10-16-61SpMtg 00TOBER 16, 1961. A special meeting of the City Council of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 8:00 PoM., with Mayor George V. Warren in the Chair, City Manager Louis J. Smitzes, City Attorney John Ross Adams and Councilmen A1 C. Avery, Dugal G. Campbell, Clenn B. Sundy and John A. Thayer being present. 1. An opening prayer was delivered by Elder Hoyt B. Simms. 2. On motion by Mm. Sundy and seconded by Mr. Avery, the m~..autes of ~the October 9th, 1961 meeting were unanimously approved. 3. Under recognition of public requests from the floor, Father Austin Cooper addressed the Council as follows: "I am Father Austin Cooper, Vicar of St. Matthew's Episcopal Church of De]may Beach, President of the Delray Beach Branch of N.A.A.C.P. Let me first of. all allay the fears and suspicion of all the people in Del~ay Beach. I am not a northerner,I am very much southern. I was born and reared in Dade County. I received my college education in Raleigh, N. C. I received my seminary training i~ the mid-west and not in the north, so I am very much southern. I want to also say that this movement of equality for negroes is not centered around me so much as it is centered a- round a desire in the hearts of people, negro people, to be given first class citizenship even here in Delray Beach. If I should leave De]may Beach tomorrow morning this movement which has been begun, will continue I can assure you. Even the negroes who tell you that they are satisfied are only kidding you gentlemen. They want their equality. They don't want you to know that they want it. They expect others to go and get it for them. Don't be kidded, gentlemen, I can assure you. Let me also say that when I came to Delray Beach a year ago that the negroes themselves had begun to garner their forces, so this is not anything which I started. It had begun before I came to Delray Beach. I met with you in a meeting a few weeks ago, a closed meeting, at which time I suggested that if you members of the Council, as you say recognize a national law, I' dldntt say that you recog- nized the inevitable if we have to go to court, and, we will go if we have,to go.. I propose to you that you issue a public statement of policy regarding the use of all of the city facili- ties in Delray Beach with regards to being used by all citizens. That such a policy must be acceptable to all the negro people. .That if such a policy contains a remote hint to segregation we would then have to challenge it. This I proposed to you, you remember. No city can be great as long as one segregation ex- ample exists. No city can call itself great as long as people are discriminated against. This is not a democracy I can assure you, not that which my professors in school taught me, I dontt know about the other people. Segregation is expensive, I'm sure you know. Segregation is certainly not good economics and these figures which I quote with reference to the Ocean Ridge Beach, someth/~g like $%1,~:1:2.00 have been spent in recent years by this city on the Ocean Ridge Beach mainly for personal services. This, to me, and to all well thinking people, is a waste of tax payers money, that hard earned money of both white and negro peo- ple. This is a lot of money which could be used here in Delray Beach for other purposes. As only one example, you, the city fathers, have it in your power to set an example for Delray Beach and for all of the other cities surrounding, if you will issue a statement of policy regarding the use of municipal facilities by the citizens of Delray Beach. I repeat, such a policy must be free from any hint of segregation. Let me assure you gentlemen that our membership is growing each week. Our membership is growing each week. Until such time as a policy is forthwith, comes forthwith from you, we on the west side, 'those members of N.A.A.C.P. and all other interested persons will intensify, we will step up our campaign. You have in your power to do what ia right, to do what is Just, to do what is Godly. I dontt know about the rest of you people here but I prayed before I came to- night. That is a part of my life as a priest, to pray. I'm sure 10-16 -61 OCTOBER 16, 1961. "you would have done the same thing, or you ought to have if you did not, to decide on such an important issue. I ask you again to issue a policy. I remind you that until such time as one is coming forth from you~ we In the N.A..A.C.P., we In- terested citizens of the west side~ will step up ottr campaisn. I thank you." ~r. Bob Fackle~ of Fackle~s ~intl~ Shop said that he did not approve of ~is ~n making t~eats against the cit~ of Del~ay Beach in one breath and in the next b~eath speaking of God, ~d that in hie ~owledge the N.A.A.C.P. Is ~e onl~ o~g~ization in the State of Florida that has refused to abide by the state laws, and that he does not thi~ that the Council would be doi~ the ~i~t thing to let this ~n t~eaten them with court action ~d stepping up thel~ c~aign with~t letting him ~ow Just ~ere he studs. Mayor Warren stated t~t, as ~e governing body, the Council has to subscribe to the Federal Law, that the Oo~cil and Inter-Racial Co, tree all ~e working on it for the good of Delray Beach. ~s. Eleanor G~ingle who is in the real estate business said that people realize that the laws of the supreme oo~t and other courts must be followed but the comities in De~ay Beach are somewhat dif- ferent, ~d that since Delray Beach is a very hi~ class co~nity and one that depends largely on ~e tourist trade that sacrifices must be ~de by the citizens in order to keep ~at business for the economy of Delray Beach. D~ing follow~g co~ents, ~. C~pbell questioned whether Father Cooper represented the N.A.AeO.P. as a ~ster of the gospel or as an individual, and that he wondered how ~ch emphasis Father Cooper wanted people of De~ay Beach and others to place on ~e fact that he was seemi~ speaking as a ~ister of t~ gospel rather th~ as individual. ~. C~bell further stated that he di~'t believe there was any place, in what was trying to be worked out, for t~eats. Mayor Warren read a lette~ from ~e Inter-Racial Comittee which is attached to and ~de a part of the official c~y of these ~nutes.