05-22-61 MAY ~2, 1961.
A regular meeting of the City Council of De]may Beach was'held
in the Council Chambers at 8:00 P.M., with Mayor George V. Warren in
the Chair, City Manager George Mingle, and Councilmen A1 .C. Avery,
Glenn B. Sundy and John A. Thayer being present.
An opening prayer was delivered by the Rev. H. Stewart Austin.
Mayor Warren announced that Councilman Ducal G. Campbell was not
present tonight on account of being in the hospital for a check up.
On motion by Hr. Sundy and seconded by Hr. Thayer the minutes of
May 8th and 12th Council meetings were unanimously approved.
Hr. Cecil Vaughn of Southern Greyhound Lines of West Palm Beach
addressed the Council concerning the following resolution~
WHE.~EAS, the City of De]may Beach, Florida has experienced a
tremendous growth in population (and industrial expansion), and
WHE..~S, The Greyhound Corporation, Southern Greyhound Lines
Division, has been rendering motor bus transportation to the resident:~
of Florida and its thousands of winter visitors and tourists over
various routes in the State of Florida, and
~IEREAS, it has come to the attention of the City Council of
Delray Beach, Florida that The Greyhound Corporation, Southern Grey-
hound Lines Division, has filed an application with the Florida Rail.-
road and Public Utilities CommAsalon and intends to file an applica-
· '.:ion with the Interstate Commerce Commission for authority to trans-
port passengers, baggage of passengers, newspapers and light express
bott-eon .St. Petersburg, Florida and Jct. of U. S. Highway 27 and
Florida Highway No. ?0 as follows: From St. Petersburg, Florida ove~.~
Uo S. Highway 19 to Bradenton, Florida, thence over U. S. Highway 41
to junction Florida Highway 72 (6 miles south of Sarasota, Florida);
thee:ce over Florida Highway 72 to Junction Florida Highway 70 (1 mile
~.rest of Arcadia); thence over Florida Highway 70 to Junction of U. S.
ii~.F~way 27, and return over the same route, serving all intermediate
points, and
WHEREAS, it is necessary and essential that said application be
granted in order that public convenience and necessity be best served,
so that ~he permanent residents and visitors to this area may enjoy
efficient motor bus transportation between Delray Beach, Florida and
St. Petersburg, Florida and intermediate points, namely Bradenton,
Sarasota, and Arcadia, Florida without interchange over 'uhe routes of
Southern Greyhound Iines Division,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of
Delray Beach, Florida, in regulam meeting assembled this 22nd day of
May, 1961, that this Council formally approves the application of
Southern Greyhound Lines Division for the extension of its common
carrier bus service between St. Petersburg, Florida and Jct. of U. S.
High~,ay 27 and Florida Highway No. 70, as described herein, and that
this Council respectfully requests the Florida Rai3road and Public
Utilities Commission and the Interstate Commerce Commission to grant
said application.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution
be furnished The Greyhound Corporation, Southern Oreyhot~ud Lines Divi-
sion, for transmittal to the Florida Railroad and Public Utilities
Commission and the Interstate Commerce Co~mlssion in support of its
application for permanent authority to operate over said route.
PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED at a meeting of the City Co~:ncil of the
City of De]ray Beach, Flor. ida, on the 2~nd day of May, A.D. 1961.
5- -61
It was moved by Mr. Sundy, seconded, by Mr. Avery and unanimously
carried to adopt Resolution ~o. 1330.
Mr. J. R. Kiel of 703 S. E. 9th Street in Rio Del Ray Shores in-
formed the Council that the temporary street signs that he had
quested on May 8th be placed on S. E. 6th Avenue, had not been placed
as yet and asked for a report concerning same.
City Manager l~ingle reported that the City Engineer had investi-
gated as to the possibility of buying a piece of equipment and the
material in order that the city may make their own signs and found
that the equipment and material would cost about $1,000.00 and that
it was considered advisable to leave the buying of said equipment
until next budget year. Following discussion, Mr. Kiel was informed
that temporary street signs would be installed in that area within
the next week.
Mr. W. H. Davis of S. E. 6th Avenue inquired about the improvement
of the alley extending South from Atlantic Avenue to S. E. 1st Street,
between S. E. 6th and ?th Avenues and was advised that the improvement
of said alley would be taken care of.
Mr. Keith Richter addressed the Council concerning Lawn Bowling
and informed them that there was space in the Oity Park for eight
rinks East of the Shuffleboard Courts. That 2our of these rinks
could be installed for $6,900.00 and would ~ake care of about seventy-
five people, playing all day in three shifts. He also stated that
outside edge should be covered or fenced in, which would cost about
$1,600.00 but would keep people with high heels from walking on the
rinks. Following discussion Mayor Warren asked that Lawn Bowling
definitely be in the future program, that the City Manager proceed in
~etting all the information necessary and to make preparation to get
it into the budget for the coming year, it being so moved by Mr. Avery,
seconded by Mr. Thayer and unanimously carried.
