03-06-61SpMtg MARCH 6, 1961.
A special meeting of the City Council of Delray Beach was held
in the Council Ch~ubers at 8:00 P.M., with Mayor George V. Warren
in the Chair, City Manager George Mingle, City Attorney Richard F.
Zimmerman and Councilmen A1 C. Avery, Dugal G. Campbell and Glenn
B. Sundy being present.
An opening prayer was delivered by City Attorney Richard F.
Concerning the Council minutes of February 27th meeting, Mr.
Campbell stated that there was one matter he would like to ask for
clearance on as follows: "Last week I asked --- IA petition cover-
ing any section whether it was one lot, one block, or ten blocks,
that when the petition goes before the Planning Board and comes
again before the Council, based on Just what has been asked for
no more and no less, then if the Planning Board wants to include
another area over and beyond that, it should come from an action
of theirs, but not be tied in with the petition, t The answer that
was published in the minutes says that I was informed that the
Planning Board might recommend and submit a further recommendation
to the Council after study of the area; that possibly some adjoining
land to those contained in the petition might warrant their conslder.~
ation for rezoning and they would pa~$ on such recommendation in ad-
dition to their recommendations on a petition. Ilve asked for clear-
ance on that as to whether or not it meant that it is two separate
actions now included in the one. That is the question I asked last
week and I would like to ask it again because Ilm not ready to accept
this answer, further Illl say the answer is not clear."
Attorney ZimmeEnan: "Let me attempt to clarify that. As it is
written, that is correct, but let me just say this----they can make
further recommendations but if they are going to rezone additional
property that was not petitioned it would be necessary to have an~
other hearing so anyone affected by that would have a chance to say
something. In other words, they might find that it would be better
to extend it, but they would have a further hearing or additional
hearing on the additional area so that those people would have a
chance to be heard."
Mayor Warren: "Without the recommendation of the Council?'?
Attorney Zimmerman: "They wouldntt have a further hearing with~
out the recommendation. They would give you the recommendation and
you in turn, if you went along with the recommendation, would say
that a hearing would be held."
Mr. Campbell: "The basic question that I asked was whether the
Planning Board would or do have the authority to ~change the area that
is covered by a petition presented to them by an interested group or
by one citizen to either add to it or to decide to take f~om it, with-.
out the request of the people who are making the petition.'~
Attorney Zimmerman: "There would be no action taken upon any
additional part but it is obvious that there might be occasion when
Mr. Campbell: "I'm still not making my point clear. Not only
additions to, but taking from the lands that are covered."
Attorney Zimmerman: "There could be certain instances and it
depends a little bit on how the petition is worded. If someone
quests two lots to be rezoned, rather than rezoning both of them they
might rezone one of the two; if they could be considered separate and
no one would be harmed. There might be instances when it could not
be divided but I have to admit there are some instances when I think
it very well could be. It depends a little bit on the equity of the
situation. I have to say yes, that I think it
Mr. Campbell: "You haven,t answered yet---will you give me the
authority for it. A party petitioning for a certain section whethe2
it be one lot or ten lots, he hasn,t asked that one, two, four, six
or nine be rezoned, he has asked for ten. He hasn't asked for twelve
or fourteen, he has asked for ten. Now, he or those who object or
those who favor might not want One, two, six or any, they want on~
what they petitioned for. I~d like to !mow the authority that gives
the Planning Board the right to change that."
Y~RCtl 6th, 1961.
Attorney Zimmerman: "They do not have authority to make any
changes without people in those other additional areas being noti-
fied and being heard but there will obviously be some instances in
the planning of the City when you are going through the changes in
one a~ea.that they see an adjoining area they want to point out to
the Council that they might want to consider because the Council
can rezone."
Mm. Campbell: "But they are not changing the original Petition."
Attorney Ztmmerman: "No, they a~e not. They are not changing
the original petition but they are making some additional reco~m~end-
ations and would have to be acted on separately."
Mm. Cmm~bell: "MY question was: Have they the authority to
change an original petition by either taking from or adding to?"
Attorney Zimmerman: "Itl1 say no."
Mr. Sundy then moved that the minutes of February 2?th,. 1961
meeting be approved.
Mm. Campbell answered: "Itd like to have the minutes corrected
as to the answer that I received and that the minutes of this meeting
carry the answer that I have Just received."
Mr. Campbell then seconded the motion, subject to that correc-
tion, which upon call of roll carried unanimously.
Mm. Ward Robinson addressed the Mayor and Council as follows:
"I address you as a citizen and a taxpayer of Delray Beach,
and not in any other capacity.
"I have not been able to attend all the recent meetings of
the Council at which have been discussed the various aspects
of the sewage problem, so it is probable that I am not
entirely Pup-to-date'. I confess, too, that t am not quali-
fied to discuss in detail the techniques or the costs and
expenses of the oxidation of sewage or itts disposal by any
other means.
"Nevertheless, and still as a taxpayer, I am willing to walk
the plank, as it were, and challenge (AND IN THE STRONGEST
P0~SIBLE TERMS) the validity of what now appears to be a de-
cision that there are two alternatives, and ONLY two, which
may - or should - be considered feasible in a consideration
of this problem. These are, (1) an ocean outfall, and, (2)
a treatment plant to be located some l0 miles to the west
with the effluent therefrom carried back to the Intracoastal
"Presently, the City owns a number of plots of land .within
the corporate limits, as well as a ten acre plot Just over
the line to the south (the present ~Ctty Dump~). In my
opinion, A number of these plots merit strong consideration
as a site for an adequate treatment plant. I am not suggest-
ing that such sites have not been considered. I do suggest
that an erroneous ptcutre of the near-term needs of this City
may have been crystallized, and I do suggest that, instead of
a monumental installation running to some two to three million
dollars or more, we may well be able to serve our needs for
some years to come with an installation costing something
under a million dollars. I suspect that hundreds of other
small municipalities over the Continent, the North American
continent, have served their sewage problem in this fashion
"I do not intend to try to pick a fight, with our engineers
or with the consultants. I simply feel that good business
administration of the affairs of this city dictate that more
detailed investigation of all other alternatives than the two
that I have heard about is of very great importance.
"Now, since I put this together, today I have heard that
there are in existence in the United States a number of
small sewage disposal plants (which I think are treatment
plants) one of which I understand is in Milwaukee(which is
the oldest large City in the United States to make use of
sewage treatment). These plants are new but they are the
result of inventive work of a group of Swedish Engineers.
Licenses are said to be available to American Citizens.
It is understood that the cost of a plant is fractional as
-2- 3-6-61
~ARCH 6th, 1961.
compared to other plants, and that the cost of operation
is very much less than is the case in other types of pro-
cessing plants."
It was moved by Mr. Campbell that the City Manager be asked to con-
tact the authorities in Milwaukee to find out what type of plant
they are using and get as much information as possible for us from
that city or any other city as it may be made part of Our study.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Sundy and carried unanimously.
Attorney John Ross Adams, in behalf of Mr. Roig who has a
petition for rezoning of Lot 21, Block D., Palm Beach Shore Acres
that is scheduled to come before the Council tonight asked that
it not come before the Council for consideration tonight but that
it be postponed for one week in order that Mr. Roigts regular
Attorney, Mr. Carl Gezelschap may be present at the time that it
is considered. Mr. Roig also personally asked that the matter be
postponed for one week.
~. Avery then moved that this zmtter be tabled for one week.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Sundy and upon call of roll, Mr. Avery
and Mr. Sundy voted in favor of the motion, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Thayer
and Mayor Warren being opposed. The motion did not carry.