* ~. O~bell moved that receipt of the letter be ac~owledged ~d acceptance of the invitation for meeti~ of Octobe~ 31st, the motion being seco~ed by ~. ~ayev and carried ~. Campbell stated that it should be understood ~at the Beach Comittee continues to e~at and is an Inter-Racial co~ttee to the s~e extent as the other co~ttee, and also hilly co,ended Police Depar~ent on their work concerning this matter. 3. ~. Ralph ~utsen called attention to an article in the Sun- Sentinel paper of Monday, Ootobe~ 16, 1961 reg~ding c~ents on sports by the Recreational D~ector. 4. Mayor Warren read t~ Beautification Comlttee meeting minutes of October 12th, 1961. Mayo~ Warren also presented the following letter from J. Boone, dated Octobe~ 11, 1961. "Althou~ you may have noticed or had your attention called to the i~rovements made, we wish to officially i~orm 2ou that the area west of the F.E.O. tracks between S. E. 10th St. and the Swinton Avenue rai~oad crossing, has been filled ~d is now landscaped. "This is a donation we.'~e pleased ~o .make .to ~vove our City in general, and our nei~borhood in p~ticul~. A further donation is being ~de by ~. Jim Nowlin, who is supplying a spri~ler system ~d water from his well. "Now that this small ,pa~k~ has been developed, it is hoped that the city c~ see its way clear to maintain it, and it is the purpose of this letter to ask ~at you favorably consider this request fora its mainten~ce." It was ~ved by ~. C~bell, seconded by ~. Sundy ~d ~an~ous- ly c~ried that a letter of appreciation be ~itten to ~. Boone and that the City M~ager be instructed to have this landscaped area main- tained. -2- 10-16-61 * See Page 32~G, 324H, & 32hi 5. Mayor Warren presented a letter from the Military Order of the Purple Heart of the United States of America, proclaiming October P}!th 1961 as United Nations Day. Mayor Warren then appointed the Com~aanders of the Sherman Williams Post No. 188, Milton-Myers Post No. 65 and V.F.W. O'Neal P~iest Post No. 4141 as a committee in charge of any program or recognition for the United Nations Day. 6.a. Regarding the request of Sherman Williams Post No. 188 for per- mit to hold a Festival on November 20th th~u 25th, which item was ta- bled on October 9th for one week, Mr. Campbell read the following ordinanc e. O DINA O NO. G-4 . AN OP INANOE OF CI Y CO.OIL OF OF DELRA¥ BEACH, FLORIDA AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. G-386 PERTAINING TO THE HOLDING AND EX- MUNICIPAL LIMITS. It was moved by Mr. Oam~bell, seconded by F~. Avery and unanimous- ly carried that Ordinance No. G'41~ be placed on first reading and a public hearing.to be held on said Ordinance on November 6th. 6.b. Mr. Avery moved that the request of Mr. Fred Wilson to operate a taxicab service be granted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Campbell and carried unan~us12. X. Mr. Campbell moved that *.he City Manager be instructed to present at the next meeting any additions, corrections, deletions or whatever is necessary to bring about the following: The owners of licenses or permits issued to operate taxicabs in the city be held to that on each and every car that they operate, be held to that period under which the car is actually on the streets and in operation. That if a cam is placed in storage a/%~ ~le city is notified that the insurance is no longer in effect, at ~at ti~e the permit is withdrawn, and further that those people who have established on their performance and the operation of thei~ taxicabs be given a preference when and if they wish to pick up a license at a later date. Mr. 0ampbell stated that he was trying to accomplish getting away from twenty three permits out- standing with eighteen in operation and men asking for a license and the Oouncil hesitating because they think there are enough licenses already out. The motion was seconded by Mr. Sundy and carried unani- mously. 6.c. Mr. Campbell moved that a committee be appointed by the Mayor to study all parts of the operation of the Water Department in the same manner that it might be studied if it was a separate water company operating ~nder a board of directors. The motion was seconded by Mm. Thayer and carried unanimously. Mayor Warren then appointed said committee as follows: Mr. Ward Robinson as Chairman, City Manager Louis Smitzes and Councilman Dugal Campbell. 6.d. Regarding a request to establish a Superintendent of Parks, City Manager Smitzes stated that this is in conformance with the Council's desire to establish a Parks Division under the direct supervision of a Superintendent who would be directly responsible to the Directo~ of Public Works and that the current budget allows for approximately $3,600. salary, and requested that a salary of $5,000. be allowed with the additional amouht being transferred from the Contingency Fund, it being so moved by Mr. Oampbell, seconded by Mr. Sundy and unanimously carried. 6.e. Regarding limitation of ~Me~ine Supplies! and clarification of ~Grant~ to Lessee of the City Docks, Mr. Thayer stated that at the meeting last week a motion was made, which he seconded, to accept the Planning Board Report rega~ding the services at the Oity Docks, and in seconding that motion he did not realize that there was any question about the extension or addition to the building, that he Just thought it conoerned things to be sold at the docks. Mr. Thayer further stated that he did not believe that the recommendation of the Planning Board, according to their statement, provided for an~ addition to the build- _ lng, or another building, and felt that the recommendations of the 10-16-61 OCTOBER 16, 1961. Planning Boemd should be more inclusive than they were in the recom- mendation that they made last week as it said nothing about the build- ing or an addition to it. M~. Thayer then