Mayor Warren read the following iter~s from May llth, 1961 minutes
of the Beautification Committee Meeting:
"1. Mr. E-l'lingsworth reported that County Commissioner Ben
Sundy had offered the countyls assistance in tree donations
to landscape the entrance islands on U. S. # 1.
"2. Appointments were made as follows: Two year term -
George Warren, Lora Britt, Gladys Little, Bud Merritt, Joe
Saate and Paul Enowles. One year term: Ken Ellingsworth,
Charles Toth, Stuart Lankton, Ed Schmldt, John Adams and
~e: item ~ above. Concerning the a~9ointmen'~ of '~he committee for
one and two year terms it was moved by Mr. Sundy, seconded by Mr.
Avery and unanimously carried that said committee and terms of
app ointment be approved.
Mayor Warren informed the Council that he had received informa-
tion that it is customary procedure of the Garden Clubs of Delray
Beach to elect a president from the presidents of the various garden
clubs each year and that M~s. Hugh Spilsbury of 1040 Seasage Drive
had been elected to that office and it had been recommended that she
be appointed as a member of the Beautification Committee. It was
moved by Mr. Sundy, seconded by Mr. Thayer and unanimouSly carried
that Mrs. ~pilsbury be appointed to the Beautification Committee
for a period of one year.
Mayor Warren then read the following excerpts from the minutes
of May 18th Beautification Committee Meeting:
"1. A motion was made by M~. Merritt, seconded by Mr. Adams,
that the city proceed as soon as possible, to grade, put in
a sprinkler system lay top soil and Seed the north entrance
island on U. S. # 1. Motion passed unanimously.
"2. A request from the library to erect a directional sign
on Fifth Avenue was referred to the Building Inspector's office.
-2- 5-22-61
P~Y 22~ le61.
"3. A request from the Optimist Club to erect a club
insignia on ~IA was turned over to M~. Adams."
Concerning item No. 1 above, the City Engineer reported as
follows: "The estimates asked for to beautify the North triangle
included removing the excess fill at that point, providing muck,
Fertilizing and seeding rather than sodding. Based entirely on doing
this Job ~y contract it appea~s that the cost of this North triangle
to the City would be about $2,800.00; the cost of the South triangle
{~2,375.00. It is quite possible that the City could cut. down some-
what on the sprinkler system, which is the largest item, by installing
that with the water department forces if so desired. I have not had
time to work up the exact estimate as to how much we could save by
that method."
M~. Sundy inquired about bids being opened today concerning said
improvement but of those ~resent no one seemed to know anything about
such bids.
Mayor Warren informed the Council that application of Mr. Daniel
Price for operation of an additional taxicab permit was accepted at
previous Council meeting and it was directed that public hearing be
pl~ovided concerning said application. Legal advertisement for such
public hearing has been provided and notice of such hearing forwarded
to each operator of taxicabs within the city and such public hearing
should be held at this time.
Following discussion and there being no objections to an addi-
tional taxicab permit, it was moved by ~. Sundy, seconded by Mr.
Avery and unanimously carried that same be granted to ~r. Daniel Price.
Concerning the Florida East Coast Railway Company's proposed
agreement regar~ding 60" di~uaeter subgrade storm sewer crossing of
said railway R/W at N. E. 2nd Street, City Manager Mingle said that
there had been a request by the City to the Florida East Coast Railway
CompanY for a permit to ~ay the 60" drain line under the track and
that there is a communication from said railway company asking the
Council to enter into an agreement as written by the railway authori-
ties; however there is some question about some of the wording in the
City Clerk 'Worthing said he thought there should possibly be
legal advice relative to paragraph 19, which reads as follows:
"Licensee further agrees that no assessment or other
charges of any nature whatsoever shall be levied or made
against the Railway or against its property on account
of the installation or existence of Licensee's pipe line
at this location."
prior to authorizing execution of said agreement by adoption of
supporting resolution inasmuch as the provisions set forth therein,
if accepted, would appear to exempt the Florida East Coast Railway
Co~pany from any assessment resulting from the installation of the
improvement known as N. E. 2nd Street Drainage 0utfall System, which
i~provement has been determined to benefit, in part, a portion of
said Railway Company.s property as reflected in Resolution No. 1316,
passed and adopted March 6th, 1961, recorded in the Public Records of
Palm Beach County, in compliance with Charter requirements, which
Resolution identifies all properties determined to be benefited by
said i~provement project and which shall share, with the City, the
total cost for installation of the drainage system ~,eferred to above.
Following discussion Mr. Sundy moved that the expense for legal
aid concerning negotiation of said agreement be approved~ The motion
was seconded by Mr. Avery and carried unanimously.