Regarding Public Releases, Mr. Thayer reported that the Com-
munity Center group had met and they have made some recommendations
as to appropriations which have been turned over to the City Manager
for his final recommendations.
City Clerk Worthing informed the Council that there had been
an offer made by the Atlantic Realty Company of Fort Lauderdale, who
submitted a base bid, desiring to purchase a parcel of City owned
land on the South side of S. E. 10th Street, that part lying between
4th and 5th Avenues if extended, being about 330 feet square. ~.
Sundy brought to the attention of the Council that they had recently
referred all City owned property to the Planning/Zoning Board for
their study and report of the best uses for it, and moved that action
on this offer be tabled, holding the deposit if agreeable with the
submitter thereof, until such report is received. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Campbell and carried unanimously.
City Clerk Worthing informed the Council that bids had been
solicited for painting the old City Hall Building with the following
EXTERIOR - Caulking and Cement Patching where needed and
applying one full coat of best grade of oil based paint
to all exterior wood and stucco;
INTERIOR - Filling of all cracks, patching of present bare
spots and applying one full coat of best grade paint to all
interior walls, ceilings and wood trim, washing where ne-
cessary before painting and includes Jail Cells and their
iron bars, etc.
Bids received for said painting are as follows:
T. R. Wilcoxson $1,989.00
Louis L. Carter 2,238.39
Hagens, Inc. 2,316.00
W. H. Davis 2,735.00
It was moved by ~J~. Sundy and seconded by Mr. Thayer that the low
bid be accepted, with the personal supervision of the Building
Inspector and the City Manager, and that the Director of Public
Works contact the low bidder to make certain that the paints that
will be used are acceptable to him and to the City. Following
discussion and upon call of roll, Mr. Campbell, ~. Sundy, ~.
Thayer and Mayor Warren voted in favor of the motion, ~. Avery
being opoosed. Upon question as to whether this is a bonded Job,
Mr. Worthing stated that it would be.
-3- 3-6-61
City Clerk Worthing informed' the Council that bids had been
solicited from local licensed contractors to furnish and install
a Sprinkler System at the new Cityi Hall and that only one bonified
bid had been received in the amount of ~2,987:50, the second bid
received was in the form of "Cost of labor and material plus 20%
for supervision" which could not be considered. Following discussion,
Mr. Sundy moved that all bids be rejected and wait for proper plans
and specifications. The motion was seconded by ~r. Thayer and
carried unanimously
City Clerk Worthing informed the Council that bids had been
solicited on a more or less amount, principally 46,500 square feet
of sod, also on approximately 430 cu. yds. of muck, separately and
bids received are as follows:
430 cu.y~s. MUCK 430 cu.yds. Bitter-Blue stem
pulverized & worked MUCK. de- St. Augustin~e
into existing soil. livered only. grass sod.
Fertilized and graded 46,500 sq.ft.
as base for lawn.
George Rhyne
Sod Farm no bid no bid .05~ ~. ...
Dixie Landscape
& Nursery $ 2.50 " " .06~
Cart Soils & Sod 3.00 $2.00 .055~
Gold Coast Landscape
& Nursery, Inc. 3.22 no bid .08~
Mike Blank Nursery 3.70. 3.00 .08~
Boone,s Nursery 4.00 2.50 .065~
City Manager Mingle called the Councilts attention to the fact that
$2,000. is appropriated to this project and that included the sod as
well as the muck, also that there is a difference of approximately
$1,300. in the amount of money that has been appropriated and the
amount of these bids as submitted and if action is taken on these
bids as submitted it would be necessary to appropriate the difference
between $2,000.00 and the $3,300.00 from the contingency fund.
Following lengthy discussion it was moved by Mr. Sundy, seconded
by Mr. Avery and unanimously carried to ~give the contract to the low
bidder for the Muck, delivered only, at $2.00 per cu. yd. regardless
of the amount that is ordered.
It was moved by Mr. Sundy, seconded by Mr. Thayer and carried
unanimously that the low bid on sod at .05~ per square foot be
awarded to Mr. Rhyne, regardless of the amount that is ordered.
It was then moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Avery and
carried unanimously that money be appropriated from the contingency
fund to pay the difference between that which is already appropriated
for the muck and sod and what is needed.
Mayor Warren informed the Council that a request had been re-
ceived for the rezoning of Lots 1 & 2, Block 53, from C-1 otc C-2
classification. It was moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded by ~.~. Avery
and unanimously carried to refer said request to the Planning Board
for Public Hearing thereon.
City Manager Mingle read the following letter from Mr. R. J.
Wallace, Traveling Sales Representative of the Southeastern Greyhound
Lines, dated March 2nd:
"Enclosed are copies of Greyhound,s bus schedules into the
City of Delray Beach. The schedule information enclosed
reflects all Greyhound service locally, intra-state, and
inter-state buses. For thirty years Greyhound and parent
companies have been serving Delray Beach and other cities
on U. S. 1 with the finest possible inter city bus service
using the most modern types of buses. At present Greyhound
operates forty buses into Delray Beach.~ In addition to the
-4- 3-6-61
MJ~RCt! 6th, 1961.
"forty regularly scheduled buses that stop in Delray Beach
for loading and unloading, Greyhound also stops six other
buses in Del~ay Beach to discharge passengers. These six
buses are express buses from northern cities such as Toronto,
Detroit, Chicago, Boston and New York. The stops of these
six buses in Delray Beach in addition to the forty other
schedules makes it possible for passengers in all major
northern cities to ride through, no change of bus service
to Delray Beach, Florida. Delray Beach is served by through
bus service to all major cities east of a line from Chicago
to New Orleans.
"Tamiami Trail Tours, Inc. have made application to the
Florida Railroad and Public Utilities Commission to operate
buses on U. S. Highway # 1 from Ft. Lauderdale to Bunnell,
Florida. Greyhound feels that they have in the past and are
now offering to Delray Beach, Florida, adequate intercity
bus service and are providing the service necessary for the
public convenience and necessity.
"If the City Commission of Delray Beach after consideration
feels that the bus service now offered by Greyhound is ade-
quate, we request that the City Commission of Delray Beach
pass a resolution so stating and allow Greyhound to forward
said resolution to the Florida Railroad and Public Utilities
WHEREAS, Greyhound and its predecessors have served this
community for more than thirty years with adequate transportation
performed by modern intercity buses and such service has benefited
this community by fulfilling the travel needs of local citizens
and tourists, and
W/tE~S, it has corae to the attention of this Council that
Tamiami Trail Tours, Inc. has applied to the Florida Railroad
and Public Utilities Commission to serve this area, and
P~tEREAS, there is no need for additional bus service to this
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City
of Delray Beach, Florida, in special session this 6th day of March,
1961, that this Council formally requests the Florida Railroad and
Public Utilities Commission to deny the application of Tamiami Trail
Tours, Inc.
BE' IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution
be furnished The Greyhound Corporation for transmittal to the Florida
Railroad and Public Utilities Commission.
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a special meeting of the City Council of
the City of Delray Beach, Florida, on the 6th day of March, A.Do,1961.
It was moved by Mr. Sundy that the Council adopt Resolution No. 1317
and furnish copy of same to the Florida Railroad and Public Utilities
Commission. The motion was seconded by ~.~. Avery and carried unani-
mous ly.
