01-04-60AnnualMtg l JANUARY 4TH, 1960, The Annual MeetLu~ of the City Council was held in the Council Chambers at 1:00 P.M., with Mayor.George Talbot Jr., in the Chair, City Manager ~. E. lawson Jr., Cxty Attorney. Harry T. Newett, and Commissioners J, LeRoy Croft, Charles H. Harblson, Fred B. McNeece an~ George V, Warren being present. An opening prayer was delivered by 1~. Henry F. Tu~lington. The Council, by general consent, .approved the Minutes of the Dece.m.ber 28th Maeting, as amende.d, whxch amendment p.~ovlded for the granting.of the Delray Beach Pohce Benevolent Association's requests as contained in its letter dated December 2$rd, 1959, and concerning sponsorship of a Circus on February 9th, 1960, subject to necessary steps being taken to properly protect the City's interests. Commissioner Itarbison requested City Manager Lawson to rea~ the following Resolutions :' 1. RESOLUTION NO, 1218. .WHEREAS, Fred B. McNeece has .unselfishly_ give~ of his t!~e abthty as a City Councilm-n and Vxce-}!_.,yor for the past two years, NOW, TNEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE-CITY OF DEIP~AY BEACH: That Fred B, McNeece be and is hereby' commended for his g~eat contribution to the general well?re of the City of Delray Be~ch, Florida as City Councilman and V~oe-Mayor. Unanimously .adopte~ this 4th day of January, A. D. 1960, .aeoonctecl The Council, on ~tiau o£ ~ ssione~ 'Harbison ~ . Commissioner Warren,. unanimously app~ove~ a~loption of Resolut~on.~No, 1215. · 2. RESOL~ION -NO. 1218. .~tIEREAS, J, ..LaRoy-'Croft has. unselfishly' given' 'of'"his. time--a~i- · ahilzty as a ~City Councilman.for the past two ye&rs, and as Mayor du~ing the year of 1B58, NOW, THERe,..BE IT RESOLVED' BI'THE CITY COUNCTE"OF-THF~ITT~ OF DF._t~;_IY BEACH: .,T~t. J..LaRoy.Croft be and is .hereby. oommanct,ea fo~ his-gr~a~ contrmbution to the general welfare of the City of Delray Beach,. as City Councilman. and Mayor. Uniu~ualy'~opted .this .ith .day of January,--L98G, MA YOlt On ~aot-ion. ,f-&,cmm,isaioner.ddarbison.~e-mi s.e?ondea t~y-Oommi asione~ '- '~, .the Council unanimously approved adoptxon off'Resolution No. JANUARY 4th, 1960. S. RESOLUTION NO. 1217. WHEREAS, Georse Talbot Jr. has unselfishly given of his time and ability as a C~ty Councilman for the past two years, serving iu 1959 as Mayor, NOW, TNEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH: That George Talbot, Jr. be and is hereby cong.?haled for his great contr.ibution .to the gert. oral welfare of the City of Delray Beach, Florxda as C~ty Councilman and Mayor. Unanimously adopted this 4th day of January, 1960. /S/ FRED B. MeNEECE "'viJe- O ' The 'Council, on motion of Commissioner Harbison and seconded  Commissioner Warren, unanimously agreed on adoption of Resolution · 1217. M.ayor Talbo% then expressed his gratefulness for the privilege of hawng, served as .M.ayor of the City of Delray Beach and for the co-operat~on of the Czty Manager an.~ various Department Hca.ds, and thanked all Council Members for thezr support and co-operatxon dur- ing his term of office. Commissione~ McNeece.expressed his appreciation for the fine co-op?ration of the .Counc~! during the past two yea.rs, and its ac- com~.lzshments, of which, the record w.ill speak .for ~tself, .The Com- misszoner further' commented that he did not beheve he had massed a CounCil Meeting during his two-year term. Commissioner Croft expressed his s.incere thanks to all Council Members for their support and co-operatzon and fo.r the privilege of having .served as Mayor for one year. The Commisszoner further ack- nowleagzng that he had not been. swayed by .any group and hoped that he had .contributed to the benefzt of the Czty as a whole, further expresszng best wishes t? the NEW COUNCI.L for complete success in its efforts and assured zts Members of hzs support. On re.orion of Commissioner McNeece and sec.onded .by. CommiSsioner Croft, thzs Council unanimously approved its Fznal Adsournment