City Clerk Worthing reviewed the following report of alleged
nuisances existing in violation of Ordinance No. G-I~? furnished ', e
City Manager by the Fire Department:
PRO F ? ES OF S-14?
..... ,,& 1 -4 ,OF, COD, .
-3- 5-22-61
MAY 22, 1961.
William M. Miller P. 0. Box 2593 Lots 1 & 2, Block 1,
Pompano Beach, Fla. Rio Del Rey Shores.
M. It. & Anne G. 1530 S. Ocean Blvd. Lots 1 & 2, Block 2
Sturtevant Pompano Beach, Fla. Lots 1 & 2, Block 3,
Rio Del Rey Shores.
Daniel F. & Ursula 8120 E. Jefferson Ave. Lots 3 & 4, Block 2,
B. Hulgrave Detroit 14, Mich. Rio Del Ray Shores.
Clyde H. Reeme 18094 ~arrington Drive Lots 5 & 6, Block 2,
Detroit 21, Mich. Rio Del Ray Shores.
F. Jack Barns 570 Banyan Road Lots 7 & 8, Block 2,
Gulfstream, Florida Rio Del Rey Shores.
Fred W. & Rose F. 718 S. E. 7th Street Lot 3, Block 4,
Mathers Delray Beach, Fla. Rio Del Rey Shores.
Gibson L~ Moritz Old Mill Road Lots 4 & 10, Block 4,
Hudson, Ohio Rio Del Ray Shores. 4
Martin G. Woodward 1715 E. Sunrise Blvd, Lot 5, Block 4,
Ft, Lauderdale, Fla. Rio Del Rey Shores.
Stephen B, & Lot 6, Block 4,
Marjorle P. Keeler East Syracuse 1, N. Y. Rio Del Rey Shores.
~. F. & Tonetta 16 Tonetta Circle Lot 7, Block 4,
St. John E. NLrwalk~ Conn. Rio Del Rey Shores.
Bessie C. Additon 1529 Coral Ridge Drive Lots 11 & 12, Block
Ft. Lauderdale, Fla, Rio Del Rey Shores.
John S. & Florence 15316 Grandville Blvd. Lot 16, Block 4,
B. Putnam Detroit 23, Mich. Rio Del Rey Shores.
Stanley & Box 8, Lot 17, Block 4,
Fleuredina Journeay Atlantic Highlands,N.J. Rio Del Rey Shores. 4
Rosemarie C. Widoff 2733 N. E. 16th sro Lot ~8, Block 4,
Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Rio Del Ray Shores.
W~ G. Holioway, Jr. 413 E~ Atlantic Ave. Lot 5, Block 3,
Delray Beach, Fla. Seagate "A".
Walter S.~ & 4650 Arapahoe Drive l.ot 5~ Block 4,
Margaret R. Ortega Terrace Seagate "B",
Crawbuck Jacksonville, Fla.
Paul & Mary M. P. 0. Box 2177 Lot 13, Block 4,
Speicher Delray Beach, Fla. Totterdate Add. 4
Matthew Rahming P.O. Box 1708 Lot (ll), Fenno Unplatted
Delray Beach, Fla. Section 17-46-43.
Paradise Inc. 917 W. Atlantic Ave. Lot (13), Fenno Unplatted
Delray Beach, Fla. Sec. 17-46-43o 4
Harry Hagwood 45 N. W. 5th Ave. Lot (9), Fenno Unplattad
Del~ay Beach, Fla. Section 17-~6-43. 4
Virginia D. 3095 N. W. 43rd St. Lots 2 & 3, Block 2,
Thurston Miami, Florida Atlantic Pines. 4
Lillian Storr 306 S. W. 4th Avenue Lots 4 & 5, Block 2,
Delray Beach, Fla. Atlantic Pines. 4
Wm. F. & Mary M. P.O. Box 1053 Lots 6 & 7, Block 2,
Bassle Delray Beach, Fla. Atlantic Pines and 4
Lot 6, Block 6, Whiddon
-4- 5-22-61
~Y 22, 1961.
Alexander Simon P.O. Box 35 Lots 1, 2, 7 & 8, Block 1.,
Eassa Delray Beach, Fla. Atlantic Pines.
Irene Jones 300 Circle Drive Lots ~1 & 2, Block 1,
Pompano Beach, Fla. Atlantic Park Gardens.
Wm. H. & Alice A. 202 N. Swinton Ave. Lots 3 & 4, Block 1,
Deaderick Delray Beach, Fla. Atlantic Park Gardens. 4
Submitted to the City Council by the City Manager this 22nd
d ay of May, 1961.
It was moved by Mr. Avery, seconded by Mr. Sundy and unanimously
carried that the City Clerk comply with the procedure as set forth in
Ord inanc e No. G-388.