Application for transfer of Liquor License No. 1519 issued to
the Arcade Tap Room - to Tap Room, Inc., W. Cottingham Allen, President
was presented and it was reported that approval of applicantts quali-
fications, resulting from the usual investigation of such a petition,
-5- 3-6-61
~,,~RCtt 6th, 1961.
had been made. It was moved by ~. Thayer, seconded by ~-i~. Avery
and unanimously carried to grant the request for transfer of liquor
City Attorney Zimmerman read ORDINANCE NO. G-389.
WHEREAS it is deemed necessary for the best interests of the
City of Delray Beach to revise the present rate schedule and method
of billing the garbage collection service charge and established a -
more uniform system of rates for the collection of garbage and waste,
Section 1. That Section ll, (a) and (c) be hereby amended to
read as .follows:
~C!asS Descr~ip~tion Fete Pe?_ Month
I One Family Dwelling $ 1.00
2 Two Family Dwelling or Duplex 2.00
3 Apartment Houses
$1.00 for first living Unit PLUS $0.25 per Unit thereafter.
4 Hotels (meals not served)
Up to 25 rooms 2.00
Over 25 rooms 3.00
5 Hotels (Meals served)
Up to 25 rooms (Plus restaurant fee) 2.00
Over 25 rooms (Plus restaurant fee) 3.00
6 Restaurants and Lunch Counters
Less than 50 cu.ft, per week 2.00
At least 50 cu.ft, but less than 100 cu.ft, pe~ week 5°00
At least 100 cu.ft, but less than 300 cu.ft, per week 8.00
Over 300 cu.ft, per week 15.00
7 Offices (minimum per group $1.00 per month) Each .25
8 Commercial or Business Establishments
(Having less than 50 cu. ft. per week) 1,00
(More than 50 cu.ft, but less than 100 cu.ft.per wk)3.00
(More than 100 cu.ft, but less than 300 " " " ") 7.00
(More than 300 cu.ft, but less than 1,000 " " " ")15.00
(Over 1,000 cu.ft, per week) 70.00
Section 2. That the monthly charges in Section 1 above shall
be billed together with and as a part of the monthly statement issued
by this city for water services, at the same time as such other
charges, provided that such garbage collection service charges shall
be itimized separately on such statement.
Delinquency in the payment of these fees shall be equal to and
the same as being delinquent for water billed, and the city may dis-
con~tinue water service until these fees are fully paid. Likewise,
discontinuance of water service at the customer's request shall also
result in discontinuance of the services provided for in this ordinance.
However, if water is being furnished the premises of any owner
and there is no service under this ordinance furnished because of no
improvements or buildings on the premises, no fee will be charged
under this ordinance. The failure of a tenant or owner of any premise
to avail himself of the use of city water or collection service shall
not relieve him from the payment of collection service charges. The
person or company in whose name the water services are being billed
shall be considered and declared to be for the purpose of the enforce-.
merit of this article responsible for the payment of such fees, rates,
and charges therefor as are hereby established or as hereafter modi-
fied by the city council of the city, except that wherein no water
service is rendered and collection service is requested or deemed
necessary such fees shall be the responsibility of the owner or
tenant of such property.
-6- 3-6-61
MARCH 6th, 1961.
Section 3. Conflicting ordinances.
All ordinances or parts of ordinances, insofar as they may be incon-
sistent with or in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance,
shall be and the same are hereby repealed.
Section 4. Validating clause.
If any part or portion of this ordinance shall be held unconstitu-
tional, void, or unenforceable, it shall not affect the remainder
Passed and adopted in special session this ..... day of
-.~.---~ ..... ~ _ , 1961.
Mr. Avery requested a re-hearing of the tape recording of a
special meeting held on January 31st, called for the purpose of
considering a proposed ordinance providing for billing Collection
Service Charges, relative to his request that a public hearing
thereon be provided prior to any Council action regarding said
proposed ordinance. Council action did not provide for the request
of Councilman Avery that such public hearing be provided in as much
as a public hearing is always advertised and held on each and every
ordinance at second reading thereof and on this particular issue, at
the direction of the Council, the propose~ ordinance referred to here-
in above was published in its entirety. ~ ~ /~ 8'y~ ~.
Following ~lengthy discussion, also objections and co~nments from
Mr. Charles Wick, Mrs. Jeanne Mattson, Mr. Frank Constans, Mr. Gene
Constans, Mr. Ben Adams, Mr. Kenneth Kursell & Mr. Paul Knowles it
was moved by Mr. Campbell that amended Ordinance No. G-389 be adopted~
The motion was seconded by Mr. Thayer and upon call of roll, Mr.
Campbell, Mr. Sundy, Mr. Thayer and Mayor Warren voted in favor of the
motion, Mr. Avery being opposed.
City Attorney read ORDINANCE NO. G-392.
SECTION 1. That paragraph two of Ordinance No. G-381 of the City
of Delray Beach be amended to read as follows:
(1) No automobile trailer or conveyance designed or
equipped to be used as a temporary or permanent residence shall
be used as living quarters in a residential, business or similarly
built-up ~rea within the city limits. Such trailers may be used to
house employees on golf courses located in outlying areas of the city,
and on similarly located property, providing the following require-
ments are met:
(a) Mobility of the vehicle used shall be maintained at
all times.
(b) Such mobile homes or trailers shall be placed in
secluded areas which would not disturb adjacent property owners in
the use of their land.
(c) sanitary Facilities, water supply, and electric
power supply shall meet all existing standards.
(2) Any person desiring to locate and use mobile homes
or trailers as outlined above shall make application to the City
Council for approval. A public hearing will then be held as under
conditional use procedures."
Passed and adopted on the ._.__....._day of ~ ~ ~, 1961
It was moved by Mr. Thayer, seconded by Mr. Campbell and unanimously ~
carried to place Ordinance No. G-392 on first reading.
-?- 3-6-61
}~RCH 6th, 1961.
Mr. Thayer called attention to a newspaper article, regarding
Ordinance No. G-392, as follows: "Approval is geared to appease
multi-millionaire Light Manufacturer Warren G. Grimes, owner of the
Delray Beach Country Club." Mr. Thayer stated that he objected to
that type of article very much. Mr. Thayer also stated that he was
in favor of inviting the press to all of the Council functions but
if they cannot represent the things that go on, and make up things,
then they are abusing the privilege. Mr. Campbell stated that he
didntt believe the Council could tell the press what to print and
then moved that the. Press be continued to be invited, to sit in on
these caucus meetings, but that it be understood that it is an off-
the-record meeting, that nothing will be printed as a result of
sitting in on those meetings. It will be for background purposes
only. If they wish to attend, fine. If they dontt, that is up to
them. The motion was seconded by Mr. Thayer. Following discussion
and upon call of roll, Mr. Campbell, ~. Sundy, Mr. Thayer and Mayor
Warren voted in favor of the motion, Nm. Avery abstained from voting.
City Clerk Morthing read RESOLUTION NO. 1316.
(Copy of Resolution No. 1316 is attached to and made a part of the
official copy of these minutes)(See pages 88-A thru 88-G for copy of Res.)
It was moved by M_r. Sundy, seconded by ~. Thayer and unanimously
carried ~that Resolution No. 1316 be adopted.
~h~. Campbell, Chairman of the Recreation Building' Committee,
reported that there had been a recommendation fbom the architect
that' the flooring that was to be used on the Gym floor is not to
his liking and he has recommended an entirely different type of floor,
one that is based more or less on a rubber sponge and is only held at
the sides, and is a much better deal and will cost approximately
~600.00 more; also after giving considerable thought to this the
committee recommends that it be done, and Mr. Campbell so moved. The
motion was seconded by ~. Avery and carried unanimously.