moved to rescind the action taken by the Council in session last Monday evening, October 9th, pertaining to sustaining the recommendation as set forth in the Planning Board Report dated October 2, 1961 concerning the Board.s findings as a result of the public hearing held September 29th on the request of Mr. Jarman Smith. The motion was seconded by Mm. Campbell. Following discussion Mr. Sundy moved to table that motion for a week. The motion was seconded by Mr. Avery and upon call of ro11, Mm. Avery and Mm. Sundy voted in favor of the motion, Mr. Campbell, Mm. Thayer and Mayor Warren being opposed. The motion did not csmry. Upon call of roll on the motion to rescind action taken by the Council on October 9th, Mr. Campbell, Mm. Thayer and Mayor Warren voted in favor of the motion, Mr. Avery and Mr. Sundy being opposed. Mr. Thayer then moved that the Planning Board be requested to sub- mit a complete report and recommendations concerning use of the City Docks as a result of the public hearing held on September 29th, the motion being seconded by Mm. Campbell. During discussion City Clerk Worthing was requested to read the public notice given concerning the public hearing in question. Mr. 0am--pbell then stated that the Board must have had a beaming as to the building as well as to .the marine supplies, but there is no recommenm- dation made as to the building in the Planning Boardts Report. Mr. Paul Enowles, Chairman of the Planning Board, stated that he was quite sure the Board would be willing to reconvene and add to or clarify their recommendation. Since Mr. Avery would not be present at the next nouncil meeting Mr. Campbell asked Mr. Knowles if he could give the Council a statement as to whether the Board intends to include the building, or did not intend to include the building in their recommen- dations. Following further lengthy discussion the Council recessed for ten minutes to discuss with Mm. Knowles the Planning Board's re- commendations after which Mm. Thayer withdrew his motion that the Planning Board be requested to submit a complete report and recommen- dations concerning use of the City Docks as a result of the public hearing held on September 29th, and Mr. Campbell withdrew his second to that motion. Mr. Campbell then spoke as follows: "~. Mayor, I would like to offer the following motion. As the chairman of the Planning Board has clarified that it was. the intent of his report to cover recommendation for permission to build either an addition or a new building, and to permit retail sales, I now move that the petition for permissive use for marine sales and for extension of the building be denied." The motion was seconded by Mr. Thayer. Following further discussion and comments and upon call of roll, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Thayer and Mayor Warren voted in favor of the motion and Mr. Avery and Mm. Sundy were opposed. Mr. Sundy asked of the City Attorney: "Would we be liable for any inconvenience or any expense that Jarman Smith has gone to this Week, if he has hired an architect or anything after we voted to gi~o him _.. ~armission." City Attorney: "I think this is dangerous ground that you are getting into when you rescind things because there certainly is a possibility on occasions such as this that you could incur liability. Actually in this particular case I think you still-----it was still all pending on the approval of the Council on the lease so I doubt if there was Justification for his incurring too many expenses. Did I answer your question?" Mr. Sundy: "I didn,t know whether the action of the Council last Monday night in going along with the recommendation of the Planning Board would have any bearing on him going ahead with his project or not." City Attorney: "But for the fact that you still retained the authority to.approve the lease I-----------" Mr. Avery: "But that was related to the sale of the things we were going to spell out in the lease, what could be sold and could not be s old----------" City Attorney: "I~m not arguing. I am Just saying I think you probably retained the right to specify the dimensions of the building too." ~ -4- 10-16-61 OCTOBER 16, 1961. 6.f. City M~nager Smitzes presented application for transfer of license to s~ll beer on the premises of De]may Bowling Lanes to the new owner, Mr. Gerald G. Pence and that said license has heretofore been granted to and held by Delray-Bowl-O-May, Inc. The City Manager further stated that the applicant has been thoroughly investigated and approved by the local Police Department and the State Beverage Depart- ment. It was moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Avery and unani- mously carried that the application be granted. 7.a. City Manager Smitzes informed the Council that Building Official and members of the Plumbing Board ask that Quinton Bishop, Master Plumber, be appointed to the Board of Plumbing Commissioners to fill the vacancy caused by the absence of John McWethy from the state for some time. It was moved by Hr. Avery that Hr. Quinton Bishop be appointed as requested. The motion was seconded by Mr. Sundy and carried unanimously. 8.a. City Clerk ~orthing read RESOLD~ION NO. 1353. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ASSESSING COSTS FOR ABATING NUISANCES UPON CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED WITHIN SAID CITY; SETTING OUT ACTUAL COSTS INCURRED BY SAID CITY TO ACCOMPLISH SUCH ABATEMENT AND LEVYING THE COST OF SUCH ABATEMENT OF SAID NUISANCES, AND DE- CLARING SAID LEVY TO BE A LIEN UPON SAID PROPERTY IN AN AMOUNT AS SHOWN BY REPORT OF THE CITY MANAGER OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. (copy of Resolution No. 1353 is attached to and made a part of the official copy of these minutes.) See ?aje 324A, 324B, 324C, 324D It was moved by Mr. Sundy, seconded by Mr. Avery and unanimously carried that Resolution No. 1353 be adopted. 8.b. City Clerk Worthing presented ORDINANCE NO. G-411. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, A}~.NDING CHAPTER 25786, SPECIAL LAWS OF FLORIDA, ACTS OF 1949, AS AMENDED, SAME BEING THE CHARTER OF SAID CITY BY AMENDING SECTION 78 THEREOF TO PRO- VIDE FOR A CITY PURCHASING SYSTEM, INCLUDING C0M PETITIVE BID~ AND CONTRACT PROCEDURE; PROVIDING TN EFFECTIVE DATE. (copy of Ordinance No. G-411 is attached to and made a Dart ~f the official copy of these minutes.) See ~age 324E a~J 324~ There being no objections to Ordinance No. G-411 on this second and final reading it was moved by Hr. Campbell that said ordinance be adopted. The motion was seconded by Mm. Thayer and upon call of roll, Hr. Campbell, Mr. Sundy, Mr. Thaye~. and Mayor Warren voted in favor of the motion and Mr. Avery abstained from voting. In order to expedite this purchase procedure, a review and author- izing procedure to proceed with the new forms, etc., Mayor Warren appointed a committee consisting of City Manager Smitzes, Fro. Ward Robinson and a member of the accounting firm of Himes & Himes. 8.c. City Clerk Worthing read ORDIHANCE NO. G-412. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING PARAGRAPH (a), SECTION 13-2, CHAPTER 13, CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, BY ADDING ANOTHER MEMBER TO THE BOARD OF ELECTRICAL EXAMINERS FOR SAID CITY. There being no objections to Ordinance No. G-412 it was moved by Hr. Avery, seconded by Mr. Thayer and unanimously carried that said Ordinance be adopted on this second and final reading. (copy of Ordinance No. G-412 is attached to and made a part cf the official copy of these mi ~nuj ~s.) See Ord. on bottom ?a~e 324 10-16-61 OCTOBER 16, 1961. 8.d. Regarding a propgsed ordinance repealing Ordinances No. G-236, No. G-237 and No. G'238, Mr. Campbell moved this matter be tabled for further study. The motion was seconded by Mr. Thayer and upon call of roll, Mr. Avery, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Thayer and Mayor Warren voted in favor of the motion, Mr. Sundy being opposed. 9.a. City Manager Smitzes reviewed the following memorandum regard- lng the cost of beach repairs as recommended by the Beautification Committee, said memorandum being from the Director of Public Works. "Following is an estimate of the cost of repairs and improve- ments as recommended by the Beautification Committee, and quested by a motion of the Council in the regular meeting of September 25, 1961. "The following estimate includes the cost of work to be done by contract unless otherwise indicated: "1. ~ Planting of up to 70-80 coconut palms......... $750 2. Landscaping 32' stmip between Miramar and Ingraham Streets to be done by contract except that additional sprinklers, as needed, will be fu~nished by city forces. ............. ~00 3. Repair of wooden steps........................~4450 4. Extending of storm sewer outfalls into the ocean by contract............................. $6000 5. Provide four additional shelters approximately 10 ' square with canvas tops................... $1200 6. Lower garbage cans (22) into ground by sinking section of reinforced concrete pipe........... $1100 Total of above work................$11,900 "It is strongly recommended however that item 4, extending the outfalls to the waterts edge, be eliminated in favor of the construction of concrete headwalls as has been done in three locations. Due to the changing elevation of the sand on the beach, repeated attempts to extend the outfalls toward the ocean have in the past proved unsuccessful. If the~pipes are placed low enough so ~bat they will not be uncovered and under- mined by the changing elevation of the beach, they must then be extended out into the surf with the result that the first storm plugs the ends of the pipes with sand, and the water overflowing the sidewalk from the street washes out the entire structure in a very short period. "On the other hand, we have recently experimented with the con- struction of concrete headwalls, supported by iron pipes used as pilings and driven into the sand as deeply as possible. To date these headwall structures have been successful in retain- ing the sand embankment on the street side, although there is of course some channeling across the beach. "If the Council should decide to permit headwalls to be con- structed on the remaining seven outfalls by city forces, item 4 would be reduced from $6000 to $2100. "It is further requested that before proceeding with item 6, the lowering of garbage cans into pits in the ground, that the possibility of securing a plastic or fiberglass container presenting a much better appearance be investigated. It would be difficult to maintain the proposed pits in a condition free of sand and debris, and the lowered elevation of cans makes them much more inconvenient for use both by the public and for emptying by our garbage crews. "In regard to the other items mentioned by the Beautification Committee: "1. The rusty traffic signs will be replaced as quickly as possible. 2. The pavilion can be divided at no great cost so that bathers and non-bathers may use specific areas." -6- 10-16-61 323 OCTOBER 16, 1961. ~e 0ity N~nager asked City Engineer Fleming to explain more fully Just w~mat the difference ia between the $6,000. storm sever outfall and the $2,100. stor~ sewer provision as proposed, ~hich the Engineer did in detail. Mr'. Campbell asked if that took ca~e of the bad one by the Seacrast Hotel, to which Mr. Flemin~ answered8 "That one actually should not exist. We have a design showing a line extended across to the east side of the street there. I believe that we can make the original installation and ttxen extend it acr~as the street later, but it shOUld have an ~ntake on the west side of the street." Mr. Cam~belA moved to approve Item 1 which .isplant. ing of coconut palms, seventy o~ eighty of them, at a cost of $?