The following petition was presented to the Council by the Grimes
Foundation, dated May 18th:
"Petition is hereby requested for Permissive Use as an
extension of the Recreation Facilities of the Delray
Beach Country Club on the following described land:
That part of S 3/4 of W ~A of S. E. ¼ of Section
18 12ing South of State Road # 806 and East of
Drainage Canal E-4 less N. 6.49+ - Acres. Also
that part of N. 623.26t lying between W'Iy
line of S. W. 20th Ave., and Etly R/W line of E-4
Drainage Canal as platted and recorded.
Thanking you for your consideration of this petiti°n.''
also the following letter from Attorney J. Clinton Scott concerning
"I represent Mr. Warren G. Grimes and the Grimes Foundation
who have contracted with Mr. Roy L. Calamia to purchase the
l'ollowing described parcel of land, consisting of approx-
imately ~1 acreS, lying adjacent and northeast of the Delray
Beach Country Club, to wit:
41 acres, more or less, lying East of E-4 Canal,
north of the Delray Beach Country Club and West
of S. W. 26th Avenue, except for the North 458.2
feet lying South of Atlantic Avenue, ~being in
Section 18, Township 46 South, Range 43 East.
Mr. Grimes contemplates the building of an additional nine
golf holes on this property and therefore desires that pe?-
~miss~iv9 use be granted for this purpose. Thank you for
your kind Attention to this matter."
Following lengthy discussion, Mr. Avery moved that said permissive
use be granted provided legal advise says that it is perfectly legal.
fo~ us to do so. The motion was seconded by Mr. Thayer. Following
further discussion and upon question, City Clerk Worthing informed
the Council that to grant said permissive use there would be a public
hearing on the second and final reading of an ordinance which would
be necessary to grant this permissive use and that said Ordinance
could be prepared for Council consideration when it was so dgsired.
Mayor l~arren suggested that it be determined this week., by an
ney, how this granting of permissive use can be krought about and
call a special meeting for next Monday to start such procedure. Mr.
Avery and Mr. Thayer then withdrew their former motion and second
'concerning said permissive use.
City Manager Mingle read the following letter from the State
University Committee Of Delray Beach, dated May 6th and signed by l~rs.
C. W. 'Vogler, Chairman:
"Thomas F. Fleming, Jr.~ president of '~he Palm Beach County
Resources Development B~ard, has req~12eS~ted fl%at cur committee
endorse and pa~s. o~ to your Commission thei~ request for a
contribution oI $1~0,O0 toward the Board's effort 'bo secure
an appropriation from the present state legislature with
which to begin construction of the state unive~,sity at Boca
-5- 5-22-61
MAY 22, 1961.
"As you know, this u:~ertaking has involved a great organ-
izational-effort, the cost of which has been borne by the
Resources Development Board. However, they have recently
made a request for $1500.00, which was granted by the City
of Boca Raton.
"Along with our sister city, this community will benefit
directly in every aspect of its social and economic life
from the building and operation of a state university only
a few miles south of us. It appears reasonable that our
citizens should bear some of the expense involved in getting
this project authorized at this time.
"The State Board of Control, recognizing that it is imper-
ative to provide more higher educational facilities for our
young people who are already crowding our existing state -
universities, is solidly behind the plan to have this
university reedy for its first class in 1964. Governor
Bryant has placed this project on his Nco 1 priority list.
But we are all aware that the state now finds itself in a
situation of financial stringency, and that this vitally
needed institution is likely to be by-pa~sed unless great
pressure is brought to bear ~upon the leg!~slature to provide
func~s for its const..'~.action. We need not mention that it is
more diff.~zult for I'~oJects in South. east Florida to receive
this legislati~:e concern than would be tl'~e ca~e if the p'~o-
Ject were located in Pensacola, for exa~ie.
"It is the feeling of t/Als writer, gained from recent obser-
vations of the legislature, that if the organized effort now
underway were to cease for lack of funds, or for any other
reason, this appropriation would most assuredly not be made.
"We hope that you may find it feasible to mako the requested
funds available to the Resources Development Board so that
they may continue this project to a successful conclusion."
Mr. Sundy stated that since there is not $1,500.00 available et this
time he would move to give this item consideration in the 1962 budget.
The motion was seconded by ~. Thayer and carried unanimously.
City Clerk Worthing ~resented the following request from Atty.
J. W. Nowlin for water service outside the city limits for Mm. Ray A.
Gr ahem:
"I represent Mr. Ray A. Graham, who has an option to purchase
the following described property from Mr. Fred M. Spinner,
t o-wit:
That part of the North 300 feet of the South
1600 feet of the North Half of Section 28,
Township 46 South, Range 43 East, lying East
of the Florida Intracoastal Waterway. (This
property runs from the ocean to · the Intracoastal
Waterway and is located about 1-3/4 miles South
of Atlantic Avenue. It adjoins the Fountain
House on the South).
