04-03-61SpMtg APRIL 3, 1961.
A special meeting of the City Council of Delray Beach was held
in the Council Chambers at 8:00 P.M., with Mayor George V. Warren in
the Chair, City Manager George Mingle, City Attorney Richard F.
Zimmerman and Councilmen A1 C. Avery, Dugal G. Campbell and Glenn B.
Sundy being present.
An opening prayer was delivered by Rev. Gustave Malmquist.
On motion by M~. Sundy, seconded bY Mr. Campbell and unanimously
carried, the minutes of March 27th, 1961 meeting were approved.
Mr. Curtis H. Dodson addressed the Council inquiring if the
Planning Board report, as a result of recent public hearing on the
petition for rezoning of Lots 1 & 2, Block 53, had been received by
the Council and was available for consideration and if so requested
Council consideration thereon.
City Clerk Worthing t.hen read the following Planning Board
report dated April 1, 1961.
"In regular meeting on March 31, 1961 the Planning and
Zoning Board held a hearing on the petition to rezone
Lots 1 and 2, Block 53, Delray Beach, Florida.
"Five parties were notified. Mr. O. T. Thames appeared
in behalf of the Standard Oil Co. and registered approval
of the change in zone. No other persons notified appeared
except the owners.
"The Board moved to grant the request. Four favored the
change, one opposed and one abstained.
"The building to be used under the C-2 classification
appears to be in keeping with the general area. Such
change would also square out the four corners as the
same zone."
Following discussion it was moved by Mr. Sundy, seconded by Mr. Aver~-
and unanimously carried to sustain the recommendation of the Planning
Board in granting the request for rezoning of Lots 1 and 2, Block 53
from C-1 to 0-2 classification.
City Manager Mingle inforraed the Council that the Lake Helen
Volunteer Firemen, s Association has submitted an offer of $150.00
for the old 1947 Chrysler ambulance, now obsolete, having been re-
placed through the recent purchase of a new rescue wagon by the
Fire Department. Following discussion it was moved by Mr. Sundy,
seconded by Mr. Campbell and unanimously carried that the offer of
$150.00 be accepted for the 1947 Chrysler ambulance and sale be made
to the Lake Helen Volunteer Fireman's Association.
City Manager Mingle informed the Council that as a result of the
meeting held ~ast Thursday at the Chamber of Commerce Building with
the Beautification Committee, Council authorization for use of Parks
Department Personnel, as discussed at the meeting and recommended by
the Committee, is requested; also that it is not the desire of the
City Manager or the Director of Public Works to be in disagreement
with the Beautification Committee or the suggested volunteer worker
as far as supervising public equipment is concerned. Mr. Mingle
also informed the Council that if five of the personnel of the Parks
Department were taken away from their present duties, which now occupy
them full time, that there should be some supplemental forces provided
but to keep in mind that there has only been certain funds provided
for a certain number of people for these services.
Mayor Warren informed the Council that Mr. Joseph Santo has offer-
ed 'his services, free of charge, to the city, for supervising and
directing the plantings and improvement of Delray Beach in it:s
beautification program, and expressed his desire that Mr. Santo would
have some authority in directing some of the personnel of the city in
planting, watering and accepting donations of shrubs and trees from
APRIL 3, 1961.
citizens who are making such donations.
A meeting was set rom 8:30 A.M., Wednesday,April 5th, in the City
Managerts Office with the Council, City Manager, Director of Public
Works and Mr. Santo for discuss~on concerning same.
City Manager Mingle read the following letter of resignation from
Mr. John Pallor, dated March 23rd, 1961:
"It is upon the advice of my Doctor, Er. Raborn, that I ask
to be relieved of my services on the Inter-Racial Committee
of which I am now a member.
"It is with regret that I extend this resignation at this
It was moved by Mr. ~undy, seconded by Mr. Avery and cammied unani-
mously ~that Mr. Paller's resignation from said committee be accepted
with regret and that a lettem of appreciation for his services be
sent to him.
It was moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Sundy and unani-
mously carried that Miriam Cohen be appointed to fill the vacancy on
the Inter-Racial Committee as recommended by the remaining committee
Hayom Warren informed the Council that the Delray Beach Farm
Supply has offered to donate 1000 pounds of Milorganite and 1000
pounds of Dolomite for use in fertilizing the new City Hall plantings.
It was moved by Mr. Avery to send the Delray Beach Farm Supply a
letter of thanks and appreciation for said donation. The motion was
seconded'by Mr. Campbell and carried unanimously.
City Manager Mingle read the following letter from the Central
and Southern Florida Flood Control District, dated March 22, 1961:
"Acknowledgment is made of your Resolution No. 1318 re-
questing participating State funds for the immediate
construction of the Central and Southern Florida Flood
Control District Canal 15, Palm Beach County, Florida.
"With the authorized Federal appropriation for fiscal
year 1962, the present schedule of priorities does not
contemplate construction in that year.