City Clerk Worthing read the following Planning Board report,
dated March lst:
"On Feb. 28, 1961 the Planning and zoning Board held ~hearings
on the following zoning requests which were considered as one
hearing due to the proximity of the property.
"Lot 23, Block D, Palm Beach Shore Acres, Delray Beach, Florida.
"Lot 21, Block D, Palm Beach Shore Acres, Delray Beach, Florida.
"Thirteen different people were notified covering both hear-
ings. 'Four persons notified were present. Attorneys John
Adams and Mr. Gezelschap were present representing two others
notified and not present. Mr. Barden on Ocean Blvd. diagonally
across from Lot 21 on the West side of Ocean Blvd. objected
strer~uously. A letter from Clara K. Berkey also objected.
"Four persons not notified appeared at the hearing and one letter
was so received. All these were residents along Southways. They
all objected strenuously.
"Mr. Adgate Lipscomb speaking for the Beach Taxpayers League
entered strenuous objection to any rezoning East of the Waterway.
"After due consideration the Board voted unanimously to deny the
request for Lot 23 and so recommend to the City Council.
"The Board further recommends that the request to rezone Lot 21
be denied since the Board feels that there is no need for further
encroachment by R-3 at this time in this area. This vote was
likewise unanimous.
-8- 3-6-61
Mr. Roig asked again that consideration of said rezoning petition be
postponed for one week in order that his attorney may be present to
present his case. Mr. Campbell moved that the former action concern-
ing said request for postponement be rescinded and that the applicant~s
request be granted in the delay of one week for consideration of this
matter. The motion was seconded by ~. Thayer and carried unanimously.
City Clerk Worthing then read the following Planning Board re-
port, dated March 1st, 1961:
"On February 28, 1961 the Planning and Zoning Board held
a public hearing on a request submitted by ~-~. Earl Wallace
for the abandonment of that portion of N. E. 7th Court lying
between N. E. 5th Avenue and N. E. 6th Avenue.
"~ir. John Adams, attorney for Earl Wallace, informed the
board that Mr. Case had withdrawn any objection to the re-
quest. No other objectors were present.
"The Board unanimously voted that the request be granted provid-
ing that necessary utilities or easements are included if ne-
It was moved by Mr. Sundy that the portion of N. E. ?th Court lying
between N. E. 5th and N. E. 6th Avenues be abandoned subject to
agreement providing for necessary utilities or easements.. The motion
was seconded by Mr. Avery and carried unanimously.
City Clerk Worthing read the following Planning Board report,
dated March 1, 1961:
"On Feb. 28, 1961 the Planning and Zoning Board held a hearing
on a request submitted by Paul S. Knowles and the Sanclar
Realty Corp. for the abandonment of a small~portion of N. E.
6th Street extending Westerly from N. E. 5th Avenue to the
Easterly line of the FEC R/W a maximum distance of approxi-
mately 74 feet. This is presently completely undeveloped.
"The Board unanimously recommended that this R/W be abandoned
providing that necessary utilities or easements are included
if necessary. It is so recommended to the City Council.
"Mr. Knowles as a member of the Board abstained from any vote°"
Mr. Campbell moved that the portion of N. E. 6th Street extending
westerly from N. E. 5th Avenue to the easterly line of the F.E.C. R/W
be abandoned subject to provision of necessary easements and also
wanted the fact stressed that the City has no right to sell these
properties as the question has been raised as to why the City would
not sell these abandoned rights-of-way. The motion was seconded by
Mr. Sundy and carried unanimously.
City .Clerk Worthing read the following 'report from the Planning
Board, dated March 1, 1961:
"On Feb. 28, 1961 the Planning and Zoning Board considered
the request for permissive use for the construction and
operation of a Jordan Baptist Church and educational build-
ing on the following described lands:
"The West 75 feet of the North 160 feet of the
North half of the South half of Lot 5, Section
8-~6-~3, Delray Beach, Florida.
"The Board considered this request very carefully from
all the information available, and came to the conclusion
that despite the fact that land could be purchased to the
south of their present property providing access, etc.
that insufficient area exists to warrant a church and
religious educational building as a permissive use on
this land."
-9- 3-6-61
MARCH 6th, 1961.
It was moved by ~. Campbell to sUstain the recommendation of the
Planning Board and deny said request for permissive use. The motion
was seconded by M~. Thayer and upon call o£ roll, M~. Campbell, Mr.
Sundy, Mr. Thayer and Mayor Warren voted in favor of the motion, ~.
Avery abstained from voting.
City Manager Mingle presented bills for approval as follows:
General Fund $ 62,62?.98
Water Fund - Operating Fund 7,939 01
Special Assessment Fund 4,596~90
Refundable Deposits Fund 1,464.70
Beautification Fund ~80. O0
Improvement Fund 50,701.33
On motion by ~. Thayer and seconded by Mr. Sundy the Council
unanimously approved payment of said bills.
Mayor Warren informed the Council that it had been recommended
that a committee be appointed, to include the City Attorney, to
study and submit for Council approval, a proposed ordinance author-
izing disposal of old municipal records not required by State
Statutes and Cha~ter requirements to be retained. Mayor Warren then
appointed said committee as follows: City Manager Mingle, City Clerk
Worthing, Director of Public Works Fleming, City Attorney Zimmerman,
Finance Director Gessler, Councilman Avery, Business~ Counsel
Robinson and Building Inspector Hughson.
Mr. Campbell moved that the Mayor appoint a committee of three,
one member of the Council, one member from the Planning Board and
Mr. Worthing, to study the possibility of annexing properties adjoin-
ing our borders through the method provided by the state law and
particularly that section that permits annexation by notice where
under ten owners are involved, being Section 185. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Thayer and carried unanimously.
Mayor Warren then appointed said committee as follows:
Councilman John Thayer, Planning Board member Stuart Lankton and
City Clerk Robert Worthing.
The meeting adjourned at 10:20 P.M. on motion by Mr~ Campbell.
City Clerk
(1) Paragraph one of page one should include Councilman
John A. Thayer as being present.
(2) Page 7, immediately following reading of Ordinance
No. G-389 by the City Attorney, amended to read as
Mr. Avery: "Mr. Mayor, in view of the fact that this Council, at
a special meeting the date of which I have asked Mr. Worthing to
look up and which is a matter of official record, on tape and in
minutes and everything else, that this Council tabled this with
the assurance to the public that it would be publicized in detail,
and discussed in a public meeting before the ordinance was drafted.,
an assurance to which this Council did not comply, I move that this
ordinance be dropped completely until we can keep faith with the
Mayor Warren: "~. Avery will M~ Worthing give us evidence of
that action that we took?~' '
~. Avery: "Hots looking that up if you care to wait."
Mr. Sundy: "Mr. Mayor, Did I understand the City Attorney that it
was published."
City Attorney: "It was published in full before this public hearing.
Mr, Avery: "Mr. Mayor, at this meeting this Council passed resolution
and gave assurance to the public that this would be publicized be-
cause we chewed over this thing, that it would be publicized in
detail and a public hearing held before the ordinance was drafte~
That was not done."
Mayor Warren: "Mr. Avery, this has been publicized according to
the City Attorney and also has been publicized on the front page,
the editorial section and in other newspapers, I therefore decls, re
this a he,ring on this ordinance and if there is anyone in the
audience that has an interest in this ordinance, an~ we will hea~
from Mr. Worthing in due time, and we will now hear from the public
who has every right to be heard in this hearing."