~O.00, Item 2 ~ioh is 'the landscapir~ .of a 32! strip between Mi~ama~ D~ive and Ing~aham Street and Item 3 to repair the wooden steps, the motion being second- ed b2 Mr. Tha~e~ and tlnanimousl2 ca, tied. Mr. Campbell the~ moved, regarding Item 6, to accept the recomuen- darien of the City Engineer not to sink the garbage cans, and refer the matter back to the Beautification Committee for further study. The motion was seconded by Mr. Thayer and ca~ried unanimously. M~. Campbell then moved, regarding Item %, that further study be had on this point, that is the additional shelters, as today the can- Vas on the large shelter at the pavilion has gone once again~ also to accept the Engineers reocm~endations on Item 4. The motion was second- ed by Mr. Thayer and tax, led unanimously. 9.b. Regarding the report dated September 29th, 1961 from the audit- ~ng firm of Hines & Hines, City Manager Smitzes informed the 0ouncil that it had been gone over in detail with the auditors and certain recommemdations were discussed in detail. M~, Campbell moved that the auditors repo~t be accepted and the recommendations contained therein be put into effect as soon as possible, the motion being seconded by Mr. Sundy and unanimously ca~ried. X. Mr. Thayer reporSed that a gentleman in ~ard I was com~mlaining about sea g~aPes along North Ocean Blvd. scratching his car and othe~ cars and that he Bad ~itten to the property owner who had the sea grapes removed and ~ed Mr. Thayer for calling it to her attention. X. Mr. Sund~ asked if there could be something done about synch~oniz- lingthe traffic li~l~ts th~u town, and the City ~anager said that there :~ould be a atud~ a~d x~port made. X. Mr. Campbell e~ked for a ~eport as to when the Police Dep~tment '~ould reccenuend the parking meters be put into effect and that ~anuary ?irst has been suggested. .~. Mr. Ave~-y asked if .an~ contact had been made with the County ~ommissioners and County Engineer concerning the d~alnage problem on ~. E. ~nd Avenue in the vicinity of ~nd Street. The City Manager reported that there had been some progress made and that the Ci~ Engineer had met with the County Engineer in re- sponse to Count-y~ Ccem~ission action authorizing a fifly'fifty drainage ~roJect to be participated in by the City and the County. This neces- ~itates the preparation of a legal document and sketches to follow ~hrough on the regula~ assessment procedure and-' that City Attorney ~dams, Mr. Middleton and the County Attorney are to get together and ?repare the legal document to present to the Council for consideration. ~. Mayor Wa~-~en informed the Council that on Gleason Street at the ~sidence of Dr. Huntington and on Andrews Avenue at the residence of :~s. ~pitzley, the co,pan2 who did the g~ass planting after the gas lines were installed, failed to provide muck or proper substance in re- placing the sod~ also on the east-west street at the Huntington resi- dence there is a three foot open hole at the edge of the paving which she believes should be taken care of by the city. 10.a. City ~anager Smitzes presented bills for. a~proval as follows~ General Fund $ 1~.,~9§.1~ ~ater Fund - Operating Fund 69~.16 On motion by Mr. Campbell,_ seconded by Mr. Thayer and unani- mously carried the bills were ordered paid. X. City Manager ~mitzes referred to an Emergency ~chase Order that had to be approved by himself in orde~ to facilitate the maintenance -?- 10-16-61 OCTOBER 16, 1961. nd openin~ o£ the west side peel whloh ~equt~ed the p~sae o~ a 600.00 p~. This ~ wan pu~aaed f~ ~111~ K. Kl~k. Said action was ~~usly ~pP~ed ~ ~ti~ b~ ~. Avery and seconded ~e ~et~g adJo~d at 10:00 D. ....... ? - -- . - Yi.~' ' ................... City Clerk A PPR0~: ' '~AY0R ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE 9F THE CITY OF 9ELRAY BEACH, FLORIDa, A}~IDING PARAGRAPH (a), SECTION 13-~, CHAPTER 13, CO~i 0E ORDINANCES 0F T~ CITY 0F ~ELRaY BEACH, FLORIDA, BY ADDING ANOTHER ME~ER T0 THE BOARD 0F ELECTRICAL ELIMINE~S FOE SAID CITY. BS IT 0RgAINED By the City 0oUncfl of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as follows: That Paragraph (a), Section 13-2, Chapter 13 of the Code of Ordinances of the 0ity of Delray Beach, FlOrida, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "SECTION 13-~ PARAGRAPH (a). There is hereby created a board of eleetrioal examiners which shall consist of the electrical fnsoector, one licensed master ele~trioian, one general contractor, one architect, one representative of the cower comoany, one la.an, and the chief of fire orevention. Aooointment shall be made for a term of two years, but any member m~y for cause, be removed from office or substituted for any length of time by the ~ity oounotl." PASSED AND ADOPTE9 this the 16th day of October, A.D. 1961. /s/ George V. Warren Mayor Attest: /s/ R. D. Worthing City Clerk First Reading Oct. 2t ,1,96.1 Second Reading, October 16._1961 RESOL~ION 1~0. 1353. A RESOLUTION OF THE O~TY COI~CIL OF T~E CI~ OF DE~Y B~CH, FLO~, ~SX~G COSTS FO~ A~TI~G ~ISANC~ ~N CERTAIN ~8 ~OCA~ ~IN SAID CI~ O~ ACTUAL C~ INC~ BY SAID Ol~ TO ACCO~LISH S~H A~TE~ A~ ~ING ~E C~T ~ S~H ~ON ~ PRO~ I~ AN A~ AS SHO~ ~ CI~ ~G~ OF D~Y ~OH, F~RIDA. ~S, the City C~cil of the City ~ Del~a2 ~ach, did, in .~.egu!a~ and/~ session held on the. Ju~e,~ 1~6~__ - .................. decl~e t~ existence of a nui- 's~ce UpOn-certa~ lots o~ parce~ of lcd, described in a list sub- mitted to them, for violation of ~he provisions of O~dinance ~S, pursuit to such decimation, the City Clerk of said City did f~ni~ each of the respective ~ePs ef the lands described In said list with a notice desc~ibing ~e ~t~e of that they ~st abate said nuis~ce wi~ thirty (30) days, failing in which the City Co--il would have It done, ~d the cost thereof would be levied as an assessment ~a~st said p~operty~ and ~~S, the o~s herel~ter n~ed did fail ~d neglect abate the nulea~e e~ati~ upon their respective l~ds within the time prescribed in said notice and O~di~ce G-~7, ~d the Oit2 of Delray Beach was requi~ed to and did ente~ upon the following lands and incur costs in abating ~e nuisance e~sting ~e~eon as described in'the aforesaid list; ~d ~~S~ the City M~aZer of the City of Delta2 Beach, has, pur- suit to said O~dinance G-~7 ~d t~ City Chafer sub~tted to the City Council a ~epo~t of t~ costs incited in abati~ the nuisance as ~oresaid, said report indicating ~e costs pe~ p~cel of land lnv o lved, NOW, T~O~, ~ IT ~OL~ ~ THE C I~ CO~CIL 1. That assess~nts in ~ individual ~o~ts as sh~ report of ~e Oit2 ~e~ of ~e City of DelPa2 Beach, involvim~ the Oity~s cost of abati~ t~ af~esaid nuisa~es upon ~e lots or par- cels of land described ~ said ~eport, a copy of whi~ is attached hereto ~d made a p~t he,eof, ~e levied aga~st the p~cels of land descried on said ~epo~t ~d in ~e ~o~ts indicated thereon. 