at l:SO P.M. Recently elected Cotmcilmen - Col. Dusal G. Campbell, Glenn B. Sundy and John A. Thayer came to the Council Table and subscribed to the O?.th .of Office given by the City Clerk who th. em amaounce.d · that nomxnatzons for the selection of a Mayor were ~n order, said selectee to serve auri.ng the current year. On motion of Commissioner Wart.eh'and seconde.d by Co ~mmissioner Thayer, the Council approved selectzon of Commissioner Glenn B. Sundy as Mayor for the City of Delray Beach for the Year 1960. On motion of Commissioner Warren and seconded by Commissioner Thayer, C.o..mmissioner Dugal G. Campbell was unanimously elected to serve as Vxce-Mayor for the Year 1960. Mayor Sundy then acknowledged - "It is an ho.nor and .a great responsibility.to be named.Mayor of Delray Beach· Thxs occasxon has a special meaning for ..me, ~n a per- sonal sense, because m~ father - J.ohn Sunny - was the fxrst Meyor of our town. That is why I accept th~s post with a deep sense of humil- ity and gratitude to my fellow citizens, And that is why I will do JANUARY 4th,' 1960. 3 m~ very best to serve you well and faithfully. Each year brings n.ew problems and issues to the City. The year ahead will be no exception. Your City Com~m~_ssion will have some dif- ficult decisions to make. Those decisions may please some, and they may offend others. But I would like to emphasize one thing about my fellow Co~ssioners, which I have already learned about them. They are men who say what they believe and vote accordingly. Like you and I, they want what is best for Delray Beach. I know that in every case, they will vote their honest convictions. We ask for your inter- est and your support as .w.e.take up this task. We are here to serve you, as your elected officials. I believe that, with a hard-working Commission and an informed public, we can make 1960 a banner year for Delray Be~ch," /S/ GLENN B. SUNDY On' motion of Commissioner Warren and seconded by Commissioner Campbell, the Council unanimously approved the appointment of Att'y, Richard F. Z].mmerman as City Attorney for this ensuing year. The Council then, on motion of Commissioner Warren and seconded by Commissioner Campbell, unanimously a~proved the re-app, ointment of Att'y. Arthur T. Holloway as Municipal Judge for the coming year of 1960. Mayor Sundy then proclaimed the Week beginning January llth,- 1960, as "C L E A. N- U P W E E K" for the City of Delray Beach, Florida, reque.st.n}g all persons .to exert every effort.to clean-up " all premises w~th~n the City during said Week commencing Monday, Ja~. llth. Commissioner Warren brought up the matter of Council desire to clean up the general area atthe intersection of West Atlantic and Fifth Avenues, and moved that the matter be tabled for study by the City Attorney to determine if an ordinance may be necessary to pro- . vide for establishing parking parallel to the curbing as well as pro vide places to load and unload, farm workers, also to .furnish benches for waiting workers,, and, further, to possibly locate "NO LOITERING" signs. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Harbison and unanimously passed. On motion of Commissioner Campbell and seconded by Commissioner Thayer, the Council unanimously agreed to Adopt "Roberts Rules of Order" for Council procedure when not in conflict with the City Code of Ordinances. Commissioner Campbell moved that the proper department be direct- ed to carry out the determined action of the prior Council, proposed by Mr. Fred B. McNeece, for providing Off-Street Parking facilities in front of League Park on West Atlantic Avenue. Motion seconded by Commissioner Thayer and unanimously agreed, City Manager Lawson informed the Council that such provision wa$ being incorporated in a new lease being drawn up for V.F.W. use of said League Park and adjacent grounds, and further advised that no funds had been appropriated for such~ project, an approximate cost of which having been