~.~ Avery: "Mr. Worthing has ascertained the fact that a special
meeting was held on January ~lst for the purpose of passing
emergency ordinance on this thing, which I, myself, protested. I
hereby ask. that the tape of that meeting be procured and read to
get this assurance for which this Council has not applied."
Mayor Warren: "tghat do the minutes bring out, Mr. Worthing."
Mr. Worthing: "I don't have the minutes for those back meetings.
What is the question sir?"
Meyo~ Warren: "Whether, and in which manner we deferred action on
this ordinance on January 31st and whether we did not comply with the
request or the motion or whatever it was that was ma~e pertaining
te it."
Mr. Worthing: "On January 31st when a proposed ordinance was pre-
sented to you for consideration at a special meeting at 9:00 A.M.,
on Tuesday, by action of the Council, possibly encouraged by cormnent
from the floor, that was deferred in' orde~ that a proposed ordinance
might be advertise~ in full prior to adotPion consideration. The
proposed ordinance was resubmitted ~n ~eb~ua~y l~th, advertised in
its entirety, at the request of the Council, and on the 2?th came
up fo~ second and final ~eading a week ago tonight and was deferred
until this meeting in o~de~ that item 3 identified as Class S be
amended in a manner familia~ now to ~11, and is now up for second
and final reading."
I~ARCH 6, 1961.
Mr. Avery: "Mr. Mayor, the point I made, and he did not read from
the minutes, the point I made was that a motion was made and seconded
and passed that this be deferred with the assurance to the public that
this would be publicized in detail and a public hearing held before
the ordinance was drafted. That is a matter of record, it is on a
tape. I ask tha~ that tape be brought in and listened to, to verify
it because it is the truth, before we take any further action."
Mayor Warren: "What is the pleasure of the rest of the Council,
do you have any recollection?"
Mr. Campbell: "Mr. Mayor, there was a hearing last week and because
of the opposition to the third section, it was studied in detail,
it was the only thing that, last week, was discussed in detail, we
had a letter from a gentleman who is here tonight asking that the
consideration be given to the small or rather to the apartment houses,
and it was changed from a $2.00 base to a $1.00 base and his other
recommendation of .2~ a month was accepted. Our City Finance
Director checked every apartment house in the City to see where that
would take us. It was decided last week that we would advertise
that section again with the change and it was advertised. It was
requested that the newspapers give as much publicity as possible in
their news columns to the request and I am sure that was carried out
and the hearing tonight is to complete, to listen to the floor and
and then to take action."
Mr. Avery: "Mr. Mayor, I sincerely request that the tape be heard
on the meeting of January 31st, where we gave the public the assur-
ance that this would be publicized in detail and a public hearing
held before the ordinance was drafted. Three weeks ago when this
first reading of the Ordinance was made, I brought this up and was
completely ignored. I asked that that tape be heard and then the
City Attorney tell us whether we have complied with that thoroughly
before we take any further action on this."
Mayor Warren: "Mr. Worthing is the tape available?"
~4r. Worthing: "The tape is availabl~ but I tm sure the Council knows
of the action taken."
Mr. Campbell: "Other action was taken thereafter."
Sir. Avery: "But we have been in violation of this all the time and
I made the point three weeks ago. We gave the assurance to the pub-
lic that a public hearing would be publicized in detail and a public
hearing held before the ordinance was drafted, Sir. Mayor and I ask
to hear the tape to prove me right or wrong."
Mayor Warren: "What is your pleasure, gentlemen."
Mr. Campbell: "I would suggest we grant Mr. Avery that he is right,
but that further action was taken by the Council, the items have been
advertised in detail, as I said before it was advertised before last
week's hearing and the change was advertised, in accordance with law,
for this week and if there is no further action I call for the motion.
~r. Avery: "r,~r. Mayor, in rebuttal to that I am entitled to an answer
to that. They lulled .the public to sleep with the idea that a public
hearing will be held on the second and final reading, but the actual
thing that exists is that once the public hea~ing is held and then a
whole lot of red-tape and deferring for another week and another week
and another week so it gets to be in the nature of a steam roller.
Now, we did not keep faith with the public from this first assurance
we gave them. They were allowed to be lulled to sleep. I dontt
think they have been treated right. I think that this Council in the
way they have considered this is a farce, Mr. Mayor."
Mayor Warren: "~. Avery, we have heard you out, now we will go to
the Council for any action that they wish to take. What is your
D~ IN3.
h~ERFAS, the City Council of the City of Delray Beach,
~lorida, did, on the 6th day of Februaru, A.D., 1961, adopt Resolu-
tion No. 1310 requiring the City Manage~ to prepare plans and speci-
fications for certain storm drains, and an estimate ofc~ of
such i~provement to be placed on file in the office of the City
NOW, THEREFOr, BE IT RF~OL~ by the City Council of
the City of Del~ay Beach, Florida, that it is detem~ined to make
the following described im~ovement, to-wit:
COI~TRUCTION of Stomu Sewer Drains for the
area known as "Sto~m Drainage System -
Second Street Outfall", as sho~m on storm
d~ainage system survey file T.F. 1868 EX-I,
together with installation of catch basins,
man-holes and appurtenances in conjunction
with such storm drains, the estimated cost
for which imp~ovement is $1~,000.00 and
Benefited Drain Field Area determined to be
described as f. ollows; being a parcel of land
in Sections 16 and 17, Township ~6 South,
Range ~3 East, in the City of Del~ay Beach,
Palm Beach County, Florida, more particula~12
described as follows:
COMMENCE at the intersection of the easterly exte_nslon
of the line between the North Half (N~) and the South Half (S~) of
Lot 1%, Block 83, To~n of Linton, (now City of Delray Beach) ~lorida,
according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 3, Pub-
lic Records of Palm Beach County, Florida,. with the center line of
the right-of-way of the F. E. C. Railway (Florida East Coast Railway),
as shown on said plat; thence westerly along_said easterly extension
and along the line between the North Half (N~) and the South Half
{S~) of said Lot 1%, to the line between the East Half (E~) and t~e
