12-08-61SpMtg DECEMBER 8, 1961. A special meeting of the City Council of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 8:30 A.M., with Mayor George V. Warren in the Chair, City Manager Louis J. Smitzes, City Attorney John Ross Adams, and Councilmen A1 C. Avery and John A. Thayer. Mayor Warren called the meeting to order announcing that same had been called for the purpose of canvassing the returns of the General Election held on Tuesday, December 5th, 1961 in compliance with Section 155 of the City Charter and for any other business which may come be- fore the meeting. City Clerk Worthing presented the following canvass of returns of the 1961 General Election: "GENERAL ELECTION !961 For MAYO..._~R TgT~.L..WgT.ES 2-Yr. Term WALTER DIETZ 1,069 R. J. HOLLAND 1, O~ For COUNCILMAN 2-Yr. Term O.W. WOODARD, JR. 1,271 GEORGE TALBOT, JR. 1,032 J. LeROY CROFT 947 O. D. PRIEST, JR. 861 RE: Amendment to the City Charter to allow the City Council to fix the Salary of each Councilman and the Mayor, from time to time, by Ordinance, provided the maximum salary of each Councilman shall not exceed $100.00 per month, and the max- imum salary of the duly elected Mayor shall not exceed $150. O0 per month. IN FAVOR 762 AGAINST 447 TOTAL VOTES CAST 2,202 D. City Clerk" It was moved by M~. Thayer, seconded by M~. Avery and unanimously carried to certify said returns. City Manager Smitzes p~esented a request from Mayor Elect Walter Dietz to use the City Hall from 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. today, December 8th, to receive complaints and comments from the public. The request was unanimously granted on motion of M~. Avery and seconded by Mr. Thayer. City Manager Smitzes asked for an appropriation of $?5.00 from the Contingency Fund to cover the expense of minimum Ch~istmas Decorations for the City Hall, it being unanimously approved on motion by Mr. Avery and seconded by M~. Thayer. It was moved by M~. Avery to direct the City Manager to prepare the necessary ordinance for presentation Monday night to .pay ~,lO0.O0 per month for each Councilman and '~150.00 per month for the Mayor. The motion was seconded by M~. Thayer and carried unanimously. City Clerk Worthing asked if it was possible to obtain a definite conclusion as to whether there would be any protest of the outcome of the returns from Tuesday's election, in order that the voting machines could be released to the County. Mr. Avery moved that the City Manager be asked to canvass the three defeated candidates to determine if there is a protest, and if not to release the machines. The motion was seconded by M~. Thayer and carried unanimously. The meet.t, ng adjourned at 8:40 A.M. ROBERT D WORTHING 12-8-61 DECEMBER $, 1961.