05-29-61SpMtg A special meeting of t~e Cit~ Council of Del~a7 Beach was held in ~e C~cil ~bere at 7~00 P.M., with ~yo~ George V. ~ar~en the 'o~ir, City ~age~ ~o~ge ~ngle ~d Co~ci~en A1 C. Avery, 9!e~ B. $~2 ~d ~o~ A. Thaye~ be~ present. An ope~ p~aye~ was delivered b2 Co~i~ Jo~ A. Mayor W~en called the meeti~ to o~er ~ouneing that ~d been called fo~ the p~pose of considering petition concerni~ pervasive use of yacht l~s fo~ increased recreational facilities bY the Grimes Fo~dation, ~d fo~ ~ other business that ~y oo~ before the Mayor W~ren ~~oed ~at ~te~ co~ult~ wi~ m Attorney conoerni~ the G~i~a Fo~dation ~equest ~e foll~a o~din~oe was prep ~ed. 0-397. AN O~NCE A~~G S~TIO~ 1~ OP O~ANCE NO. 0-383, ~0~ AS T~ CO~~S~ ZONING ~G~TIONS POR ~ CI~ OF DE~Y ~R~A, PROV~G POR ~ ~E~ION OF PER- MISSIVE ~B IN fi-iAI md all othe~ ~SS STRICT~ DISTRICTS TO I~L~E PR~ATE G0~ 00~. ~a~ied that Ordinance No.~'~ 3~ be placed on first reading. MayoP W~men mead ~e followl~ e=e~pt8 f~ the Ma~ 25th Beautification Co, tree Meet~ Minutes~ "1. A motion was ~de by ~. Sante, seconded b2 ~s. Little, ~at the city proceed ~ediately wi~ installa- tion of spr~kler syste~ on ~e no~ ~d south entrance islands ~ that this installation work be done by city employees. Motion passed ~~ualy. "~. 'A moti~ was ~de by ~. ~ton, seconded ~ ~rritt, that the Chai~ appoint a sub~o~ttee to meet with Sw~ Bro~ ~d the iow biddem on the isled l~dscape pl~ and that ~ls ~up p~oceed with l~d- scaping the north isled up to a cost of $2,500.00 which has been o~e~ed by the garden clubs. Motion passed ~animous ly." Following discussion, City M~er ~le read the following mem~ r~d~ from DirectOr of ~blic Wo~ Flemi~, da~ed May "S~T: Beautif~ation - N~th a South ~~cea U.S.~ 1 "The est~ate given to Co--il at the last re~l~ meet~ fo~ ~at portion of t~ subject project w~ch was pressed to be do~ ~ the city, ~d including the rem~al of e~eas fill, Pr~ld~ ~ck, i~tallation of sprl~l~ sFstem, fem$ilizing ~ seedi~ was as foll~s~ "For the no~th t~tangle - - - - - - - - - - - $2,800 T~AL "If ~e above ~ntlo~ .~eaa were to be. e~ded ra~e~ seeded, the estima~s would be ~reased to app~o~te12 .$~,600 fo~ the nor~.tr~gle, $3,900'f~ ~e sou~ tri- ~e or a ~1 of $8,5~. ~clude~ in ~his total ~~i~t~y $3,~0 fo~ the ~tallatlon ~ a system in ~ "The tabulation of bids received £~om Swan Brown for total landscaping off the above two t~ian~les indicates that the low bidder asked $15,760.40 for co~4~lete lan.al, soaping in- cludl~ soils and ~ass, o~ an alternate off $9,178.~O tf all so~ls ~d ~ass were deducted. SubtractinE these two fiEu~es leaves $6,582 which was apparently the cost. assi~- ed by the 1~ bidde~ to the preparation of soils and. Erass. exclusive o~ the sp~l~ling system. "There will be some small savinE i~ portions o~ this work ~e do~ ~ city forces, also a savinE due to the donation of .~ck. However, as~has been pointed out' . cit~ work crews ~e well beh~d in their ~eEul~ work and the app~ent savings, fo~ the most pa~t, .me~s only ~at. ma~o~s ~ill be used fo~ beautification which a~e budgeted for othe~ work. "It. should also be noted ~at ~ additional l~bore~ should be p~ovided to wateF ~d c~e fo~ these plant~s, ~f it Is conte~lated that this work be done p~io~ to ~e. be~in- ning of the new f~scal "An estate was ~equ~ed also, for p~ovidtn~ str~ps ~n the set-back ames at the easterly edge of the pamk~ns lot at the old C~t~ Hall. The cost of~pmovid~ a small c~b, ~e~v~ pav~ng, p~ov~dins muck,-~nstall~ small ap~nkl~ sustem ~n these areas would be ~ the nei~borhood of $600. A~ f~them planting, it Is ass~ed, would be done by ~e ~den clubs o~ the beautif~cation co~ttee." Ma~o~ War~en asked C~ty M~asem ~le to f~nd OUt. ~e cost of mate~al needed ~d ~f theme was money available to purchase sa~d mate~al fo~ the ~tellat~ of the spr~le~ systems in ~ese North and South t~iangles. ' Re~a~di~ paragraph 2 of the Beautification Co, tree ~inutes excerpts, ~yom War~en a~ounced that he had attended a meeting today with Swan ~own, ~llton Boone,. Rose Little, Ed. Sc~ldt Joe S~te ~d co~ented as follows conce~ni~ said meet~ ~d l~dscaplns the two approaches to the cit[~ "We ~ant