Mr. Graham contemplates erecting on that portion of this
property which lies between the ocean and State Road AIA
a 40'unit apartment house. In order to service this
apartment it will probably take either a three or four inch
"Mr. Graham plans to erect this apartment building are
entirely dependent upon'his ability to secure water from
the City of Delray Beach. I will appreciate it, therefore,
if you will advise me as soon as possible whether or not
the City will be able to furnish this water for Mr. Graham.
If the City.s decision is favorable, then Mr. Graham will
proceed with his plans for closing his purchase of the
property and for obtaining proper approval from the County
authorities for the construction of the proposed apartment.
':Thanking you in advance for your assistance and cooperation
in this matter."
-6- 5-22-61
22, 1961.
City Clerk Worthing then read the following memorandum, from
DlrectoP of Public Works Fleming concerning same and dated May 18th:
"There is at present a 6" water main running through this
property so that no water main extension would be required.
"The policy for providing water to customers outside the
city limits recently adopted by the City Council, requires
Council approval for a 40 unit apartment house such as this.
This policy also requires that the Director of Public Works
state that a surplus of water exists at this point~
"It cannot honestly be stated that there is a surplus ~at
this location as, in fact, there are often complaints of
low water pressure in this area, However, there is an
amount provided in this yearts budget to reinforce this
water main with the installation of an additional line
and it is my belief that this installation could be made
in time to meet the needs of this request if the City
Manager and the Council so desire."
i.~{r~ Avery moved that this request be referred to the Annexation
Committee and they be requested to contact the interested parties
concerning annexation, the motion being seconded by Mr. Sundy. ~.
Worthing reported that he had today contacted said parties and re-
ceived an agreement that they will be most willing to be annexed at
any time the land is considered contiguous to a pm~t of De!ray Beach,
and that such information had come from the land owner and his legal
representative. ~r. Avery and Mr. Sundy then withdrew their motion
and second concerning same.
Mr~ Avery asked if property lying across the canal from Delray
Beach is considered contiguous and was info.~3med by ~M~ Worthing that,
in his opinion, it is contiguous. Mr. Avery then moved to accept
this offer to be annexed as it is now contiguous and that proper
procedure be followed to see that same is accomplished. The motion
was seconded by Mr. Sundy and carried unanimously.
Mr. Sundy then moved to proceed with the water main on South
Ocean Blvd. with the provision as stated in the recommendation, the
motion being seconded by M~. Avery.
Concerning steps of procedure regarding the water line, City
Engineer Fleming reported that there was an amount of $25,000.00
appropriated in the budget this year for strengthening and reinforcing
the llne on South Ocean Blvd.; that there is low water pressure oc~
cacionally in that area because there is not sufficient water supply.
He further stated that the line will start out as a 10" line running
from where the line now runs across the canal at Bucida, running South
on the West side of AIA and tie into this water line which will be
ample for domestic supply as well as fire protection for the area.
Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously.
Concerning Resolution No. 1329, which provides for authorization
by the Council for execution, by the City Manager, of an agreement
with the Florida East Coast Railway Company to install subgrade con-
duit crossing (120 volts) beneath the Railway right-of-way at N. E.
8th Street for traffic light purposes, City Clerk Worthing informed
the Council that said agreement had been reviewed by the Director of
Public Works and City Manager who find no exceptions to be taken to
it. City Clerk Worthing suggested, that if it be the pleasure of the
Council to approve this resolution, that it be done with the under-
standing that steps be taken toward possible reduction of the provided
$50.00 for first year and $20.00 each year thereafter, as he is of the
opinion that those fees may possibly be applicable to individual re-
quests of this nature and that this fee can be reduced to $1.00. City
Engineer Fleming informed the Council that the installation of badly
needed traffic signals at N. E. 8th Street and Federal Highways i~
being held up awaiting this permission to install conduit under the
tracks, and that he is in favor of attempting a negotiation to reduce
this fee but requests that the Council pass Resolution No. 1329 to~
night. It was then moved by Mr. Avery to pass said Resolution with
the provision that the section pertaining to fees be negotiated as
low as possible~ The motion wa~ seconded by Mm. Thayer and carried
-7- 5- z-61
22, 1961.
T. he roll,lng is a eepF of RESOLUTION NO. 1329.
BE IT ~OL~D, by the 0ity Ce~etl of the City of De~ay Beach,
Florida, a Fly, ida ~ioipal co~o~ation, as follows:
1. That t~ Ci~ of ~ay Beach, a ~icipal co~oration of the
State of ~lorida, does here~ contract ~d a~ee to ente~ into
~ee~nt with Florida East Oo~t Railway Comply, ~erein and whereby
the said City 'of De~ay Beach ls given the right and privilege to
stall and ~tain a sub~ade conduit co~isting of 6 - ~12 AWG wires
operating at 120 velt~ ae~oss ~ u~er the Railway~m right of way and
property in the ~2 ~ Pa~ Beach at ~he location more particularlY
described in agreement and as per Railway~a PI~ Corr. File 315-2,
dated April ~, 1~1, all aee~ding ~e the fur~e~ te~ and conditions
of said p~opese~ a~e~nt attaehe~ hereto amd made a part hereof.