West Half (~) of said. Lot 1~; thence norther.ly along the line be-
tween the East Half (F~) and the West H.alf (~) of said Lot 15, and
along, the line betwee_n the East Half (E~) and the West Ha.lf (~) of
Lot 1~ of said Block 83, to the ~lorth line of said Lot 1~, thence
westerly 1~, weste~.ly ex-
along the North line of said Lot and its
tension, to the center line of the alley through said Block
thence northerly along the center line of said al.ley, to the 'line
between the ~orth Half (N~) and the South Half (S~) of ~ot ~, of
said BlOck 83; thence wes_t.erly along the line between the North Half
(N~) and the South Half (S~) of said Lot ~, and its westerly exten-
sion, to the center line of Northeast Second Avenue; thence northerly
along the center line of said Northeast Second Avenue to the line be-
tween the North Half (N~) and the South Half (S~) of LOt 11, Block
of said plat. .of Linton; thence wests.fly along the line between the
North Half (l~t) and the South Half (S~) of said Lot 11, and along its
westerly extension to the center line of the alley through said Block
7~; thence northerly along the cent~, line of said alley, to the
North line of Lot 3 of said Block 7~, thence westerly a[$ng the North
line of said_Lot 3 and its westerly extension, to th.e line between the
East Half (E~) and the West Half (h~) of said Lot 3, thence southerly
between the East and West Halves of Lots 3, ~, %, 6 and 7, of said
Block 7%, to the Soutlx line of said Lot 7; thence weaterl~ along the
South line of said Lot ? and its westerly extension, to the center
line of Northeast First Avenue; thence southerly along the center
line of said Northeast F~st Avenue to the westerly extension of
the South l~ne of Lot l, of Block 76 of said plat; thence easterly
along the sald westerly extension and alo~the South line of said
~t 1, to the l~ne between the East Half~.~) and the West Ha~ (~)
of ~t 2, of sa~d Block 76; thence sou~e~ly alon~ the line between
the East ~d West HalVes of ~ts 2, 3, 4, 5, ~d 6 of sa~d Block 76
~ the southerly exte~on thereof, to the center l~ne of the East
and West alley t~ou~ sald Bl~k 76; thence westerly alo~ the cen-
ter l~ne of sald alley ~d lta westerly extension across Block 68 to
the center lf~ of NoPth 3winton Avenue, as sho~ on said plat;
thence n~the~ly alon~ the cente~ l~e of sa~d North Bw~ntcn Avenue,
to t~ easterly extension of the No~th l~e of Lot 12, Block 60;
thence westerly alo~ said easterly extension and alon~ ~he North
l~ne of said Lot 12, to t~ line between the East Ha~ (~) ~d t~
~est Ha~ (~) of ~t 11, of se~d Block 60; thence northerly alon~
the llne Between the East and West Halves of Lots 1~ an8 10, of said
Block 60, to ~e No~th l~e of said Lot 10; thence westerly along
the No~th lSne o~ se~d Lot 10 and its Westerly extension to the cen-
ter line o~ the alle~ t~ou~ said Block 60; thence northe~l~ along
the center line of said alley t~ the easterly ext~sion of the North
line of Lot 3, cf said Block 60, thence westerly along said easterly
extension ~d alg~ the North line of s$id ~t 3, to the line betveen
the East Ha~ (~) ~d the West Ha~ (~) of Lot 2 of said Block 60;
thence northerly along the line between the East Half (~) ~d the
West Ha~ (~) of said Lot 2, to the North line of said Lot 2; thence
westerly alo~ the North line. of said Lot 2, and its westerly exten-
sion to the center line of Northwest First Avenue; ~ence southerly
alo~ the center line of said No=~west First Avenue to the easterly
extension of the North l~e of Lot 10 of Block 52; thence westerly
alo~ said easterly extension and along She North line of said Lot
10, to t~ line between the East Ha~ (E~) ~d the West Half (~)
of said Lot 10; thence southerl~ along t~ l~e between the East
Ha~ (~) ~$ the West Ha~ (~ of said Lot 10, and between the
East Half(~) ~d the West Ha~ (~) of Lot 11, of said Block 52,
to the South line of said Lot 11; thence westemly along the South
line of said Lot 11, ~d its westerly exte~ion, to the center line
of the alley t~ou~ said Block 52; thence northerly along the center
line of the alley t~ou~ said Block 52, across Northwest First Street
a~ along ~e c~ter line of the alley t~ou~ Block 51, of said plat,
to the easterly extension of t~ South line of Lot 1, ef said Block
51; thence westerly along said easterly extension ~d alo~ the South
line of said ~t 1, and its westerly extension, to the center line of
Nort~est Second Avenue; thence northerly alo~ the center line of
Northwest Second Avenue to the center line of Northwest Third Street;
the~e easterly along the center line of said Northwest Third Street,
to the cente~ line of said Northwest First Avenue; thence southerly
along the center line of said Northwest First Avenue to the westerly
extension of the South line of Lot ~ of ~etca~s Subdivision of
Blocks 50 ~d 58, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat
Book 10, Page 47, Public Records of Pa~ Beach Cowry, Florida;
thence easterly along said westerly extension ~d along the South
line of said Lot ~, to the line between the East Ha~ (E}) and the
West (W}) of said Lot ~; thence northeFly along the line between
the East Ha~ (E}) ~d the West Ha~ (~) of said Lot ~, to the
North line of said ~t ~; thence easterly along the North line of
said ~t ~, and its easterly extension to the center line of the
alley t~ou~ said Block 58; the~e northerly along the center line
of said alley to the westerly e~te~ion of ~e line between the North
Ha~ (N}) and the ~outh Ha~ (S~) ~f Lot 10 of said Block 58; thence
easterly along said westerly extenstoD, along the line between the
North Ha~ (N~) and the South Ha~ (S~) of said Lot 10, and alo~ its
easterly extension to the center line of said No~th Swinton Avenue;
thence northerly along t~ center line of said North Swinton Avenue
to ~e westerly extension of the South l~e of Lot 8 of Block 66 of
said plat; the~e easterly ~lo~ said westerly extension and along
the South line of said ~t ~ to the line between the East Ha~ (~)
~d the West Ha~ (~) of said Lot 8; thenoe noFtherly along t~e line
between ~e East Half (~) ~d ~e West Ha~ (~) of said Lot ~, to
the South line of Lot 7 of said Bl~k 66; the~e easterly along t~e
South line of said Lot 7, to t~ line between the East Quamter (E~)
amd the wem~ Three ~uarters' {w 3/~) of sal~ ~t 7~ the~e
al~ ~e 1~' ~ea't~ East ~te~ [E~) ~ ~e West ~ee
qu~s (U~) ~ ~ta 7 ~ ~ ~ lai~ Block 66 to the North line
of eai~ ~t $~ ~e~e ea.terl2 alo~ ~e ~o~th line of said ~t
~ itl e~t~12 extenst~ to ~e center line of ~e alley ~ou~
sai~ ~l~k 66; thence ~o~t~rl2 alo~ ~e center 1~ of said alley
to the westerly exte~lon of ~e South line of Lot ~ of said Block
66; the~e easte~l~ alo~ said westerly extension ~d along the .