to set 6oins on the No~th isled. We ~ow that ~wan ~o~ let out the landscape architect d~aw~ss for both islands which c~ to some ~16,000.00 w~th ~lton Bo~e as. 10w b~dde~. ~e 0~ ~all and Comity Cente~ ~cludins Bro~$ architect fee was ~9,200.00 which only ~8,600.00 had been app~opmiated, so ~e ~e sho~t $600.00 there. ~at the meeting, resulted in was ~e hopes that the could approp~iate about $1,700'00 to move all the pl~ts and tmees that have been donated ~d ~t wes concluded that Swan B~o~ would go along with placi~ these tmees, pamt~cul~ly in ~e No~ lsl~d~ that have been donated. ~t ~t costs monet to move them, ~d quest~ontns the City, M~age~ about f~ds that would be available.for ~is use ~t was ~epo~ted that no f~ds were available." City Ha~se~ ~nsle then ~epo~te~-'~that a $~,~00'00 ~o~t of _ mone~ had been appropriated ~n t~ ~ecmeat~o~l accosts last for the develop~ of two baseball p~ay f~elds ~n the ~ee of S. ~d ~d 3~d ~venues between 3~d ~d ~th Streets ~d that ~o~t money had not been used for the intended p~pose and that two weeks e~o $1500.00 of this ~o~t was appropriated fo~ Janitor services at ~e Co~t~ Cente~ ~ld~ns leav~ $3~200.00 ~n that accost that c~ be used. Mayg~ W~en f~em ste~d t~t the G~den Clubs would ~ke thel~ $2,~00.00 available fora use at ~s time for plac~ the donated t~ees ~d s~bbe~ ~d the Cit~ woul~ ~eplace sa~d ~t at e later.date to be used as ~t had been ~ntended.. Me, om W~men a~o stated that Sw~ B~o~ ~d offered to f~n~ce between $1,700.00 ~d ~2,000.00 lcd the C~ty ~til next budset time ~ neoess~ but a~ce ~t has been fo~d that ~eme ~. $3,~00.00 av~le~ w~ld not be necess~, ~om W~men ~sked that Sw~'~~a ~equest f~ ~ eppropm~at~on of $2~0.00 to constmuct a slat house at ~ C~ty n~se~ on S. 4th Street be taken ease o~ a~d it was z~e.ed _by ~. 3u~dy~ seconded b7 ~. Avery a~d u~a~la~12 carried that $250.00 be e~propriated from the funds ~entioaed as beJ~g available fo~ building of said slat house. City Clsrk ~/e~tl~ng repo~ted_ that $~.e public auction of cXty owned ls~d 17tr~ between S. E. 5th and 6t~ Avenues a~d abutting 10th Street had been ~eld at lIO0 P.~..toda7 as advertised and that ~he bids received we~e~ David Berlme ~J,~O0.O0 and Atlantic Realty Cc~an~ $10,000.00. ~, Su~d7 ~oved that all blds be rejected. The motion wes seceded by ~'. Avery a~d caA~led unanimously. ~. Avery said that Ae theft the need was here for the Council to set some pollc7 co-corning the releasing of information from the Police Department. ~. Avery tha~ moved that the City Manager be lnstruct~ to get th~ Police Chle£ and sit do~n with official repre- sentatives of all the news papers ee~vln~ t~ia e~ea and set u~ a policy of standard operating pro, educe fo~ tho dissemination of tn- formation and all of the personnel in the P~l/ce Department be In- doctrinated that It ts the poltc7 of this Council that everyone ~ets equal treatment. ~f ir~ormation is given out it ia given out to everyone. If information ts with-held that it will be eith-held f~om everyone. The motion was seconded by M~. Thayer. Mayor Warren asked City Manager Mingle what the usual procedure was concerning news releases for s police department. Ctt~ ~anager Mingle reported that there were different procedures and policies as fa~ as agencies and departments a~e concerned and that he had heard t_hAs Subject discussed from coast to coast at the Xnternattonal Police ~onventlons and that there is no established pollc7 of giving police information to the public; also that if ~. AVery would give them a suggested uniform policy he would certalnl~be glad to review it. Following ftmther discussion, M~. Aver~ asked that he be on this committee with the City Manager, Police Chief and representatives of the news papers to see if the2 can prepare some policy. Tt was suggested that other cities be contacted ooncer~ thet~ policy in such matters and Mayor ~arren said that he would confer with the City Manager on this subject. Mr. Avery withdrew his motion under the condition that this item would be pursued furthe~ and Mr. ~hayer withdre~ his second to said motion. The meeting adjourned at ?:35 P.~. Cit2 Clerk APPROVED ~