determined to be $3,000, On motion of Commissioner Warren and seconded by Commissioner Campbell the Council tabled, for work study, the matter of inventory of city owned equipment and proper usage of same. The Council, 'on motion of Commissioner Harbison and seconded by Commissioner Thayer, unanimously agreed on holding regular Council Meetings at 8:00 P.M. on the first four Mondays of each month. JANUARY 4th, 1960. The City Manager then read - RESOLUTION NO. 1218: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL PROVIDING FOR REGULAR ~_ME~.ETINGS TO BE HELD AT 8:0Q, P.M. ON THE FIRST FOUR MONDAYS 0F' EACH MONTH. BE IT RESOLVED NY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. The City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Fla., shall hereafter hol.d four regular meetings each calendar month, and shall meet.on the fzrst four Mondays of each month at 8:00 o'cloek, P.M.: prowded, howe.vet, that when the day .fixed for any regular meeting of the Counczl falls upon a day designated by law as a legal or national holi.day, such meeting.shall be held at the same hour on the next succeeding day not a holiday. .~ SECTION 2. All regular meetings~ of the City Council shall be held in the Council Chambers in the City Hall of said city. SECTION S. This Resolution shall become effective upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED in Special Session this Ath day of January, 1960. /s/ GLENN B. SU O¥ On motion of Commissioner Harbison and seco.nded by Commissioner Campbell, the Council unan~mo'usly passed Resolutzon No. 1218. Commissioner Campbell cited the fact that there are $1,800,000. of monies on hand, $8~)0,000. of which is on deposit drawing interest and moved that the Mayor appoint a Committee of three Councilmen to meet with the Treasurer, Director of .Finance and City Manager to determine - 1. If more funds could be made available for Interest Bearing De- posits, and 2. Take necessary steps for providing a better rate of interest than now b. eing paid .on suc.h type of .deposits, .citing better rates of znterest being pa~d other czt~es on szmilar types of Deposits than those .Delray Beach ~s receiving. Motion seconded by Commissioner Harbzson and unanzmously approved. Commissioner Campbell then moved for effecting the elimination of individual voucher signing by Finance Committee Member. s by there being furnished a detailed 'List' of Bills Payable, as presented at each regular meeting for approval. Motion seconded by Co~,~ssioner Thayer. Following a discussion of this matter, the Mayor first appointe~ three Councilmen to act as the Finance Committee, as .suggested by Commissioner Campbell, and then agreed that all Council Members act as said Finance Committee. '~ Commissioner Harbison then moved that the matter be tabled and that the Council meet at 9:00 A.M., Thursday, Januamy 7th, with the Treasurer, Director of Finan.ce and City Manager for further discus- sion of such procedure. Motion seconded by Commissione~ Campbell and unanimously agreed. Commissioner Harbison moved that eonsideration of the "Prelimi- nar.y Plat" of SHERWOOD PARK: as requested by Mayor Sundy, be deferred until the neet regular meetxng in order that the New Council may JANUARY ~th, 1960. 5 have tim.e to study the'Plat. Motion seconded by Commissioner Campbell and unanzmously passed% Commissioner Campbell cited the limited number of BIDS submitted ~or City Insurance.Coverages and.requested that all Insurance Brokers in the City be invited to meet with the Council at the next regular meetin$ to detemmine if more ~ids are available an~ for possible ex- planation as to why no more bids had been offered ~n response to the solicitation for bids on all City coverages. Motion seconded by Com- m~ssionerWarrem and unanimously agreed. MEETING ADJOURNED at 3:00 P.M., on motion of Commissioner Thayer and seconded by ~ommissioner Campbell. R. D. WORTHING APPROVED: "city Clerk-- M'A Y O-it '- -/ JANUAEY ~th, 1960.