervision and enforce- ment of the ordinance was deemed proper. There being n~ further discussion, Ordinance No. G-391, it was moved by ~,ir. Sunny and seconded by Mr. Avery that said Ordinance be adopted on this second and final reading. Upon call of roll, Avery, Mr. Sundy and I:Iayor Warren voted in favor of the motion and Mr. Campbell abstained from voting. City l.hnager Mingle submitted two communications to the Council concerning additional expense at the new City Hall, as follows~ "To: ~ir. George Mingle, City ~i%nager From: 3ohn R. Gregory, Fire Chief Subject:City Hall; Fire Extinguishers Required Upon inspection of the new City Hall Building on N. W. 1st Avenue, ~ the Fire In~pector, we recommend the following extinguishers be installed: Estimated Cost 9 - Soda-Agid Extinguishers @ $15.00 $ 135~00 2 lO# CO~ Extinguishers @ $39.00 78.00 1 15# COz Extinguishers 42.00 TOTAL $ ' 2"55'j00 Very truly yours, ~ohn R. Gregory ~s~" "To: George Mingle, City Manager Subject: Conduit Stub-outs - New City Hall As you know, it was necessary to extend the transformer vault at the new City Hall to provide space for the emergency generator. In the original plans conduits were stubbed out of this building to provide service to the proposed new police station, when it is erected It is necessary now to install the conduits through the floor of the extension, and stub them out beyond the new portion at the cost of $19,5. This amount should be added to the cost of the extension of the transformer vault. ~'~rk C. Fleming ~ ~s/ Director of Pu]~!ic Works -g- 2-27-61 FEBRUARY 27, 1961. FOllowing discussion it was moved by i',tr. Campbell that money to cover these expenditures be appropriated from the building fund money for the new City Hall. The motion was seconded by ~.~r. Sundy and carried unanimously. City l~.'~nager 1JIingle presented bills for approval as follows: General Fund $ 33,842.50 Water Fund - Operating Fund 354.87 On motion by Mr. Sundy and seconded by Mr. Campbell the Council unanimously approved payment of the bills. City Clerk Worthinq read the following letter from Daniel Oorham, Supervisor of Registration of Palm Beach County, dated February 20, 1961: "I would like to secure your permission and that of the City Commission, should i~ prove necessary, to have you or someone in your office operate as a deputy for this office to register voters for the county, state and national elections. "By having a deputy in Delray Beach it would enable a larger percentage of the citizens of your city to register, and at a greater convinence than before. "Please advise me as to how we can bring this desired step into reality. Yours for Good Government, Daniel Gorham/s / Supervisor of Registration" l~r. Campbell moved that action be taken to make certain that ~ do have that deputy. The motion was seconded by Mr. Sundy and carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.LI. on motion by lm.~r. Sundy. R, D, WORTHING · ~ _~ -C.ity- Cleri~ -lO- 2-27-61