2. T~t ~e ~%F M~age~, with t~ atte StatXen C~' the Oit~ Clerk,
be and th~ ~e he~e~ a~erimed and directe~ to execu~, said agree~
sent f~ ~ on beha~ ~f ~e City of ~lray Beach, Florida, a Flori~
munic i~al corperatien.
3. ~at ~is resoluti~ shall take effect i~ediately upon its
PESS~ ~ A~~ ~is ~ ~a2 ef May, 1761.
City Manager ~ingle rea~ the fmll~win6 report from the Pla~ing
Board c~ernimg future mse of city o~d la~s, dated Ma2 21, 1961:
"I am p~ease~ ~ su~t ~e y~ eerta~ rec~endations and
counts ab~t t~ sale ~ el~ ~e6 properties.
"Attaehe~ is a map tu$~m~ng In color all ef the city oecd
pr~e~ties. ~e~e in ~ed ~ ~e~e~mtiens m~e t~ us by
George S~na ~. A~t~ alae ~e e~es of meptain ~e-
c o~endatio~ ~e ~ ~m.
"~ive members o~ ~e ~, ~. S~s, ~d h~ assistant
met on ~A~ ~t~r ~ ~rAday May 17~. The Beard ~d they
were in geme~al a~emen? tha~ the polio2 of the city be
t~ sell no la~ds a~'a~l, but rat~er ~ every effort to
acquire mere, es~cial~2 ~e slmeaMle pieceS.
"Me both ~eded Shat ~ere were l~d~ ~ieh c~ld be sold.
After ~ch d~scussion ~ felt ~a~ ~he following ~ece~end-
a~len ~o~ld serve you as at least a general ~de.
ewe ~ec~e~ ~hat ~e rock pit property and all
othe~ parcels ef 6-~0 foot lots ~ less not already
in use by t~ eit2or ~autified by the city be sold
~d the pr~ee~s ~ S~h ~ales be earmarked f~ the
~ch~e ef ether ne~ l~ds for ~e public use."
"~ell~i~ th~s fe~l aeries of the Boa2d I beg yo~ in-
dulgence te add ~ pera~l eo~m~ to fu~the~ assist you
in this matter.
"Included In ~e above Btard ree~mdati~ are a n~ber of
small pieces .f p~ope~ me d~$ e~taini~ wate~ wells and
p~s, p~ssible si~ea :~ ~e .~ llf~ Stations, ~d
relative ~aea~le ~ 1~ va~e pieces which could ~d ~ould
be developed into mmall beautifie~ pl~$e~ ~ea.. T~e Director
of ~blic Wo~a sh~ld scan these pr~erties e~efully.
"~e city has placed t~e pro~e~t~s in t~e ~-3 area East ef
Seaboard f~ ~ea.e as I recall to induce ~dust~y he~e~ If
~iS has c~ged these coul~ be sold t~ de~Awe f~ds ~d
~.~Y 22, 1961
"taxes. Again it is possible that the Dept. of Public Works
may have need of this for heavy workshops, car pool garage,
repair shop and maintenance center under the industrial use.
Again the Dept of Works can approve.
"M~. Simons indicated that he felt that Carver High School
might in the future require more land, which could be had
from the great bulk of city owned land around it. Possible
the county in the future would consider a trade of lands to
put the city in a position to obtain lands East of the Lake
Ida canal North and South of Lake Ida Road, or from Lake Ida
itself South to Lake Ida Road which would be contiguous to
present city limits. This could achieve an excellent marina
area and outdoor recreation area.
"Tour annexation program may greatly affect Mr. Simons idea
of sale of the piece just North of the city limits and East
of Lake Ida canal, as well as the aforementioned paragraph.
"The Board is opposed t° the outright sale of the land on
Tenth Street and Fifth Avenue for private use. There are
an infinite number of installations of civic character
which could be placed there for the enjoyment and use of
the people. Please note that the city owns no property
other than this piece South of Tenth Street in the large
region of Tropic Isles and Tropic Palms.
/s/ Paul S. Knowles
City Manager Mingle reminded the Council that there is at the
present time an engineering firm employed~ being the Glace Engineering
Firm of Tampa, Florida, making a feasibility study for Delray Beach,
Boca Raton and Boynton Beach with the possibility of a cooperative
Incinerator, and suggested that the Council may not want to consider
the sale of the property known as the rock pit until they have the
feasibility report from the Glace Engineering Firm.
It was reported that since there had been no base bid made on
the rock pit property that it had not been advertised for sale.
Mayor Warren read the following letters from the Board of
Realtors and from Catherine E. Strong:
"May 16, 1961
"Mayor George Warren
City of Delray Beach
Delray Beach, Florida
"Honorable Mayor Warren:
"The Board of Realtors of Delray Beach wish to voice their
disapproval of the present plan of the City Council to sell
the parcel of land on U. S. I South at Germantown Road.