3aid assessments so levied shall be a lien upon tho lots and parcels of land described in said ~epo~t, of ~e sa~e nature amd to the s~ extent as the lien fo~ general city ta~s ~d Shall be collectible In t~ s~ m~er ~d with the s~e penalties ~ ~de~ the s~ p~istons as to sale ~d foreclosure as city taxes ~e collectible. 2. ~at ~he Ci~ Clerk of said City shall, as soon as possible ~te~ the effective date, record a certified copy of this resolution in the office of tbs C~rk of the Ci~uit Co~t in ~d for Pa~ Beach County, Florida, and shall fu~ish to each of the owners n~ed in and upon said report a notice that the Ci~ OOuncil of the Ci~ of Delray Beach, did~ on'the ._ 12th and 26th of June, 1961 proper~ ~d property o~ having failed t9 abate such nuisance, within the 30 da2 period, whereupon it was abated by ~e City at costs sho~ in said report and such assessments shall be legal, valid and binding obllgatio~ ~on the progert2 against which said assess~nts a~e levied. ~is ~esolution sha~ beo°~e effective 30 days from date of adoption, ~d the assessments ~ontained herein shall become due ~d payable thirty days ~ter the ~ili~ date of the notice of said assessment, ~te~ ~ich ~te~est ,~11 acc~e per a~ on ~y unpaid portion t~eof. PA~ A~ ADO~ ~ _.~esula~_ . session on the .... 16th day of COST OF ABATING NUISANCF~B. U~ER 0.~DIN!~_~CENO_. G-Ih? PROPERTY DESqRIP~I,.O~, 07 ~q~R~ ~_ ASSESSMENT Lot 16~ Blk 6~ Del Ida Park Olympic ~ Victoria $ ~5.00 Bosco Sec. 18-46-43, SE~ of SE} of SE.~ Allie O. Adams 95.00 lying E of S.A.L,,R.R. & less R/w of s.~. # 9 Sec. !7-~6-43, W} of I{W} of S~% Ethel S. & Faith S, 195.00 of 8W~ less 8. R. R~ Willies Sec. ~7-46-43, ~ of S~ of ~ Ethel S. a ~illi~ ~40.00 of SW{ less R~ S.R. Lots 5 ~ 9, Blk 3, Colonial D.W.B. ~olesale 125.00 Heights Builders ~up~ly Co. LS~ 1, Blk 6, ~osemont ~ts ~ · 6, Blk 6, ~osemont Pa~k R.M. ~Laus~n 90.00 Lots 8 · 9, Blk 11, Osceola ~rk ~el~ Alpon 10.1~ ~ts 1~ a 16, Blk 11, Osceola P~k Oscar B. iabin 10.1~ L~ts 19 t~ ~3, Blk 11, Osceola MatUre Marshall 10.1~ Park ~ts 18 ~ 19, Blk 13, Osceola Park ~s, T~llie ~ldberg 7.~2 Lot ~, Ho~an, s 8th Ave. Addn. Dorothy G. ~itchell 5.58 L~ts 1~ thru 17, Blk 7, Rio Del Re2 S. K~ik~i 1~.73 Lots 18 t~ 23, Blk 7, Rio Del Rey M. R. Bryant a ~. B. 1531 ~t 24, Blk 7, Rio Del Re2 2eone Howard 5.58 ~t 14, Blk 104, Mrs. ~el~ A. 5.58 Dicke~son ~t 1, less S 2.3~, B~ 113 Albert & Dorothy 5.58 Galloway ~ts 38 & 39, Haller· Grootman Beatrice W. Willies 7.~2 ~ts 1~ & 13, Blk 1, Swinton Hts. William P. ~, Jr. 7.~2 et ~ts 1 · 14, Blk ~, Swinton Hts. A.G. Pruyser, Jr. 10.15 Lots 1~ · 15, Renlat of part of S~and of Delray, Inc. 11.15 Lots 2 &3, Blk 1, ~del Land Co., S~ of~ of Sec. 21-~6-~3 ~t 10, Blk 3, Atlantic Pku-~Ger~ens Frederick La~eur 5.58 ~ts 1,2, & 3, Blk ~, Atl~tlc Love Peterson 10.15 Park Gardens ~t ~, Blk ~, Atlantic Pk Gardens B.M. 8hotkin, Trustee 5.58 ~t 13, Blk ~, Atlantic Pk Gardens Jonathan & Catherine 5.58 Taylor Lot 32, Tronic Pa~s Jo~ E. Skillman 09~ Lots 36 & 3?, Tro~ic Palms Frederick A. & ~ary $ 10.1~ M. t~ood Lot 42, Tro~ic Palms Dorothy A, Killilea 5.58 ~t ~3, Tropic Palms ~ward Killilea ~t ~, Tronic Palms Howard H. Gabs1, ~ank Zappala · C~ete Concrete ~Pp. Lot ~6, Tro~lc Palms Earle C. a Grace Russell Lo~ ~8, Tronic ~alms ~eorge B. Chase 5.58 ~ts %0 · %1, Tronic P~ms Ward ~. a Mildred D. 10.1~ Gedney less St. Sec. ~. 6 Lots 1 & ~, Blk.12, Dell Pa~k Hugh '& ~oSe ~arkey 5.58 ~t 23, Blk 12, Dell Pa~k Santa Nlra Land Co. 5.58 Lot 25, Blk 12, Dell Park J.D. & E11ise Strange 5.58 ~ts ~6 a 27, Blk 12, Dell Park '~,~llll~ E. He~egan 10.15 ~ts 28 & 29, Blk 12, Dell Park D.H. & Velma B~adshaw 10.15 Lot 32, Blk 9, Dell Park Alex Simon Eassa 5.58 Lot 12 & E16~' of ~t 11, Crestwood J.A. & G.V, ~inch 5.58 Let 14, 8easp~ay Estates Robt. A, & Catherine 8.34 K. ~. Kelley ~t ?, Delvay Isle Fred~ick & Rachel Gwi~e~ 5.58 ~t 26, Del~ay Isle Harry H. & A~is K.S. 5.58 Pierson Lot 27, Delray Isle Mildred E. Baxter 5.58 N. 50, of ~t 1, Blk A, West Willie Fra~lin 5.58 Side Heights Lot 13, Blk 63 Robt. C. & Ivy M. Harwood ~ts 195 & 199, Tronic Isle Melvln Federbush 11.1~ ~t 215, Tronic Isle Anna d. Breen ~.58 Lot 216, Tronic Isle ~ward B.. Breen Lots l~5,1~6,22~,~,and 230 L.R. & Mary Frances ~9.77 t~u 23~, Tronic Isle Edwards Lot ~28, Tronic Isle E. ~. & Ethel Jonson ~t 2~2, Tropic Isle Hazel N. Eldridge ~t R~, Tronic Isle Marinus 'C. ~ Clare 5.58 Rosk~ Lots 2~6, 2~7, ~hS, Tronic Isle Jere ~ Powell 13.81 Lots 2~9, 250, 251, 25~, 2~3, · North Tronic Isle, inc. 20.31 ~5~, Tronic Isle . PROPERTYDESCR!PTION OWNE~ ASSESSMENT Lot 147, Tronlc Isle Frederic P. & $ 5.58 E. S. Mulltns Lot 150, Tronic Isle ~ard & Ada Florence 5.58 McCarron Lot 157, Tropic Isle Earl & Elizabeth R, 5.58 Salley Lots 171 thru 179, Tronic Isle Mutual Funds, Inc. 22°9? Lot 192, Tropic Isle Alex & M~ldred E. 5.58 Duncanson Lots 336, 401, 402, 403, 406, 407, North Tropic Isle, Inc. 19.31 & 413, Tropic Isle Lot 332, Tronic Isle Murray & Blanche Silver, 5.58 & Nerbert & Barbara Berger Lot 333, Tronic Isle Gertrude M. Prinn 5.58 Lot 365, Tropic Isle E.F. & Ethel Johnson 5.58 Lot 366, Tronic Isle Tri County Land Corp. 5.58 Lots 408, hO9 & ~10, Tronic Isle ChristoDher M. & 14.73 Elizabeth Gebert Lots 411 & 412, Trooic Isle FrarB~ H. Martens 10.15 Lot 367, Tronic Isle Dorothy A. Smith 5.58 ORDINANCE NO. G-~ll. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, ~LORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2~786, SPECIAL LAW~ OF FLORIDA, ACT30~ 1949, AS AMENDED, SAME BEING THE CHARTER 0F ~AID CITY BY AMENDING SECTION 78 THEREO~ TO PROVIDE FOR A CITY PURCHASING SYSnrEM, INCLUDING COMPETITIVE BID8 AND CONTRACT PROCEDURE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that Section 78 of the Cha~ter of the City of Delray Beach, County of Palm Beach, Florida be amended to read as follows: SECTION 1. The detail of all city purchasing shall be performed in accordance with the latest current revision of a Standard Practice Instruction as issued by the City Manager, and as ~his reflects the requirements of the City Cha~ter and the current revision of the City's Code of Ordinances. SECTION 2. On contemplated purchases of any needed goods, services or structures, the price of which may be rea- sonably expected to be less than Three Thousand Dollars (03000), and for which properly allocable funds a~e determined to exist, the City Purchasing Agent is authorized either to take sealed competitive bids or to negotiate informally with prospective vendors, as his Judgment may direct, to secure the most advan- tageous purchase for the City, and, with' the express approval of the City Manager, to execute a purchase order or contract to that vendor which shall best serve the interests of the City in price or quality or time of delivery or in so~e. combination of two, or of all three factors. In the case of a decision to take sealed competitive bids, the Purchasing Agent may, at the time of opening, and with the approval of the City .Manager, void all bids, and may either re-advertise for new bids from any and all vendo~s, or proceed directly to negotiate with competent vendors. SECTION 3. On contemplated purchases of any goods, services, or structures estimated to cost more than Three Thousand Dollars ($3000), which have been expressly defined and pri~ed in an approved budget, the Purchasing Agent is authorized and directed to proceed as in Section 2, except that, if, after reasonable negotiation it shall appear that the lowest price taken for the specific goods, services, or structures then con- templated may exceed by more than ten percent (10%) the prices presumed in the budget (whether in the case of a fixed price or the best estimate of a cost-plus purchase), a purchase order or contract may not be executed without the approval of' the City Council, and, in such cases, the Council may, by resolution, direct the Purchasing Agent either to renegotiate or to re- proceed on the basis of sealed competitive bids, and, by formal resolution, may require that the successful bidder be determined by the Council. SECTION 4. For the purchase of any needed goods, serv- ices, or structures, not previously contemplated by an approved budget, the price of which may be expected to exceed Three Thou- sand Dollars ($3000), but for which properly allocable funds may be determined to exist, the City Manager may, with the approval of the Council, direct the Purchasing Agent to proceed on the basis of sealed competitive bids and to report the results of the bidding to the City Council for its consideration and dis- position or approval of the award of the purchase order or con- tract to-the lowest competent bidder, except that, if, in the opinion of the Council, the needs of the City would best be served by price negotiation for a specific purchase, then, by resolution, the ~ouncil may direct the Purchasing Agent to pro- ceed as in Section 2. In such event, the Council may require a full report of all such negotiation, and may exercise its right to make the purchase award. ....-- '~ 9~ SECTION ~. In the case of sealed competitive bidding for any purchase of, or to cover any contract for, the acquisition of goods, services or stl-Uctures, and, regardless of the anticipated whole cost, the ~ity shall furnish to each bidder a uniforml2 equal description, specification or plan, together with specifically stat- ed alternatives thereto, which will cover all aspects of type, kind, character, quality, or quantity of, and the maximum allowable time for the delivery of the goods, or the com~letion of the contract for Which bids are invited. ~urthermore, in the case that such emergency requirements may render time - as such - to be of the essence of the contract, such original specifications (available to all bidders) shall contain a formula which evaluates time in te~ms of dollars per calendar day {or fraction the~eo£), which ma~ be properly used in affecting a determination of the lowest competent bidder, and which shall be the basis for the calculation of any penalties to be as- sessed against the contractor in a final settlement for his failure to meet the previously established completion time schedule. Where possible, specifications shall be those in general use in an appro- priate trade or industry, and shall be referred to by name and title as in the case of the standamdtzed specifications issued by the American Society for Testing Materials). Bidders may be required to make such deposits as may be deemed requisite to cover the cost of any plans or specifications~ said deposits being redeemable upon application of the bidder when such plans and specifications are turned in acceptable order. Bidders may also be required to post such penalty bonds as ma2 be deemed necessarU to protect the City fully in such an eventuality as the inability of the vendo~ or con- tractor properly to fulfill the terms of the purchase order or con- tract for any and every reason. Invitations to bid shall define the nature of the bid in terms of such categories as a one-price bid, a cost-plus bid, cost-plus fixed fee bid, or a dollar amount as it may be determined by a stated formula (but only one category shall be de- fined in the invitation). In the case of a one-p~lce bid, the whole cost to the City shall be inclusive of all such cost and expense ele- ments as engineering, legal, or technical consultation fees, Job- preparation