"Your resolution will be brought to the attention of the
Governing Board at its next regular meeting on April 7,
1961, and I will advise you of any action following that
Concerning a tentative plat of a proposed subdivision of a ten
acre tract of land being the NW~, of the NE~ of the NW¼ of Section
17-46-43, by Banner Inc., City Clerk Worthing informed the Council
that this tentative plat has been before the Planning Board and the
Director of Public Works and back to the Planning Board who met this
evening and upheld the Director of Public Works approval, subject to
the changes that he recommends. ~. Womthing also informed the
Council that it is in order for them to approve this tentative plat,
subject to the changes recommended by the Director of Public Works
and sustained by the Planning Board.
Councilman Campbell questioned whether Banner, Inc. owned the
property contained in this tentative plat and was informed by Mr.
Jerry Gerard of Banner, Inc, that the purchase of said land by their
company should be completed this week, also that they have been
awarded ten commitments from the Miami Office of the Federal Housing
Administration of the thirty units allocated to Delray Beach under
the 221 Housing Program.
Following discussion it was moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded by
Mr. Avery and unanimoUsly carried to approve said preliminary plat
subject to the changes recommended by the Director of Public Works.
Concerning Resolution No. 1322 requesting the use of countyts
permanent registration system records Mr. Campbell moved that this
resolution be tabled until the full Council is present and to give
2 4-3-61
APRIL 3, 1961.
additional time for study to those who want it, the motion being
seconded by Mr. Sundy and carried unanimously.
Mr. Campbell then announced that~ he had, today, resigned from
the Committee that'was acting on the county-wide basis, believing
that there might come a time when there would baa conflict and he
did not want to be in that position.
City Clerk Worthing then read ORDINANCE NO. G-393.
Mr. Avery pointed out to the Council that this is the Ordinance that
sets up the authority, then later the standard operating procedure
will come back to the Council for Resolution. It was moved by Mr.
Avery, seconded by Mr. Campbell and carried unanimously that Ordi-
nance No. G-393 be placed on first reading.
Concerning the meeting of the Council, Planning Board and Delray
Beach Merchants regarding the Sign Ordinance and set backs through-
out the City, Mayor Warren stated that it had been suggested that a
committee be appointed for further study regarding same, and then
appointed said committee as follows: Dick Hanna and Kenneth Jacobson
from the Planning Board; Bill Adams and Earl Wallace representing
automobile dealers and filling stations and other businesses on the
Federal Highways and Commissioner Campbell and himself representing
the Council. It was then planned that said committee would meet at
10:00 A.M., Wednesday, April 5th in thff City Managerts Office.
Mayor Warren read the following letter from the Soroptimist Club
of Boynton Beach, dated March 31, 1961:
"The Soroptimist Club of Boynton Beach has undertaken
sponsorship of a public meeting April 19, 1961, 8:00 P.M.
at the Boynton Beach City Hall to'inform the public of
the newly organized Southern Palm Beach County Home Nursing
Association. This association will provide a combination
service where the nurse will do both public health and home
nursing, offering a total nursing program to the community.
"Speakers for the evening will be Mrs. M. Johanson, County
Health Dept. Supervisor of Nurses; Mr. Ben Sundy, County
Commissioner; and Dr. Frederick Glass, Mr. J. Willard Pipes,
President of the Boynton Beach Home Nursing Assoc. will intro-
duce the speakers. There will be a question and answer period.
"Since this association will benefit the whole area to the
South Palm Beach County line, we invite you and the Delray
Beach City Commissioners and all interested residents of
your area to attend this important and informative meeting."
Mayor Warren asked that there be as many as possible attend this
Mr. Campbell asked if there wasanything new from the Recreation
Department concerning the Community Center Building and functions,
and Mr, Mingle informed the Council that the Purchasing Agent is
ordering the equipment that was authorized and as far as the perso~uel
and recommendations of the Recreational Committee that he had been in
conference with the Director of Recreation, also with the School Prin-
cipals and expects to submit a report at the next meeting.
Mayor Warren asked that this subject be an agenda item for the
Council meeting next Monday.
Mr. Sundy made mention of people falling as a result of the bad
condition of the sidewalk from Atlantic Avenue South to the Episcopal
Church on South Swinton Avenue.
3 4-3-61
APRIL 3, 1961.
Mayor Warren asked the City ~lanager what plans had been made
regarding the dedication cere~uonies of the new City Hall on April
30th and was i~formed that.the, time had been set for 2:00 P.M. but
that all details had not been worked out aa yet and would appreciate
any assistance or suggestions that the Council cared to. give.
City Manager Mingle presented bills for approval as follows:
General Fund $ 52,61~._1~
Water Fund - Operating Fund. 2,415.40
It was moved by M~. SundT, seconded by M~. Avery and unanimously
carried that the bills be paid.
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 .P.M. by order of Mayor Warren.
_R_._ D.. W. ORTHING_.
-- ii · i mm, ·
City Clerk
4 4-3-61