"We feel that the sale of this important physical asset of
the City at present prices is poor business in the face of
an almost sure price appreciation of this highway property.
"Our children and grandchildren will obviously need more
parks and playgrounds and new public buildings should be
necessary in the future in the South section of our City.
"We point to the recommendations of our Planning Consultant
who has recommended that the City acquire more land for
parks, etc., not to sell valuable land that we now own.
"Before going ahead on this sale we suggest that you con-
sult with other organizations in our community and we feel
sure you will find their feelings the same as ours."
/s/ Stuart Lankton
-9- 5-22-61
~'~¥ 22, 1961.
"May 19, 1961
"Hon. Mayor & Me,lAbors of City Council
City of Delray Beach
Delray Beach, Florida
"Gent lemon:
"It is with deep concern that I have read your considering
selling the city owned land on S. E. Tenth Street.
"I earnestly asl~ you to reconsider this action.
"Some day years from now as the city grows, it might prove
very costly to purchase land for city use such as parks,
city buildings, or whatever use may smise.
"Please give this matter a great deal of consideration before
action is taken to sell it.
/s/ Catherine E. Strong"
City Manager Mingle read the following letter from Rainbow Home~,
dated May 16th and signed by Leonard R. Turner:
"We have recently been advised to remove two directional
arrows placed at the in~ ersection of S. Federal Hig~.~way
and 10th St. in De]may Beach.
"These signs are not billboards; they are merely d~rec-
tional arrows which simply state "Rainbow Homes" and point
West on 10th St. Furthermore, we have been paying the
owner of the property on which these arrows were placed, a
monthly payment for the privilege of having these signs
"We suggest that these arrows are not unsightly, and not
in the least objectionable; we are also certain that
their presence is very helpful to the proper flow of
traffic, since, as you know, we do a great deal of adver-
tising, and it would seem to us that it is not in the in-
terests of the city to have cars meandering all over town
and stopping to ask directions on how to get to our location.
"These particular arrows have been at this location since we
opened our models in November of 1960. If you have had any
complaints from citizens of Delray Beach regarding them in
the past, these complaints have never been brought to our
"In view of the above, we request that special consideration
be given to permit us to restore these two arrows to their
former location."
Mr. Thayer stated that he wanted to give this item of directiona~t
signs some study before he would be ready to vote on it..
Mayor Warren informed the Council that Boca Raton installed di-
rectional signs on their street sign standards below the street n~.mes
and considered that to be a very good method of directing people to
the different subdivisions, etc. Mayor Warren suggested that some
study be given to .this subject and that the City Manager make recom-
mendations concerning same.
Mayor Warren brought to the attention of the Council the lengthy
report concerning Tropic Isle Subdivision that had been compiled in
an effort to determine who will pay for extending a drain that should
have been put in by the developers. The drain in question being from
Federal Highway to Spanish Trail where there is a present drain ~hat
goes into the waterway.
City Manager Mingle informed the Council that to get the matter
resolved from a technical standpoint, thinks it advisable that the~e
be some legal advise on it as far as the drainage i~stallation is
concerned and also other matters that the administrative staff of
city government would like to have a better understanding about.
Mayor Warren asked the City Manager to consult an attorney concerning
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~'~Y 22, 19ol.
this, at not too g~eat an expense, and make a report at the next
regular meeting.
Mayor Warren informed the Council that he had received a request
that a member of the Council be appointed as an Ex-officio member of
the Beach Committee and that they would like for Glenn Sundy to serve
in that capacity if it is agreeable.
Mayor Warren then appointed Councilman Glenn B. Sundy as Ex-
officio member of the Beach Co~m~lttee.
City Manager Mingle read the following letter from the Palm Beach
County Health Department, dated May l?th and signed by James G. Bro~,
Sanitary Engineer, regarding sewer waste facilities:
"Recently this department has.received numerous requests
for approval to let new commercial buildings connect the
sanitary building sewer to the so-called existing sewage
facilities serving a portion of the City of Delray Beach.
"We have refused to approve these requests, due to the
condition of the existing facilities. We feel that some-
thing should be done to correct and/or improve these ex-
isting facilities, as brought out by the Florida State
Board of Health in a letter dated July 8, 1960 to Russell
and Axon, Consultant Engineers.
"We have suggested that adequate septic tanks be installed
on the building sewer before the existing sewer, as a
temporary measure. However, we feel that this is not too
good a method. We strongly recommend and urge the City of
Delray Beach to continue its efforts in providing for ade-
quate and approved system of sanitary sewage facilities.
"It is recommended that the City of Delray Beach secure
the services of a consultant engineering firm to plan and
design such badly needed facilities. If I can be of any
further assistance, please feel free to call upon me."