~outh 1~ of said ~t 12, to the li~ between t~ East ~ee
te~s (E 3~) ~d ~e West ~u~ter (W~) of said lot ~; ~ence nerth-
e~12 al~ the line between ~e East ~ee quoters (E 3~) ~d the
West Quoter (~) of said ~t ~, to the South l~e of ~t 11 of
a~d Block $$~ the~e easterly alo~ the South l~e of said Lot 11,
to ~e 1~ bergen ~e East Ha~ (~) ~ t~e West Half (~) of said
~t 11~ ~e a~~~ ale~ ~e '1~ ~e~een the East Ha~ (~)
~d the West Ha~ (~) ~ said ~t 11, to the South line of ~t 10 of
said Bl~k 66~ ~e~e e~te~17 along_ t~ South line of said ~t 10 to
the l~e between t~ East quarte~ (E~) ~ the West ~ee
(W 3~) of .aid_~t 10~ thence nor~r~ aXon.the ~ine between the
East 2ua~te~ ~) ~ the Wea~ T~ee qu~te~s (W 3~) of said ~t 10,
to ~e S~t~ line of ~t ~, of said Bl~k ~ the~e easterly along
the Sou~ li~e ~ e~d ~t 9 ~ its easterly extsnslon to ~e cen-
ter l~e of said N~east First Avenue; ~e~e northerly alo~
center l~e of said Northeast ~irst Avenue to the westerly exte~ion
of the South l~e of Lot 11, of Block 73 of said plat~ thence east-
erl2 alo~ a~d westerly exte~l~ ~d alo~ the S~th line of said
~t ~, to the line be~een the Eas~ T~ee ~ters (E 3~) and
West ~ter {~) of said ~t ~ thence horsefly alo~ the line
between ~e East ~ee 2u~te~s (E 3~) ~d the ~est quarter (~) of
~ts 11 ~d 10 of said Bl~k 73 to ~e No~th line of said Lot 10;
the~e easterly alo~ ~e NOrth line of said ~ot 10 to the l~e
~een ~e East Ha~ [~) an~ ~e West Ha~ (~) of ~t 9 of said
Block ~3~ thence no~he~ly alo~ the .line be~een the East Ha~ ~)
~d ~e WeSt Ha~ (~) of ~ts 9, 8, 7, 6, ~ ~d ~ of said Bl~k
$o the S~th line of ~t 3 of said Bl~k 73~ ~hence westerly alo~
~e 3?uth ~ine of said Lot 3' to the ~ine between t~.East T~ee 2u~-
te~s (E 3~) ~ the ~eat Quoter (~) of said Lot 3, ~nce north-
erly alo~ the line between the East T~ee ~ters {E 3~) ~ the
~est Qu~te~ (~) of said ~t 3, to the No~th line of said ~t
thence westerly along ~e No~ line of said Lot 3, alo~ its west-
e~ly exte~ion across said Northeast Fi~st Avers ~d continui~
westerly alo~ ~e s~ co~se ~o~ ~ts 17 ~d 12 of Block
of said plat ~d the~e to t~e center line ~ said No~th Swinton
Avenue~ the~e no~e~ly al~ ~e center l~e of said North Sw~ton
Avenue to the cente~ line of N~thwest F~th Street~ thence
along t~e cente~ line of said Nort~at ~o~ ~treet, a dist~ce of
1~3 feet; thence no~erly, p~allel to ~e center line of said North
Swinton Avenue, a dist~ce ~ 697.~ feet; thence easterly, p~allel
to the center line ~ said Northwest Fourth Street to the center line
of said North Swinton Argue; the~e sou~erly along the center line
of said Morth ~winton Av~ue to ~e cente~ line of Northeast Fifth
Street; thence easterly ~o~ the center line of said Northeast Fifth
Street to the center linc'of Non,east ~i~ Avenue; the~e south-
easterly ~o ~e no~t~est corne~ Of ~t 5, BlOck 13, Del ~da P~k;
thence easterly alo~ the line between Lots ~ ~d 6, Block ~, Del
Ida P~k ~d i~s easterly extension to the center l~e of the rift-
of-way of said Florida East Coast Railway; thence southerly alo~
said cemte~ line to the POINT ~ ~I~.
~ IT ~~ ~OL~ that the entire cost of such
provement shall be .h~ed by the City of De~a7 Beach, Fluids, and
the foll~i~ ~esc~ibed prope~ties im ~a2 Beach, Pa~ Beach County,
Florida, on a basis of Del~ Beach payl~ ~enty (~0) percent of the
cost of said i~r~em~t ~d the property ~ers ~ said p~operties,
sho~ bel~, payi~ eight7 (80) pe~cent of the total cost, ~ Special
Assessment, except that all pr~e~ties ~fected by this proposed
Drainage ~rove~nt and contained in ~ follow~ list of properties
determined to be be~fXted t~e~eby, and to be'assessed thei~ p~opo~
.tic, ate shoe of ~al. cost thereof; ~Xoh p~e~ti~ ~e
~ ~~. ~~: ~~ent .~, ~~'e No~~ ~-1~ ~11..~
~ '~ oreaxW ~ ~ ~~s p~d '~ ~ent of aasess~nta in
AVmA per ~dla~:l~ .~. G-l~6 refuted, to hereina~e.
50 Lots 1 thru 24 165,974
51 Lots 1 & 9 tl~ru 16 93,360
52 Lots 7,8 & 9 and k~ of Lots 10 & 11 40,517
58 S~ of Lot 10 3,277
58 Lots 11 & 12 13,896
58 Lot 13 & E~- of Lot '14 10,422
59 N ?5' of Lot 1 9,8?O
59 S 1.5' of Lot 1 & N ?3.5' of Lot 2 9,870
59 S 3' of Lot 2 & N 72' of Lot 3 9,870
59 N ?o.5, of Lot 4 9,277
59 $ 6' of Lot 4, all of Lot 5 & N 1.25'
of Lot 6 11,021
59 S 59.25' o£ N 60.5' of Lot 6 7,797
59 B 15.7' of Lot 6 & N 50.8' of Lot 7
less S 4' of E 65.8' thereof 8,488
59 S 28, of Lot ? less N 2, of W 65.8,
thereof and Lot 8 . 13,712
59 N 75' of Lot 9 9,570
59 S 1.5' of Lot 9 & N 73.5' of Lot 10 9,870
59 S 3' of Lot 10 & N 72' of Lot 11 9,870
59 S 4.5' of Lot 11 & N 70.5' of Lot 12 9,870
59 S 6, of Lot 12, all of Lot 13 & N 1.25'
of Lot 14 11,021
59 S 60, of N 61.25' of Lot 14 7,896
59 s m5.7, of Lot 14 & N 48.8,. of Lot 15 . 8,488
59 S 27.25' of Lot 15 & N 21.50' of Lot 16 6,41_5
59 Lot 16 less N 21.50' 7,238
60 Lot 1 9,830
6o w.~ of Lot 2 4,915
60 Lot 7 9,830
60 Lot 8 9,830
60 Lot 9 & Eh of N 49.?' of Lot 10 13,100
60 E~ of S 25.3' of Lot 10 & Eh of
E~24.7' of Lot 11 3,290
60 of S 50' of Lot 11 3,290
65 Lots15 & 16 and N 15' of Lot 17 16,086
66 E~ of Lot 6 1,637
66 E~, of Lot 7 & Eh of Lot 8 [~,912
66 ES of N 25' of Lot 10 819
66 E3/[~ of Lot 12 & N 25' of Lot 13 8,187
66 S 25' of Lot 13, all of Lot 14 & N 25'
of Lot 15 13,100
66 S 25' of Lot 15 & all of Lot 16 9,825
66 Lot 19 7, 5OO
66 Lot 20 9,350
66 Eh of s 200, 27,80o
6~ ~ 5o, o~ s 2oo, of ~ 6,950
66 W 100' of S 50' of N 150~ 5,000
67 Lot 1 10,021
67 Lot 2 10,021
67 Lot 3 10,021
67 Lot 4 10,021
67 N 44.5' of Lot 5 5,829
67 B 31.9' of Lot 5 & all of Lot 6 14,200
67 Lots 7 & 8 20,043
67 Lot 9 & N 26.5' of Lot 10 13,492
67 S 5o, of Lot 10 6,550
67 Lot 11 10,O21
67 Lot 12 " 10,021
67 Let 13 10, OZl
67 Lot 1~ 10'021
67 ~ 65, of Lot 15 8,515
67 S 11.5' of Lot 15 & all of Lot 16 11,528