expense, insurance premiums, shipping charges, stand-by time, and the living or traveling expenses of Job personnel (although a detailed schedule of all such coats and expenses shall not be re- quired to be disclosed in the case of such a one-price bid) together with a schedule of proposed terms of payment and any allowable dis- counts. A cost-plus, or an2 sliding scale, bid ma2 be invited with the concerted approval of the City Manager and the Director of Public Works in the case of a proposed project for which reasonable cost or expense extlmates do not appear feasible (as in the case of a project involving possible removal of unknown quantities of concealed rock). Under such a circumstar~e, the bid shall set forth the total of all of the details of determinable costs and expenses together with schedules of such variable cost elements as unit-costs, per diem- costs, etc., as are required by the bid invitation. SECTION 6. Competency in bidding is hereby defined as being able properly to demonstrate trade, or industry, proficiency, standing, and qualifications, and the financial ability to deliver the goods or to complete the contract as executed, together with the submission of a bid which, in every respect, fully meets and complies with the terms, conditions and specifications, or stated alternatives thereto, which were made a part of, or which sine inherent in the in- vitation to bid. SECTION ?. Failure of any bidder to comply fully with the provisions of Section 6, or any of them, may result in the discard of his bid from an2 comparison or consideration in the contemplated pu~- chase or contract. SECTION 8. Reference by number shall be made to this .Ordinance in any solicitation of sealed bids to cover any intended purchase or contract, and a printed copy hereof shall be made avail- able to any intended bidder, PASSED AND ADOPTED on this 16th day of October, 1961. ; /s/ Geor~.e V..Warren ATTEST: M A Y O R ¢it~ Clerk ~irst Reading October 2, 1961 Octot~er 13, 1961 The Honorable Oeorge arren, ~yor City of ~elray Beach belray Beach, Florida. ~ear :.tayor a~n ~ In ~he y~ since its a~in~ent by ~ne City ~he Oelray Beach ~n~er-Racial C~l~tee hae ~.o~ed for ~ne p~oee of inc~a~ing barony between ~ae races and fore~allin~ any possible ten,ion ~hat could ariee. I~ ~,az felt ~ha~ the over-~l pict~e ~no~d be e~ined ~d m~y ~ubJec~ nave been discus~ ~d ac~eJ upon, ~,uc:~ a~. ethyls, fair ~plo~n~ practices, housing, s~ree~s, e~c. Th~ho~ the hole ye~, no'~'e~er, t4e ~lno~ ~e beach p~bl~ ~:ave ~een alway~ preeen~ in ~ne ~ckgro~. Ail mem~r~ of ~h~ co~i~ee ~.'ere a'~are of H~~ ~el~ me~ or no~ me~ in ot~er c~i~ies ~d ~he ne~.s~per~ kep~ everyone a~..are tha~ a problem did exiet. Several ~es d~l~ ~ year ~he ma~er of ~h~ right ef ~es to ~e ~llc ~eh ffaelli~ie~ ~ ~y ~ch ~~ed as a ~te~ for dis~el~ ~ ~he c~~ee az a · ~hole ~.~.aa ~der ~he l~p~sion t~ ~he ~er no~ ~.~ith~ tt~ p~ce became of ~e ~s~ence of the e~cil- a~ointed Beach C~it~ee. ~ addition, ~wo ~~ ~d ~d ~en ina~c~ed by the city's leg~ co~el no~ ~eve~h~es~,, i~ ~,as inc~ae~ly felt off ~he b~ch ~as a ~J~r one ~-i~h Anc~aa~g op~~itiee flor pubic dia~~ee. ~.: ~er ap~e~, t~ ~enee of t~u~e becauae of th~ beach question ~~ too ~al ~,is ~as, ~er ~1, ~ in~e~raci~ c~i~ee ~ moat of the ?i~hin the p~vince ef ~he e~it~ if At ~e~ all. I~ ~ae ~so e~~y felt ~ ~he c~~ tlc co~,ctl of ~,.~ If fel~ -e~ ei~s ~f app~ch~g trouble. A le~er ,'.~as ',~en oa ~y ~ ~e yeu as ~yor the c~c~l for ~ ~rly meet~ to ~sc~s ~he ~ question. ~e let~ 8tared ~ the c~tlee believ~ an el~t of ~oncy ~,ao in~lved ~d ~ ~he c~tee fel~ It was ~o ~he bes~ ~ A~s~ 1 a re~ly ~'as ~i~n to ~he c~i~ee re~a~in~t b~ch" ~e~ ~ the ~eepe of ~he ~ch C~i~ee ~tHer t~ the In~er-Raci~ C~ittee. ThAs vas a very ~l. saPpOiating letter to.any meabers ef t~ c~ttee ~ho felt that the In~er-~e~ ~tteeee ~ere bel~ tied ~ t~t ~e soleil was prov~tn~ the The e~it~ee ~as th~ ~~ 2~iaed six were ~r to be ~e pre~s was ~ent ~d to ~ ~tly a~ed w~ It ~d re~ other ~n ~o ~xplain ~ ~he c~it~ee ~ ~en by the oo~eil ~ot ~o di~cus~ ~he beach ~~, s~~ the city, ~he~ we~ mo ~riee ~e the'~ and ~~'~ ~ z~rtsed ~y~e ,.~o ~s ~ ~~ ~ ~n~a~ned aeco~ of such ~ade-in8 in other ~ao~ ties. The e~~ee wishes to ~p~si~h~ at ~ tbeo m~r ~s d~ig~ ~d sincer~y t~ed to s~e ~ho eity ae ~sibility ~o p~e ~ter rael~ ~lati~s and ~o pre~ any  sible ~en~ione wi~eh migh~ ~r ~hose reh~s ~e en ~ ~e~ou~ly by each ~ber of thl~ c~ttee. ~e In~er-Rac~l C~l~tee ~o~e~y ~sto e~en~s of ~his le~er be rel~oed to t~ ~ss -l~ ~po aeo~yi~ ~a~~ ~ tho oo~eil ~o g~ eff~ t~ ~~tee f~ n~ ~-~1 ~c~i~ as a e~i~tee ~e ~d ad, se the e~eil ~ a~~rs ~fee~ ~~ ~ e~~tlon of~et ev~t~ ~d to ~ho ~o~e ~ ~here n~er ~en ~y die~y or dizzies of ~ee on ~he ~ m~bor8 off ~he Ynte~Raei~ C~tee. The e~i~ee ~,~d ~ l~e ~eei~ '~en au~ri~y f~ tb co~o~ ~o ~ctl~ as a e~~e ln~e~ial C~i~toe co, eeo off action ~o ~e e~c~ for coneide~tlon ~o ~oi~ ~ rega~ ~o ~he beach The first rec~on~ion l~ ~t ~e co~cA1 ~al or o~ y~m ~o fe~dd~ ~~w ~o ~e the ~lte ~ah._ Pasoage oF this ordLnanoe wac oone~h~g ~ha~ ne~r ~i~e ~ ~he city o~f~ei~y ~, no int~i~ of follow~g a eo~ee of action on ~ie M~ter. Xt ~d ~ ~~ poasi~e ~ e~e~ hq~e to ever ~lieve t~ city c~ ae~ in faith on the b~ch que~i~ ~'hile ~hi~ o~~ce ~aino in ef~t. ~ee~y, ~fle e~i~ee rec-~nd~ ~ ~ eounetl M~o. ~y ~ ~o ~eld ~ highes~ le~ ~d opi~ of ~he ~M~y. They mua~ ~d~~d ~ ~hey ~e ~o be ~e~ ~o f~~ ~y ~ol~e ~etd~s. ~ey m~ ~ in~ell~efleeo dioe~A~ ~ ri~eoo a~ ~ ~es. ~tnee ~ of ~hem, es~el~ly ~ ~ a~Al~ ~liee,~y an~ ~heir obJeotions ~ ~he ~e eve~ n~o ~o fo~8~ ~le. ~ir c~t be ~ ~he ~ell ~ing of ~hie ~ ~~elal O~~ee yill ~ glad ~o ~is~e~ ~~~lons ~i~h ~me Qi~7 o~c~ a~ a me~ of ~he e~~ee e~~ee ~ie~s ~ ~he lees ~o~ gi~ ~he dio~ussi~ of ~Mso p~bl~o, t~ ~er ~hu c~oe of ~a~g ~lv~ion~. m~~ t~ e~d t~ ~e~l deet~ ~o ~eo~ with tho The ln~e~oi~ Cmtt~ee -l~, ~ aus~ the ~ai~ ~o a~ ~wa~ tn ~ bs~ ~%~s of ~he e~i~y ~d o~ ~ c~i~y to ~ ~s~ of o~ ability. Ve~ ainee~ly~ O. L. Youngblood~ Chairmar~ OLYtmbe DKLRAY BEACH INTF/~-RACI!,L O(~MITTE?