City Manager Mingle informed the Council that he does have some
information concerning sanitary sewage that will be presented to the~u
soon for consideration and possible action.
Mayor Warren referred to a letter recently received from the Palm
Beach County Freight Traffic Bureau asking that the Council appoint a
citizen of good standing in the City of Delray Beach to the Freight
Rate Advisory Committee of said Bureau.
Mayor Warren then appointed Robert J. Holland to serve on said
comm~ittee as requested.
M~. Avery informed the Council that he had listened to several
comments from people in the building trades concerning the competency
of many of the sub-contractors that have come into this area. These
people feel that Delray Beach is in need of a certificate of compe-
tency for sub-contractors similar to that which the County requires,
and moved' that a committee be appointed with Julian Wells of Modern
Roofing Company as Chairman and with the following members: W.J.
Snow, III, Thomas Woolbright, City Manager Mingle and Building In-
spector Hughson. That this committee make recommendations at the
next meeting for an ordinance concerning a cePtificate of competency
for sub-contractors. The motion was seconded by Mr. Thayer and
carried unanimously.
Mr. Avery expressed his extreme displeasure and that of some
citizens of Delray Beach in the way that the .drainage contractor has
been pursuing his work, the way that this enti~e Pa~t of town has
been isolated from 8th Street to 1st Street and absol~teiy inaccess~
ible, with complete disregard for private property, damaged hedges,
etc. with the fact that at this time there are b~sinesses out of
business on N. E, 3rd Avenue, particularly the Hi'Neighbor Inn who
depends on day to day trade, and moved that the City Manager, the
fi_~.st thing tomorrow with utmost expediency, contact the citizens in-
volved and the contractor and get them some relief; also that the
people who have property damage where these drainage things have gone
be notified to get their claims in to the City department so that the
I~,~A Y 22, 1961.
City can supervise the paying of it. The motion was seconded by Mr.
City Engineer Fleming said that this was the first strong criti-
cism he had heard of this Job; that the contractor has been very
cooperative and that where any of the citizens have notified him of
such items that have been mentioned, the contractor has gone out of
his way to cooperate with what he has been asked to do in repairing
and taking care of these complaints. Mr. Fleming further stated
that the contractor had been given the authority to start three
crews working on this Job, in three locations, with the idea that
it would be better to be more inconvenienced for a short period of
time than to be torn up into next season and that he is doing an
excellent Job, workwise. Mr. Fleming also stated that the contractor
had today agreed that he will meet with the people that have been
mentioned and will make all these things right. Also that the con-
tractor had agreed to give a little more advance notice on the de-
tour routes in order that directional signs may be placed. Mr.
Fleming assured the Council that if these complaints are brought to
his attention he will immediately take them up with the contractor
whose intention it is to take ca~e of them as quickly as possible.
Upon call of roll the motion ~carried unanimously.
Mayor Warren asked if the 25 mile per hour speed limit on East
5th and 6th Avenues would continue and City Engineer Fleming com-
mented as follows concerning traffic, etc. on the new Federal High-
ways: "Recently I had a conference with Mr. Chandler and the re~
presentative of the State Highway Department. You probably noticed
that the one way signs are, for the most part, erected out there on
the two highways but are blar~ed out, covered over. We are going to
try to have all the signs prepared, the tags that go on the bottom
of our lights corrected, the streets restriped in the proper manner,
Atlantic Avenue, etc., and have asked them to give us as much fore-
wa.~ning as possible so that we can get the publicity out; tell it on
the radio and in the papers when this one-way set-up is going into
effect. After that goes into e£fect and has been in effect for a
little while SO they can make a comprehensible survey, they blank
off all speed limit signs and from the natural speed which people
take through there, by some formula that they have, they arrive at
th~ correct speed for which people should travel through town. At
the same time they will give us their recommendation which is also
their orders as to where we can put in traffic lights."
City Manager Mingle presented the following bills for approval:
General Fund $ 109,~83.04
Water Fund - Operating Fund 19,8~.38
Special Assessment Fund 19,728.46
Refundable Deposits Fund 4,992.96
Improvement Fund ~7,8~0.63
It was moved by Mr. Avery, seconded by ~. Thayer and unanimously
carried that the bills be paid~
Mrs. W. C. Carroll, Jr. of Bauhinia Road, complained of nuisance
lots in her vicinity also of trucks parked on Azalea Road in a resi-
dential section. Mayor Warren asked the City Manager to check into
the truck parking situation.
M~. Carl Spade of 1010 Sea Sage Drive complained of a nuisance
lot North of his residence and ~s. Brauch of 13 N. E. 4th Street
complained of nuisance lots in their vicinity.
Mayor Warren informed the City Manager that the Council had
worked hard to get a revised ordinance on lot clearing and since
the time for getting this work done had been shortened they did
not expect to continue getting complaints.
The meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M.
~ity Clerk -
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