73 Lots 1 & 2; the Eh of Lot 3; the
Eh of Lots 4,5,6,~,8 & 9; the E
of ~ts 10 & 11 and all of ~ts 12
t~u 20 123,~3
73 Lots al, ~, 23 ~ ~ 3~,~77
LOt ~ 7
LOt 2& ~ 6' of LOt 3
3 ~' of Lot 3 ~d H ~.~' of ~t
S3B.~' o~ LOt ~ & ~ 17' of LOt ~ 7,3~
~ 8 33' of Lot ~ & ~ 22.~' of Lot 6
S ~7.~' of LOt 6 & N 28, of Lot 7 7,3~9
8 22' of Lot 7 & N 33.5' of ~t 8 7,359
s ~.5, of LOt 8 & ~ 39' of Lot 9 7,359
8 11' of Lot 9 & N ¥~.5' of Lot 10 7,359
74 & 5.5' of Lot 10 ~d all of lot 11 7,359
7~ ~t 12 7,425
~ 15 a s 6;2~, of Lot 16 7,~58
N 37.5' o~ Lot ~7, ell o~ Lots 18,
20 & S 37'5' o~ ~t 21 29,835
74 ~ ~2.5' of L°t 21 & all of Lot 22 8,287
Lot 23 6,63q
75 Lot 1 a N ~1' of Lot 2 15,862
75 s 3%.~, o~ ~t ~ m w} o~ ~ ~o.5,
~t 3
75 o~ ~ ~7.4' or not 3,874
75 of S 19.1' of ~t & ~ of
38N .25' of Lot 5 3,871
7~ ~ or s 3e.~, o~ ~ ~ · ~ o~ Lot 6 7,~
75 ~ o~ ~t 7
75 N 5~' of Lot 10 6,885
75 8 25.5' of ~t 10 & N 38.25' of ~t 11 8,539
76 ~ of Lot ~ 4,668
76 W~ of Lots 3,4,5 & 6 18,672
81 Lots 1 & 2 ~,0~
81 Lots 3 R ~ 13 510
81 Lot 5 6~755
81 Lots 6 & 7 13,510
81 ~t 8 6,7~5
81 Lot 10 755
8~ ~t n 75~
8~ ~t ~ 7,3~8
81 Lot
81 Lot 19 6,755
81 ~t 20 & S~ of Let 21 10,132
81 N~ of Lot 21 R all of Lot 22 10,132
8~ ~t ~ 6,
8~ ~tz5 6,755
81 Aot 26 6,755
81 W 50' of ~ts a7 a 28 5,212
81 Lots 27 a 28 less W 50' 8,956
82 Lots i th~u 12 82,681
82 LOtSl135 & 14 13,510
82 Lot 6,755
82 Lots 16 & 17 13,510
82 Lots 18 thru 23 40,530
or 58, or Lot
82 Lot ~ less W ~.6~' of N 5fl' ~'207
83 Lot 1 & N 18.5~ of ~t 2 less ~
irregular strip 12,507
83 S 201 of N 38.5~ of Lot 2 plus an
irregular stri~ & less ~ irre~lar strip 2,700
83 N 18.8' of 338~ of Lot 2 plus an
irregular strip 2,856
83 S 19.2' of Lot 2 2,592
83 N 34' of Lot 3 ~ 4,590
83 N 33.7' of S 42.5' of Lot 3 ~,549
83 S 8.8, of Lot~3 & N 26.35' of Lot 4 4,~49
83 S ~1.90' of N~ of Lot 4 1,606
83 Lots 9 & 10 20,655
83 Lots 11 & 12 20,655
83 Lot 13 10,327
83 E~ of ~t ~ & E~ of N~ of Lot 15 7,745
89 Lots 1 & 2 5,701
89 Lot 3 2,850
89 Lots 4 & 5 5,701
89 Lot 6 2,85o
89 Lot 7 2,850
89 Lots 8 & 9 5,676
89 Lot 10 2,~33
89 Lot 11 2,830
89 Lot 15 2,826
89 Lots 16 & 17 _5,372
89 Lots 18 t~u 28 ~3,278
89 Lots 29 t~u 37 30,600
89 Lots 38,39 & 40 & N 9.65' of Lot 41 10,158
89 S 15.35' of Lot 41 & all of Lots
90 Lots 1 thru 8, West of Railroad 30,282
90 Lots 9 & 10, " " " 6,300
90 ots 5,875
11 & 12, " " "
9090 LotsL°ts ,' " " " 5~ 07%
90 Lots 17 & 18, " " " 4,665
~ " " " 13,846
90 ~ts 19 t~u ~,
91 N 153~ of triangular strip ~between
Block 83 & Rai~oad 7,3~
91 S 76.5' of N 229.5' of tri~gul~
strip between Block 83 & Railroad 2,295
91 S 151.~ of trian~lar strip between
Block83 & Rai~oad 1,818
6 Del Ida Park Lot 1 ~,292
" " " " Lot 2 7,500
" " " " Lot 3 7,500
" " " " Lot 4 7,292
" " " " Lots 5, 6 & 7 18,000
" " " " Lot 8 6,000
" " " " Lot 9 6,000
" " " " Lots 10 & 11 12,000
" " " " Lots 12 & 13 15,032
" " " " Lot ~ 7,620
" " " " ~t~ 7,412
" " " " Lot 16 6,000
" " " " Lots 17 t~u 22 36,000
- 6 ~
7 Del Ida Park Let 1 6,092
" " " " Lot 2 6,300
" " " " Lot 3 6,300
" " " " Lot54 6,092
" " " " Lot 6, O00
" " " " Lots 6 thru 10 35,962
" " " " Lots 11 & 12 less W 10~ thereof 12.622
" " " " Lot 13 & ~¢ 10~ of Lots 11 & 12 ?,200
" " " " Lot 1~_ 6,000
" " " " Lots 15, 16 & 17 18,000
13 Del Ida Pa~k Lots 1 & 2 11,792
" " " " Lets 3 & ~ 12,000
" " " " Lot % 6,000
Section 8-~6-43 E 123' of S 100' of E~ of Lot 12
less E 33' R/W 9,000
" "" " E 123~ of N 150' of ~2~.,0'
of Lot 12 less E 33fS~. 13,500
" "" " E 123f of N 210f of ~6,0~
of Lot 12 less E 33'Smlw 18,900
" " "" " E 123~ of S 100t of N 200' of E} of
Lot 12 less W 300t & less E 33' R/W 9,000
" " "" " E 123t of N 100' of E~ of Lot 12,
less E 33' R/W 9,000
" "" " E 123f of S 3?.%' of E 30?.09' of
Lot 11 less E 33' R/W 3,375
Florida East Coast Railroad R/W bound on the East by the
center line of said R/W; on the North by the easterly ex-
tension of the North line of Lot 5, Block 13, Del Ida Park;
on the West by the westerly lineof said R/W ~nd on the
South by the easterly extension of the east-west center
line of Lot 15, Block 83. 112,268
said benefits to be determined within the Drain Field area in propor-
tion to the benefits which will accrue to said lands.
AND BE IT FURTHER RF~0L~ that said special assessments
against all of the lots and lands as set forth herein, which are
specially benefited, shall be and remain liens superior in dignity
to all other liens, except liens for taxes, until paid, from the date
of the assessment upon the respective lots and parcels of land assess-
ed, and which shall bear interest at the rate of eight (8) per cent
per annum, and which may be paid in three (3) e~ual yearly install-
ments with accrued interest on all deferred payments. Payments shall
be made at the same place that taxes payable to the City of Delray
Beach are paid, namely, at the office of the City Tax Collector, and
upon failure of any property owner to pay any annual installment due,
or any psmt thereof, or any annual interest upon deferred payments,
the City of De]may Beach may bring necessax,y legal proceedings by a
Bill in Chancery to enforce payment thereof with all accrued interest,
together with all legal costs incurred, including a reasonable at-
torney,s fee. The total amount of any lien may be paid in full at
any time, with interest from the date of assessment.
IT IS ORDERED that the Clt2 Oouncil shall sit at the City
Hall, in the City of De]may Beach, Florida, at 8:00 P.M., on Monday,
March 6th, 1961 for the purpose of hearing objections, if any, on
said proposed improvement, as set forth herein.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City 0ouncil of the City of
Delray Beach, Florida on this the 6th day of March, 1961.